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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 170 KB, 667x1000, kankun-mood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12796279 No.12796279 [Reply] [Original]

What fashion trends do you hate the most? For me it's these stupid fucking backpacks. Always some dumb liberal girl wearing these looking identical to her friends and everyone around her.

>> No.12796284

>I know a person's political preference based on their backpack
wew lad

>> No.12796301

It's a cosmopolitan trend popular among millennials. What exactly do you expect?

>> No.12796308

>women pulling their pants up to their tits
looks dumb tbqh

>> No.12796316

It is certainly stupid that everyone has to get them, but they are actually nice backpacks.

>> No.12796320

I've only ever seen 2 girls wear them and they were cute

>> No.12796324

>popular among millennials
>implying all millennials are liberal
>implying 95% of 4chan doesn't fall in this demographic
>implying you have any clue

surely you arent making the claim that the OP pic has their "pants up to their tits"

>> No.12796327

Seems to me like you wear that backpack, in which case please gas yourself.

>> No.12796332

Athletic Leisure
Leggings, Joggers, etc.

>> No.12796335

>surely you arent making the claim that the OP pic has their "pants up to their tits"
what the actual fuck? surely you arent making the claim that I said that?

>> No.12796358

True, same people who wear the backpacks in pic usually

>> No.12796486

Frat fashion
Vineyard, Polo Ralph Lauren, etc.

>> No.12796520


>> No.12796651

>they are actually nice backpacks.
No. They have zero back support, shitty uncomfortable straps and are very small. They're garbage.

>> No.12796777

This. 100% cutsie fashion, zero practibility.

>> No.12796815

>What fashion trends do you hate the most?
Sounds more like you want to talk about what politics you hate the most.

>> No.12796820

literally cancer

>> No.12796829

damn you unique ass bitch

>> No.12796836

Jeans can br interesting but i really dont get why they are the default clothing

So boring

>> No.12796846
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Bit off topic but I guess it could be a trend, is the Dickies and Vans combo /fa/ ?

>> No.12796853

Personally don't wear jeans but come on. What's to hate?

>> No.12796854

im glad you're doing a good job on securing a future for white children by getting pissed over a backpack

>> No.12796858

Please go

>> No.12796865

he is right tho

>> No.12796871

kys sensitive ass faggot

>> No.12796898

dear god let this pet peeve die, even though the majority of /fa/ does this shit, just leave it to skaters to do this. whenever i see somebody's skinny fucking ankles with their pants cuffed up like this i just want to go up to them and unravel their cuffs.

>> No.12796911

u sk8 bro>?

>> No.12796913

so you live in flyover land and have awful taste in women. cool story, anon.

both of these responses were retarded

this. fat girls do it to hide their belly.

leggings and joggers are bad, i dont really care if some autismcore bro is walking around in running shoes though. trackpants are fine too.

yeah, although the brands themselves still put out wearable items. okay maybe not vineyard vines.

kind of true but you have to own at least one pair. should not be worn every day.

only do this if you skate. i know some buttblasted faggot is gonna be like "do you need to be in the military to wear camo pants??" to which the answer is no, but would you wear a finger guard if you weren't an archer?

>> No.12796925

Kys mass replier

>> No.12796968

anything related to skateboarding

>> No.12796974

Can someone explain to me why you HAVE to skate in order to wear this style? I understand that the style was born of utility for skaters, but to shun anyone else wearing it seems a little retarded.

>> No.12796983

>I don't understand how fashion and trends work : the post

>> No.12796994

>although the brands themselves still put out wearable
Nothing wrong with Ralph, it's just the way they where it.

>> No.12797100

They were designed for school children.

>> No.12797139

Ah, so that's why millennials wear them into their 30s. Explains a lot actually.

>> No.12797140

I hate trends, people all swarming to look like each other, it's disgusting

>> No.12797148

Joggers and athelesuire bother me, as to fat people in skinny jeans/leggings, but that's about it. I guess the whole fishtail parka/leggings/uggs combo is terrible too.

>> No.12797150

Err, not really. I just hate trendsters and considering liberalism is a trend in itself, it makes sense that they would follow certain forms of fashion and culture.

>> No.12797375

Because it looks silly if you don't skate
You look like a fucking clown and a poser

Doesn't it seem silly for a person who never touched a gun before dresses like a soldier by fucking in their camo pants to their boots?

>> No.12797498

Sure, but one is a sub-genre of fashion popularised by a niche community, and the other is an actual fucking uniform for an occupation. Such a silly comparison to make.

