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File: 24 KB, 650x366, Black-Hairstyle-for-Balding-Men-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12783838 No.12783838 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>12758481

share your routine, your current status/progress, ask questions, be nice.

>> No.12783861

I am on fine but not sure if it really helps. Not sure if the side effects I think I feel (if they are real or just invention of my worried mind) really worth the effects of the medication. I can't say I observe a regrowth but still I think my hair kinda stop falling, which is good.
Another thing, I shaved my head this summer and the result was quite good, so I am slowly considerating to quite fine and just accept it...

I hope you baldies also took the opportunity to shave or buzz this summer, I definitely recommand

>> No.12783874

Must be a real shame for people who can easily afford great, convincing hair plugs, but can't actually have them because they've balded too much, and can't reverse it without appearing vain.

>> No.12783875

ive slowed mine down just by only shampooing every other day and taking lukewarm showers/turn down the temp when you are showering your scalp. i hope someone comes up with a cure for receding hairline soon, im dealing with this bullshit at 21. age?

>> No.12783905

I've been visibly balding for about 4 years now. My hairline hasn't receded that much but it got super thin on top and especially at the crown, so everything longer than a few millimeters looks stupid.

I just keep it buzzed at 3mm, might have to go shorter if it gets worse but for now 3mm is fine. No way I'm fucking around with those meds just to desperately try and hold on to what's clearly a lost cause. I'd be lying if I said I don't care, obviously I'd rather have the option of being able to choose any hairstyle I want, but buzzcuts look pretty good on me and I'm in my 30s anyway so it's not that big a deal.

>> No.12783909
File: 441 KB, 1494x950, 1506197208701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

November, 2016 / September, 2017. 20 years old, 8 months on fin (1 mg per day) and minoxidil (2 applications per day).

>> No.12783914
File: 32 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.1010959184_8vee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sware this thing is a life saver. Its completely slowed my loss and got rid of the itchy scalp i had. Hairs also thicker than usual. I use it once or twice a week and i dont feel like im even balding anymore. My hairloss wasnt aggressive to begin with but i love this thing. cheap as dirt too

>> No.12783949

Interesting, I'll get one this weekend and test it out. Thanks for this tho

>> No.12783953

Finasteride is cheap as fuck and should significantly improve anyone's condition. I'm tired as fuck as seeing men bitch about balding when it exists.
>b-b-but prostate cancer
Enjoying being insecure.

>> No.12783963

thats not the only side effect. Many people get the brain fog and general fatigue. some people get depressed too. its not an easy decision for everyone to mess with your hormones, which are a major part of what literally makes you you

>> No.12783980
File: 989 KB, 1440x774, bronson21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still have all my hair but this is my plan for when i start to lose it. shave it off, grow a stache, bulk up, get some cool shades. ive been a twink my whole life so it'll be refreshing to change it up.

>> No.12784004


you get it anon, rock short hair until you have any baldness on the top then go full bald and own it.

all this pseudoscience snake oil shit aint gonna stop you from being bald - you can't fight genetics and anyone who tries to argue you can is in denial

>> No.12784009
File: 82 KB, 600x399, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12784036

I wouldn't mind if this happens in my 40's but damn at 21 no man should suffer this.

>> No.12784051

30 something, slow bald (small crown spot, receeding widows peak. I just don't care. I keep my hair cut to complement, don't fall into the trappings of combovers, and just accept that that is my age.

>> No.12784054

i dont get why he doesnt shave his head, for real you can picture him without hair and he would look alot better, he has a good head shape for being bald.
for real tho just keep your hair short and once you hit like a norwood 3 or higher just shave it if youre balding.
grow a beard/stuble if you have full facial hair

running a trimmer w/ no gaurd over your head once or twice a week probably takes less time then styling your hair everyday

>> No.12784058

Is this a complete alternative to nizoral?

I've heard people mention it on tressless too and am wondering if it's just the same etsy seller shilling it everywhere.

>> No.12784070

its a great natural alternative imo. and no im not a shill, ive seen it on tresslees too. nizoral worked too but not as good as this. the itching is completely gone now and i havnt shed in a while. Its worth a try for only like $4. Smells a little "herbal" but i dont mind it

>> No.12784085
File: 55 KB, 1000x793, kentbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one ever mention military brushes?

