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12822872 No.12822872 [Reply] [Original]

Are big boobs /fa/?
Is bigger better?

>> No.12822876
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>> No.12822880

>Is bigger better?
Not necessarily. Boobs are nice in every size :) Smaller are nicer when "free", bigger are nicer with bra. Both have their "perks" *badum tss*

>> No.12822897
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If perfectly shaped and supported, to me, bigger is better

>> No.12822909

You know I'm all about the face, 'bout the face

>> No.12823048

big boobs are better to fap to
small for everything else

>> No.12823060
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Certain animal prints go really well with the extremely large ones

>> No.12823084

Big boobs are great but small boobs are /fa/

>> No.12823085
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After a certain size, how do you even dress them?

>> No.12823241

>After a certain size, how do you even dress them?
You do what every normal girls with big tiddys does, get a breast reduction.
>yfw they ultimately realise that they've cut off their nose to spite their face.
That's literally it.

Fashion is not, and has never been, designed for disgusting titcows.

If you're not DFC then you are gross.

>> No.12823307

I think its gross it they are too big

>> No.12823587

I love it if they are super massive.

>> No.12823853
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T shirts are good

>> No.12824162
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Which is more /fa/?

Harleth Kuusik walking for Christian Dior in SS 2015

>> No.12824164
File: 122 KB, 634x917, 2859F31300000578-3069100-image-m-69_1430851550048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or Kim Kardashian wearing Dior at her book signing?

>> No.12824171

Kim has a disgusting silicone-ridden body. Someone with a natural figure similar to hers wearing the same clothes would look much better, possibly even better than >>12824162 desu

>> No.12824183
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Yes but which look is more fashionable?

It's a tough decision.

Both looks have their merits. Even if Kim's body is plastic her look is still good.

>> No.12824302

She looks wide as fuck, and weird

>> No.12824694
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And apparently certain drinks make those things grow huge. So to you girls that want to keep them slim, be careful

>> No.12825240

>Are big boobs /fa/?
>Is bigger better?
Inarguably yes.

>> No.12825389
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>Inarguably yes

>> No.12825431
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When clothed, bigger is generally more aesthetic (within reason)

When nude, proportion and firmness are key. Small round titties are better than flat saggy ones

>> No.12825443

big saggy can look hot af if they keep their shape oh lawd

>> No.12825444

>get a breast reduction
that'd be passible of death penalty in my kingdom

>> No.12825474

Definitely, just as long as they're not flat

>> No.12825476

Dumb fat cow tits are gross, get with the times gramps.

>> No.12825528

big boobs are rare amongst models, so yeah by vote of them small boobs are more /fa/ i guess

big (very big) boobs are harder to dress with because their massive presence distorts the natural shape and draws away attention from the overall structure of the fit, so you will need to orientate your entire wardrobe around your big boobs. my guess is that your fit needs to be more centered around the chest area, and you need to make sure that the shape is very well defined, which would be difficult given the squishy nature of the boobie.

unless you are like the girl in OP's pic you shouldn't need to worry though :)

but are you a big boob girl? may i suggest you wear a tight turtleneck sweater that is thick in wool UGHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.12825535

These types of threads will never disappear. It's kind of cool.

>> No.12825598

>distorts the natural shape
This is very homosexual of you. Rather, the only reason you think of them as distorsive is that fashion designers for women are all homos and don't like the natural shape of women. They literally design clothes for twinks.

>> No.12825604

Other way around imo. Big tits look better naked small ones are boring and i just end up focusing on other features

>> No.12825757

by big i mean very big like in op or others posted here, no way you'd say that is normal

but desu i just looked up avg/cup size stats and it was larger than I thought, so who knows

>> No.12826253

F cup and up only in this thread, k? Thx ;3

>> No.12826322


>> No.12826349

When people have a really tiny waist but huge boobs it just looks weird imo. They need to match the rest of the body otherways it looks disproportionate.

>> No.12826358

oh gee i dunno, is being a tall /fa/???

>> No.12826407
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>> No.12826539

objectively un/fa. they may be hot but they add weight and make you look like a cow

>> No.12826543

small breasts are objectively /fa
look at any runway model and you'll see
it's like asking if being tall and thin is /fa, the answer is fucking obvious if you pay the slightest bit attention to the industry.

>> No.12826972

That's one type of model, lingerie models tend to be busty.

>> No.12826992

That's just because it's easier to assemble & drape dresses and such for flat skinny chicks. Not because they're inherently great. Altho I prefer em.

>> No.12827035
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It's tough to even find good looking bras at those sizes

>> No.12827522


>> No.12827534
File: 2.13 MB, 1507x2139, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Mag_Nov_2017_Dia_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b cup besto

>> No.12827541

Big boobs are useless. Small/flat is optimal and performs the same function.

