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File: 33 KB, 313x462, baldingfreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12840710 No.12840710 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do? I am 19 and have the hairline of a 50 year old man. I have always had a naturally high hairline, but I have had so many people commenting about it recently that it's really starting to bother me. I can't even tell if it's going back any further, but judging by my uncle (who's bald) my dad (who is balding but refuses to go bald) and both of my grandfathers, I can see that I most likely have male pattern baldness.

With that in mind, what should I do? Should I just shave it all off and go full on egg mode?

>> No.12840739
File: 76 KB, 640x800, IMG_6446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like me
Don't worry bro, it's not an issue. Grow a messier Hitler youth, toussle it, get a little bit of a parting/curtains to hide the top. You'll be surprised how many guys have a higher line than you and walk around with this style, it hides it really really well and looks natural af.

You have really good "zigzags", the sides of your hairline come forward really well. Tom Hardy has a higher hairline than you - does he look like an old man?

Take some selfies from a distance, get a selfie stick or set a timer. The field of view is warping you. You have good skin and a good jaw, workout more pencil neck

>> No.12840752
File: 58 KB, 577x583, 1499889751981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice man. By "messier Hitler youth" I assume you mean let it get longer on the top and keep shaving the back and sides short?

The pic you showed of Tom Hardy looks like he is from an early 2000's boyband, but I get what you mean.

And yeah I agree I should really work out more. Currently a 175cm tall (average height for us Irish manlets please don't bully me) skinnyfat 65kg loser. It's just that starting in the gym with no knowledge is daunting, but I guess I got to start somewhere.

>> No.12840797
File: 99 KB, 1600x690, IMG_6266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's kinda what I meant, longer or shorter is up to you. The guy has a YouTube called "survive the jive" if you want to check his hairstyle out

No buddy, starting in the gym is incredibly fun! Let me explain -
>most "jacked" people who obsessively lift are really passionate about it
>lifting is a solitary process, most people go to the gym alone
>some young (19 is young) kid comes along and asks them about their autistic hobby
If you show a modicum of interest and enthusiasm, it flatters them that you are "mirin" them enough to seek their professional uber cool expert advice (even if it's bro tier crap)
>they usually gush, overexplaining everything, showing you how to use all the machines, all the basic lifts and tenets of lifting

It's surreal dude. These hyper masculine, tough, grunting dudes suddenly become huge nerds when you flatter them a little and ask them about their hobby. I went to the roughest, steroid filled meathead gym in a dockyard town in England and for the first few times I was intimidated and emabarassed as fuck, until I asked some big guy "hey, what lift are you doing, I'm new" and he explained literally everything about lifting. Now I know all these rough dock workers, they greet me and we hang out whilst lifting, sometimes I play my music over the speakers and I went to their Christmas gym party, and a year later I'm fuckin yoked compared to the hungry skeleton j started as.

Just take the plunge, everyone starts and I guarantee while you're there 5 skinnier people will show up and lift and no one will bat an eye, especially not the self absorbed roiders checking to see if anyone is mirin their muscles. Gyms are weird and fun, and far friendlier than they look.

Also become a white nationalist, Ireland is trying to make up for its homogeneity and using your tax money to build mosques and fight hatespeech and other such bullshit. I love Ireland, don't let it become like Britistan

>> No.12840827 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1280x1919, 1499789234527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I could try and pull off that hairstyle, it's just that how far back mine goes sort of ruins the aesthetic, his hairline goes in a straight line, whereas mine curves in. Can't hurt to try.

For a while I was thinking about just going like pic related, but then everyone would just automatically see me as a skinhead.

Also yeah, one of the guys in my work is a gym head and all he ever speaks about is the gym, I'd say if I asked him for advice he could show me the ropes.

I'll give the gym a ring tomorrow and see about memberships. I guess I just got to dive in head first.

I am already a White Nationalist and watch Survive the Jive and stuff dood. And yeah our government is trying to fast track us into becoming the next Sweden or France, I've been in involved in this stuff for a few years.

>> No.12840834
File: 499 KB, 1280x1919, 1499789234527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I could try and pull off that hairstyle, it's just that how far back mine goes sort of ruins the aesthetic, his hairline goes in a straight line, whereas mine curves in. Can't hurt to try.

For a while I was thinking about just going like pic related, but then everyone would just automatically see me as a skinhead.

Also yeah, one of the guys in my work is a gym head and all he ever speaks about is the gym, I'd say if I asked him for advice he could show me the ropes.

I'll give the gym a ring tomorrow and see about memberships. I guess I just got to dive in head first.

I am already a white nationalist and watch Survive the Jive and stuff dood. And yeah our government is trying to fast track us into becoming the next Sweden or France, I've been in involved in this stuff for a few years

>> No.12840879
File: 55 KB, 350x509, IMG_5581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lad. A casual undercut has all the benefits of a shaved head, with the benefits of long. It's good to shave your head once in a while for the absolution of vanity and the utilitarian mindset, but not if you're actually thinning - enjoy it while you can, make sure you photograph your head from the same angle every month or two to actually document if you're losing ground.

A widow's peak is perfect for the haircut I'm talking about btw, makes your hairline look even lower if you do it right and cover the corners of your forehead. Don't sweat it bro, FUE looks great and only costs a few thousand if it really gets to your self confidence in a few years.

As for the fit in your pic, swap the bomber for a Harrington or similar jacket, swap the jackboots for ankle boots, brown boots or more "workwear" boots and it's not neo Nazi at all, which I imagine the liberal cunts in your major cities are hyper attuned to.

Last piece of advice, when you start lifting, tuck your chin into your check - called "neck packing" - to get maximum neck gains early on. It will also encourage perfect posture and proper trapezoid and sternomastocloid development, esssntial for a strong neck which will totally elevate your looks and make you look far more masculine and dominant. Make a double chin, pack your neck whilst you Zercher squat and deadlift and you WILL see a difference in a few weeks. Write that down and thank me later.

14 potatey8, you'll never beat de Oirish

>> No.12840896

Thanks man, I'm gonna screencap your last bit, hopefully it will come in handy.

Thanks for everything.

>> No.12840931

Welcome brother :) see you in Jive's comment section

>> No.12842396

It doesn't look bad, OP. Btw, Is your hair thinning and falling out by any chance? I've been experiencing that these last few days. It's bumming me out.

>> No.12842408

>at 19

That's not odd, that's normal for male pattern baldness.