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/fa/ - Fashion

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12821298 No.12821298 [Reply] [Original]

HEy /fa/m i gotta question
I know a bunch of people who seem to have a natural creative and entrepreneurial spirit. They go out and make things or go out and find rare pieces from places that no one would think to look. Also they seem to be great problem solvers and are more relaxed because they deal with life better. I, however, sit behind my computer and persecute myself for not being good enough. IS there anything I can do to be more like them or should I accept that I'm just boring or not very creative.

Also Stalker inspo why not

>> No.12821365 [DELETED] 


I think you just have to find a way within yourself to get out from behind the computer. It's easier said than done, of course. The only reason I sit behind this fucking computer is a severe nervous breakdown, due to a female who attempted to manipulate me into suicide. Anyway, creativity is like anything else: the more you do, the more you can do. Same is true of vigor and energy in general: the more energy you expend, the more energy you'll end up HAVING. Just start by taking walks and gently pushing yourself to see what you can do. Invent games to play. You can work yourself into high-gear, OP, and it's very unlikely that you're boring, owing to human beings innate insanity.

>> No.12821375
File: 42 KB, 624x432, red schuhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you just have to find a way within yourself to get out from behind the computer. It's easier said than done, of course. The only reason I sit behind this fucking computer is a severe nervous breakdown, due to a female who attempted to manipulate me into suicide. Anyway, creativity is like anything else: the more you do, the more you can do. Same is true of vigor and energy in general: the more energy you expend, the more energy you'll end up HAVING. Just start by taking walks and gently pushing yourself to see what you can do. Invent games to play. You can work yourself into high-gear, OP, and it's very unlikely that you're boring, owing to human beings innate insanity.

>> No.12821399

nicely said anon

>> No.12821672

good shit. thanks for sharing

>> No.12821697

>The only reason I sit behind this fucking computer is a severe nervous breakdown, due to a female who attempted to manipulate me into suicide.

>> No.12821727

Watched Stalker in over weekend in the theater. Amazing cinematography, w2c rucksack?

>> No.12821770


sounds like u just have FOMO (fear of missing out) which is common in teens on the internet

sounds like ur just forcing urself to think u "should" be more "creative"

just chill u dont gotta do shit
if you had creative drive you'd be doing something already instead of asking strangers on the internet if ur supposed to be creative lol

>> No.12823328

Fucking Entp Chads.

>> No.12823334

What is it you really hope to discover, is it something on a spiritual level, physical level, what?

Keep in mind it's really easy to destroy parts of yourself by pressing onwards in search of these answers. At the very least, you'll end up in my situation. Seen too much, personally feeling helpless. No Exit.

So, what you wanna do/know/be?

>> No.12823631

check out modern personality profiling.
16personalitites or big five or smthn.

pretty interesting shit.

>> No.12823777
File: 150 KB, 670x426, S T A L K E R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, this is my favorite book on the subject by far. I've read my share of books on this topic, and this one beats the fuck out of them all, hands down. The author was quite the lovable dude, and the book is penetrating, insightful and well written. It's one of those books which underlines the distinction between knowledge and understanding, because it took me a year or more of unconscious processing before certain ideas began to click and I began to understand the essence of what he was saying. If you don't want to spend the money on a personal copy, I recommend having your library try to track one down for you:


>> No.12823831

my opinion: don't

Not only they are intrinsically useless, but why restrain yourself in a predetermined stereotype?

People who are satisfied with their artistic work (I deliberately avoided saying successful artists) have a very stubborn way of looking at the world. They just want to do their own thing and don't care about the opinion of their peers.

>I, however, sit behind my computer and persecute myself for not being good enough.

There is nothing wrong with sitting behind your computer. Thanks to the internet there are thousands of things you can do on your computer. The winning mentality is "just do it". I know it sounds like a cliche, but the more you think and worry about starting, the less close you are to your objective.

Do something, post it online. That's it. It's going to be shit, people might say it's shit. Who cares? Do the next thing, post it online. Now it's better. Do the next one. Repeat this step until you are satisfied with your result.

>> No.12823877
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I find that in life it is mainly the cliche lessons that people have the hardest time of internalizing.

Conquer your life senpai.

With will and initiative you could do things that you consider unrealistic at the moment. You will find that out along the way when you find yourself in a situation of your own making that just wasn't possible in the past.

Make whatever you think are the first steps towards being who you want to be, from there it will eventually snowball, but you have to make those first steps, that waking decision to own yourself, to free yourself.

We only have several decades here out of what afawk is an infinity of meaningless nothing - not being who you want to be because of any mortal reason just seems silly when you put things in perspective.

>> No.12823885

you gotta put yourself out there to be like that you know
and while you do occasionally get good and creative ideas just out of the blue, the people who seem to constantly have good ideas work like motherfuckers for them, you start 10 projects and with luck one of them will be something good, that's how shit works
naturally you have to do something you enjoy because you probably don't have the will power and patience to deal with shit you hate every day just to get something good out of it here and there

>> No.12824098

This is all great advice /fa/ I appreciate it.

Idk if there's vintage russian milsurp available but probably there

I think that overall I'd like to be more mature and purposeful with what I do. I'd like my life to be less things happening to me and more me happening to the world. However, being a childhood housebound college student in a small town in Ohio makes my opportunities few and far between.

>> No.12824181

What direction do you want your influence to take shape and work in?