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File: 964 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12785622 No.12785622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do so many asians wear blue eye contacts

>> No.12785630

sauce on the one with contacts she fye

>> No.12785640

she looks fucked my dude. take your shit taste in women back to /r/streetwear

>> No.12785645

cause they can

>> No.12785651

So many asians?
Maybe I don't see enough of them because I've never seen them do this irl are you sure this isn't just a social media thing?

>> No.12785674


>> No.12785700
File: 883 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my source is my instagram feed

>> No.12785703
File: 614 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the new trend among asians

>> No.12785705
File: 1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally 50% of the asians in my feed are wearing colored eye contacts now

>> No.12785709
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>> No.12785710
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>> No.12785712
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>> No.12785715
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>> No.12785720

they arent even trying to hide it anymore

sun screen every day
plastic surgery to look more angular
blue eye contacts
dyed blonde hair
not trying to be white btw

>> No.12785753

White man rules the world still

>> No.12785773

I have seen black people with green or blue eyes and it looks amazing on them, but in asians it looks awfull.

Some of them in those pictures just look retarded.

>> No.12785777

It looks like cataracts

>> No.12785794

nothing looks amazing on black people dude stop telling fibs

>> No.12785799

yeah sure thing jamal

>> No.12785833

Not gonna lie, black hair + blue eyes kinda effay

>> No.12785834


>> No.12785877

>literally 50% of the asians in my feed are wearing colored eye contacts now

maybe you just have shit taste

>> No.12785909

is she retarded

>> No.12785910


>> No.12785923

Usually these black people are more white than black, though ironically the one drop rule seems to be common in popular culture.
Your sisters looks great bouncing on black dick.

>> No.12785931
File: 173 KB, 937x1171, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a girl I fancy. /pol/tards with brown eyes will probably call her a nigger

>> No.12785940

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.12785941
File: 142 KB, 899x1124, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My future wife.

>> No.12785942

thot style

t. live in seoul

>> No.12785949

True, the contrast is nice

>> No.12785956

Name senpai

>> No.12785964

this is cultural appropriation. just as bad as blackface and minstrel shows. fuck this

>> No.12785977

No it isn't. Blackface was an actual joke. "haha I look like a black person haha"
Gooks trying to look like white people is the complete opposite of that.

>> No.12785978

Looks like shit tbqh

>> No.12785979

everyone wants to be white, why wouldn't you want to be?

>> No.12786015


>> No.12786024


>> No.12786025

Looks like weed smoking Hispanic girl in high school

>> No.12786027

How does it feel to collect only the worst garbage from white women because women of your race are so undesirable

>> No.12786050

Thottius Maxima

>> No.12786065

i’ve met blacks with natural green, hazel, and blue eyes before. it was honestly a little weird but man was it beautiful

>> No.12786195

Except that's apparently culturally imperialistic by white people

So I'm perfectly okay with it

>> No.12786204

It's a social media thing
Asians, particularly Koreans, are obsessed with their looks to the point that it becomes a mental illness.

>> No.12786206
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 1492126123760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because literally everybody would be white if they could choose, why hasn't everybody realized this yet?

they keep denying it and hate us cuz they aint us

feels good being white

>> No.12786396

because China wants to make Anime real.
True story btw.

>> No.12786399
File: 249 KB, 534x548, muh dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh dick lmao

>> No.12786407

>Non-implant eye color surgeries are becoming available soon
>Seriously considering changing eye color to blue

Brown eyes are boring. I'd wear contacts, but looking concerned about vanity as a man tends to be worse than just being ugly.

>> No.12786448

Blue eyes are boring too desu, I saw many people with blue eyes and they are mostly really weak/dull looking, of course there are beautiful blue eyes, but it's a minority. The most interesting eyes are amber or with heterochromia (amber because they are often 2+ coloured which makes them look interesting, although not as nice as heterochromia)

>> No.12786461

Yeah, but that is a limitation of depigmentation. You can outright remove pigment, but not change it with available technology. So, you can do brown/green/hazel -> blue, but not to any other color besides blue.

>> No.12786475

Oh, okay. Well I didn't know that. Maybe you just think yours are boring? I mean did you ever got light into them and took high quality pictures? Your eyes might be a lot more interesting than you think

>> No.12786481
File: 12 KB, 240x320, mike ones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dick

>> No.12786560

Nah, they're as brown as brown gets.

