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/fa/ - Fashion

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12864014 No.12864014 [Reply] [Original]

why do you people care about clothes so much ?

>> No.12864034

We're the only species that wear clothes. Your choice to look your best

>> No.12864035


thats hot

>> No.12864038

Because it’s part of your image.

>> No.12864061

>on a fashion board
>why do you care about clothes

huh dunno dude

>> No.12864104
File: 259 KB, 750x1000, tumblr_mguguuYyGf1r4o99qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care that much about looking good myself. I have a fetish for fabrics and well-made apparel

>> No.12864129
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1. it's a hobby, like anything else
2. i like looking presentable
3. the inherent confidence boost of wearing high quality, high-end clothes
4. why not? more people should care about clothes and how they dress, if anything, especially considering the fact that everybody wears clothes
5. it's layering season
6. compliments; people respect you more if you look like you put in some modicum of effort into dressing well

>> No.12864184


>> No.12864236

It was on sale on Haven awhile back. Bedwin & The Heartbreakers is the brand

>> No.12864629

Why do people like art or music? Its aesthetically pleasing

>> No.12865757

My dad was physically and verbally abusive. The only time I remember my dad being genuinely nice to me was at a family get together when I was 12. My aunt complimented the new suit my stepmom got me and I heard my dad say "Yeah, he does looks sharp doesn't he?" He almost sounded proud.

Now I work in advertising making pretty decent money. Outside of rent and groceries I spend most of my money on my clothing habit. Sucks because my dad died of pancreatic cancer before he ever bothered to visit me in the city. I still like to wear nice clothing (mostly suits) because I feel like a piece of trash when I don't.

>> No.12865874
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Because it makes me feel secure. Whenever I go out in public wearing something I don't feel comfortable in, I don't feel as confident.

>> No.12865917


>> No.12865942

Review Brah?

>> No.12865976
File: 44 KB, 604x347, 1496898956022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reviewdad is cool af

>> No.12865982

I'm a /fa/ newfag

I'm just here to get an idea of what's hot and what's not to start presenting myself better. There's an immediate difference, I'm talking one day difference, in being a bum and wearing shitty clothes with a shitty face and haircut and waking up to a day with a new haircut, clean face, and a nice combination of nice clothes. People are so much more receptive, I feel much more confident, I'm nicer, people are nicer, birds are singing, etc.

I want to harness that power for myself.

>> No.12865988

First impression is the most important

>> No.12865997

Lol no. I do love review brah, though.

>> No.12866002

he's a math teacher irc

>> No.12866382
File: 7 KB, 228x221, ppepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12866395

cuz theyre ugly themselves

>> No.12866400

crippling fixation on physical beauty

>> No.12866517

Because my cordovan oxfords > your shitty sneakers

>> No.12866520

I'm broke so I'm obsessed with getting value for money.

>> No.12866638

because they enable me to intricately express myself as an animal that uses non verbal communication 80% of the time.