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/fa/ - Fashion

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12780607 No.12780607 [Reply] [Original]

Is vaping /fa/?

>> No.12780620


>> No.12780771
File: 2.44 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170923_160654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Largly depends on the vape and why you're doing it.

>> No.12780912

Vaping is obnoxious and definitely not /fa/ despite how many people desperately keep trying to tell themselves it is.

>> No.12780930


It just makes people want to slap some fucking sense into you. Definitely /fa/, definitely not fashionable.

>> No.12780942
File: 1.35 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170923_163207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it makes you look nice and edgy on Pictures

>> No.12780969


>I'm chemically dependent
>holy shit that's so cool looking!

it just makes you look immature and sad.

People react to vapers with visceral pity and disgust. It's even worse than being fat, because at least a fatty can't decide to just suddenly stop being fat.

>> No.12780974

No. Just smoke, pussy.

t. have emphysema, not a pussy.

>> No.12780980

retardation in a post.

>> No.12780998
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>> No.12781439
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A cigerette is an archetypal symbol. What is more human than the taming of fire at their fingertips, the shortsighted hedonism causing tragedy later in life. Vaping will never have this as its effects are neglible, infact nicotine has some benefits. It has no elegance as most ecigs are bulky are made of shitty chinese plastic. Maybe in the future its contexts will change. However at the moment its not fashionable.

>> No.12781538

Idk but I might just start vaping and only smoking when I don't have to go out so I don't stink

>> No.12781548

Vaping will be effay once real life reaches Blade Runner tier aesthetics.

>> No.12781556

ive never seen someone who vapes and been like "wow. i need a vape to complete my look"
but weed pens seem crazy convenient

>> No.12781641

Maybe in few years. Currently it's associated with fedora-wearing edgelords and retarded teenagers.

>> No.12781666

When you only have one outlet free, do you ever have to choose between charging your vape and charging your pussy dildo, pussy?

>> No.12781807

Cigarettes are great for relaxing and taking 5 minutes to collect your thoughts. Problem is they are like $8 a pack now.
What's a good budget vape? It must be cheaper than a few packs a week after a month or two

>> No.12781914

Honestly juuls are the most effay form of vapes

>> No.12781947

vapes are niggers of smoking

>> No.12782630
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>> No.12782756
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>> No.12782766
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dude it's fashionable as shit to change your brain chemistry

I like how a technological improvement on the nicotine delivery mechanism is called out for having no """"elegance""""" like go type on a fucking typewriter bitch and feel all romantic just you and your rat poison

>> No.12782792

If you're talking about aesthetics and associated consumers, it's like comparing coffee and tea to monster energy.

>> No.12783441

>t. Fatty

>> No.12783681


>> No.12783699

Vaping isn't /fa/ no matter how badly you want to it to be, Anon.

It makes you look like gutter trash.

>> No.12783702

cigs are /fa/
vaping is gay

>> No.12783718

These posts pretty much sum it up. People talking about the inherent benefits of vaping are completely missing the point, it's like saying cargo shorts are also /fa/ because they have more utility than jeans.

The only way I could see vaping becoming /fa/ in the near future is if it's consciously re-appropriated because of its trashiness, not in spite of it. But even that is a hard sell, for me.

>> No.12783979

Vaping is not /fa/. I guarantee you that every single person who said it was in this thread is a vaper trying to justify their own autism. Nobody else thinks it's cool.

>> No.12783991

I was that second (you), and you actually took the words out of my mouth. Was gonna say the same thing as your second paragraph but couldn't think of how to say it concisely.

>> No.12784165
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The only 'cool' vapers i have seen are people wear track bottoms and nike tuned. I suppose if people completely submerge themself in the look then its ok.

>> No.12784582
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I don't do it to look effay you dumb queers, i do it cause i dont wanna put a shitty patch on my arm or chew gum

>> No.12784703

>Smoking a mouth fedora


>> No.12784811

0 nicotine vaping =gayest shit ever
nicotine vaping just for the nic isnt too bad but its still pretty gay looking especially because of the crowd associated with vapes
also those big ass clouds are fucking gay as fuck
juuls or whatever the hell are pretty alright since theres barely any vapor and high nic content

>> No.12784854

Where I live you can buy them from a reserve and get a carton for $12 cad. Stop cutting corners

>> No.12784984
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What about JUULs and Pulses and shit like that? Hell what about Blu?

>> No.12784999

gas station trash

>> No.12785019

juuls are very cool

>> No.12785883


That being said, I enjoy vaping high nicotine for the its effect on focus and buzz, but I don't kid myself that it's /fa/. I don't hate on it but the reasons stated above is why smoking is /fa/ and vaping isn't. Nicotine can even have some benefits. It's like thinking chewing nicotine gum is /fa/.

>> No.12786096


>> No.12786115
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Juuls are the way to go. Lots of nicotine and a low amount of vapor. max effect, minimum douche

>> No.12786126

earthly indulgences are not fashionable.

>> No.12786575
File: 587 KB, 682x855, a2yhj7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaping is the opposite of /fa/
average vape connoisseur in pic