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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.57 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171025_003952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12860243 No.12860243 [Reply] [Original]

Do you smoke, what kind of cigarettes, what dose your lighter look like?


>> No.12860422
File: 103 KB, 446x304, AusCigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke these.

>> No.12860442

I quit because paying to smell bad is stupid and the aesthetic and social benefits aren't worth it.

>> No.12860574
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>> No.12860579

Every once in a while
Turkish Royals are my go to, sometimes Camel unfiltered if I feel like it.
I just like Camels I guess
I hate the new packs they've come out with, very ugly

>> No.12860584
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paired with bic lighter

>> No.12860752

Don’t usually smoke but when I do it’s Dunhill Reds or I roll my own. Lighter doesn’t matter DESU it’s just a heat source. If you’re nitpicking aesthetic that much you’re smoking wrong

>> No.12860756

Everyone who smokes sucks on Lenin's waxy dick.

>> No.12860979

I guess I shouldn't have asked about the lighter, I mean I prefer to buy the one that looks nicer, but still it's not that much of deal.

>> No.12860987


>> No.12861001

I smoke for the pleasure and the smell doesn't bother me, only my PE teacher.

>> No.12861486

Hating people who smoke is literally the most reddit a person can be. If you don't smoke, nice, good for you, it's healthy and all, and you save a lot of money.

But the "why would you even WANT to smoke? You SMELL bad and it's NOT COOL!!" crowd are 100% fucking losers, no exceptions.

>> No.12861512
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Trying to quit

>> No.12861533
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Amber Leaf Blonde tobacco packed in a rolling tin as it's what pretty much everyone here under the age of 30 smokes.

>> No.12861535

stop smoking and atleast vape.

fucking idiot

>> No.12861540

>mouth fedora
lmao fuck right off

>> No.12861724

>not smoking self-rolled organic cigarettes

>> No.12861729

0.0001 shekels has been deposited into your Philip Morris account

>> No.12861818
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>> No.12861841

It's always obvious when the teenagers show up in these threads.

>> No.12861886

Shilling smoking or vaping its all going into the Philip Morris account. They have a huge investment in vaping and are transitioning their business to it.

>> No.12861899

I hope you always go for the Bryan packs
Most effay by far

>> No.12861934
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yeah i smoke fools like you on the court

>> No.12861964
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Any other choice is for queer gutter trash. Elegance right here hangs.

>> No.12862119

Tell that to people who smell like shit all the time because their parents smoke and who have to listen them coughing their lungs out all the time, and then having another cigarette. Smoking is literally disgusting and there is no "buts" or "social perks"

>> No.12862140

Well if your parents smoke in the house that's pretty trashy. Sorry to be rude but most people have the consideration to step outside.

>> No.12862144

I don't smoke super often maybe like one or two cigarettes per week but honestly I like the smell of cigarette smoke on clothes or in homes. Even before I smoked I liked it, feels sort of calming and cozy.

>> No.12862149
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>tfw quitting
waking up with a massive headache each morning fucking sucks

>> No.12862165

>first cig on a cool autumn morning with coffee

Feels so. damn. good.

>> No.12862168

no homo we smokin penises

>> No.12862174

I quit heroin and cigs at once. A year later, it's the cigs I crave. If you make it past a couple months they won't be satisying even if you give in, but first few days are the hardest.

I read an article once about how nicotine affects you neurologically. Like once you're dependent and you quit, it actually affects your ability to think clearly while you withdraw.

>> No.12862179

Yes. Camel filters or red Philip Morris. Honestly I tend to smoke just to do something. Like when Im waiting for a bus I might smoke two in a row. When im walking, im lighting one up every 10min. Other than that, when im at home i dont really feel like i need to smoke and usually even dont. All my clothes smell like shit and i need to get my teeth whiten.
Fuck smoking but i love it

>> No.12862182

Anyone who smokes is vile

>> No.12862191
File: 50 KB, 570x380, o-CANADA-DAY-CIGARETTS-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian Classics

the best shittiest smokes. smooooth

>> No.12862198

Toast causes cancer.