I mean it doesn't provide enough stimulation to have an affect on hairloss but it's an absolute lifesaver if you have dandruff and or use stuff like niz that makes your hair look like shit. Been using this for only 2 days and I don't remember the last time my hair looked and felt this good

>> No.12784152

what's the difference between this and a normal bore bristle brush?

>> No.12784192
File: 173 KB, 387x184, Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 5.10.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably just the shape and higher density of bristles, more ideal for getting straight to the scalp.

Kent in particular is high quality. Here's one of the same model from an amazon review that lasted the guy 55 years.

>> No.12784344

i'm 18 and i'm already balding my dudes. i started taking minoxidil but obviously i can't keep taking it my whole life so i'm planning on leaving it when it's more and less acceptable being bald, what to do think is the ideal age?

>> No.12784415

if you bald before 18 its really bad
before 22 still sucks
before 26 is sooner than average
after 30 it doesnt matter unless you are trying to be an actor in non-action films

>> No.12784942

Minoxidil can be used for life

>> No.12784946

More like Cope general

>> No.12785029
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1944, 1484607535016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started balding at 18
>Almost completely bald at 22

Feels bad man

>> No.12785052

Gentiles bald the earliest

>> No.12785060

Are you sure it isn't just 'maturing'?

>> No.12785184

you look like if thom yorke shaved his entire beard but his moustache

>> No.12785344
File: 100 KB, 881x719, pceboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys, I'm 19 and balding like a motherfucker. its so fucking depressing that ive given up on looking presentable at all, i dress like shit and stopped eating (i used to lift and have a nice build, now im just skinny).

gods have literally stricken me guys, I'm short, bald, ugly, and anxious/retarded. treasure what you have and be glad you have it

>> No.12785393


I got the sample bar of this. It makes you smell like lemongrass/weeds. good ingredients tho. Didn't make my hair feel as good as olive oil shampoo or Shea Moisture products.

Honestly I'm really close to just making my own shampoo for cheap. mix some shit like biotin/argon/kelp/keratin/aloe/coconut/castor/peppermint oil all together. Apparently all of them help in some way

>> No.12785399

21 years old, first noticed balding at age 19. Rapid thinning, probably a NW3 at this point. Crown is starting to go but not visible yet.
I tried finasteride back in February but quit after I couldn’t get an erection after taking the pill for a week or so. Didn’t want to fuck up my hormones any longer and was worried even worse symptoms could arise.
I’ll probably shave next summer. Gonna try bulking up until then.
It’s a shitty feeling that I barely got to enjoy my hair in my adult years, and I still can’t even grow a decent beard. Basically accepted that I’ll be alone in my twenties.

>> No.12785408

thanks you just made me feel way better
rogaine doesn't work?

>> No.12785596

Can I still aim for anime haircut if I have a receding hairline?

>> No.12785801

either shave or get hair transplant
half-way measures look the worst
t.balding at 24 and shaving anon

>> No.12785806

I have some thinning on the front, does that mean I'm definitely bound to lose all the hair on that part, or can it stay like this for a long time? If I'm losing it, will it happen fast?

>> No.12785810
File: 27 KB, 650x835, IMG_3241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs to and I would respect him for doing it.

>> No.12785917

dude this is like barely balding. and his hair still looks great.not everyone has a perfectly straight low hairline

>> No.12786127

... are you dump? Thats Jude Law(the guy in OP's pic) pre-hairloss.

I agree, he should go for the reconstruction. He could afford that stem cell treatment thing where they grow the hairs for him, so he wouldnt need donors taken from the back.

>> No.12786196
File: 86 KB, 292x292, 1497889934172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall fuckers are pathetic. if you can't stand it just shave it all you pussy fuck. if you want to keep it, it might give you more character or whatever

man you all act like it's the end of the world or something, fucking faggots. i'm thinning on the crown and i don't give a fuck, i still fuck bitches, nothing has changed, no one cares and if they do, you wouldn't want them in your life anyways.

>> No.12786253

Daily reminder that your gens come 50% from father 50% from mother, so even if your father is bald you still have a chance to avoid part of the damage thanks to your mother's dad.