>> No.12786585
File: 54 KB, 640x370, Generic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12786619

I don't think it's a bad thing, I have brown-grey eyes and I always found them boring so it might be just be people finding grass greener on the other side

>> No.12786835

Well contrasts.
Asians shouldnt dye their hair blonde they look like white kids with downs

>> No.12786875

Why do people dye their hair or wear makeup? Enhancing themselves/wanting to switch up their look. It is a little more drastic change but sometimes it can look nice. Cheap ones are awful though and don't look as natural. I don't get it though, they look much better with brown eyes. Maybe I'm just not used to it

>> No.12786886
File: 176 KB, 616x722, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i always loved my brown eyes, they have a cool little birthmark in them. brown eyes are severely underrated i think.
>pic related

>> No.12786898

So much plastic in those faces they could pollute a landfill

>> No.12786905

>a girl I fancy
a girl that doesnt even know u exist lol

>> No.12786916

why ur so mean anon

>> No.12786924

That birthmark is cool af. I don't really know why fa has such an aversion to brown eyes. Muh aryan genes maybe?

>> No.12786938
File: 318 KB, 720x404, tumblr_nhyhglTQlB1qci6umo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about my eyes¡?

>> No.12786947

Ant people. Nouveu-rich farmers.

>> No.12786948
File: 417 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no amount of make up, plastic surgery, colored contacts will make these chinks look naturally attractive.

>> No.12786961

> plastic surgery to look more angular


>> No.12787310

>no amount of make up, plastic surgery, colored contacts will make these nigs look naturally attractive.

>> No.12787367

I don't get it either. It makes them look creepy as fuck and it's even weirder when you consider virtually no Asian woman has trouble getting white guys.
It seems like even their ugmos can get decent looking white guys.
At least that's what Asian guys say: I'm white and I'd fuck most of those ugmos, they look all right to me.

>> No.12787368

nice try wong

>> No.12787499


In what world is this girl black?

>> No.12787759

They are cool. Brown eyes really are underrated, the same as brown hair

>> No.12787778

Not that anon but that man is more attractive than you can ever hope to be

>> No.12787780

Because insecurity and obsession with the white race.

>> No.12787782

It's very clear she has African ancestry and thus in the west she is black. In Latin America her blackness is still recognized and she is mulatta but still her africanness and blackness is seen and understood.

>> No.12787793
File: 427 KB, 1000x1500, 170716_루다__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes them have interesting features whether they are fake or not
hazel/blue eyes look good with brown hair but that might be just me cuz i have a brunette fetish

in any case, bella is hot but very clearly busted herself too much with plastic surgery

>> No.12787839

Far too big (and extremely ugly) lips and bad hair. Also awful skin

>> No.12787874
File: 182 KB, 402x310, browneyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colour isn't as important as the pattern

>> No.12787900

Yeah no. Most people find this person attractive. His facial features are proportional to his face and his hooded eyes are serene.

His hair is curly and skin a clear, even tone.

This all given the fact that he also is a camel herding Beja.

Post your pic with a timestamp and let's compare.

>> No.12787901

lmao pasty ass white boy, Christian levantine master race here, nobody wants to look like a faggot who can't even hold down their own women

>> No.12787903

fucking pathetic, your eye color won't fight away your desire to hang yourself. Grow the fuck up you vain faggot

>> No.12787906

kek that cope

>> No.12787908

If I could choose I would be a white looking hapa. That way I have brains and looks. Or better yet, a 10/10 asian girl.

>> No.12788046


You watch too much T.V. if you think the average white guy is the cuck they put in commercials

>> No.12788129

I don't care about being handsome though? I'm a woman so you can't compare. Also I'm not falling for "post picture of yourself on 4chan" meme. His lips are awful, if you defend this you have absolutely shit taste, and hair looks 5/10

Go back to eating bananas, nobody is jealous of huge ass dry lips of shit colour and bad hair

>> No.12788136


It's probably some nigger who does everything he can, (99% mental gymnastics) to try to feel superior to white people.

Or some /r/asianmasculinity guy who uses niggers to attack white people out of spite using Jew memes about black superiority.

>> No.12788138

Imagine feeling so jealous of whites you lock this feeling deep inside you and develop fake superiority complex using black roots science tier pictures and googling "handsome black man" everytime someone says something good about white people

>> No.12788146

triggered /pol/tard lol

>> No.12788152

That's what you tell yourself crying in from of monitor? I'm not going on pol so try finding better excuse to not get your feelings too hurt

>> No.12788174

The mental gymnastics of all the white is right posters are Olympic tier performances. Every time someone hints a liking a person that isn't white they come flooding out their caves frothing at the mouth, beating their cudgels on the ground, and shouting at the heavens about niggers, chinks, and jews.

Their reaction is completely unprompted and yet it's other people who are "triggered", and not them. No never them.

>> No.12788187

They think it looks pretty and you want what you don't have. Nothing more to it really.
Shit I'm white and I really like the korean milky white skin + black hair look and I've dyed my hair a few times.

