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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 919 KB, 2048x1992, A38491BC-555B-4E19-A268-BE8CFC27185B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12780412 No.12780412 [Reply] [Original]

what do i do about this?
it didnt use to bother me before but im starting to feel real self conscious about it

wtf do i do with this?

>> No.12780422

cut you other fingers off for the symmetry
for real tho just embrace it. wear some sick gloves or get a tattoo

>> No.12780423

you can't change it. it's no big deal, even if you think it is. no mature person will give a shit about it.

source: I know cripples and they just dgaf and live a happy life

>> No.12780424

invent a cool story about it so it gives some character to you, like you lost in inawoods or something

>> No.12780432
File: 14 KB, 183x275, 70DC25E8-78D3-44BD-AC44-3E595C0D5056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking of some sort of jewlery
or some cool polyesther prosthetic

maybe something the dude from cradle of filth wore?

>> No.12780434

Dude, rock it. Go full badass.

Get /fit/, grow a full beard and become an edgy gruff vampire hunter.

>> No.12780435

think about the last time you saw it. Maybe is still there. Have you checked your butt?
The only thing you need is to have good humor about it. Don't get affected by it.

>> No.12780436
File: 548 KB, 1831x1831, 876AB70D-85A5-43A6-AC9E-FD0FA14DC637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already look like this

>> No.12780439

Well fuck dude, you're on the right path.

People in the west are grossed out by shit like that, it's stupid and childish but it's true. Everyone is too sensitive these days.

Just embrace being a scary motherfucker and have fun with it

>> No.12780448
File: 30 KB, 505x431, nick-young-confused-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12780450

thanks man
its just kinda hard to have fun with it when people avoid you or act scared and anxious when interacting with you

>> No.12780451


>> No.12780452

what a stupid and fake face expression

>> No.12780453

Fuck dude you are one handsome fucker

>> No.12780457

haha you look fucking intimidating dude, you should really embrace it

>> No.12780460

I wouldn't feel self conscious at all man. I've known many people with missing fingers, and it doesn't bother me or anyone I know one bit. Make up stories about how you lost it for shits and giggles.

A guy I knew lost his ring finger when he got it trapped in a weight machine. He walked around for a couple of months with his hand in his pocket. He eventually moved passed it because he realized it was dumb.

if this is you count your blessings, you seem like a really handsome guy. The missing digit adds character. Just have fun with your life mane. Hope you get over it and it doesn't bother you in future.

>> No.12780474

Put little fedora on it!
Transplant some hair on top of it so you can have a braided hair finger!
Put foreskin on it!
Dip in marmelade!

>> No.12780539

people that will judge it are too scare to even think about what it would be like, my pop was missing his index and middle fingers and trust me man, it made him a fucking badass in my eyes

>> No.12780553

Tattoo a dick on it

>> No.12780557

Why would you feel self conscious about it? It looks cool. Also tell the story with pics if possible or gtfo

>> No.12780574

Not wanting to make you feel any worse but humans have some natural defense mechanism to spot this kind of imperfections/physical handicaps and somehow we fixate a lot on it. Sometimes you cannot even see someone's face yet but you can already tell they're missing a hand or a leg and from that point onwards you just stare at it, even though there's nothing weird about it really.

If that picture is really you though don't worry you're a handsome fuck

>> No.12780594

What you do is when you shake some one's hand, use your stub to tickle the inside of their palm. It will freak them the fuck out.

>> No.12780618

How did you lose it?

>> No.12780624

So how'd you do it though, mate?
Cut the tip of my middle finger in grade 10 in woodwork class.
I've kinda moved on from it, but used to be very self conscious about it for a few years after it happened. All's good though, as other people have said, embrace it. You seem handsome enough, if you were a fat slob it'd probably be a different story

>> No.12780632

Start wearing boots and all black.

>> No.12780661

Fashion a tight leather glove to which is attached a metal hinged finger to replace the last two missing bones which is actuated by the position of your stump.