>> No.12786284

when will tsuji save us lads?

>> No.12786290

I'm so sorry about that anon, don't give up hope though! There's is always a look or style out there that could suit you very well, you just gotta keep looking.

>> No.12786415

that must be pretty fucking painfull, getting your head stabbed thousands and thousands of times

>> No.12786444

All you young dudes need to take the effort and money you would waste on trying to halt balding need to divert those resources to fitness.
Hit the gym hard, get used to weighted pull-ups and just buzz or bic your head. Become that big dude not the bald dude.

>> No.12786866

30 sounds early bro. 40-50 is the range

>> No.12786869

An age quickest. Think its the drinkin an smokin culture. Like slavs like vodka south likes wine north west like beer n whiskey.

>> No.12786896

How long have you been on Fin and are you doing Minoxidil along with it?

If you feel ok with being bald then I would just quit the Fin. The side-effects are nasty and permanent if they hit you.

>> No.12786900

Yeah, if I was in my 30's I wouldn't really care much. But I'm 23... big difference.

>> No.12786902

What exactly does Niz do to your hair looks wise? Dry it out real bad?

>> No.12786910

>appearing vain

He's an actor. Actors are basically models of sorts. His career revolves around his looks. What difference does it make to him if some people think he appears vain. I honestly can't understand why he hasn't done anything about it.

>> No.12787314
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x1836, 20170927_023938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzed it, ordered fin, I hope I actually get it cause I'm too scared to ask a doctor for a prescription for something this dumb, should be arriving in a month tops. You think this is salvageable? I used to have a straight hairline. 21 atm.

>> No.12787353

your head looks fine, let it go, start lifting, make your shoulders bigger, do neck exercises

>> No.12787764

30 still early but people don't care

>> No.12787771

He was such a handsome guy when he was young, damn.

>> No.12787776

Good head shape on top. Would keep it buzzed desu unless your jaw is horrendous

>> No.12787779

You guys have been gaslit. Male Pattern Baldness usually starts "early."
Actors use wigs and baldness retardants until they become less bankable or stop giving a fuck. That's why they bald when you think it's supposed to happen.

>> No.12787813

45 here. Starting thinning a bit on top this year. Shut sucks

>> No.12787860

Why does he "need" to. He's balding, but he looks fine now. Who cares?

>> No.12787902

shut the fuck up dude. You got 20 more years of hair than most of the other anons in this thread, myself included.

>> No.12787941
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170927_084000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all think you have it bad? Just look at the reflection on the ceiling.

>> No.12787948
File: 234 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-478480126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently on bicalutamide n estradiol, goin good

>> No.12787953

It's OK, bro

>> No.12787962

I know, I'm just a bit jealous of 50 year old dudes with perfect hairline and crown.
But thankfully I have my life together at this point, have gf, a job, go to uni, and gym, so I don't really care.

>> No.12788004

Anyone know if using antidepressants can cause hair loss/thinning? I was on Venlafaxine for 6~ months and noticed my hair thinning slightly at the start. Then it seemed a lot worse once the dose was increased. Just from googling it seems like a few other people have reported similar hair loss.

I'm just wondering whether its worth waiting to see if its MPB or just the medication. Would it be worth just going on minoxidil to be safe?

>> No.12788006

Yes, it is possible, but who knows what it is in your case.

>> No.12788007

So the most fa thing to do is buzz if you can still pull it off,

and muted dark colours is the way to go?

>> No.12788059

Depression and anxiety can cause hair loss

>> No.12788064
File: 512 KB, 900x864, dstld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's you guys' opinion on hair plugs on regular guys?
I've been saving up for the procedure since I've been at a good job.
Is the procedure good enough nowadays?
What happens to the rest of your hairline behind the plugs?

And also, how does it come off to other people when you show up and you clearly have had some work done on your hair?

I would rock the buzz but it doesn't work on my head shape. Too big.

>> No.12788075

Been taking fin for around 5 months. Literally only side is slightly watery cum. Erections are same strength as ever. Haven't lost a single hair in at least 3 months, whereas I used to have a handful if i tan my hand through my hair.


it won't effect your libido or sexual ability unless you were already a low-test beta to begin with in which case you've already lost no matter what you do.

