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File: 126 KB, 554x800, ryan gosling Blade Runner 2049 movie costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12841730 No.12841730 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I get the leather trench coat from blade runner 2049? I found a couple replicas online but none of them look as good as the original.

>> No.12841749

Where is that anyway? L.A. somewhere?

>> No.12841868

They'll probably come out with a limited collection if they haven't already

>> No.12842144

Great coat but it might be hard to pull off.

>> No.12842270

looks like the Arclight in Hollywood

>> No.12842291

any pics of the boots?

>> No.12842297
File: 203 KB, 1700x1568, s7d2.scene7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 95% sure in the movie he wears Bates Strike Boots.

>> No.12842308

You don't.

It's custom-made, the replicas are all terrible, as these things tend to be.

Your best bet is a belstaff and that's going to run you multiple thousands of dollars.

>> No.12842312

Eh, they look a lot better beaten up.

>> No.12842316
File: 588 KB, 2500x2900, allsaints-brennand-shearling-b-Black-eaa1496d-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're willing to compromise you could always get something like an Allsaints coat, pic related.

Yeah it might not be a trenchcoat but let's be honest, if you wore a coat like this that was that long you'd look like a freaking autist.

>> No.12842317


>> No.12842319
File: 27 KB, 520x550, 55d35b49da98ae1b98cd155165e6ace8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related of an actual belstaff coat. Don't expect to be able to afford it any time soon.

>> No.12842335

which star wars character is this?

>> No.12842348

Well shit, looks like I didn't give the Magnoli one enough credit.

>> No.12842368

Darth Chad

>> No.12843482

Matchless made the coat and they will release an official replica soon

>> No.12843487

Stop the meme, it's still time

>> No.12843499

It’s not actual leather. Blade Runner is set in a future where animals are extremely rare and expensive, so the costume designers did not use any actual leather in the clothes, as that wouldn’t fit into the movie universe. Instead they used other materials which were made to look like animal skin, as that would likely be popular in such a future as wearing leather would be a sign of wealth.

Either way, the coat was made specifically for this movie, and even if you get a reproduction it probably won’t be as usable as a regular trenchcoat

>> No.12843505

That coat's a damn good compromise, actually. I like the looks of it, and someone could conceivably wear it without coming across like a raging larper.

>> No.12843507


>white males in nu-starwars

>> No.12843511

A motorcyclist could definitely get away with wearing that. I can't tell from the photo, but it looks well-made - something practical, warm and wind-resistant for a person riding a motorbike.

>> No.12843517
File: 35 KB, 600x817, 510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<--- How you'll look if you try to wear a coat like that.

You don't have the proper height or body proportions, nor the proper environment, or the makeup, lighting, camera angels and post editing to make that coat look good. Take a second and actually look at the coat, It doesn't even look that great as a stand alone piece. The leather looks cheap and when is it ever appropriate to have a collar and lapels that large and furry?

>> No.12843531


>> No.12843655

I'm 6'2 170lbs

>> No.12843894

>when is it ever appropriate to have a collar and lapels that large and furry?
Now? Both shearling and pea coats (which have large lapels) are on trend for autumn/winter 2017. The coat is actually pretty unremarkable right now.
Although, yes, taking fashion cues from films is generally something to be extremely cautious about.

>> No.12843930

literally the Scorpion Jacket of our generation

>> No.12843952

Bikers wear high tech stuff with kevlar, not fedora trench coats. Stop trying to justify your autism, wearing a fedora is the equivalent of going to the street wearing full plate or chainmail

>> No.12844139

>our generation
drive was released in 2011. were you born in 2015 or something??

>> No.12844162

Someone post it.

>> No.12844389

>the replicas are all terrible

A big reason for this is all the replicas I've seen so far are dark black and shiny, while K's in the movie is more matte and almost greenish.

>> No.12844497

yeah and they use a different fur texture

>> No.12844938
File: 145 KB, 1000x667, 1508387056155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly hilarious how bad the replicas are. Note the color and texture of the coat.

>> No.12844941
File: 27 KB, 800x800, Blade-Runner-Jacket-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And compare to what they are selling as a so called replica.

>> No.12844984
File: 51 KB, 600x574, 1454979184444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall are just playing right?

