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/fa/ - Fashion

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12820394 No.12820394 [Reply] [Original]

Can men wear "women's" clothes? I want to buy a jacket but the only version I want is technically a woman's jacket. Is there really a difference when it comes to men's and women's jackets other than sizing?

>> No.12820403

I do it all the time. And besides, WTF is rick owens shit if not feminine cut shirts and pants? IT DONT MATTA NO HOW.

>> No.12820409

sure they can, if they're in a deathrock band and mix it with men's clothes

>> No.12820455

yeah if you like taking cock in the ass.

please stop wearing women's clothes if you aren't a femboy.

It confuses everybody around you whether you're available or not.

>> No.12820457


Nope. Not always.

>> No.12820501

Yeah dude, fuck it, women wear clothes that were first made for men, there's nothing wrong with liking shit made for the other genre

>> No.12820518

>Is there really a difference when it comes to men's and women's jackets other than sizing?

women have different bone structure than men.
thus, clothes are designed with a different body type in mind.
that doesn't mean that women's clothes can't fit men - it depends on the person and their body, and the cut of a given garment.

>> No.12820520

Wear what you want. Unless something is designed specifically for the female silhouette/bust it isn't technically gendered.

I've actually thrifted a lot of my favorite men's shirts in the womens section. Proof that people don't know what clothing is men's/women's.

>> No.12820521

I used to wear women's clothes every day as part of the androgynous goth look that I was going for at the time, and I got called a "faggot" for it frequently by dude bros, but I also fucked more girls during that period than any other period of my life.

>> No.12820528


here's your fucking problem

>> No.12820529

>that doesn't mean that women's clothes can't fit men - it depends on the person and their body, and the cut of a given garment.

Correct. Some of us dudes are just sample size, and that's all there is to it.

>> No.12820531

I'm not sure if you actually read my post, because I didn't imply that there was a problem.

>> No.12820535

The only time I ever pulled two girls from the bar I was dressed in all female clothing besides boots. I don't think I was dressed andro but who care? I always think of that Howlin Wolf song, Back Door Man "The men don't know but the little girls understand." Men hated me, women loved me, and I'm glad I dressed boldly when I was young and pretty enough to pull it off.

>> No.12820545


>> No.12820555

who is the person in this pic

>> No.12820556

>other genre

>> No.12820561

Why not....Bruce Jenner does it everyday and is called a hero for it.

This fucking country is falling apart.

>> No.12820571

nah bruh, your body is. Its all those waffles and pain pills.

>> No.12820578

Balding cuck

>> No.12820583
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Missed ya bud

>> No.12820585

Overweight half breed failure

I fucked all the girls you can't lololol

>> No.12820594

Nah, you got your ass kicked by an overweight woman.

You're just an incel

>> No.12820601

Oh yeah, she was mad overweight at 105 and 5'9", lol

>> No.12820603

That's not better

>> No.12820620
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i read that low rise jeans were a women's only fashion thing pre-70s, and so technically all men who wear low rise jeans (90%) are wearing women's fashion. But regarding whether men can wear womens' fashions, I would say yes most def, if it is comfortable and you like the way it looks then wear it!

Some males jus thave more feminine body structure. It is a little awckward going into the womens side of the store, like at H^M, and if as long as you dont look like a perv, then go for it.

>> No.12820753
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Wanna buy these pants, but only in women's sizes. Should I cop or look for alternative?

>> No.12820755

all of my dude coworkers at h&m wear womens clothing except for me, i don't think anyone cares that much luckily

>> No.12820861


>> No.12820865
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22 replies and no one has pointed out that men's and women's clothes almost exclusively button on opposite sides. So, yes, people that aren't ignorant of that can tell regardless of the cut.

>> No.12820876

Yeah but what does that have to do with the fit. It's only an obvious detail on coats, and most people that know this are also people who wouldn't care.

>> No.12820882

get it tailored

>> No.12820887

why are you still on this board?

>> No.12820896

And shirts and anything else that buttons on a side.
Are you just looking to wear girl's pants? Because that's played out as fuck.

>> No.12820939

Because I wake up in the morning with grey hairs and salt and pepper stubble.

I just learned what bumble was last week.

And 2010 was 7 years ago.

If I want to shit post to feel young for 5 fucking minutes and put mortality at the back of my mind for a short time...I'll damn well do it.

>> No.12820940

Most of my hair is now grey

My face has sunken and thinned due to age.

I could pass for 35

>> No.12820962

at least you're not fat anymore?

>> No.12820967
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Sure why not (me)

>> No.12820969
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>> No.12820970
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>> No.12820972
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>> No.12821087

I'd be fat and young any day

>> No.12821166

What womans coat is it op

>> No.12821174

Prince did it

>> No.12821259
File: 485 KB, 1571x2231, IMG_20170822_203819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinnyfag here, sometimes i do buy womens clothes because men sizes dont fit me well, here an example: jacket is xl in women size

>> No.12821261

the fact you have a penis only makes me harder

>> No.12821295

>Not a girl so I can't wear clothes like the girl (male) in these posts

Why can't men have interesting clothes.
Not gay btw

>> No.12821404


>> No.12821435
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Sure you can, although I'd be careful. The main problems with women's clothing are as follows:

> Fabric
A ton of women's clothes are from thin, cheap fabrics, as they're intended to be replaced every 1-2 seasons. As such, a lot of the stuff that you'll find will be flimsy and not worth its price tag. This is especially problematic when it comes to base layer tops and pants.