>> No.12788169

But is it possible to regrow hair lost by depression/anxiety/stress?

>> No.12788177

I knew a girl that lost hair when her dad died, she did recover it but it took a whole year.

>> No.12788616

women are so weak...

>> No.12788678

>without appearing vain
Who gives a shit?
I would rather look good and be considered vain than look bad and be considered humble.

It's the same with plastic surgery, I've heard of people who WANT to do it but are afraid their friends/family will give them shit for it. Who cares? If you want to do it and you think it will make you feel and look better, go for it.

Same goes for growing your hair out as a male, or stuff like that.

>> No.12788690

Just go for a hair transplant, idk how much more expensive it is but it's definitely less noticeable.

>> No.12788696

"fucking bitches" isn't even that hard, especially if you have low standards.

I want lots of girls lusting after me because I'm a vain narcissistic appearance-obsessed piece of shit and I can't stand being fucked over by genetics.

Also, get the fuck out of /fa/ please

>> No.12788697

You call this balding?

>> No.12788761

who are you lying to you fat motherfucker

>> No.12789221

I noticed following considering hair genetics

Type 1
>full hair into their 90s
>full beard growth
>just going grey

Type 2
>going bald early
>full beard growth

Type 3
>going bald early
>shitty beard

Type 3
>full hair into their 90s
>shit beard growth

Guess what type i got from this fucking cruel universe?

>> No.12789292
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1445722183259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feeling of envy when someone has a full, straight hairline all the way down their forehead, an inch above their eyebrows

god FUCKING damnit i hate thinning hair. It's long, too, and I don't want to get rid of it because it can look good in the right settings, but absolutely terrible 70% of the rest of the time

>> No.12789293

me too bro
outsidercore with dark colors, shaved/buzzed

>> No.12789367

>straight hairline all the way down their forehead, an inch above their eyebrows
But that's a monkey forehead, you don't want that

>> No.12789516

Guys, c'mon.
None of this shit works.
You're buying a band aid for your insecurity. If this stuff was real, there would be no bald rich men.
The only good advice going around this issue in the thread is to get fit.

>> No.12789529

What are you talking about?
There are plenty of examples of rich guys who got a great head of hair after transplants.
Just check out Matthew Mcconaughey.

The ones that are bad are the ones that did it when the practice was just in its infancy.

>> No.12789825
File: 286 KB, 480x640, dds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea mate, but this was me two years ago, you tell me

finasteride and minoxidil are proven to work, it just tends to not be worth the hassle. but it does work.

>> No.12789836

Are you hairlets extra careful with the towel when drying your hair after washing it?

>> No.12789913

Any side effects from the fin?

>> No.12790375
File: 247 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went full on bald and my confidence has skyrocketed balding friend please just shave, its the best thing ive ever done,

t, guy that had 2 feet of hair

>> No.12790380

not at all, my dick is fine, I got a little fatter, ain't sure if it's a side effect from the fin/minox

>> No.12790387

Yeah man, I'm type 3 too, FUCKING SHIT

>> No.12790816

Using genetics as an excuse isn't very /fa/ is it? I thought it was all about working with what you have. Even if you don't feel confident in the way you look, strut as if you do. That is what makes people attractive. That is what makes people lust after you even if you AREN'T their type. Trust me, I'm female and I've felt genuine attraction to lots of people society would deem unattractive just because how their confidence. Perfect looks matter much less to women than you would think.

>> No.12790820

>If this stuff was real, there would be no bald rich men.
Have you considered, anon, that the rich men who are bald choose to go bald, and the non-bald ones just manage to keep people from knowing their secret because they can afford it.

>> No.12790828

>Perfect looks matter much less to women than you would think.

I'm gay and my thinning hair is absolutely killing me. There's this hedonist stereotype among the gay community, also the dangerous thought that you are competing against women, so losing hair is pretty much a death sentence to me. I don't give an absolute fuck about the shave and /fit/ meme on these threads, I'd feel like I'd be a completely different person if I did that.

>> No.12790860
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>> No.12790864

Good choice, now lose weight and trim beard.