>> No.12845015


>> No.12845299


If you seen that coat on a guy today would you honestly think it looked good? The coat is ugly as shit.

>> No.12845320

It's like we've all forgotten the DRIVE coat.

>> No.12845333


It's waxed cotton.

>> No.12845343
File: 219 KB, 1568x2000, h-racer-jacket-black-71020107j61n497090000_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is same material, but Belstaff don't do anything that long apart from the Cumberbatch's coat from Sherlock.

>> No.12845345

The difference between this coat and the Drive coat is that this coat is unassuming and fairly plain, it looks like a regular winter coat.

>> No.12845350

>wearing a replica jacket of someone in a movie that has just been released

I can smell the cringe from here. Wearing replica jackets from older movies is OK and shows individual character.

A new movie makes you look like a fucking dork on the bandwagon larping.

If you must.. get the boots or a smaller item and pair it with something else.

>> No.12845351

The similarity is that neither coat would have been sought had it not first been central to a character in a film. And that's a bit lame, at least on the scale one can imagine it's happening. Thousands of kids are copping these. Because movie.

>> No.12845357
File: 22 KB, 450x338, dnoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fragrance do you think he wears?

>> No.12845421


It's not even leather in real life. The props dept. has officially stated that it's just thick fabric painted and weathered to look like leather

>> No.12845433
File: 65 KB, 600x473, random-dudes-wearing-drive-scorpion-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12845450

If you do not...
>look like Ryan Gosling
>have a full wardrobe of similar roughspun dystopian clothing
>exclusively travel at night or through dense fog/dust and inhabit only grungy, dimly lit areas
>have a dangerous career which forces you to constantly question the significance of life, death, and the soul
>have a qt holographic effay wife accompanying you
...then this is the most fedora fucking thing you can possibly buy.
Yes, the asymmetry is cool. The materials are comfy and inviting.
Just get something that captures the spirit of the movie, don't ape it blindly. Then be prepared to wear it for 20 years to get it looking beaten enough.

>> No.12845606

I don't give a shit that it's from the movie I'm not trying to cosplay officer K... I simply like the way the coat looks you massive retard.

>> No.12845627

That's like dressing up as the Clown from IT this Halloween and trying to convince the world you just like clowns and it is nothing to do with the movie.. even though your clown costume is a 100% replica of the clown from IT.

You'll still look like a cringy faggot. There have been jackets similar style to this, why don;t you have one already? His jacket looks cool because it fits with the aesthetics of the movie.

Would that be so if he was walking around some modern day shopping mall? Nope.

So whatever you say Officer K.

>> No.12845653
File: 14 KB, 560x315, bates-boots-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I were to wear Officer K's shoes would that also make me a 'cringy faggot'? You're comparing a single jacket that is pretty normal looking to a fucking clown costume. Holy fuck, how retarded can someone be?

>> No.12845658
File: 230 KB, 825x464, leon-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw half of this board dresses/would dress like leon the professional. I guess they're all cringy cosplaying faggots as well.

>> No.12845705

No because those are legit tactical boots that existed before the movie. I also said a small piece was OK. The jacket is the main part of his outfit and it's obvious from the start which look you are trying to pull off.

Everyone will know right away.. oh that guy has the blade runner jacket.. lol what a larping nerd. I'm just trying to help you out here from embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12845707

Jeez.. are you autistic? Leon is from what,1994? That's almost 25 years ago. While I wouldn't copy the outfit 100% most of it is fine because it's not a modern day movie bandwagon that you would be hopping on.

>> No.12845717

Stop wanting to dress like movie characters.

>> No.12845815

Goddamn those boots are nice. Wonder if they'd hold up well in the dead of winter.

>> No.12845829

Idk, are you?

>> No.12845908

Remember that time a bunch of people bought a jacket from a Ryan Goslin movie. I do

>> No.12845925

Of course I do... I was one of them.

>> No.12846065

lmao, please, don't do it lads
don't fall into the Gosling-jacket trap

good technique to know if you could pull it off: are you Ryan Gosling? If yes, go for it. If not, do NOT buy it. Simple innit?

>> No.12846257
File: 108 KB, 742x667, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are really aware of the fedora level that a coat like that would bring you but you're also really really autistically driven to it.
I cannot run from the enemy within.