> Fit and/or Cut
A lot of women's clothing tends to fit tightly on men's bodies. This even extends to skellies, as the armholes tend to be way smaller and this cinch the armpits. Furthermore, women's clothing tends to be cut longer or shorter than men's clothing, creating some skirting, or worse, cropping at the waist. Even worse are the clothes that are cut to accommodate an hourglass shape, as you have neither the breasts nor the waist to fill them out, creating very unflattering billowing on your silhouette. There's also the neckline which tends to be cut a lot lower, to show cleavage. Although this can sometimes be an advantageous thing, if you're the kind of guy that enjoys exposing his collarbones. It often can be disastrous when it's cut below that, to the point that you're risking constant nip slips. Pants are often cut to emphasise the butt, and don't offer any room for your dick. Coupled with the above mentioned flimsiness of the fabric, this often results in dick outlining, especially on striped fabrics.

> Details
A lot of women's clothes tend to have very feminine detailing, stuff like frills, or button placement that emphasises the breasts when closed. Furthermore, a lot of women's clothing tends to treat pockets as a detail, rather than a functionality. As a result, pockets are either too small, or completely decorative. Buttoning tends to be flimsy, zippers tend to break if you're a bit too rough. Outerwear doesn't suffer from these issues to the same degree, although it's still something that needs to be inspected before purchase.

>> No.12821436
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>> No.12821439
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Apart from its problems, women’s clothing also has several upsides to it. These upsides are linked to its downsides and are a direct result from the much wider scope and variability that women’s clothing has.

> Fabrics
As was mentioned earlier, fabrics are often cheap and/or thin, yet there’s a far greater choice of textures and patterns. Furthermore, a lot of vintage clothes don’t suffer from this downside. Women’s fabrics are often softer as well, making sweaters an appealing option.

> Fit and Details
It’s a lot easier to play around with silhouette in women’s clothing, as the fit can vary wildly between tight and form-fitting to wide and billowing. As such, there’s a much greater availability of niche characteristics, such as extra long sleeves, wide necklines and exagerated cuffing (or exagerated anything for that matter).

> Availability in thrift stores
Womens clothing tends to be discarded as quickly as it is bought. It’s not uncommon to find it in thrift stores with minimal wear. This makes it a cheap option to find standout pieces for your wardrobe. Plus, it’s very forgiving when it comes to fuck-ups. Buying something that makes you look disgusting isn’t so bad when you’ve only spent 3-10 euros to do so.

I would advise anyone that’s looking to try it out, to buy women’s clothes in a physical store. Buying online is likely to result in disaster, as you won’t be able to look out for the several caveats listed above. Trying these clothes on is the most robust way of figuring out whether it looks too feminine or not. Plus, you can take a picture in the fitting room and get made fun off if you post it on 4chan. This in itself is a formative experience and should allow you to examine whether you value the perspectives of a group of autists, phariahs, outcasts and otherwise worthless people (your peers).

> Tl;dr: Women’s clothes are great if you know what to look out for. Otherwise, steer clear.

>> No.12821488

Good tips pham

>As a result, pockets are either too small, or completely decorative.
This annoys me off so much. I'm starting to learn to sew just so I can swap these god damn pockets

>Buying online is likely to result in disaster,
Yeah, the variations in vanity sizing make this online shopping difficult for anything but maybe t-shirts

>> No.12821517

I wear women's clothes pretty regularly if they look good with the rest of my outfit. Occasionally someone might say "Dude are those women's pants?" Then I'll usually respond with "Hell yeah, and they're comfy, too", and that ends the interaction. Whatever you're wearing, just wear it with confidence.

>> No.12821520


>> No.12821861

I'm gril (female) and I've found a ton of great shirts from the boys section.

So it's not just you

>> No.12822228

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.12822583

buy them. yolo

>> No.12822585

you look cute. super jelly here

>> No.12822589
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I would go as far as to say that buying stuff from the men's section is a very good idea for women. Especially when it comes to tees, chunky sweaters/cardigans and other, basic stuff. It tends to be way sturdier and warmer. Plus the pricing can be very forgiving.

My ex used to beat me at finding choice men's vintage stuff.

Good call, I've actually passed on some pretty cool stuff because of its lack of functionality.

The best thing is when guys actively compliment your jeans, only to find out they're from the women's section. It's hilarious how uncomfortable guys are about giving it a try.

Plus I'll second confidence, or at the very least blasé acknowledgement, being the most important thing to possess here.

>> No.12822638

Looks good but pinroll looks kinda odd with a jacket that heavy just saying

>> No.12822645


>> No.12822853

I sometimes wear women/kids shoes because I'm a 7US/40 EU and its usually the largest in kids/smallest in adults and just copping the kids/womens one is usually cheaper

>> No.12823419
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Thanks guys!

>> No.12823425
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>> No.12823427
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>> No.12823432
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>> No.12823437


>> No.12823439

Exactly this. If you are not a cute male faggit, do not wear girl clothes. If you are, wear lots of girl clothes.

>> No.12823451

I still can tell from your asspics you are a male. Have seen better (females). With clothes you look cute af thou. I'd recommend more glutes workout.

>> No.12823658

I'm sure. I was specifically talking about men's clothing misplaced in the women's section. Button-ups that are too silky/flowy or patterns that are more busy/colorful often end up marked as womens at thrift stores, and the same goes for tops and T's that are made to fit really snug. Still, I've had great clothing that actually was legit women's fashion.

>> No.12823989
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only if ur cute

>> No.12824561

You mean other

>> No.12824591

>This is the face of modern day white supremacy
Always makes me laugh

>> No.12824639

I wear women's pants/jeggings because they're actually skinny enough for me. Shame about the pockets, though.

>> No.12825711

Pull & Bear

>> No.12825832

put on some fucking socks