>> No.12790873


>> No.12790898

Im givin you the benefit of doubt and assume you really are a woman. Even ignoring the retarded notion that girls don't care about looks, your opinion on attractiveness is just that of one single individual: i've met girls who won't date bald guys cause they look "old" or "creepy", and even those who didnt care much confessed that an already attractive but balding/bald guy would look more attractive with hair

>> No.12790904

Mine did this at the same sage, it's been the same for a decade. It's just the loss of the adolescent hairline.

>> No.12791245

Been on fin and laser hair treatments for about 4/5 months, only noticeable effect so far is that I'm less stressed about it.

Got bad dick pains so im only taking fin every other day now. Still affecting my jizz so im assuming its still working, feel like it might not be worth it? What are anons thoughts

>> No.12791256


Looks like your balding loves you

>> No.12791968


>> No.12791990
File: 159 KB, 640x1136, B30E1A59-D3A4-4E32-9E4F-80E8AC816711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 baldfag
I can still pull it off but I really dont feel like going fully bald in the next years. Thinking about copping some hair for ~ 7k (I can afford it). Anyone did it? Still wondering if it is worth or not and there is no way I start taking (((pills))) everyday for the rest of my life

>> No.12792157
File: 59 KB, 692x552, clip (2017-09-28 at 05.24.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, how long do I have /mu/?

>> No.12792162 [DELETED] 

Another pic of (Me).

>> No.12792167


>> No.12792175
File: 63 KB, 575x555, ss (2017-09-28 at 05.25.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of (Me).

>> No.12792856
File: 71 KB, 450x600, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to shave it all off and start juicing? I don't see how I could redeem this, I'm 22.

>> No.12792914


>> No.12793087
File: 1.83 MB, 3536x2304, Hair Change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left is Before.
Right is currently a few hours ago.

What should I do with my mangy """beard"""?

>> No.12793097
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /wig/ here?

>> No.12793102
File: 2.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with glasses in same jacket for comparisons sake.

>> No.12793103

Just keep the hair ya fuck. O

>> No.12793105
File: 2.52 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And no glasses. Hopefully not sidewise this time...

>> No.12793415
File: 144 KB, 1024x576, file_zps762cf5d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< pic is not me

I had 3,200 FUE done by Dr Erdogan in Istanbul in early 2016

I can highly recommend the clinic. I stayed at a hotel prior to the surgery, then stayed at the surgery for 2 nights afterwards - they have their own suites, and they even bring food to you, pizzas or anything you want. They show you how to carefully cleanse the grafts and give you an aftercare pack.

>> No.12793582

Nice front
What was your density in the donor zone? How many hairs in each follicle?

>> No.12793607


That pic is not me

I think I have between 10k and 8k grafts left before the donor area would be depleted. I would say I have enough to ensure full coverage. It's so interesting how a man only needs good density at the hairline - the requirement just an inch behind the hairline is way less.

Total hairs 7400

2.30 hairs per graft

50 caliber

>> No.12793614


You are a good candidate emotionally, because you're already living with a receded hairline. If you have a conservative expectation, your donor hair will go a long way.

After FUE you could have mildly receded hairline locked in for life, which is better than being bald. A mature hairline looks distinguished anyway. You are fair haired, which is another factor in your favour, because there's less contrast versus the scalp.

>> No.12793617

>What happens to the rest of your hairline behind the plugs?

If you are on Fin or Minoxidil, the hairloss year by year should not be dramatic.

Let's say you had a transplant in 2018, then in 2020 or 2021 you sensed you may need another. You could buy time with the folllowing;

-cut hair shorter
-use less product, or a volumising product
-style it differently
-use one of those spray hair cans (getting a bit drastic)

Point is, you'd be in control of the situation and be able to plan for another procedure 6 or 12 months down the line. The hair loss will not suddenly come out of nowhere.