>> No.12780663
File: 16 KB, 500x250, 6A22051B-490F-4667-98E7-73D5A14D729D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happened when i was 3 so no pics

>be put with my brother
>teaching me to ride my bike and shit
>brother’s friend shows up also on his bike
>they get to chatting about some boring shit
>decide to play mechanic
>fuck yeah imma fix the shit out this bitch
>lay down on stomach and start ‘fixing’ this kids bike
>stick my finger in pic related
>hear ‘ok c ya’
>oh shiiiiii-

end up being dragged a couple of feet and with my finger looking like an unskinned sausage

i actually did use to do that a lot when i was a teen

also sticking it up my nose or ear was always a nice trick at parties/bars

>> No.12780690
File: 576 KB, 1845x1782, B646388E-31E3-4CF6-BA28-00A19AF1CC3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaved my beard and im kinda went /scumwave/

>> No.12780698


My grandfather did the exact same thing, with the same result.

>> No.12780703
File: 289 KB, 750x746, 0326E6D4-3138-48CD-9656-6FABC3BA89ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12780708

well i can’t imagine the result being anything other than a mutilated finger

>> No.12780716

It looks cool, the story is interesting, you look spooky. Its fine next thread

>> No.12780734
File: 67 KB, 985x471, 9FF24078-9576-4B8E-AE13-2AF665AA0358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not done attention whoreing and showing you how edgy i am yet

>> No.12780737


>> No.12780739

is your name johnathan?

>> No.12780742


>> No.12780748


>> No.12780752

I thought you were spaniard for a second.

>> No.12780753

i live in madrid

>> No.12780755
File: 1.12 MB, 2576x1932, BA18C654-CC09-447B-B17A-2CA1D00C2A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12780760

The only thing you should be doing is while angry using that finger to point menacingly at people, things.

>> No.12780777

chuuni detected

>> No.12781026

You look awesome don't worry about it

I've always thought that it would look cool that if I ever accidentally mutilated my hand that I would just wear a glove over that one hand. Maybe get some sort of dummy prosthetic to fit into the index finger of the glove or something so it doesn't look obvious

>> No.12781058

you're at that level of hot were it really doesn't matter at all.
I know that sounds fucked up but it think it really suits you in weird way... probably makes you look even more interesting and badass

>> No.12781081

Gives character
To bad you aint got a trigger finger tho

>> No.12781083

just poke your ear with it in public and freak out people

>> No.12782306

10/10 would fuck

>> No.12782312
File: 85 KB, 675x579, 23452345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously get a metal finger.

>> No.12782316

this nigga got a gucci tattoo

>> No.12782320

Yeah I think this good be a good idea too,OP. Could also be somewhat functional

>> No.12782335

You could get one made in such a way that it's dishwasher safe and you can put a bullet vibrator into it. Sleazecore as fuck.

>> No.12782338

do nothing, it looks cool

>> No.12782339

duct tape a laser pointer to it and become a transhumanist

>> No.12782352

lose the piercing

>> No.12782384
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Bionic finger

>> No.12782388
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>> No.12782411

go to random women on the bus and ask

"want me to nub your clit?"

>> No.12782421

And the friend

>> No.12782423

Vivienne Westwood armor ring is the answer

>> No.12782472

Also this made me lol.

>> No.12782474

Just carry around a fake finger and some ketchup packets for "fun times" with the kids.

I was with my parents buying house fans and a dude in line was missing a finger. He saw me looking at it and walked right up to the stapler on the counter, put his nub real close and smashed it down!

It was rad.

>> No.12782477

Grow it back with your mind.

Srs. Will change your life

>> No.12782486


Surround yourself with quality people, maybe you'll feel better you faggot.

>> No.12782552

he’s not a friend
he’s a ‘famous’ spanish ‘trap artist’

>> No.12782554

holy fuck this is actually a choice idea

>> No.12782571

what changed in your life that started making you feel self conscious. whatever it is, get rid of it. even if its a family member.

>> No.12782590

i guess just growing up and realising that mutilations are not exactly attractive

plus i have a multitude of other scars and marks which pretty much make me look like a convict. pair all that with my angry resting face and bam, you get a recipe for loneliness

>> No.12782599
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>> No.12782605
File: 154 KB, 811x1050, f294d8b8c53cebc70ba45a13b180396052c3d0965adcb6fdc25b32b7d21d631b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those people are fucking pussies.

All i'd do ask maybe ask some questions about the finger and go on with my day whilst talking to you

Also you're a handsome nigga

Would smash/10

>> No.12782795

r u grill?

>> No.12782898

Wears a cool metal finger that has tech in it,use it as a watch.