>> No.12862204

I definitely get this sentiment, and for people in this situation, it totally sucks. I don't think smoking should be considered /fa/ any more than alcohol should be, but at the same time, I also think this is a very extreme case. With smoking, as with alcohol, there is a point where it is excessive and in poor taste. Being an alcoholic who becomes violent when drunk, and/or has to steal to keep up their addiction and run their family dry is not /fa/. A person who smokes 3 packs a day, indoors or in crowded public areas, and near children is not /fa/. I am reluctant to say that drinking a glass of whiskey on the weekend or having a cigarette outside is necessarily effay, but as long as people do this considerately and in moderation, I don't think there's really a problem. Of course, people have different values and preferences, but ultimately, I think that as long as people don't bother or harm others, what people do as their vice is no one else's business.

>> No.12862207

I agree with you

>> No.12862316
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Anybody know if there's a limit to the amount of cigarettes I can bring into the US?

I'm from Aus, and I know its limited to like 20 darts a person (which is ridiculous, though they never ever check in fairness) was wondering if there was a similar limit going into the US. Ask coz I'm having a lay-over in Seoul omw to NY and was planning to stuff my pockets/carry on with cheap Korean cigarettes before I hop back on the plane.

>> No.12862399

Tobacco products: 200 cigarettes, a reasonable amount of tobacco and 100 cigars.

>> No.12862403

that lighter is awful

>> No.12862408

>"social perks"
smoking areas

>> No.12862415
File: 36 KB, 611x457, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, I got cheap korean cigarettes today. they're not very good desu

>> No.12862435

Don't lie to yourself. There is nothing pleasurable about smoking. You just smoke because you have a nicotine addiction and crave it all the time

>> No.12862438

Those arent korean cigarettes in the previous post moron. They are Chinese.

>> No.12862439

>I'm having a lay-over in Seoul omw to NY and was planning to stuff my pockets/carry on with cheap Korean cigarettes
please read next time

>> No.12863471
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>> No.12863473

i quit 4 years ago after smoking like 1 pack a day, never looked back

>> No.12863478

used to smoke marlboro red

>> No.12863699

yeah i figured, but i dont really mind desu, im used to smoking absolute crap

>> No.12863722
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>> No.12863733

that sounds cool
a charcoal filter huh? how do they compare to normal cotton filters or no filters

>> No.12863749

pueblo rolling tobacco in a liqourice flavour paper

>> No.12863812
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't smoke more than a cig a week tho, worried it will mess up my face

>> No.12863839

Also have the same cigs. I don't really like them though. I wont buy a new pack if I don't finish the stuff I already have.

>> No.12863844

If you smoke once a week, you're smoking not because you're addicted but because it's either a fashion statement or you like the sensation.

I'd recommend just not smoking if you're worried about it fucking up your face. Seriously, the only justified reason to smoke that I can think of is "I can't bring myself to stop". The risks far outweigh whatever your reasons are otherwise.

This is coming from a pack a day smoker, btw.

>> No.12863872

not him, but let me break this down
you went overboard and so you can never enjoy tobacco again
so he needs to stop because he can exhibit self control, which you never had. So since you can't comprehend the concept of "moderation" you're telling him to stop. Gotcha

>> No.12863923

yeah I don't really like newports too much which is part of the reason I smoke em:)

I'd go through a pack a day of turkish royals

Yeah I get that

>> No.12863928

they're just kind of boring imo. Camels are pretty much the best.

>> No.12863929

I don’t smoke. I have asthma. But I get smoke everyday because your shtty addiction forces all of us to smoke with you. It’s a nasty habit. At least vape for god sakes.