>> No.12793766

I think so. My hairline was getting a little weird due to a combination of a thyroid issue, the meds I took for the issue, and an anxiety problem that affected me in my early 20s for a few years. My thyroid issue is in remission, I’m not on the meds, and I’ve learned to control/get over my anxiety and my hair looks better than it has in years imo. The average person probably hasn’t noticed much change but 19 year old me would probably be surprised that 26 year old current me still looks like how I do

Number one advice I have for you: do some sort of cardio exercise for 30-45min at least 3x a week (if you don’t already). Not only is this huge for anxiety and depression but it’s essential for hormones and shit for your body to function well (which includes hair growth). Human beings were not designed to be inactive

>> No.12793946

I got oily hair so I can see my scalp (+4 days without washing hair), but when I wash my hair I don't see any scalp, forehead is 6cm vertical, age 21, am I safe?

>> No.12794117

thanks senpai

>> No.12794401

nice gains bro, caught it early

anti-androgens stop hair loss faggot.

take fin man. i started balding bad at your age and now 32 and it saved my hair

get on propecia dude, there is no need to go bald at 18, that's a nightmare. i've been on propecia since i was 21 and now 32 with a fullhead.

a cure shouldn't be that far away anon. you should be set by the time you are 25 that's still young as fuck. research setipiprant.

soon bro. we're all gonna make it. maybe 5 years max before something is available in japan.

not really, and you should only be using that shit about 2x a week anyways.

take the fin and keep what you have. you might even gain some ground if you get on the big 3

youngfags always think it will be easier to bald when you are older. not really. it's still you. you're still losing your fucking hair.

get on fin + minox + niz shamoo asap. you are a good candidate man, you still have some hairline going.

take fucking finasteride you autistic faggot. why would you risk losing your hair??

it works if you catch it before NW3. bald rich men didn't treat their hair loss early enough.

it doesn't matter.

you can pull off the bald look, one of the very few types who can. as others mentioned trim that fucking beard and lose some weight.

you are just starting bro. could lose it in 2 years, could have it 20 more... i'd hop on some sort of med if i were you, you'll be really fucked if you go bald but look decent with hair.

you'll be wrecked if you lose the rest. you have the same head/face shape as me. save that shit with fin and grow it a little longer to shrink your forehead.

ditch the fucking glasses mate. also don't smile in pics you are actually somewhat aesthetic and can rock the short haircut

>> No.12794608

>its so fucking depressing that ive given up on looking presentable at all, i dress like shit and stopped eating (i used to lift and have a nice build, now im just skinny).

Ridiculous, anon. Shaved head + in good shape is one of the great looks for a man. Bald + skinny is not a good look unless you're into specific aesthetics. Get back in the gym.

>> No.12794611
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hey /fa/ i love rick, but i am balding. what can i do?

>> No.12794782

Thats a widows peak...

>> No.12794817

>"fucking bitches" isn't even that hard
I see you're new to /fa/.

>> No.12794822

I imagine you're just using going bald as a way to hide from your tepid personality.

>> No.12794871

>21 DYEL with noticeable hairloss
>mild thinning on top
>pretty bad widows peak appearing
>shit ton of hairs in the drain
>got on minox 2 years ago, slightly slowed down the hairloss
>got on fin 1 year ago, all my hair is a lot thicker and luscious, crown back to 100%, widows peak actually reversed but the new hair was still thin-ish
>started derma-rolling hairline as well 5 months ago, hairline hairs are short but waaay thicker

Now I'm 25, my hair has never looked healthier and my balding is practically gone. I even used minox on my beard for the last few months, went from patchy to lumberjack mode
Through this ordeal I also started working out 3x a week, cut out fast/junk food and smoking

Ironically my crippling fear of balding really changed my life for the better, anyone else know this feel?

>> No.12794883

similar but not hair related
>woke up with chest pains, went to hospital
>got checked out, a scare, but no heart problems at all even w/ obesity
>turns out i pulled a pec muscle at a party the night before while drunk (was supporting myself with both arms behind me holding onto a trampoline, one arm slipped and the other held on while i slipped)
>ended up losing 50 pounds in 8 months to try and stop any possibility of heart problems in its tracks
down from snug in a 2xl to comfy in a XL, broad shoulders will most likely keep me in a large though
also went from 44 pants size to fitting tightly in a 38, hopefully gonna get to 36 my christmas

>> No.12796001

do a flip faggot

>> No.12796258
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When hair is so great, why do some men look better bald?