>> No.12782901

where would infind something like that?

>> No.12782902

Buy/make a cool metal claw finger, go full Goth.
Or dress like an Assassin.

>> No.12783000

>pulling off beard+bald
>complaining about anything

>> No.12783017
File: 10 KB, 294x300, bd5cb22a9194ff85812dba4e0b316eae--resident-evil--awesome-stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re4 boss lookin ass

>> No.12783084

just had an interview
pretty much got told i dont look trustworthy

>> No.12783150

really fucking cool!
I myself, have a permanent scar on my lip.
If it doesnt complicate your life you should rock it

>> No.12783159

Make a utility-finger, with a jump drive and a little universal screwdriver on it, maybe a claw?

>> No.12783189

u gay bro?

>> No.12783240

Doesn't seem like there would be any simple or cheap way to get it.
If you can find some guy that is a boss at making prosthetics you might be able to get him to build one with a casio f-91w build into a joint, or something.
I'd imagine prosthetic manufacturing has to be highly custom by default.

>> No.12783482

>get tape
>get sausage
>always have snack

>> No.12783494
File: 844 KB, 2576x1932, 9E7B347B-7A6C-42A5-90B4-8E27156892D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12783500


>> No.12783519


>> No.12783614

nothing wrong with it, I knew a girl who was born with only two fingers on each hand (seriously) and she just owned it and never complained or worried what others might think

>> No.12783657

i also know a Johnathan that looks freaking similar to him

>> No.12783664

me too

>> No.12783673

Get a cool tattoo in black that looks like an eldritch abomination

>> No.12783739

>source: I know cripples and they just dgaf and live a happy life

gosh what an incredibly immature and ignorant statement. as if all disfigurements are created equal

>> No.12783753

You look great dude, and the missing digit is a genuine plus in terms of visual interest if I'm being honest. If you had to be insecure about anything (which you don't, because again, you're hot), it'd be that you dress like you have a favorite brand of energy drink and are 12 credits away from a general studies degree.

Also how do you use a mouse?

>> No.12783770
File: 465 KB, 750x1334, 08114266-E2F6-44F5-A68A-F4CDB870AD29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

i like the metal finger idea

how the fuck do i find one?

pic related

>> No.12783816

http://bfy DOT tw/E7db


>> No.12784127


>> No.12784161


>> No.12784308
File: 2.52 MB, 640x480, 1475956350432.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put your finger on your nose and pretend that you shoved your whole finger in your nose

>> No.12784319
File: 190 KB, 584x447, Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 6.01.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these in nice leather

>> No.12784338

we ezio now

>> No.12784347

You handsome as fuck, no homo.
The finger adds personality

>> No.12784385

My /diy/ ass would make that shit by hand

Grab some sheet aluminum and some files and get working bruv

>> No.12784469


>> No.12784960

ive seen this fucki9ng guy on the left before. he used to have blonde hair right?

>> No.12784995 [DELETED] 

mutilation and accidents are not genetic though. seriously. if you were BORN with a stub finger, then that would be bad. i once when on a blind date with a girl and halfway through it she stuck her hand out to grab my arm, and she had like a "seal" hand, it was like missing 2 fingers, and there were just little mini nub fingers, i almost had a heart attack. that is not an accident, that was just a deformity, and so in that sense, you shouldnt worry as much.

>> No.12785013

nobody notices a confident mans finger until he does something and you're shocked he did it without all his fingers

>> No.12785025

fucking this

>> No.12785032

on the left?

>> No.12785221
File: 21 KB, 355x355, 51974WX4W6L._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


problem solved

>> No.12785303
File: 2.42 MB, 2044x1520, Hair transplant results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a hair transplant.

There's a small but solid handful out there who can do some incredible stuff.

>> No.12785327

im poor as fuck man
you wanna sponsor me?

>> No.12785572

>what do i do about this?

you can get a prothesis or look into other medical methods to reconstruct a finger that works (could they actually give you a finger from a dead body and reattach it? I don't know.) and literally pray to the gods to make sure you get reincarnated with a fully able body.

not much else you can do with that. sorry, bro. you just gotta embrace it, I'm sure it sucks but there is nothing else you can do.

>> No.12785740

papi, cómo se llamaba ese cantante?