>> No.12788192

Not even that anon... but I don't find your pic related attractive at all. Then again, I don't see many black people around so I don't know what the average is....

>> No.12788198

And yeh I see it around so much. I hardly hear Asians or blacks going around saying they try to look white? But white people keep spewing it around because they are that narcissist. By that definition the majority of white females want to be black since they want a fat booty, big lips and darker skin.

>> No.12788388

its because it creeps me out. asians are fucking weirdos

>> No.12788461

Koreans and Japanese view white skin as beautiful, as do at least some parts of China

I live in Seoul and the lengths people go to to keep their skin white is ridiculous; it'll be 100 degrees fahrenheit and people will be wearing long sleeves and long pants to keep the sun off

almost all korean skincare products contain bleaching elements as well, had a half black friend run into some trouble with that

tl;dr trying to look white is a very real thing at least in some parts of asia

>> No.12788472

oh sorry i didn't really read the whole conversation thread, yeah /pol/posters are retarded (although pale skin is still viewed as highly desirable in asia that doesn't mean they're trying to be White)

>> No.12788501

ugh you should move to brazil, its filled to the brim with this sort of disgusting monkey

my condolensces on you being so ugly this is your dreamgirl

>> No.12788508
File: 12 KB, 274x184, 18462C78-D31F-4661-A703-C58EDC9A92CB-14950-00000E6A519B61F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I think this girl is just white mix. The skin tone isn't the most Asian I've seen but it might be just the makeup

There are however small populations of Koreans and several outskirt Chinese villages where some of the people have blue or green eyes. The Chinese is understandable because the whole country is so big, and the west and north of china has had so many different groups of people pass through it from mongols and romans to Turks and scythians that it's just 1 big genetic clusterfuck

As for the Koreans it's a little more baffling as to why a small percentage, or any at all for that matter, have natural green or blue eyes. However when they do have it it's quite pretty. My best guess would be a little mixture with their Russian neighbors, which Russia is also 1 big genetic clusterfuck as well. No Russian is 100% white or 100% Asian

Pic related. Picture of mixed white asian girl I found online that I found rather pretty. Eurasians always remind me of Russian women, who I also love. Russians are some of the best looking people in the world

>> No.12788518

Jewish imposed self hatred

>> No.12788539

it's just /pol/ sperging around

>> No.12788556
File: 900 KB, 720x713, J3F9nKN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's hard to beat a pair of beautiful big brown eyes.

>> No.12788602


I've seen many Asians with lenses that would just enhance their iris

>> No.12788611

go play the victim somewhere else
people are entitled to their opinions

>> No.12788636


>Muh free speech.

>> No.12788655

post face lmaoooooooooooo

>> No.12788657

>post face on 4chan
Are you retarded?

Also you can't defend that ugly ass lips no matter how much you want to

>> No.12788853

wow they're beautiful! I wish mine had a heart shaped birthmark

>> No.12788916
File: 46 KB, 500x333, 1422732811768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is sad, you're literally pulling shit out of your ass at this point. It's fine to find him not to your preference but you're literally bullshitting now just to cope

The state of this board top kek.

>> No.12788922

I don't understand at all why girls want blue eyes, mine are a mix of blue and green somewhat. I so badly want brown eyes.

>> No.12788977

>Just to cope
That's what you tell yourself to feel better? Sorry I wouldn't even consider dating someone so ugly looking, maybe handsome for black standards, but every second white (Asian too) boy I see looks far better
His lips are too big, dry looking and brown, it's honestly disgusting, the rest is pretty average, except of hair which is 3/10

>> No.12788983
File: 153 KB, 899x1124, rianne van rompaey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Asian too)

confirmed for butt mad ugly chink. chinks are all ugly

>> No.12789053

lmao listen to this triggered little cunt

>> No.12789077

I'm not chink, and yeah, they are pretty ugly, but at least not black people level ugly

>Haha triggered XD
Go back to Facebook

>> No.12789086

>yeah Im backpedaling now (not a chink btw wink wink)

shut your ugly ass up

>> No.12789126

why so mad subhuman nigger?he said he is already not asian, out of arguement huh? you still have muh dick arguement you can use

>> No.12789194

is that what christian arabs call themselves now kek

>> No.12789215
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1436769497688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this buttblasted

All you needed to say was you don't find them attractive or nothing at all you autismo supreme.

>assmad chink trying to dmg ctrl

>> No.12789220
File: 577 KB, 600x580, 1440635408140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me pretend to be someone else in order to defend myself.

At least put in some effort and change your typing style. How obvious can you be you tard.

