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File: 88 KB, 640x640, streetwear shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12780645 No.12780645 [Reply] [Original]

I went out looking similar to the girl in the picture, however with a different hoodie and with plain black tights.

I was trying to push my boundaries and get out of my comfort zone, try new styles of streetwear or whatever, but I've subtly come to regret my decision, since I clearly felt stared at, got whistled at and shit, and I just have this question: is a girl wearing shorts always somehow sexual?

I just wanted to aesthetically please myself, and out of naivety didn't think twice about wearing what I did.

What are you guys' thoughts on this?

>> No.12780647

Where do you live?

>> No.12780648

>dress like a slut
>wonder why guys sexualize you

The mind boggles

>> No.12780657

I'm not walking around naked, am I?
I'm wearing fucking shorts. 10 year olds wear them. Are they all sluts too?

>> No.12780665

Russia. Part of the problem, definitely, but I'm curious about how it is in other places.

>> No.12780673


If they are dressed like the OP it is a safe bet.

Dress like a hooker, get treated like one. Where exactly is the problem with that?

If some dude out on the street is dressed like a bum, you are going to treat him like one.

>> No.12780674

Can you post pics of the fit?

>> No.12780685

>Dress like a hooker, get treated like one. Where exactly is the problem with that?
Well it's retarded fucking way of seeing the world
People dressing like cosplaying cyborgninjas in techwear don't get 'treated as ones' nor do people dressing full milsurp treated like veterans or mercenaries
I dress like I'm coming or going to a funeral but people don't come to me and tell me how sorry they are about my loss, your shits retarded

>> No.12780701

What's wrong with getting stared at and whistled at? I'd love it if girl did that to me

>> No.12780707


You actually believe that the way you dress has no effect on the way that people see you and behave towards you...

haha woooooooooow.

I'm not defending the idiots that made OP feel uncomfortable. I'm just telling you how it is. That's the world we live in.

>> No.12780712

>You actually believe that the way you dress has no effect on the way that people see you and behave towards you...
I claimed no such thing, stop putting words in my mouth because you don't like what I'm saying you brainlet.

>> No.12780713
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Not posting it on me, but there you go. Also wore plain black tights under it.

It's not exactly like the fit in the picture, but it was the closest thing I could find to it. And I know the shoes are trash, but I'm broke so I gotta do with that.

>> No.12780724


Looks reasonable to me.
Unless the shorts are TOO short?

>> No.12780729

See, I get that what you wear will affect what people think of you, but the thing is, when going out I wasn't intending on it to be a 'sexy' look or whatever.

What my initial question wasn't "Why are sluttily dressed girls treated like sluts?"
It was whether girls dressed in shorts are always percieved as being slutty or sexual.

>> No.12780735

Those are fucking short shorts, of course those are sexual, half your ass is hanging out of that shit.

>> No.12780736

>It was whether girls dressed in shorts are always percieved as being slutty or sexual.

I don't know about "always"

Much of women's clothing is designed or evolved to non-verbally convey sexual vulnerability.

Based on your experience, would you say that some people perceived your shorts as slutty or sexual?

The answer is obviously yes. So you came here looking for some kind of validation about the uncomfortable feelings you had.

You wanted to push your boundaries and that's great. You pushed out into a place that made you feel uncomfortable, and that is part of the learning process.

>> No.12780740

Damn. What a heart-warming reply. Thank you, anon.

>> No.12780746

I suppose they might have been. For our piece of shit communist society at least. :^)

>> No.12780747

most men will perceive any half attractive girl in a sexual manner, you're just speeding up the process. don't be too upset

>> No.12780770
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probably made you feel good, right? so now you come to /fa/ to defend your conscious mind against your subconscious - reinterpreting the good feeling as "look at how these evil men treat me"
>subtly regret
yeah, keep telling yourself that...

>> No.12780781

Yeah, you're absolutely right, except I'm asexual and don't want much to do with people gawking over my body.

>> No.12780782

As a guy I've never seen the point of catcalling, but it's not going anywhere. If it was especially bad, it might be a cultural thing, cuz that outfit is pretty tame for American standards.

I used to think women were overreacting about catcalling/sexual attention. Then I walked through a gay neighborhood alone at 18. It was creepy as fuck. It felt more like guys wanted to eat me than fuck me. I can't even explain the level of creepiness, but the womem already know.