Ironically its always high test ones.

>> No.12796281

>ITT: unfashionable losers use their hair (or lack thereof) as an excuse for being an unfashionable loser

never gonna make it

>> No.12796592

i'm scared about the side effects of propecia especially the erectile dysfunction thing. have you experienced someting like that?
also isn't just better to take safer dht blockers?

>> No.12796686
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>tfw minodoxil actually starts working even though i'm only applying it once a day

>> No.12797008

he's ugly bald too

>> No.12797024


Hope you don't plan on having kids.

>> No.12797213

minodoxil, not finasteride. and i'm not planning to have any, no.

>> No.12797397

When I stopped taking fin, my libido went absolutely crazy for a week. I was was having wet dreams all the fucking night, and I was always waking up with a hard on.

>> No.12798526

I'm only 22 and of course my fast thinning is scaring the shit out of me, but I don't know how to feel about finasteride. Am I supposed to take a pill every single day of my life from now on? Because that sounds a bit odd, I can imagine it will have some secondary effects in the long run. Is it the same with minoxidil, am I supposed to apply it every day or else my hair will go back to balding?

I just feel like it's a dangerous balance.

>> No.12798653

Just take minidoxil. Applying it takes like 30 seconds, so that's one minute of your day in order to stop hair loss. When you get old enough to stop caring whether you're bald or not, you can just stop using it. For me, the side effects of finasteride aren't worth it. I'd rather be bald than having a 1% chance of losing my libido.

>> No.12798773

I've been on Fin for over 10 years

Some days as horny as fuck. I think it's easy for ageing men to blame Fin for a diminishing sex drive. What if they're out of shape, or their GF is stale, or they're stressed at work?

Nonetheless I don't dismiss the reports entirely.

I'd be curious to go on Minoxidil for 6 months, come off Fin, and see what happens in terms of hair loss and energy

For me, Fin has possibly slowed my hair loss. I've had one FUE, and I think I'll maybe have another 4 or 5 years from now

I have used Minoxidil in the past, but I found it such a hassle to apply, whereas Fin you just pop a pill

>> No.12799110
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Getting a big 'smiley' scar on the back of your head in 2017/2018 in excange for a few sparse plugs would be the dumbest thing.

Shiseido and Dr. Tsuji/Kyocera/RIKEN partner Organ Technologies are almost done with their cloning Trials.
>“We are currently pursuing research and development with a view to clinical application of hair follicle regeneration as the world’s first organ regeneration in humans in 2018”

Unlike FDA in USA, japs allow expedited research and quicker release to market. Rich people will just wait till this one is ready and drop 20-50k to get back unlimited thick hair.
Sucks if you are poor.

>> No.12799131
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I buzzed my head with no guard this summer when I realised that sun has become my biggest enemy.
FUCK THAT, I was not gonna sit inside or become a hat prisoner just because sunlight goes through to my balding dome.

>> No.12799278

JUST. Did he wear a wig on Mad Men?

>> No.12799322

how is mino a hassle to apply? takes me like 30se c just massaging it into the scalp

>> No.12799324
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Playing guitar makes you look super cool even if you are balding.

>> No.12799357

Can you post a pic of your current hair? I'm seriously considering getting as much follicles transplanted as humanly possible some time in the future and ideally I'd like to avoid a strip scar

>> No.12799367

You pull it off very well. I'd keep the beard just gradient the side burns a bit

>> No.12799468
File: 14 KB, 439x250, IMG_20171001_145317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame. He was really good looking when he was younger

>> No.12799479

my dick damn near doubled in length

now bitches can't get enough of my four inch dick

>> No.12799554

>how is mino a hassle to apply? takes me like 30se c just massaging it into the scalp

I was probably being over fussy

I would do one "line" of drops front to back down the middle, then another line just to the left and just to the right

Do you do it with a wet scalp?

I wash my hair every other day... I wonder if it would really matter if the application is only 5 days out of 7 (I'm feeling lazy or in a hurry)

>> No.12799731

Even if it's approved, it's a new technology with unknown effects on the long run. Maybe it's better than what we have now, maybe not. Maybe you get great hair but you turn deaf.
But you can never know the true side effects until decades have passed