>> No.12846526

Yo I wear that

>> No.12846581

Leon does have a good fit though. Too bad Leons outfit is just an everyday overcoat, and comfy trousers. Not exactly comparable to loud statement pieces like Gosling jackets. But if you watch The Professional and suddenly want to dress like Leon, you're just as autistic.

If anyone does get a K trenchcoat repro, please post pic so we can start a new collage.

>> No.12846675
File: 303 KB, 694x853, 1508312037753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please ID the goose jacket from pic?

>> No.12846907

>or the makeup, lighting, camera angels and post editing
I liked the movie and the coat but i'll have to agree, it looks kinda silly even here>>12844938, I'll still probably buy the boots though
btw what do you guys think of the magnoli replica?

>> No.12846912

Left middle pulls it off

>> No.12846923

It's literally cool water with a twist, total pleb perfume

>> No.12847154

If you want to "steal his look" but not be autistic. I would consider copping an old Barbour or Belstaff.
Broken-in to perfection by a man that wasn't a fag and only owned one or two jackets in his life.

>> No.12848313

Its definitely green hes even refrenced as "the guy in the green coat" by that old replicant with the sunglasses before the pink haired hooker goes to talk to him.

>> No.12848365
File: 1008 KB, 2244x1500, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12849002

Not cotton, it's laminated cotton.

>> No.12849019

cant wait for the cringe compilations of you virgins trying to wear this

>> No.12849034
File: 409 KB, 500x500, MzTUuAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12849070

this fit looked good in the context of movie and on Ryan Gosling, but if someone wore it on the street they'd look like a fucking autist

>> No.12849075

>this fit looked good in the context of movie and on Ryan Gosling

it kind of didn't though...
he just looks like a sperg. which is suitable, because the character he plays is a sperg.

>> No.12849631

You people to need to chill out with all this autism cringe talk. You just look foolish. This coat isn't a sukajan or a ankle length trench, it's a totally nondescript jacket. It's a normie coat, you could find something just like it in any high street fast fashion place right now.

>> No.12849644

also replicas are made from a shell.
the goose got his coat tailored to him by a professional costume designer.

this is also why star trek uniforms don't look right on any old pleb, they need to be tailored, they need to be fitted.

>> No.12849658

I agree that it can get to be a bit much sometimes but dude, you gotta be careful anytime you wear a long coat like that. Most people aren't going to think "FEDORA CRINGE AUTIST" since most people aren't even aware of those stereotypes, but there's a good chance they will think of the one creepy awkward kid in their high school who wore a trench coat (or something similar) trying to look cool, which amounts to the same thing. For people past their mid 30s the associations might be more "Columbine" or "flasher" but still, not good. I like long coats like that but not many people wear them these days and they have strong associations.

I'm not saying it's a bad coat, just that you have to be careful with it - of what you're wearing it with and what context you're in. Hell, I have a WWII-era British greatcoat that I love to pieces, I WISH I could wear it more often, and when it's below 20 °F outside and snowing it looks pretty fucking cool, but anywhere else it's obviously overkill and looks pretentious as fuck.

>> No.12849973

It's knee length. It's not that long a coat. As long as you're wearing it in a place and season that makes a coat of that size practical, it's not going to look strange at all. Like I said, it's not a ankle length trench. It's just an overcoat. An unremarkable overcoat. I'm not saying you should wear it on a California summer's day. That should go without saying.
An ankle length tench, or a sukajan, is never going to look normal. In any weather. This is just a autumn/winter coat. There is no comparison. If you cannot see that, then the cringey autist here is you.

I don't even want the coat, I'm just pointing out the idiocy of suggestion it's the same as fedora katana boy over here >>12843517

>> No.12850051

It would be unremarkable if it wasn't made from leather. Leather coats are def fedora-weirdo core

>> No.12850057


thoughts on the waxed cotton?

>> No.12850058

Knee length coats are relatively uncommon, especially for men. A few people wear them but it's unusual. There's no way you're not aware of this.