Anyways, that one day is vividly burnt into my head. Can't imagine dealing with that on the daily, but I also can't imagine that the 16yr old frogposters on here are part of the problem.

>> No.12780785
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Here marks the troll line.

Everyone below this post is getting trolled.

>> No.12780796

Will my family disown me when they find out I was trolled on an anonymous imageboard??? I need to know before I post. Hury!!!!1

>> No.12780798

I don't even have to dress like that to get catcalled.
You must be really fucking ugly if no one has done this to you before.
I sound like a bitch but it's true. uwu

>> No.12780824

Shit, that's fucked. Sorry you had to go through that.

It makes me pretty upset that people are so judgemental of eachother nowadays. It wasn't just guys either, I even caught women giving me a second look-over and being like 'tf is she wearing'.

Makes me wish I lived in Korea or some shit, where streetwear isn't considered to be a sign of having 10 brain cells or less.

But yeah, it's probably just a Russia thing then.

>> No.12780836

lol jesus christ don't worry anon we'll find the guy that stole your testosterone and make sure this never happens to you again

>> No.12780842

Look at you, so confident. I wonder how much courage it took you to post that on an anonymous message board.

>> No.12780881

I have shorts of the same length and it cover whole butt, if shorts are shaped like panties (T shape) then it will show your butt, if it's H shape it won't

>> No.12780887

If you don't have huge tits/ass/hips and get catcalled it means you are pretty, if you do, then it just means men noticed that additional fat in wanted places

>> No.12780917

Probably because if a girl forced coitus on you, you theoretically wouldn't lose anything if she hit and ran; she would be the one who had to carry the baby. If you're a girl, then you either have to get stuck with the guy's kid or cough up for the abortion.

That also is why reverse catcalling just doesn't happen, because women not only have more to lose from being raped but less to gain from raping. Makes having a female on male rape fetish feelsbadman, but that's just the way of the world.

>> No.12780961


Men and women will judge you no matter how you dress. If you leave the house dressed in modest, clean, fashionable clothes there are going to be people who think you're a stuck up, pretensions bitch. I've seen guys make sexual comments about catholic nuns, women that have taken a vow of celibacy, and covered from head to toe in the most boring clothes ever, yet men will still try. You're never going to be able to please everyone.

>> No.12780975
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>> No.12780977
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>> No.12780982
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>wear short pants and pantyhose/stockings/fishnets
>getting mad that men look at her
dumb fucking roastie, lmao
why the fuck would you wear sexy clothing if you dont expect any looks?

>> No.12781029
File: 158 KB, 1280x963, 1504369216267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't being slutty by any stretch BUT you are probably showing off leg.

Maybe you have great legs! Cool! Consider yourself fortunate. I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't expect creepy, horny men are going to catcall you. As its seen in this thread, that's going to happen in this world.

Can you own it? Do you feel confident? If the answer is no then don't wear that. That look IS considered cute. Style ultimately boils down to you. Wear what you like, what makes you feel comfortable, feel confident.

This is a fine fit, lady. I don't see anything "slutty" about it. If you like it, then be happy and own it.

>> No.12781136

I used to dress like this but with lighter colors back in middle school. It's a pretty cute look, but does read a bit hookery.

>> No.12781168
File: 8 KB, 384x216, yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I was trying to push my boundaries and get out of my comfort zone

Here's something you can try: take a pic of urself and put it in WAYWT.

>I went out looking similar to the girl in the picture

There's a lot of factors that created that aesthetic, and ur not qualified to make this judgement. The best way to get a better understanding of what you look like to poor guys / rich guys / guys on crack is to consistently photograph and get feedback on YOUR fits. then you can manipulate what a certain demographic thinks about you.

tl;dr: everybody that posts a pic of somebody else and then claims to look like that for purposes of discussion should be forced to lurk for like 3 months (except for posting self in waywt)

>> No.12781192

Underaged girls here in Spain wear these super slutty shorts where half of the ass is showing and sre whistled at

>> No.12781196

wtf i love spain now?!?

>> No.12781211

depends, your height/weight and ass.
hit the squat rack if you need more ass.

>> No.12781237

>Shorts with black tights

It's fine in my religion

>> No.12781256

>winter with snow
>leave legs completely open
Enjoy infertility and ruined vagina cunt.