>> No.12863939
File: 85 KB, 610x458, 0495a5_9746c192168a488ab6c2c3f114e99b97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only smoke pic related

>> No.12863945

>waaa I'm genetically inferior

>> No.12863962

No, don't have any, it's white and says bic

>> No.12864004
File: 50 KB, 628x472, c42408679aef2c8344d5a82a4000edff_preview_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only vape, but I had one of these vape holsters 3D printed by my friend, so that's sort of fashion related. Mine is orange, pic related is from the site I downloaded the model from.

>> No.12864016

>autism utility belt

>> No.12864021

this was like 5 years or so ago so i dont know if things have changed but i remember bringing back 4 cartons from korea. i would recommend mild seven or wild seven, the thin cigs like >>12862415 here are even lighter than the normally light korean cigs and only old men smoke them

>> No.12864024
File: 12 KB, 178x283, thisplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck meant to say this plus, not mild/wild sevens. it's been so long

>> No.12864070


>> No.12864108
File: 46 KB, 421x427, Anime_Cock_Hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no words.

>> No.12864168
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Real canadian classics

>> No.12864210

This is the funniest picture I've ever seem

>> No.12864244

Smokers should be euthanized

>> No.12864392

holy shit what a faggot and he has newports

god this board is so pathetic

>> No.12864429 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 557x854, 1509080141575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this fucking forreal?

>> No.12864468

Cigarette smokers deserve to be made fun of and hated. You're not a connoisseur of tobacco: you're a junkie that got addicted because he needed something to do with his hands and a pre-packaged way to talk to girls outside in front of pubs and clubs.

>> No.12864471
File: 20 KB, 350x232, cigar-chronicles-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.12864527

i hate u

>> No.12864543

I agree, especially the bit about hands
feels bad man

>> No.12864569

>because he needed something to do with his hands
I mean yeah, I didn't want to drink so this was the alternative.

>> No.12864630
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They're not the best...I've been smoking these for awhile though.

>> No.12864641

whered u get that lighter?

>> No.12864646

Yeah it bothers and harms me when I'm paying for a broke lung cancer patient's healthcare through my taxes

>> No.12864647

In London, Camden district

>> No.12864685

I have asthma but I smoke. That shouldn't stop you

>> No.12864716

You really aren't, cigarettes are taxed so heavily that smokers more than pay for their own care over time - obese people on the other hand...

>> No.12864720
File: 1.09 MB, 6836x10000, nope_avi_high_resolution_by_wango911-d4jv1vx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still think there is any rationale for smoking

>> No.12864848

Marlboro reds, lights, newports, camel crush, and sometimes roll your owns

But smoking is so expensive now

I might just switch to dip

>> No.12864928

What are those? Where did you get them?

>> No.12864932

I got 3 of them when I went in Moscow

>> No.12864941
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x1836, 20171027_155230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn those have a wonderful package.. I bought those cinese cigarettes while at the airport in Istanbul

>> No.12865145
File: 3.79 MB, 4032x3024, 20171027_120518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't h8 appreci8

>> No.12865161

vintage golden dupont lighter

>> No.12865178
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Don't lie to yourself. There is nothing pleasurable about good food. You just eat a lot of food because you have a eating disorder and crave it all the time.
Smoking is not good for you, nobody should do it, but you're retarded is you think it doesn't have a pleasureable psychoactive effect. Please note before you respond that:
I never claimed nicotine isn't addictive
I never claimed people NEVER smoke because they are addicted
I never claimed pleasure is the ONLY factor of smoking

>> No.12865272

You need food to live; Good food is only to bring in a better vehicle of calories. The pleasure is evolutionary and from what the body thinks it needs. Nicotine is pharmacological.

Smoking is unnecessary and harmful. I would tell you to kill yourself for pretending that was a good analogy, but you're already doing it by inhaling smoke.

