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/fa/ - Fashion

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12848727 No.12848727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the ideal tummy /fa/
pic related is me and being relatively fit makes it easier picking clothes because anything pretty much looks good on me

>> No.12848742

what to do for this? im overall pretty lean and eat light but even when im exercising regularly i dont really slim down my stomach to this level.

>> No.12848750

planks my dude
everyday one minute plank and youre set for laif

>> No.12848806

You are not fit, you are thin

>> No.12848832
File: 5 KB, 614x76, firefox_2017-10-21_01-22-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not muscular but i am fit enough

>> No.12848834

Cute, I hope you get blacked

>> No.12848856


>> No.12848882

Fit here means /fit/

>> No.12848895

actually looks kind of flabby I have Zero definition in your abs

>> No.12848901

Your tummy is extremely aesthetically pleasing to me.

>> No.12848902

theyre quite firm
i dont want to have really defined abs desu

>> No.12848906

t-thank you

>> No.12848911

yea sure. be lazy. it wouldn't hurt u to do 20 sit-ups every couple days right before u get out of bed in the morning. but no. u would never even think of that or realize the benefit of it

>> No.12848916

lmao why do you care so much
i'm really satisfied with my body senpai
this is what i want

>> No.12848944

keep telling yourself that. meanwhile keep posting for self validation because u don't actually feel happy with how u look. u opened this can of worms don't lie to yourself

>> No.12848950

>I'm satisfied
>please look at me and give me praise even though I'm not actually in shape

>> No.12849039

lmao that's oddly specific
i am absolutely happy with how i look
you should mind your own business no one told you to get into this thread>>12848950

>> No.12849109

oh sorry excuse me for barging into your special safe space thread where you get to tell everyone how literally everything looks good on you even though u do no actual exercise or ab workouts. sorry but NOT everything looks good on u, case in point, anything that would showcase your stomach. u might look fine next to a total Fatass but tbqh the first thing I thought when I saw your thumbnail was u look flabby. ie. the pre-fitness picture u see before you get in shape. now your pic could be the AFTER picture for some one who has lost 100 pounds, and if that is you then very well done on the weight loss.

>> No.12849114

how fucking insecure can someone possibly be.

>> No.12849131

>auschwitz level
Choose one
You look like a faggot trap

>> No.12849269

can op stop whoring and getting all pissy when people tell the truth to him

>> No.12849279

nice stomach pouch fatass

>> No.12849315
File: 235 KB, 1600x1202, 1487364054003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ideal right here

>> No.12849330

>what's the ideal tummy /fa/
Yours. Saved btw.

>> No.12849387

What's your diet like?

>> No.12849613


Is it possible for someone thin to get to this level with simple push-ups and planks? I know the question's more appropiate for /fit/, but since the threads here.....

>> No.12849743
File: 17 KB, 500x415, 1508564290851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12849745


>> No.12849831

no. you have to lift weights for that, but it wouldn't take very long to achieve. maybe 5-6 months for a novice if you start with nothing and diet well. just push ups and planks will not help your physique for shit.

>> No.12849846

skinnyfat lol

>> No.12850180
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1936, DE6EA5D9-8E60-4C07-934B-A8394A132769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you actually work out

>> No.12850186

i wanna cummy on ur tummy ;))

>> No.12850194

why is there a prolapsed anus in your belly button

>> No.12850231

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot you little bitch.

>> No.12850243


use all edgy metaphors you want, your belly button still looks disgusting

>> No.12850248

You look skinnyfat, ew

>> No.12850252

dude that belly button is fucking gross

>> No.12850261
File: 297 KB, 220x172, 8DE5B634-432E-4BAE-BD7C-D497B84549BF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12850277

does your belly button have abs?
applefags are disgusting

>> No.12850283

that's an ugly belly button. not /fa/

>> No.12850290
File: 84 KB, 300x255, B9F064B1-F121-4777-83FC-E2E032D568B3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12850376


>> No.12850560

also, if u didn't have what appears to be extra large hips, your fat pouch would look even fatter ---so...there's that also

>> No.12850889

Where are your muscles, pear boy?

>> No.12850935

how i make my chest look good
like an outline is there, but flat

>> No.12850946

gain muscle mass you fucking retard

>> No.12850996

t. insecure

>> No.12851011

2 different people

>> No.12851013

do you either?

>> No.12851017

lol no free lunch,, mumbo-jumbo man

>> No.12851025
File: 555 KB, 1764x1782, 7BCBAA0E-B4CA-43C0-8F7A-1F08AEBAA2A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like salt wiith your glass of salt?

>> No.12851065

at least you're not fat. if you're satisfied with how your body looks then keep doing what you're doing. Having more muscle tone would be the ideal stomach though. It doesn't have to be overkill like pro athletes or professional models. But just enough.

>> No.12851070

5'6'' at most lol

>> No.12851099
File: 664 KB, 1936x2592, 49C2789E-88AA-42B7-92D6-278628332D7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6’0 actually

>> No.12851131

nice armani boxers, fag

>> No.12851150
File: 1.49 MB, 350x184, 8875D953-22F2-4F5F-9C5B-58D2CCC2CD00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it huh?....

>> No.12851559

look 5'7 tops

t. natural 6 footer

>> No.12851573

This could be me, but I have that weird horizontal line like right below my belly button. I think it’s because I sat in really autistic positions while I played vidya for so many years. Also if just being flat is the goal, I don’t know how to lose muscle in that area.

>> No.12851636
File: 417 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-10-22-01-09-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good or am i too skinny

>> No.12851638

eat dude you're fucking dying