>> No.12797505

maybe 3 years ago buddy

>> No.12797518
File: 68 KB, 600x590, 1482731102832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't skate but i can understand the stigma behind this pet peeve
it's like band t-shirts, if you're wearing a band t-shirt you should atleast have some decency to know some songs.

same with cuffing and skate shoes.

>> No.12797576


>> No.12797586
File: 9 KB, 236x191, shirttail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving shirttail out, hanging past sweater.

>> No.12797592

this I agree with. I see this shit too much.


comfy core. I like this

>> No.12797958

nobody over the age of 18 should E V E R wear a backpack

25+ backpack wearers are the real autism sneakers

>> No.12797969

>nobody over the age of 18 should E V E R wear a backpack
How the fuck are people supposed to carry their books to class? How am I supposed to carry my groceries home when I ride my motorcycle?

>> No.12797976

so what am I supposed to put my books+laptop in then?

>> No.12798001


a bag for adults you spergs

>> No.12798016

this is why /fa/ cant be taken seriously.

>> No.12798121

These fucking pants!???

Why do all of you have the same god damn pair of pants?

>> No.12798129

They actually should, backpacks are a lot better for back than a bag. You can go with a bag of you carry insignificant amount of stuff that don't weight much, but if you have 3kg+ you should go for a backpack

>> No.12798132

I'm not liberal at all but I would honestly want a light pink/pastel blue kanken, mostly because of how it looks as quality is not worth the price at all (the same as the rest so I don't buy it)

>> No.12798225


I saw a girl wear that backpack at the busstop near my University's Science Library building, and she was drop dead one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen (and i have unerealistically high standards). Man, I wish I had the guts to her but I'm shy as fuck. we always go on the same bus towards our dorms at the same time.

>> No.12798230

What the fuck man. I'm why would you share this.
You're actively making this place worse.
Please leave.

>> No.12798232
File: 98 KB, 980x653, chad14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, cuckcel. let an incel like me vent his thoughts

>> No.12798452

>bomber jackets

>> No.12798466

Hype beast-related fashion is fucking cancer

>> No.12798498

Shut up redneck

>> No.12798506
File: 2.47 MB, 3456x2592, camel-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Europe we call these communist humps, like camels.

>> No.12798522
File: 887 KB, 2000x1700, 26730592846b794930 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they are not. The material is awful and it has zero ergonomics. It is also very expensive for what it is, made in Bangladesh or Vietnam after all.

Finland vs Sweden
>Savotta 202
>legendary Finnish hiking brand who also makes Finnish military gear
>Finnish paratrooper day pack, first made in the 1960s
>today made from updated 2017-tier military quality materials including heavy duty zippers and 1000D cordura
>totally waterproof
>perfect size, a little bit bigger than Kånken
>made in Finland by professionals

>Fjällraven Kånken
>some faggy swedish hiking brand who was outsourced to Asia decades ago
>a backpack made for literally kids for a school bag in the 1970s
>made from cheapest polyester, feels like paper
>doesn't even keep the rain
>too small, made for kids
>made in asian sweatshops by kids who get paid in rice
>79€ and rising every year


>> No.12798535

>not posting the real meme equivalent


>> No.12798553

That has nothing to do with this.

>> No.12798557

No-one in their right mind uses Fjallraven kit, I can promise you that.

>> No.12798559

Go back to your containment board

>> No.12798570

skaters treat cuffed dickies like some sign of their secret club or some shit. It's fucking pathetic really, one cunt hops in a pair of cuffed dickies and the screams of "POSER" come fucking rolling out like thunder.
Skating is cool, and this style is something I like. I don't wear it, but people who do don't need to be a fucking skater to pull it off. Literally the only people who will get triggered are try hard skater faggots who think their hobby is WAY more important than it is.

>> No.12798587

>not a trend
alt-right cucks lmao

>> No.12798652


I'm looking for a good quality cheap backpack. Is this legit or is this guy just shilling?

>> No.12798939

Are you me? This girl that takes my bus has a yellow one and she's beautiful. I made eye contact with her a couple times but too autistic to say anything.

>> No.12799053

Just be like "damn your backpack is nice, where did you get it?". Or some shit kike that.
Almost 100% of girls will bond to you if you compliment them.

Then try and end the conversation with something like "hey maybe we can talk more about backpacks at (insert coffee house here)".