>> No.12865291
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>no lucky strike
I didn't know /fa/ was such a pleb board

>> No.12865307

I never claimed I smoked.
I never claimed it wasn't hamrful (I in fact claimed the opposite of this)
I never claimed it was necessary (again, I claimed the opposite)
My analogy is apt. Eating food is unnecessary, when you have superior nutritional benefits from solyent and similar + chewing gum for retaining mouth muscles.
The body doesn't care if the pleasure is evolutionary or pharmalogical. What feels nice feels nice. You claimed the only reason you can find nicotine pleasurable is addiction. I said it isn't, nicotine has a pleasurable effect even on people who have never had nicotine before. Stop misrepresenting me and admit you were wrong.

>> No.12865317

I miss the 12.5 grams being sold in shops, now we can only get the 30 grams :(
kill yourself

>> No.12865322
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I roll my own organic cigs
This is my lighter

>> No.12865335

just too expensive to buy regularly

>> No.12865635

You are just determined to be as insufferable as possible, aren't you.

Soylent is deficient in hoards of nutrition, bases its macros on coconut oil and whey protein powder, and doesn't consider the multitude of plant compounds and fatty acids. Soylent is no more "superior" than taking a multi vitamin with a protein shake.

>the body doesn't care
The obese population already shows the body doesn't care what you put into it. But it's completely different, hence the pharmacological differentiation. One is a normal function of the body that causes it to adapt, the other is toxic and causes up/down regulation based on the effect of the drugs. You or the body don't have to care to reap the consequences of poor lifestyle choices. That's why you act above a Neanderthal and use wise choices to benefit yourself.

>you claimed
Trust me, I'm not that guy, and we're not the only ones who hate your dumb self destructive apologist ass.

>what feels nice feels nice
Which doesn't have justify the consequences.

You are trying to take a safe and high road, which you abandoned wither when you said
>I smoke
or if that wasn't you, when you tried to equate a smoking addiction to eating food.
Saying it's pleasurable means fuck all and it functions entirely different than the taste of food.

You have literally no idea what the fuck you are talking about and are arguing from the god awful position of "live and let live", which just excuses addicts, obese, the lazy and the dull. You're jist wrong in ever way. Please remove yourself and stop your dumb ass opinions.

>> No.12865842

I smoke pipes and cigars but your sense of superiority is delusional and retarded.

>> No.12866016

I see now that you misplaced the middle comment to me. Only thing I claimed is that there is pleasure from smoking that doesn't come from addiction. I prefaced that with smoking is bad basically.
This two are me (disclaimer: i don't like soylent nor smoking).

>> No.12866038

t. unthinking sheep parroting secondhand (((morals)))

>> No.12866042
File: 152 KB, 1143x1239, 2017-09-03 21_54_48-$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was smoking camel 99s but switched to maverick reds since Wolf hiked up taxes.

>> No.12866046

>I read an article once about how nicotine affects you neurologically.

and heroin doesnt? consider suicide.

>> No.12866052

wtf i want canadian classics now.

>> No.12866228

you sound like youve neven been out of the house or the closet

>> No.12866231

can you tell me more, anon? i've always been interested in doing this

>> No.12866371

buy tobacco, find papers that you like, buy filters if you feel the need, it isn't difficult.

>> No.12866895


>still smoking ciggies
>not using Swedish snus as a better and healthier way of getting nicotine

Snus has a higher nicotine affect on your brain so you wont be using one every 10mins.

Switch over to snus, my dudes.

>> No.12866901

oh wow

>> No.12866903

nah 'snus' sounds too swedish, next think you know ill have an arab on my couch raping wantonly

>> No.12866938

snus is incredibly worse. smells like literal shit, and you look like an idiot with a puffy lip

>> No.12867081

this plus is imo the only korean cig worth smoking
careful not to confuse with this original

>> No.12867131

smoking is gay

>> No.12867385
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Backwoods, number 7 reds, whatever bic lighter is available. Reminder that if you smoke for any other reason than addiction you are both fake and retarded.

