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File: 21 KB, 542x602, 1400133366875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12777250 No.12777250 [Reply] [Original]

Feels Thread

>> No.12777253
File: 19 KB, 240x245, 1505320828184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't feel confident getting into a relationship because I can't love myself

Going to the gym and buying clothes is making it better.

>> No.12777257

Who else is wearing a fit they aren't fully comfortable with while drinking alone at the uni bar this evening?

>> No.12777259

Why are you wearing something you don't like?

>> No.12777269

Because I don't like anything because of a poor upbringing

>> No.12777274

>got scouted today
>got uncomfortable and spazzed my way through the interaction
>feel like a cute retard who will never get a shoot

>> No.12777275
File: 162 KB, 660x1022, IMG_9423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably to be effay
I'm reorganizing my closet. The closet that I've had for 21 years because I live at home. Every time I post in a wawyt thread i get shit on, but I feel confident in my clothe so it's okay.
Hang in there anon. What are you wearing? I've never even been to my Uni's bar.

>> No.12777285

>tfw too poor to buy all the clothes I want

>> No.12777292

Thanks man. I'm not wearing anything weird probably this fit is basic as fuck. it's just my birthday and the new environment is getting to me. I think I'll stop dwell in on it and try talking to the guy next to me. I got some stuff to get over but I think we can all get there.

>> No.12777310

Most people are, don't feel bad about it.

>> No.12777325

>scouted for the first time today
>got uncomfortable and spazzed my way through the interaction
>feel like a cute retard who will never sign somebody

>> No.12777333
File: 94 KB, 560x533, 20429DE2-B085-4AA4-942B-8C473208B248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asked to model on instagram from some company
>thought it was a joke and never responded
>it was real
go forward men, i have already lost.

>> No.12777342
File: 147 KB, 1024x942, Always Trust Your Instincts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl broke up with her boyfriend for me, then told me that she's not sure what she wants from
>got drunk on moonshine, blacked out, and slept for four hours
>considering giving up on how I look and just becoming an alcoholic

>> No.12777345

but u got nice digits

>> No.12777358

>finished a goddamn stressful week of grad school
>sat around in my room for a few hours, felt great not having to be active, really enjoyed alone time
>nighttime came, just went and walked around the neighborhood, breaking in my boots
>buy slurpee
>drink alone while walking
in a lot of ways, the city is really great for just solitary time; when you're alone in a crowd of so many people, it kinda makes you feel cozy and self-indulgent

>> No.12777386

>long distance gf in Puerto Rico
>haven't been able to talk to her in days bc of hurricane
>it might be weeks or months before we can talk again
>this is gonna throw off her school schedule and more than likely now I can't visit during my spring break

>> No.12777390

Her entire life and the lives of her family are highly at risk and you're worried about your own troubles. You don't deserve her.

>> No.12777392

Dumb faggot

>> No.12777432

yea thanks haha

>> No.12777440

I feel you, Anon.

>> No.12777454

i know things look bleak right now, but dont screw up your dashing good looks over some wishy washy broad. Keep it up mate, moisturize that skin with lotion, dont blast all the effort you've put in now

>> No.12777456

I'm just existing, the only way I know how. And yet, I am miserable.

>> No.12777462
File: 37 KB, 658x662, sadapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a relationship that I'm not 100% happy with but I find myself being happy enough not to leave some of the time so idk what to do

>> No.12777464

Think about the things that aren't great/the times when you aren't happy. Sit down with your partner and evaluate what's wrong (this is the hardest part by FAR), see if you can come up with solutions, and then see the good parts are worth the effort required to solve your problems.

>> No.12777468

>not sure which of two girls want to date

>> No.12777486

tfw when i quit my job because school and job eveyday including weekends was too much for my retard brain. got weird depressed and started just fucking up my grades. after 7 months of aids i quit and now i cant pay for clothes, but ive never been happier than right now in my entire life. (best friend finally got a therapist and shit like that so i can just play games with him instead of trying to be too empathetic and becoming depressed myself, through his emotions all night long) started smoking which is helping even more. Im a dummie but im happy right now. Going to more parties with said best friend and getting mega blasted for the first times ever, Shit seems too good right now. also met a girl and got her insta just yesterday. honestly could kinda tell she just wants to fuck, but im down ;-; ALSO just getting a bunch of hand me downs and wearing those because fuck it, no money equals ass fashion for me I.e. pic related

>> No.12777496
File: 100 KB, 768x1024, shitty garbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt let me post....

>> No.12777538
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im probably too short for modeling, havent been taking that too well. prolly just anhero like the manlet scum i am

>> No.12777541

how tall

>> No.12777543

thats actually a swag as fuck hoodie

>> No.12777546


>> No.12777547

well life is more than just modeling you know

>> No.12777554

just sucks, i feel like i dont look good in anything and all my friends give me hell for being short. i know its probably retarded to be so self conscious about that but its really been making me want to never leave my room recently

>> No.12777555

just date both u cuck

>> No.12777562

fuck this hits close

>> No.12777570

Are you white

>> No.12777571

yes i am white.