>> No.12799247
File: 36 KB, 640x586, 1504380973961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe we can talk more about backpacks at (insert coffee house here)"

>> No.12799428

No we don't, here we call them unfashionable geeks because they're late to the trend.

>> No.12799437

Add Gant to that list, god damn do I hate gant.

>> No.12799524

i need to skate to wear dickies now? most people grow out of skating at age 14

>> No.12799536

>very distressed jeans
>thick eyebrows
>jeans with NMDs or other similar mesh sneakers, in general denim + running shoes (only ozweegos look okay in this combination)
>adding shirt to the point above (shirt + dark blue jeans + running shoes)

>> No.12799564

>thick eyebrows
>not god tier

>> No.12799579

ozweegos look good with most things but you gotta have tigher pants otherwise they look dumb, never wear regular fit pants with mine

>> No.12799717
File: 49 KB, 471x634, 0AC97EBC-5951-41B0-9E2D-E96E9CC15685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerry Boys

>> No.12799719


Thick eyebrows on men are slayers Chad tier. Thick eyebrows are amazing. For women it's a mixed bag but looks better than cuck thin eyebrows

>> No.12799777

My dude! For sure, Gant mainline sucks, but Gant Rugger is great.

>> No.12799792
File: 29 KB, 583x583, D3HY28-HERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are hideous.

>> No.12799796

Imo they look best with cropped trousers.

>> No.12799806
File: 59 KB, 513x655, 7383957-1-darkpink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>velour t-shirts
>velour hoodies
>velour joggers
>velour vests

Who did this. Why. Velour is the worst fucking fabric. It belongs on curtains only.

>> No.12799808

it's pretty hard to find aesthetically pleasing backpacks tho

>> No.12799811

cause it looks super comfy and kind of mysterious due to its reflective quality duh. But it can't breathe like silk so yeah, it's not the best for athletic clothing

>> No.12799813

95% of it crys rape

>> No.12799831

What's even remotely hideous about those?

>> No.12799833

The white string running through everywhere makes it look tacky. It really should only be worn by children in my opinion.

>> No.12799839

You mean...the shoelaces? Almost every sneaker that uses white laces?

>> No.12799842

OH, you mean the threading?

What's tacky about that? Clear threading is vogue right now, look at any popular sneaker brand i.e. NB, Nike, etc. They all do it.

>> No.12799845

there's your problem, fuccboi

>> No.12799846

Yes, I meant the threading. I apologize for not knowing English term.

>> No.12799849


I don't even own a pair of these shoes, do I have to spout the effay meme like every othershill on this board?

No problem man, now you know.

>> No.12799926

Skinny pants don't have the right proportions for ozweegos. They're a chunky shoe meant to be worn with flared or straight leg looser trousers.

>> No.12799930

I swear this and Patagonia are stupidly popular right now. And I don't have anything against those brands, I just don't like seeing them so often. I actually love Patagonia, and I don't mind Fjallraven or whatever it's called

>> No.12799932

it's called normal waist and you probably don't understand it because you grew up in the abercrombie and fitch era

>> No.12799935

lmao did skaters invent cuffed pants or something?

>> No.12800048
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1438147518883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey maybe we can talk more about backpacks at (insert coffee house here)".


>> No.12800131
File: 14 KB, 420x357, image_view (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a legit GOAT backpack, it will never break and you can even do pull ups with it. And it looks like a normal backpack.


Finns are notoriously shitty marketers, especially internationally compared to swedes but their products beat Sweden every time.
For example Nokia, make the best phone and let it market itself. Sweden makes shitty H&M and IKEA garbage but puts 100% to advertising.

>> No.12800214
File: 65 KB, 485x650, Weeknd-2015-MTV-Vma-mr-completely-jacket-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12800221

It's not trendy by definition.

>> No.12800272

>don't be le poser
go back to middle school

>> No.12800294

I don't like neon running shoes. If was a concerted effort by the big shoe companies back in line 2013 and I wish it would stop. I hate seeing people with cool outfits and horrendous shoes

>> No.12800295

I don't like neon running shoes. If was a concerted effort by the big shoe companies back in line 2013 and I wish it would stop. I hate seeing people with cool outfits and horrendous shoes

>> No.12800530

Every schoolkid wears a backpack of some sorts. They have been for the last 20 years or so. It's imprinted on them now days, it's part of the culture now. On the other hand, one of my business partners is conservative as they come; he's permanently attached to his backpack, and refuses to get a briefcase or computer case. He says it more practical and comfortable to carry. Besides, he'sone of the bosses and can do what the fuc he wants anyway. OP seems to be more upset that he's a kissless virgin with no GF, so he blame librul (sic) backpacks instead.