Of course it helps that it's not ankle-length but plenty of people wearing knee-length trench coats get posted in those cringe threads too, and deserve it. I'm not sure why you're insisting there's such a clear and stark visual difference between that coat and the coats you see in those fedora-katana-cringe pictures, but there isn't. Yes, there is a difference, it's just not one that's going to be apparent to most people on the street, who couldn't tell you what makes a trench coat different from any other kind of overcoat. They'll look at that, see a dark, knee-length coat, and think, oh, trench coat. Again, I'm not saying they're right, but that's just how it is.

Which doesn't mean you (the hypothetical you) can't wear it and make it look good. It just means you need to be self-aware, and careful.

>> No.12850106

can't wait to make a cringe comp like with those Drive jackets

>> No.12850137

>Knee length coats are relatively uncommon, especially for men.

>> No.12850174
File: 622 KB, 750x1449, extra-image-2122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnoli used to have this one. As you can see it's in black/brown leather rather than dark green wax (like the film jacket) and has a different material for the collar.

Unfortunately, they've updated the design, and even though they haven't uploaded all the new pictures yet it's now an ugly green, and the waxed cotton looks terrible without all the post effects used in the actual movie. The old fake fur looked better too in my opinion.

If they still sold the older design I'd probably get it, but the price is a tad steep to get it in leather and I'd have to ask them to make it more the length of a pea coat to look a bit less columbine.

>> No.12850177
File: 316 KB, 538x1080, extra-image-2152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the new one. Like the film coat, this one also has the obnoxious writing on the back.

>> No.12850192

The trouble with the coat is it's quite thin, even in leather. Unless you've already got a bit of stock you'd have to layer underneath it and button up to wear it during Winter.

Wearing it in a warmer season may make you look like a bit ridiculous

>> No.12850199
File: 83 KB, 600x767, Bladerunner 2049 officerK shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12851387

anyone know what kinda pants those are?

>> No.12852610

Private White has pic related. Not the same color and the belt must be taken off, but it's ver, very similar.

It's 950 pounds, way out of my budget right now. Does anyone know a cheaper alternative?

>> No.12852616
File: 52 KB, 884x1200, g16081_grn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12852650

You guys preppin for a comic convention or some shit haha

>> No.12852838

it's a nice green

>> No.12853311

Found it.


>> No.12853335

the more important question is where you can buy a qt hologram gf like joi to love for ever and ever

>> No.12853347
File: 979 KB, 2000x1333, ODG R8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Serious, un-tethered, commercially available augmented reality is about six months away.

Waifu apps won't be far behind.

There are a few headsets available right now, but they are either fantastically expensive, or underwhelming in one way or another.

Keep an eye out for the ODG R8.

>> No.12853356


>> No.12853383

Good enough for a Halloween costume I suppose.

>> No.12853397


>trench coat

Get fucked, Helen Keller; it's not a trench coat you blind bitch. How can it be a trench coat if it stops above your waist?

>> No.12853629

It's been posted multiple times in this thread already m8

>> No.12853701

They won't, they're bates.

>> No.12854322

How would you describe the whole blade runner aesthetic?

>> No.12855065


>> No.12855230

That coat would disintegrate instantly if you had an accident on a bike.
Enjoy your skin grafts and looking like a dumbass to anyone that actually knows anything about riding.

>> No.12855339

Not that guy but don't most leather jackets just get blown the fuck out if you come off your bike? I was always told they're far from sufficient protection

>> No.12856017

You can get it in different colors and without the text though, to be fair.

>> No.12856387

Anyone know of a winter overcoat that has a facemask type of thing like the movie coat has? Winter's cold as fuck where i am so if i can get something to cover my face it would be really nice, i dont like having to mess around with a scarf whenever i go out for more than 2 minutes.

>> No.12856616
File: 192 KB, 592x1142, 2049 coat magnoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12856640

As K wears it the coat looks a lot more weathered.

>> No.12856819

I'd show this to everyone who says looks aren't important. Honestly, apart form the post-prod color change, the only reason it looks good in Drive is because Gosling is wearing it.

>> No.12857220

Looks like it could be some Aime Leon Dore. He does some track-jackets in a similar vein at least.

>> No.12857246


I wonder why people dont keep their suit jackets' collars up like that.

