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File: 924 KB, 3264x2448, download_20171011_201615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12825288 No.12825288 [Reply] [Original]

>Tall people constantly complaining about not being able to find clothes that fit
>Male models are all taller than 6 feet
Is it because normal tall people are all fat?

>> No.12825470

What in the fuck are you talking about? The only tall people who can complain about not fitting into clothes are like 6'4+. Models are usually 6'1 or 6'2. Also bringing up model's heights is a moot point because most clothing isn't made for models, it's made for 5'8 averages.

>> No.12825494

>some medium tees are too short
>some medium tees are too wide
>actually short torso for my height
>size 38L in suits, nearly impossible to find rtw
Just fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.12826521

6' in Canada with a 28 waist. Most stores literally don't carry clothes that fit me, then alone are decent.

>> No.12826557

>normal tall people are all fat?
What in the fuckery, i've seen some triggered manlets but jesus christ man.

>> No.12827065

>slightly athletic build
>size 16 feet

I'll spend an entire day shopping for shit and find maybe 2 things that actually fit correctly. After medium, shirts just start getting wider rather than longer.

>> No.12827079

All men are over 6ft+

Tall is 6'4 maybe 6'5

>> No.12827210

Also, clothing is altered and pinned for models when they get dressed up for shoots and runway.

>> No.12827220

youre literally wrong.
two inches of height is a massive difference for the fit of something.
6'1 isn't tall. 6'3+ is tall.

>> No.12827489
File: 52 KB, 640x332, k3tG7Jn_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" is tall. 6'3"+ is freak. Shit like OP's pic completely fuck our perception of what's normal. 80% of the guys you meet who tell you they're 6'+ are 5'8"-5'11".

>> No.12827494
File: 41 KB, 600x455, 1254172884282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw manlet
>tfw not worrying about finding clothes my size because i'm not basketball player height

>> No.12827558
File: 26 KB, 234x585, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Ice Cube's son?

>> No.12827562

is that worldwide? usa? pobably has a lot of nonwhites in it, not a lot men under 6' up here

>> No.12827659

>be 6'3
>size small shirts are too small
>size medium shirts are too loose

Kill me

>> No.12827664

Dart 'em

>> No.12827956

6' in Canada is just barely average, i'm 6' torontonian in highschool and i'm on the shorter side of average in my grade

>> No.12827984
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, B43C8990-33EC-4149-82EA-1208200CCA52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you Got the same target catalog? I was looking through it and there’s only one picture of a young white man my age in the whole catalog( pic related to the left of my thumb).Was making me think who their target demographic was. I have a question for OP, assuming that is your thumb in the photo, does this catalog appeal to you? Do you like the way you are portrayed?

>> No.12827986
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, F03CB047-3547-44D2-BD42-7A5F0E73A247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did hey mean by this photo? Who are they appealing to here? Ive never seen anyone that looks like this irl and I live in a majority black county in Maryland.

>> No.12827994

Go to goodwill, I’m not quite as tall or built as you I’d imagine but thrift stores have a great variety.

>> No.12828003
File: 216 KB, 915x678, Jqq4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average man is 5'9"
>The manlet beleives that anything above that is considered tall
>in reality this just means that the average man is short

>> No.12828010

that's a quadroon girl.

right page is intentionally black boy white girl because muh integration n shieeet

I feel sorry for (genuinely) black girls who are excluded because of images like this

>> No.12828053

Average height for white males in the US is 5'10". If by up here you mean Canada, the average is about the same there as the US.

>> No.12828063

Not OP, but a lot of people can look at clothes on a model that doesn't look like them and not have their ability to imagine the clothes on themselves significantly hindered.
>Do you like the way you are portrayed?
Fucking lol, OP is not portrayed anywhere in this catalog. You people who identify so strongly with your race that you see anyone who is the same color as a representation of yourself are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12828072

It’s not ridiculous its pretty basic psychology. And it’s not just race it’s phenotypes too. If the people in the magazine look like you you can imagine yourself wearing the clothes.

This isn’t news to people who have a basic understanding of pysch

>> No.12828335

hah manlets
t. 6'1" masterrace
>tfw not 6'4" chad

>> No.12828484

>some brands' XLs are too short
>cant bring myself to buy XXL out of shame