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/fa/ - Fashion

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12871269 No.12871269 [Reply] [Original]

Should I even try to be /fa/ if im ugly?

>> No.12871284

being well put together can go a long ways anon...

>> No.12871292

You can be interesting

>> No.12871303


Why do you think you're ugly anon? If it's fat that is making your face look bloated and pudgy, then exercise. If it's your nose, then get a nose job. Finally, if it's your bone structure then you're pretty much fucked.

>> No.12871341

im ugly because I have a really long neck

>> No.12871342


Can I see? Maybe you have a wrong perception of yourself.

>> No.12871346
File: 119 KB, 1000x1334, 12415256_11475822_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have any pics

but im pretty much like this, maybe slightly longer

>> No.12871351

just the apposite, im scrawny and 5'8

my nose is pretty fucked too
also im balding

>> No.12871352
File: 49 KB, 425x200, squarelong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a really long neck

Maybe you do but there's a very good chance your neck is being elongated by bad posture.

>> No.12871725
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>> No.12871726

Sorry, I had too

>> No.12871727

being ugly is /fa/

>> No.12871734

how do i be interesting?

>> No.12871738
File: 220 KB, 1200x1800, elle-fanning-at-aol-build-speaker-series-in-new-york-06-23-2016_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elle isn't ugly...
if you're a guy maybe do neck exercises

>> No.12871761

Develop hobbies and interests, especially ones that aren't very common. Drawing, photography, sports (playing and watching), reading, and playing an instrument are probably the more typical ones, so experiment and find out what you like to do.
Also you can make yourself stand out with odd fashion choices. Don't become some cookie cutter vans and skinny jeans meme if you can't actually pull it off. Your body type might make flannels or military jackets or chunky ass vintage sneakers work really well for no reason.

>> No.12871772
File: 107 KB, 750x889, necc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first thing people notice is your face, if youre not horribly deformed or out of shape nobodys judging you.
my neck is rather long too, try scarfs & turtlenecks.

>> No.12871799
File: 25 KB, 600x553, 1507762753391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be ugly if you have style.

>> No.12871834

long necks are effey imho

>> No.12872805

I'm very ugly anon, but ever since I started dressing the way I like(warriorcore), i got a qt pie who was trying to get my attention. Sadly I am to girly to make a move.

>> No.12872815
File: 1.90 MB, 400x268, pllo1zh1P1s3uawvo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck sake you nu male twat you better fuck that pussy up fagggggggggggggot or you will be a fucking awful disappointment

>> No.12872832

You can't have style if you are ugly

>> No.12872840

Long slender necks on women are.

>> No.12872844

She is probably thinking about me while she has relations with some dude bro. Is this what it feels like to cuck someone.

>> No.12873468

Being ugly is a /fa/ free pass
You can rock whatever the fuck you want and nobody will care. Most people won't even look at you if they can help it.

Just have fun with it.

>> No.12873494


>> No.12873681

nice clothes gives people confidence and happiness

>> No.12873916

does it even matter if no gf and not willing to settle for anything less than a 7/10?

>> No.12874041

If you aren't fat as shit and dress well,being ugly can be effay if you're confident enough.

>> No.12874074

If you're ugly I'd say dress to be respectable and professional with minimal peacocking. I mean, don't try to be flamboyant and add "personality" to your fits. You want your clothes to tell people you're normal and you want to blend in.
If you're trying to stand out as an ugly person you will just look creepy and weird.
Your bigger focus should be developing your body, posture and manner. You can't be a pretty boy so you want to have the air of being a criminal or a monster dressed up for a court appearance.
DO NOT try to look harmless and nonthreatening. As an ugly person this actually backfires. It tends to be creepy weaklings that are sex criminals.

>> No.12874088

one life to live, do what ever you want

>> No.12874131

People are generally attracted to people who dress well though anon, I'm a 5-6 but I always end up with people above me.

>> No.12875473

best advice i've ever seen on /fa/