>> No.12781262

>I just wanted to aesthetically please myself
lmao fuck off slav cunt

>> No.12781286
File: 63 KB, 760x534, Fahad-Arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could wear that in Finland and no Finnish man would dare to look, let alone whistle, at you. Arab and Somali refugees might rape-murder you tho.

>> No.12781290

Someone's salty that he won't get a hot Slav gf

>> No.12781295

It's autumn and she had tights

>> No.12781320 [DELETED] 

You dressed sexually provactivally. What more is there to get? Unless you don't know what actually are turn ons for men.

Fishnets and shorts are more sexually arousing than a swimsuit for me.

>> No.12781323

You dressed sexually provocatively. What more is there to get? Unless you don't know what actually are turn ons for men.

Fishnets and shorts are more sexually arousing than a swimsuit for me.

>> No.12781335

Nigga did actually live in a country with real non-faggot winter? There's snow outside not melting, so it's around -3 to +3. Tights with holes don't magically warm you up.

>> No.12781338

>all places in the world have the same temperature

>> No.12781383

Shorts with black tights IS my religion

>> No.12781551

To be fair, she said she wore plain black tights, which are a tad less provocative. She should just wear a modest skirt instead of shorts though.

>> No.12781563

You sound fucking retarded

>> No.12781579

Clothing is largely about how you present yourself to the world. Wearing a certain style is a way to associate oneself with a social niche. People that wear athletic gear are usually into working out, people that wear plaid shirts and blue jeans probably like country music and cookouts, and people that wear slim jeans and leather jackets probably like rock.

It's a way we've devised to express our personality in a silent manner. It's a little cue to the world that helps people make friends and find significant others. Think about it like this: imagine a dating profile, like tinder, where you have 5 images to show your personality. You have to chose fits that you think reflect yourself and that would attract those with similar interests.

The problem with this is that a lot of people don't put as much thought into clothing as others. Sometimes there can be missed-cues about what sub-culture someone is in because they are just following trends or just liked a piece (imagine as someone into rock you approach someone in a band shirt, and for them to say "haha i don't listen to them, just liked the shirt"). Most people realize that these false-positive are a normal thing, and thus don't assume that everyone's style is an accurate reflection of their tastes. At the same time, I don't think many people give everyone the benefit of the doubt (for example: if i see someone wearing a tapout t-shirt, i'm probably not going to strike up a conversation with them). We learn where to draw the lines from practice in our daily lives (in my personal experience, girls who are more scantily-clad are often more promiscuous than those that cover up more, but obviously doesn't mean every X is an X).

I really don't have a final point to make, but I think that you have to realize that dressing in a certain way can and will be perceived by others as a proclamation of that lifestyle, regardless of the intention. This is especially true when it comes to sex.

>> No.12781584

This. Holy fuck... This so much.

>> No.12781588

>It was whether girls dressed in shorts are always percieved as being slutty or sexual.
Not during the summer, when most girls wear shorts to stay cool, but when the weather gets colder and you wear shorts, even with tights, you're displaying your legs when most other girls aren't, which will get you attention due to being outside the norm, and due to the perceived sexual avalibility the look implies. Basically, you're showing your legs in weather that would make it more comfortable to cover them, which makes you stand out.

>> No.12781603

I >>12781136 live in the suburbs in the northeast US, and dressed like this for the better part of eighth grade. Nobody really cared, especially since a good third of my classmates came to school in pajama pants. Russia is definitely more conservative.

>> No.12781741

I live in country with -30°C winters. There are people here wearing skirts during that time. It's all about growing up this way. Also it's autumn, not winter, and it makes a big difference. There are people here wearing shorts without tights during -10°C temperatures

>> No.12781759

you seem to have the same complaint as the "healthy at any size" crowd and trannies.
you are well aware of the societal conventions in your area but you don't like them and you think that you not liking something is enough for everyone else to reverse decades of habits and probably centuries of culture.
>People dressing like cosplaying cyborgninjas in techwear don't get 'treated as ones'
exactly. because when people look at them they don't see cyborgninjas, they see underage cringelords and that's probably how they treat them.
When people see women with really revealing clothes (and btw, "really revealing" varies from culture to culture. the bar isn't the same in Moscow as in Tehran), they don't see "streetwear mavens". They see "sluts"
the good news is that if you are not a slut, the people who know you won't treat you like one.