>> No.12857262
File: 143 KB, 1352x632, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not luv

>> No.12857321

Magnoli stuff is custom so the pics they're using are the pics of whatever dude(s) had them make. So if some big fat cunt is the only one that orders a coat the coat will look like a big sack, in the pics. If someone wants the Blade Runner coat in hot pink cotton with purple sherpa: he could probably make that for you.

>> No.12857456
File: 2.04 MB, 1440x1958, Screenshot_2017-10-24-05-50-37-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't suppose you know of something shorter that's similar to the movie but not an obvious replica?

So what, you'd basically want this?

>> No.12857528

It would be but when people can tell an obvious point of reference it ceases to just be normal especially when it comes to pop culture.
Look at how many Daenaryses will be changing their names in the next eighteen years.
That confused the hell out of me, when you see it it's barely green, If I were one of those hoookers I'd have walked up to a compleetly different guy.

>> No.12858328
File: 144 KB, 768x1024, tr_badworthy_kha_ope_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just look into getting a shearling jacket, maybe something like pic related (caineleather)?

And a bit longer than that, but yeah. Maybe with the new faux fur Magnoli offers

>> No.12858772
File: 17 KB, 587x880, IMG_5046 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: if you are buying the actual coat and not something that is similar, you will look like an idiot

With that being said, I just got this Lemaire coat with a super high collar, and an edgy all black techwear-ish wardrobe to compliment it.

>> No.12858875

great cop

>> No.12859255

buy em now, wear through winter, voila

>> No.12859262

they're waterproof, so maybe. pair em with some nice long, warm socks that you should be doing anyways with boots and you'll be fine

>> No.12859515

Why he looks like a terrorist?

>> No.12859877

Nice. Can you post a pic of it on you?

>> No.12860502

>It would be but when people can tell an obvious point of reference it ceases to just be normal especially when it comes to pop culture.
>Look at how many Daenaryses will be changing their names in the next eighteen years.
Are you high? The coat is not an obvious reference. No one but a total nerd is going to see this coat and recognise it, it's just not that remarkable. It's not some instantly recognisable pop culture icon.

And comparing it to being named Daenarys is fucking mental. That's not a real name. This coat is like being called Brad after Brad Pitt. Or Tyler, after Tyler Durden. It might be a reference, but not one anyone would even register as such.

I get that a lot of people here are awkward autists but there is such a thing as overcompensating.

>> No.12860519

It's not a facemask, it's just the collar turned up. Just look for overcoats with large collars. Shouldn't be too hard to find something similar.

>> No.12860520
File: 81 KB, 600x631, gos 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The coat is not an obvious reference. No one but a total nerd is going to see this coat and recognise it, it's just not that remarkable. It's not some instantly recognisable pop culture icon.
This. In fact, as much as I don't want it to be, I think BR 2049 is gonna be forgotten about in half a year

>> No.12860535

Well the first film basically defined the aesthetic of cyberpunk. But if you're talking specifically about the clothes, then the first has more of a neo-noir vibe. It's someone from the 80s trying to create something that looks like the 50s but also the future. Like Rachel having a very fifties beehive-ish haircut but also big shoulder-pads.

BR 2049 is basically just modern clothing.

>> No.12860540

I think it's going to be remembered as a good film, but yeah, it's not star wars.

>> No.12860553

It's not made from leather. Its waxed cotton.

>> No.12860558

Where the fuck do you live that people only wear jackets?
I am honestly just clueless as to how bizarrely wrong you are.

>> No.12860692
File: 78 KB, 1080x1349, 17596573_1132829300178402_3078161086327816192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it comes in the mail, here is a pic of a guy modeling it

>> No.12860742

I copped the boots for like $100 bucks. Bates 6 inch Strike Boots. Don’t feel bad about weathering them because they look good worn and don’t feel like they’d be unnecessarily clunky like other boots

>> No.12860782

The problem i have with most overcoats is that they dont cover the chin and mouth when the coat is up, really just the sides and back of the neck. I specifically want something that does cover my chin and mouth, like the pic in >>12856616, just not a direct replica, but something pretty similar.

>> No.12860982

Yeah, I guess ones where the collar fully wraps around are rarer. And I don't really know what you'd call it, so it's hard to search for. Guess you'll just need to keep looking at overcoats until you find one.