>> No.12785786

Feel you dude, missing a bit of the top bone on one of my thumbs from an accident when i was a kid, kinda like Vince Vaughn, but just embrace it man, who cares if you can't do anything bout it...

>> No.12785839


>> No.12785891

El más malo de /fa/, luego ves a cuatro compares y te cagas encima.

>> No.12785892

Dude you're totally on the right track. If you start wearing more neutrals and lose stuff like that hoodie then you could totally own it

put a ring on it
because it's something unique and if you're stuck with it might as well play it up.

>> No.12785914

caydy kaine o algo asi

>> No.12785915

no entiendo que quieres decir

>> No.12785988

I like this a lot.

>> No.12786194

Sweet baby Jesus, please, go full mad soviet commando.

>> No.12786449

If you can get one custom made, it'll be sick. I like this idea. Add some gold and you're golden.

>> No.12786500

Where did u get the bomber and the hoodie?

>> No.12786525

less than 10eur total

>> No.12786540

That's tight dud. What is your height? Do you usually find stuff that fits when u thrift? Also do u tell ppl u thrifted stuff?

>> No.12786581


>> No.12786624

yeah, i usually find stuff that fits me even if i have to look a bit

i don’t really talk about clothes with people. i try to avoid the entire subject of style, grooming etc.
that way it seems effortless and natural

>> No.12786633

>pleeeeaseee pay attention to me

fuck off. saged (does that still work?)

>> No.12786712 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 1500x900, MV5BYmQ5YjBkNjYtYzliNS00ODhlLWI5YWQtMzUzYWIzMWI1ZDcxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjkxMjM5Nzc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find the same gloves that yakuza wear when they get they get the fingers sliced off
>start dressing in black business attire
>only speak in broken english with a heavy accent

>> No.12786879

and people seem to think im just interesting enough to give it to me and have a discussion

not my fault ur mommy loved your brothers more than she loved you

>> No.12786929
File: 228 KB, 600x600, 11018812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with his statement... you're probably just some prepubescent fag looking for something to bitch and moan about.

>> No.12786962

>Why would y
Thank you for this response, please continue posting on this forum. Lol.

>> No.12786976

don't give a shit, after looking at my hand for about 30 seconds i'm realizing hands are pretty fuggin weird anyways, like ears

alternatively, wear a glove like
or maybe something more subtle

>> No.12787584
File: 632 KB, 1080x933, 20170926_200909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make finger prosthetics i watched a video of some anorexic girl on you tube that tried to off herself and she got meningitis or some shit and she had some made

essentially pic related, but in vapid teenage girl form

actually it's almost october, the witch fingers are probably cheaper

>> No.12788100

yeah bro thatd be cool and shit but
im poor af

>> No.12788107
File: 383 KB, 1001x1001, medieval-warrior-gauntlets-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single finger wrist holstered tiled gauntlet

>> No.12788133

they're $3.99 at party City

how poor are you?

>> No.12788151

>no one shitting him for being bald

>> No.12788154

what surprise me the most is that no one as sent him to /lgtb/ or /soc/.

>> No.12788214


>> No.12788269

You're actually very handsome, it makes you look badass, you don't have to feel bad about that..
My friend lost her finger when she was 3 aswell, she was climbing a wire fence and she managed to cut it off, it's not that noticable desu

>> No.12788380

i was talking about the prosthetic not the halloween decoration

>> No.12788443

To be honest it looks kind of cool. As long as it leads you to a decent lifestyle in a practical sense, aesthetically it looks different and interesting.
The main problem about this society isnt't about it being to different, its about it being too dull and uninspiring.

>> No.12788542
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, 41853588-1A69-4B93-8200-81E825519F5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheit son, i nearly lost the top of my thumb to my motorcycle chain a few weeks ago.

>> No.12788570

hide it like the girl from bioshock infinite

>> No.12788994

fuck me, be careful son

im not a manchild so i dont know what ur talking about

>> No.12789004

cuz he looks masculine and dosn't look like the stroggen-induced-bald soybois who usually post here

>> No.12789326

Who the fuck cares, you are super handsome

>> No.12789392
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1992, ibabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is my suggestion

>> No.12789410


As another guy said. Because he is masculine. Nobody gives Vin Diesel shit for being bald either. Nor Anderson Silva, or Jason etc

If you pull off the bald look you're good to go. He does

>> No.12789429
File: 1.73 MB, 2048x1992, 1506260777907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem solved. next please

>> No.12789442

Bro do you realize how hard you can flex with that

>> No.12789445

>"im not a manchild"
>posts on 4chan (/fa/ even) and is insecure about a missing finger

>> No.12789446

Talk about how you lost it in a knife fight

You got a high T look goin for you bro stick with that

>> No.12789467

Cool as fuck. Leave it be.

