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12863632 No.12863632 [Reply] [Original]

Doing no poo for 1 week now and washing my hair with soap in my daily shower. Hair has a smell (not necessarily bad) and my dandruff is still bad. Am I fucked?

Also is washing with cold water a meme? Because I wash my body/hair with hot water.

>> No.12863645

i know this is incredibly stupid but i thought you were trying not to shit for a whole week

>> No.12863652

If your dandruff is bad, you either need to scrub more thoroughly (like for a good few minutes, just get your fingers into your scalp and rub the oils and bullshit out) or, maybe, you need to give up nopoo. It doesn't work for everyone, and you may just need to use anti dandruff shampoo regularly

I've found that it works for me if I follow the above advice, and shampoo once every month or so just to reset it and make sure dandruff doesn't build.
Also, use conditioner or some product to make your hair nice, it'll feel much better

>> No.12863654

So... you have dandruff and decided to go no poo for a whole week?

Are you stupid?

>> No.12863656

wtf are you holding in your shit to get better hair?
jesus fuck fa....

>> No.12863658

hot water promotes dry skin and can cause dandruff

also try nizoral shampoo worked for me when nothing else did

>> No.12863671

nah man, no [sham]poo.

I don't have any more dandruff after showering before work but I have a lot of dandruff after work.

I read that it's supposed to help. Something something, natural hair oils, less dry scalp.

Did you personally see improvement switching from hot to cold water? Isn't nizoral shampoo gonna have the shit that fucks up your hair anyway?

>> No.12864249


>> No.12865280

yeah also my face wasn't as dry
yeah it does but you only have too use it every 3 days until it clears and then like once every 2 weeks to keep it away.

>> No.12865289
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>tfw no poo

>> No.12865292

that would be too /fa/

>> No.12865517


It takes a few weeks for your hair to adjust to no poo.

I'm thinking about starting no pillow next week. Anyone have experiences they can share. It looks promising.

>> No.12865797

topkek at no poo
the antithesis of /thinspo/

>> No.12866455


how so? not drying out your hair = being a fatass?

>> No.12866463

so gross, i thought this meme died for good. how do you explain yourself at the salon

>> No.12866469

Wash your hair with sulphate free shampoo, then apply argan oil to damp hair after.

100x better than no poo

>> No.12866680

as in not taking a shit makes you fat

>> No.12867078

same, i thought this was some kind of new shitpost

>> No.12867274
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Theres a reddit for your kind.

>> No.12867687

I do exactly this but I only shampoo every 2 weeks. Condition every other day and apply argan oil every day after showering.

>> No.12867993

Or just use conditioner.

>> No.12867995

I've been no poo for a good 4-5 years now. I love it, I have really thick hair and I don't have any issues with grease or dandruff where as back when I used to use shampoo I would.

>> No.12868052


>> No.12868070
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>hurr durr I use 5$ shampoo and my hair doesn't look like someone's who uses 50$ shampoo
>I'm at a loss here, I really can't figure it out

>> No.12868098

>50$ shampoo
sounds a little excessive
isn't shampoo fairly cheap and easy to manufacture

>> No.12868223

>$50 shampoo vs water

I know which one I'd pick. Especially since the job of shampoo is to do fuck all except remove excess grease which is caused by shampoo in the first place. Use an expensive conditioner if you really want but shampoo is completely pointless.

>> No.12868231

You're not fucked. I had dandruff for quite a while when I started no poo, half a year in now and no dandruff anymore.

>> No.12868255

conditioner isnt as good

your hair is still dry and lacking oil

>> No.12868259

"I only use conditioner cause that's what works with my hair."

Not hard if you're capable of having a conversation with someone

>> No.12868270

Scented conditioner

>> No.12868276

>no poo
>still uses soap

you dense motherfucker.

>> No.12868299

No, I don't know why it would. I wash it really well with water every day.
I don't put anything in my hair.