>> No.12827923

Let's settle this once and for all.


>> No.12827954
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Goth OR milky? Why not both?

>> No.12828069
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>> No.12828124


They make me feel like they deserve more than me and my small dick. I can’t date uber sexy women with big tits and all that sex appeal. I can only date small young women who have really small hands and of course a lot shorter than me, and i’m 5’7

>> No.12828125
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You can look like an actual adult woman with bigger breasts rather than an overgrown child who no one can take seriously

however fakes are just going to make you look ridiculous

>> No.12828134
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>> No.12829151 [DELETED] 


Large breast aren't absolute marks of womanhood, there are plenty of women out there with a large bust that still have baby faces.

>> No.12829167


Large breast aren't absolute marks of womanhood, there are plenty of women out there with a large bust that still have baby faces. There are some that lack height so they also get mistaken as a kid. My ex always got mistaken as a teenager even though she was not flat chested or short, she was just the victim of a having a young looking face.

>> No.12829323
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1. sure
2. no

>> No.12829333
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christina hendricks' personal style is boring as fuck but I still think she's /fa/

>> No.12829339

Flat is justice.

>> No.12829340
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>> No.12829357
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>> No.12829364
File: 251 KB, 736x1016, 750a5ffcd85bf57e3fb2ef153e78029f--christina-hendricks-cosmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12829395
File: 331 KB, 1085x1259, IMG_3905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No one will speak out against the boob monster that is Christina Hendricks. No matter how many small young actresses are nearly smothered by getting their heads caught in her cleavage, she still continues to get away with her plans"

>> No.12829406

Kek, that flat bitch genuinely looks close to tears

>> No.12829412
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>> No.12829501
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"When confronted with these allegations, Christina was quoted as saying 'It's not my fault these things keep growing. Those little girls should just learn how to get out of my way.' Stay with us for the latest."

>> No.12829547

really funny meme dude

>> No.12829559

this pic only makes me more attracted to elle fanning though

>> No.12829582
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>> No.12829584
File: 378 KB, 1560x993, ST-JOHN-KNITS_2011-7-15_Ad-Campaign-Kate-Winslet__12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12829587

Objectively Correct list
God Tier
Great Tier
Shit Tier
>Anything else

>> No.12829588
File: 429 KB, 1500x1500, 54c03ead5c63a_-_hbz-kate-winslet-june-2014-2-promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12829594
File: 116 KB, 814x1155, time-100-2016-adele-adkins1-Erik-Madigan-Heck-for-TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12829595
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It's not funny. As big as she's gotten, it's become a real danger

>> No.12829669

Good. Someone has to

>> No.12829905

Those poor victims

>> No.12830066

>1. sure

As you proceed to post the most unflattering and unfashionable example of a big breasted woman.

Big breast are never going to make clothes look a good as a nice modest pair of tits can.

>> No.12830198

Going against Christina Hendricks is a bad idea. You'll get violently crushed

>> No.12830222

literally any chick in the first row looks better than that model

>> No.12830235


All of her pictures just solidified my opinion on smaller breasts being a better look for neat and well made clothes. I love cleavage as much as the next person but having it spill out everywhere isn't a great look.

>> No.12830241

So what you're saying is, when it came down to choosing between boobs or cloth, you chose cloth

>> No.12830255

That just what you think because you are a pleb.

>> No.12830256

Nothing hotter than a pair of nicely shaped huge tits.

>> No.12830268
File: 298 KB, 1024x1654, 5GdYVqvsarah rose mcdaniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I just prefer the whole look of the woman to have clean lines. That's a sexier, more easily digestible look to me compared to a woman with ample bosom that draws all of your attention

Rose McDaniel in this picture. She wouldn't look better with bigger breasts at all. It'd throw the natural lines of her body out of whack.

>> No.12830286

Don't argue with boob fags. Its pointless. All they can do is call you gay or low test. That is literally all arguments they have since the preference for big boobs is purely sexual. Just ignore them. You won't be able to have an intellectual ad-hominem free discussion with them.

>> No.12830494
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>it's just visually appealing
so big boobs are /fa/ right?

>> No.12830519


If you stop looking with your dick and start using your eyes you'll see that those things look a bit ridiculous especially on her lithe body. If she zips her top up it'll look like she's stuffed it with two balloons. Breast size definitely effects the look and lay of clothes.

Like >>12830286 said no one is going to win this argument. Some who like big boobs can't or refuse to think of them in any other way than sexual objects.

>> No.12830555

Not fa but still awesome.