>> No.12781805

I hope girls do understand that this is in no way healthy. I'm not even memeing things up, letting your body freeze for longer time is going to have dangerous consequences for your health.
>itt it may look sexy but it's still retarded as fuck idea, may as well walk in high-heels on ice

>> No.12782647

Let's not forget dressing like this was considered "slutty" before it was considered as a trend

>> No.12782672

*tips fedora*

>> No.12782697
File: 111 KB, 564x887, tmp_32432-1505811965403-1993218400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed it's not really what you wear, but rather if you stand out from the norm. I live in Florida and have never been catcalled wearing shorts/pants. However, due to my job I like to dress conservatively at all times (long skirts, dresses and cardigans with tights) because I'm a high school teacher and I like to be distinguishable from my students. I get catcalled constantly in these outfits, especially at gas stations, and have men follow me places too when I'm dressed like this, even though I'm completely covered.
I think it's because in florida you see girls in short shorts constantly.
pic related, I wear stuff like this but with a light cardigan so my arms are covered.

>> No.12782737

holy fucking shit she said like 2 things in her post one of which was she didn't wear fishnets and you can't even get that right fucking retard....kek

learn to read faggot.

oh and btw OP, it really isn't a question of WHAT you are wearing but what it reveals. skintight anything is skintight period, it is "revealing" ...it accentuates the form. legs are typically seen as "sexy" so to "show them off" in any sense of the word will draw attention...

I mean, not to say that any of it is acceptable. it would be fucking awesome if women could display their figure and not be victim of predatory behavior.....but unfortunately if you have a hot bod then skintight shit will put that on display..

I def think there's a big difference tho or social context of "fishnets" which are almost halloween level at this point...like stereotypical "sex object" tier

>> No.12782749

Yeah, because tights aren't sexually arousing either.

>> No.12782755

idk dude, do you get sexually aroused when you go to the ballet or something? you sit in the back so you can jerk off to all the pretty dancers?

>> No.12782759

More so than going to the beach.

>> No.12782771
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>> No.12782772

you're right skin is a turn off for sure

>> No.12782773

ITT: trolls and nu-males

>> No.12782783

After all, clothes can never be flattering for your body, right?

>> No.12782797

I live in Australia and this would be average to conservative. Really depends where you live. You really need to dress for the geographical area, so to speak. You'd be killed dressed like that in a Muslim country; welcomed in Australia, judged in Russia. Never understood why people cat-call..loses your chance with her.
Anyway, those shorts are hot as fuck. I always end up looking at her crotch. You need to understand as a female you're going to get people everywhere stare at you, just the way of the animals I guess. Not too sure about the shoes though, Shoes/socks/LEGS/pants/Longsleeve.

>> No.12782801

Asian bitches trying to hard to be Caucasian.

>> No.12782809


>> No.12782843

OP, if you are a physically beautiful, sexually attractive person, then rude people will catcall whenever they see you, no matter what you wear. The only way to avoid that is to be ugly, fat or undesirable in some way.

As a neet, let me tell you is a small price to avoid life-long loneliness.

>> No.12782853

stop slut shaming me

>> No.12782856

people dressing in cyborg tech wear get treated like they have autism

>> No.12782888

no one wants to be a dried sultana calm down

>> No.12782913


>> No.12782993

>Makes skin colour white
>Put in blue lenses
>Use makeup so eyes appears bigger
>Dyes hair blonde
>Has collection of things with pictures of NY or London or Paris on it
>Wants white boyfriend

Sure they don't

>> No.12783018

welcome to 2017 where guys will still call you a slut cause you wear particular kind of clothing but apparently we don't need feminism anymore
dress however you want and don't mind people whistling. yes wearing shorts is revealing, nothing wrong with that tho
we all have bodies and we are all sexual beings, deal with that

>> No.12783024

>Makes skin colour white
this is because white skin has been originally correlated with a higher social class, if you actually studied some history you'd realise that darker skin meant working in the fields like a poor peasant
>Put in blue lenses
they don't look blue to me
>Use makeup so eyes appears bigger
this is because most asians have small eyes, so to break the trend, they want to make their eyes look bigger. why do white women tan? do they want to look like niggers so bad?
>Dyes hair blonde
i've seen asians dye their hair white, blue, purple doesn't mean they want to look like some offshoot of an aposematic frog
>Has collection of things with pictures of NY or London or Paris on it
so anyone who watches anime want to be asian? your logic is kinda laughable
>Wants white boyfriend
literally where is that implied in the photo?