>> No.12789571

Perfect opportunity to get a hand tattoo. It won’t be a job stopper if you’re missing a finger

>> No.12790194

top kek

>> No.12790486

Were you cleaning it "the easy way?" Thanks for teaching me that, dad... My right index and middle fingers took a trip through the rear sprocket of my street bike with a 1" wide chain and I'm lucky to have the index, but the last knuckle is fused at a 45º angle and overall crooked, scarred and a bit shorter than my left. Nobody notices until I point at something. Maybe a couple more people might notice yours, OP, but it's an opportunity to tell a story and maybe share an "eewww" moment. It makes you you OP. Embrace it.

>> No.12790496

>making a prosthetic finger

You know who might do that for you? Bad Dragon! Get the guys that make dragon dildos to make some crazy fingers for you.

>> No.12790563

i already have a hand tattoo

>> No.12790640
File: 11 KB, 480x360, nohands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i Know a guy who lost his hands and half his forearm to a grenade and looks fine and nobody is freaked out when you see him. When i had to shook his hands first time i met him I didn't know what to do so i just asked him and he said to just shake the stump basically and laughed a bit about it. Losing extremities is not a problem (socially), most people don't care at all.
Here is also a thing about that guy with no hands, he can tie his tie alone and do basically everything
>pic related us what his look like exactly (he ain't a negro, though)

>> No.12790758

nobody wants to answer the same question about their finger 100 times a day

>> No.12791268

show us nigger

>> No.12791275
File: 513 KB, 1892x1895, 58ACE7E4-AB61-4DA4-B0FF-AC19024502C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only because you asked so nicely

>> No.12791308

wrong hand nerd

>> No.12791436


Develop a debilitating need for alcohol

>> No.12791485

i have a 200mg/day IV oxy habbit

>> No.12791515
File: 40 KB, 1024x567, 3dp_deusex_openbionics_adam_jenson_arm-1024x567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 10 years or so prosthetics will probably start gaining popularity and I bet they'll be Deus Ex levels of /fa/, 1 finger should be an easy fix

>> No.12791541


>> No.12791799

Where do you go thrifting in Spain?

>> No.12791886

humana mostly

>> No.12792266

You really into Jesus or sumptin?

>> No.12792276 [DELETED] 

being black is probably worse than that hand

theres black people on this hoard roght now who have no idea they are disfigured. you got off easy

>> No.12792671

Post pic of yourself.

>> No.12792796

i know a guy who lost most of his fingers and toes in an electrical accident. collects dough from the gov and grows weed in his basement.

"bitches love the nubs"

>> No.12793302

my father was before he died

>> No.12793319

3D print a prosthetic! Make it something cool. You could craft a proper glove to keep it in place; something like a fingerless glove, or something that only covers the tip. Archery handwear and tactical shooting gloves come into mind. Again, probably depends a lot on your style, and if you're not too far out there in terms of style, there's no point in being extreme. I genuinely believe in a jewel/metal/leather approach though. Anything synthetic will look medical, like something purely there for function. There's a lot of opportunity for creativity here, OP.

Here's a link that may tickle your imagination.


>> No.12793412

holy fuck that shit is awesome
really makes me wish i had a metal shop

you did give a lot of inspo tho so thanks for that

>> No.12793453

even simple prosthetics like this look dope imo
congrats op you have an excuse to look interesting and original without looking like a faggot douche

>> No.12793652

You look like you could be a fucking military contractor if it wasn't the index finger

>> No.12793657

Rocking whatever you are handed for looks is the most /fa/ thing you can do. Fuck what they might think

>> No.12793664

>re handed for looks is the mo

>> No.12793740

No pun intended

>> No.12793839

fite me faggot

>> No.12794137

Kek this

>> No.12794165

Get an X-finger.

>> No.12794191

How often do you thrift? like monthly?

>> No.12794266
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>> No.12794560

like once every 2-3 months
when the weather changes