>> No.12801504

are you german-fags or what? This shit is EVERYWHERE on campus

>> No.12801510

Dickies messenger bags were a trend when I was in high school. They were cheap and pretty sturdy

>> No.12801696

I live in nyc and they're everywhere. It's a cosmopolitan thing.

>> No.12801738

weird but how do they spread on campuses internationally? It's not like h&m or zara copied them from balenciaga again.

Anyway: I think it's fair to say very attractive QTs wear these. I don't mind them desu. They cute

>> No.12801778

I live in Arizona but have yet to go to university

>> No.12801806


Ripped jeans. Literally everywhere in Amsterdam.

>> No.12802023

too comfy

>> No.12802030
File: 60 KB, 320x400, herschel-supply-co-little-america-backpack-black-one-size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'd get one of those backpacks myself, but they're simply too small. I can barely fit a laptop in them. I completely dig the shape and design, though.

I went with Herschel instead.

>> No.12802056

>For example Nokia
finns are also the most stubborn to cling on to dead things

>> No.12802072

post fit you fucking hipster

>> No.12802157

Smh I had this backpack before it was trendy, now I really hate wearing it because it's so abundant. To be honest I just use my canvas bag to carry my books now, works well. Also minimalism.

>> No.12802160

tapered pants are cute anon, I like them.

>> No.12802250

commie here pls dont talk about us and libs in the same convo thx :/

>> No.12802378

L.L.Bean makes the best backpacks, you fags

>> No.12802411

I l-like j-joggers though

>> No.12802418

That's a great look if done right. Why the hate?

>> No.12802422

You must be 18 years or older to browse this website.

>> No.12802424

>oh woah dude you skate? oh yeah?! well what's your favourite song by them???
h-how do i respond?

>> No.12802432

just change that last sentence to, "want to get coffee sometime?" Keep it simple, for fuck's sake. The point of asking to get coffee is to discretely get her number, without asking for her number. You ask her if she wants to get coffee sometime, she says yes or no, if yes, you respond, "cool, let's exchange numbers," or something like that.

>> No.12802439

so... a bookbag?
sounds great, i'll ditch my backpack asap

>> No.12802450

how have i never heard of this pack until now
it's so perfect holy hell

>> No.12802495

t. Ahmed Bin Mohammad

>> No.12802501

Are their jackets any good?

>> No.12802694
File: 4 KB, 200x195, 1500704032120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's like"

if you're cuffing your pants and wearing vans why wouldn't someone think you're a skater.

how retarded are you

>> No.12802697

your sense of humor is incredible
i'm sure your girlfriend loves you and laughs at your jokes

>> No.12802740

that's funny because i don't have a girlfriend. go be a sarcastic cunt somewhere else.

>> No.12802986

I think it's a cute backpack

>> No.12802989

I'm like 99% sure this anon is a millenial

>> No.12803028

nobody above the age of 18 should E V E R skate

>> No.12803035


tfw danish so these backpacks have basically been trending for the last 40 years

I don't mind em' tho, a bit basic buuut that's like 90% of the country anyway

>> No.12803065

ironically the time most people also grow out of dickies and vans

>> No.12803067

>what was last years 70s revival

>> No.12803231
File: 134 KB, 1080x1349, 1d2357eb2620e3d445f181c6efcc874c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly non military camo clothes or camo clothes matched to not even remotely military or outdoor looking outfits.

>> No.12803256
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 40874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey maybe we can talk more about backpacks at (insert coffee house here)".

>> No.12803279

Women ironically wearing hindu shit, another trend of dumb liberal girls.

>> No.12803293

People wearing bomber jackets thinking they are the spear head of fashion, while looking like every other guy in the train.

>> No.12803309

>no slot for laptop

>> No.12803342

Yeah he looks really dum tho

>> No.12803363

>being this autistic

I'm only gonna spell it out for you because you genuine don't realize, but the anon you replied to probably understands that "do you want to talk about backpacks at this coffee shop" is not how one would typically go about acquiring the puss (unless they were making a joke).
You see, anon was being humorous.

>> No.12803373

>3 years ago
Shit this was a thing back in the early-mid 2000s

>> No.12803377

It emphasizes the shirttail being out, which is sloppy to begin with.