>> No.12867396


>> No.12867577
File: 3.46 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20171028_131209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit smoking, here's my lighter

>> No.12867580
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I smoke weed

>> No.12867637

It's a Euro thing, think Marlboro but more expensive

>> No.12867656


This is worse than people who have a side carry for hot sauce

please consider playing in traffic

>> No.12867660


>> No.12867663


when I smoked I preferred Camel; unfiltered, turkish royal/gold, turkish jade were good too.

I quit that shit because it's a huge waste of money, you smell awful, fucks up your teeth, and ultimately I just liked the feeling of smoking but was never addicted to nicotine. I was one of those people that even when I was smoking half-pack a day, I couldnt stand the smell of someone else smoking unless I was also smoking.

>> No.12867710

Marlboro 27

also amerifat here laughing at you cucked countries who can't even enjoy a nice traditional fag packet design without mommy government plastering gay shit all over it

>> No.12867822

buying smokes from abos for 2$
comme fumer de l'air

>> No.12867870

I buy them from Oka cause it's literally a 10 min ferry ride away

>> No.12868250

Kana's 30 minutes from where I live. Only place where I'm able to find flavored blunts since the ban. Only time I bought cigarettes from there was at up in smoke, 7$ for a hundred I think. Went there the first day of the month coincidentally when it was 2$ off. Stopped buying natives cause they weren't enjoyable.

>> No.12868726


Used to get 200 for 12 dollars when I was under 18, now I just get rillos and cigars because I have a tendency to chainsmoke during parties

>> No.12869118


>> No.12870429
File: 392 KB, 698x459, chunghwa-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if and where i can cop chunghwas in the uk???

>> No.12870631

>zapalniczka z zabki
white bic master race

>> No.12870647
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>smoking the jewish cancer stick

>> No.12870653


>> No.12870790

Marb Reds and I always smoke the whole pack in a day or two :/

>> No.12870806
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>> No.12870911

Cigars are only meant to be smoked into the mouth and exhaled be careful the smoke is really harsh

>> No.12870916
File: 112 KB, 344x320, 1504943743279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u say this yet u probably consume a big ag sourced hfcs diet and use a flouride toothpaste


>> No.12870953

Any of you carried around a pocket pipe? Would it be feasible or does it just make you way too fedora and smell like complete shit?

I want to quit cigs, but I found that doing so makes me completely aspie and apparently I also have anxiety.

>> No.12871027

Pipes aren't actually better than cigs, nor are any other methods of smoking tobacco like cigars or rolling your own.

The best middle ground is to move to smokeless tobacco like snus or chewing because you still get similar amounts of nicotine the taste, but you still get the cancer causing chemicals. Don't do snuff.

Or... you can vape

>> No.12871032

I smoke a lot less as a pipe smoker. I absolutely hate snus aesthetically (i.e. taste-wise).

>> No.12871033

Running is a much better idea

>> No.12871206

Rolling your own cigs (organic shit and organic papers) is way better than regular cigs you buy off the streets
same with smoking organic tobacco in a pipe

Cig companies add additives to ciggies and those suck ass and make them way more unhealthy than they already are

>> No.12871264

>implying that's bad

>> No.12871266

broscience...tobacco/nicotine/whatever else the fuck you smoke isn't in and of itself ruinous to your health, its setting fucking matter on fire and inhaling the particulates that causes health problems

>> No.12871277

>not doing both

>> No.12871278

that's why I only eat my cigarettes

>> No.12871359

Fuck spending money on normal cigarettes

>> No.12871367
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Forgot pic

>> No.12871687

epic XD

>> No.12871767
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I've had several thoughts about smoking, I know it's terrible for you. Once I walked out of a concert after moshing and going ape shit and the smell of cigarettes never smelled better and I know i'll like it that's why I won't do it. I've never smoked cigs but have smoked weed sparingly and I've had several dreams about smoking cigs and I'm not even looking at cigs daily although my mother and step father smoked when I was a growin boy. Tobacco is weird with me