>> No.12789233

t.buttblasted whiteboi

>> No.12789240

Why do you think? Every asian has the same hair/eye color so it's a way for them to be more individual

>> No.12789245

lmao do you think you are replying to same person? fucking kek whatever makes you alright fucking nigger

>> No.12789252
File: 110 KB, 286x217, 1472584144201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone would defend a random person on 4chan of all places
>trying this hard to damage control

whatever you say friendo :^)

>> No.12789261

Lmao what
Can you really not spot the difference between the writing style?

>> No.12789267

I exactly said that but nice try

Also do you have some kind of chink complex? Does imagining me being one (even though I clearly stated I'm not) make you feel better?

>> No.12789275

Yes, a lot of people reply to me, but it's totally impossible for more than one person to reply to you
I always love the "haha it's you and whatever you say it's you because only you are able to reply to me XD *funnyfacereaction.png*" logic

>> No.12789278
File: 49 KB, 330x319, 1461019355550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poster count didn't go up

my sides have left orbit. the gig is up, stop embarassing yourself.

i'll leave you to fight your one man battle.

>> No.12789290

You are just embarrassing, but keep telling yourself that I'm him, if it helps you sleep at night

>> No.12789298

i hear ig is big in s.korea.
what are the best korean qt accounts to follow?

>> No.12789303

a foreign exchange student claimed korean girls (like boys) tend to be more conservative?
how thot are s.koreans compared to western thots?
best korean qt ig accounts to follow?

>> No.12789334
File: 133 KB, 776x678, 1465152903108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i'll be sleeping well anon.

not sure about you, considering how ravaged your butt is right now.

stay mad buddy xD

>> No.12789340

Wow how did you know? I'm currently sitting with ice dildo in arse for this burn

>> No.12789478

stop trying so hard lmao

>> No.12789557
File: 111 KB, 656x767, e00e3BqvgoVW8854MO8r2wKbcPrOfwMOJrOidAnMqNk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue eyes are nice, man. when light hits them at just the right angle they're even better

they definitely make bleach blonde looks work better for people, and if you're just naturally blonde with blue eyes then you already have so many colour options. as a guy with black hair and eyes (deep winter) it's kinda annoying to have to stick to a lot of dark shades and saturated hues. just take cobain for example, that guy rocked so many colours when he was blonde and he totally pulled off saturated red hair too

my oneitis has black hair and eyes too so i still get that facial harmony > colouring, but we all take an interest in fashion here and it would be nice to have more options within it. my friend with chestnut hair and blue eyes wants to dye his hair black and finds my black eyes really "intense" and "emotive" so i totally get the grass-is-greener idea too. oh well

>> No.12790704

lmao this fucking nigger.where are you even from?Amerimutt?

>> No.12790711
File: 384 KB, 1280x720, 1468184496126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me come back the next day and continue my dead arguement

your grave keeps getting deeper m'man

>> No.12791185

You replied to 2 random people, not me, I know that it suits you really much to go with "hahahahah you are one person xD" shit but it's been a day, maybe you should try something new as this gets boring

>> No.12791215


>> No.12791220

why do manlets wear boots?

>> No.12791244

Women act like fucking birds to stand out for dominant males.

>> No.12791377

almost blind/10

>> No.12791419
File: 322 KB, 1024x683, 1373706120_74c0ba9d4f_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets invented boots

>> No.12791441
File: 66 KB, 461x611, wants-to-be-asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> straighten hair and dye it jet black
> asian tattoos
> want to have kids with asian women
> post on asian basketweaving board

Damn these white people really want to be asian

>> No.12791520

I'm Korean and my grandpa has naturally green eyes and my great uncle (other side of the family) has naturally blue eyes. I don't know if that's just because they are old and eye color fades with age or something.

>> No.12791534

Yeah, actually a lot of weebs want to be Asian, that's not a secret

>> No.12791583
File: 11 KB, 250x241, 1479660221984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going
>tells me to try something new
>is still here seething from yesterdays rage

it's time to turn off desktop notifications bud

>> No.12791595

Firstly, I'm she, as I mentioned before. Second, calm down, you act like literal middle schooler, I know it's hard to believe that this board has more than 2 people on it but it's actually true. You sound like the one who is mad, especially that you keep replying, but ofc hahafunnyreaction.png makes you look like you don't write it with red face and shaking hands, at least that's what you believe. And I don't use computer for this

>> No.12791768


>> No.12791805

*Picture of smug rhianna*

>> No.12792045

I noticed this too it's comical. For these people being white is the only thing they have to be proud of, they usually lack any type of personal accomplishments so they tend to latch on to whiteness and the greatness of other white people.