why are white people so obsessed with trying to convince everyone asians wanna look white? you guys look ok during teen years but most become dried leather bags with brittle hair during their 20s. no one cares lol

and it's funny because it's been disputed so many times before by actual asians when white people trying to bring that shit up. but they're so concerned with maintaining a sense of supremacy, talking sense into them will not even work. 50 bucks you'll be back in another thread trying to spew this shit about everyone wanting to be white.

>> No.12783029

Is this internalised racism?

>> No.12783031

>why do white women tan? do they want to look like niggers so bad?
I have never understood this, it's ugly as fuck. I've seen tan asians too though.

>> No.12783050
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Please be real.

>> No.12783053
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>> No.12783163

I'm not talking only about picture specifically. Also in Asian countries people want to look white, as in race, not as in whiter skin, the same as girls here wants to look Asian. I talked with many Asians who confirmed it.

Did white chick refuse to suck your dick that you are so salty? Or maybe you are salty that you are not white and try to make yourself feel better?

>> No.12783195

Spotted the 16 yr old retard
Just fuck right off until you actually go visit Russia
I live in a similar post soviet country and trust me cat calling here is not the least flattering. It's scary as shit and disgusting to the point your stomach turns

>> No.12783212

Found the triggered weaboo

>> No.12783363
File: 1.26 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to think that but after seeing all these korean and japanese girls on ig with blue eye contacts and plastic surgery too look white i dont anymore

even asian men are starting to do it. i cant find the pic but i saw this pic of this asian bodybuilder with his gf and they both had so much plastic surgery to look white it made them look like some weird half white alien species

asians like this with western style plastic surgery pale skin and blue eye contacts are a dime a dozen on ig this isnt just some propoganda to trigger you

>> No.12783370
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>> No.12783374
File: 1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre literally all over my ig feed

these are all actual asian girls not western ones

>> No.12783387
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>aesthetically please myself
fucking whore

>> No.12783450

Disgusting slut.
Women must be culled.

>> No.12783701

that's fine. very cute. nothing sexual about shorts unless you make it sexual.

>> No.12783741



i've seen the same happen but with girls in burqas. getting mad at it is useless. it's a tease, and responding can only make it worse. as a guy i can say that in 90% of cases, the guy catcalling just wants to show off (in front of friends, or to show his confidence) and wouldn't even consider the girl in another situation.
that the girl is dressed as a slut or a prude doesn't matter. you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. i know this is fucking sad, but that's just the world, a fucking shitty place to be in most of the time.

>> No.12783758
File: 411 KB, 1600x1450, 1495791682188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im telling you this as a man - legs are sexy

Doesnt matter do you think its girly cute or whatever, legs are sexy.Especially if its legs in stockings/pantyhose/fishnet, it makes them look smooth and perfect hiding all little discolorations, pimples, whatever so it just attracts looks.
I dont consider myself some creep who stairs at girls and catcalls them all the time, but i do find myself even unintentionally looking after girls wearing skirts/jeans with tights all the time.
I dont know what is so hard to understand and why do you think its somehow wrong that people looked after you, its natural.
Unless the whole point of this thread was to stroke your ego, than its pointless to explain anything to you

>> No.12783785

i don't really mind when people whistle at me, usually guys though and i'm not gay. still makes me feel like i'm doing something right.

if you're """"aesthetically pleased"""" then who cares, wear headphones next time lol.

>> No.12783818

her style is cute and cool

>> No.12783820

OP here. Felt like I had to clear something up:

I think I used the wrong wording in my original post, as what I meant when I said I was stared and whistled at, it was in a judgemental way, not catcalling.

What I gathered is that it was indeed because I wasn't fitting in with the people around me, which what made them look at me like a sore thumb.

Thank you to everyone who replied with a serious answer, god bless.

>> No.12783823

Stop acting like a snowflake, do you think guys don't get looks or even comments from gay dudes as well? Just deal with it, it's not like they are actually groping you or something.

>> No.12783843

nah, you are just overthinking it

or, you can ugly legs and ass and people were making fun of your attire, thats an option too