>> No.12777582

Thank you bb <3

>> No.12777623

>tfw stuck with male baby face and look 16 at age 22
i want to feel confident but my babyface combined with being skeleton skinny really makes me feel emasculated

>> No.12777810
File: 67 KB, 474x538, 1411552802848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the way I look in the mirrors at the gym
>come home and look and feel like shit

thought this shit was meant to give you an endorphin rush, i just feel lousy as shit compared to all the handsome dudes pressing mean steel at the gym
but, slow and steady wins the race ay

and >inb4 >>>/fit/
I just wanna look ottermode my mans, not tryna get swole just sick of bein skinny fat

>> No.12777818

Tfw gyno

>> No.12777828

I'm 24 and someone thought I was 17 last week. When I have facial hair I look around 21 but it's super patchy so i don't let it grow out more than like 5mm. Seriously considering putting rogaine on my face at this point.

>> No.12777837

One thing I notice about a lot of gyms is that they have hard downward lighting, especially in the locker room. When I'm done working out and I have a good pump on the lighting in the locker room makes me look shredded compared to how I look in the bathroom mirror at home. Soft lighting makes it really hard to see muscle definition. Even guys who are way more fit than me look pretty unremarkable in soft lighting.

>> No.12777841

yeah i figured it was something like that
but i dont even mean my muscles i was just talkin bout my face, body shape, posture, etc.

>> No.12777868

>all my friends have gone off to uni
>im fine with this but
>forgot how to make friends
>have developed moderate social anxiety
>what do

ive applied for some volunteer work at an art gallery to hopefully meet likeminded people and am going to start going to gigs on my own, but ill sperg, i know i will

>> No.12777873

This plus the fact that I do hate myself

>> No.12777899
File: 32 KB, 500x278, hbo-curbyourenthusiasm-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>met a cute girl last night
>we're getting along really well
>i haven't gotten laid in 3 months so i'm pretty desperate
>feel like she's interested too
>add her on facebook
>her profile pic is of her kissing another woman
>"oh yeah, that's my girlfriend"

>> No.12777905


oh and
>go home and masturbate to a situation where i'm asked to inseminate her so her and her girlfriend can have a child

>> No.12777912

You're gonna sperg, but you'll get better at it.

>> No.12777915
File: 596 KB, 595x597, 2017-08-25 19_44_01-call me daddy$atan (@nombre.here) • Instagram photos and videos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grades are absolute garbage
>ive been ugly my whole life without hope
>I have 1 friend and I barely like him
>good body, but not good enough
>addicted to pizza and peach rings
>still socially awkward
>depression off of staining my mind with deep thoughts
>she will never love me back

>but the weather will finally be cool enough to wear layers next week :)

>> No.12777924

>Living in Latvia
>Be foreign
>'friends' are all flaky as fuck
>Meeting locals is difficult as fuck because they all seem to hate foreigners
>Can't even find decent bars or gigs or other shit to go to by myself because of flaky
>Missing London

>> No.12777927

>no gf
>just want a qt to hold hands with
>crush hard on this girl at work
>she's at least 2 inches taller than me
>barely even ever talked to her, managed to mumble about how she looked nice in a shirt once
>scroll through countless hours of hand holding gifs on tumblr all night instead of trying to self improve

God damn its been months I usually get over crushes by this point.

>> No.12777942
File: 53 KB, 600x693, manfaceaua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12777995

3 whole months? jesus christ

>> No.12777997

>never had any sort of romantic contact with a woman
>Im not bad looking but I am just awful at interacting with people who are not already extablished friends
>because of that I just end up not talking to people ever
>because of that now I'm in uni and have no friends there
>even if I tried to make friends or find a gf I would probably just do it to feel less pathetic since I cant imagine myself wanting to spend a lot of time with anyone. Or texting even.
>cant see a way out

>> No.12778021

>girls notice my style and say i dress nice
>still no gf because my personality is too bland and i'm shy wannabe romantic
kill me please i don't even know how to talk like a real person

>> No.12778058

Wow, 3 months?

Fuck off

>> No.12778068

>tfw girl ur seeing loves streetwear but doesn't actually wear it
>wears basic bitch mall brands instead
>constantly worried she's in love with some yeezy wearing idiot douche-nozzle

feels fucking bad man

>> No.12778105

>been inside hospitals for 1.5 years
>will finally get out in October
>start university
I am excited
Bought some new clothes for it

>> No.12778114

Shitty scarred up discolored face from picking at pimples
Also got a chubby face
Thighs always too thick and im not a girl so its not a good thing
Never gonna be scouted, too insecure to have an insta or show my face to my online freinds
18 with a 9pm curfew because brown parents
Im a spineless pussy so i cant stand up to them
Go to community college, probably gonna transfer to a school where i commute
Dont see any way out
Work at a Sears which is always empty and depressing
Haven’t interacted earner with family in ages, BS through every conversation

>> No.12778122

i'm a fine looking guy, nothing special but probably like a 7/10 on a normal day
but my personality is so terrible that nobody wants to come near me
all of my friends dislike me and i don't even like myself anymore
i just wanna die all the time
i act like im fine because maybe someone will see me and not think that i have a putrid personality but how long can i wait
im so fucking sad

>> No.12778128

>little brother/best friend killed himself 6 months ago
>parents still totally fucked up
>fucked sleeping patterns because constant nightmares
>really struggling to keep up with the workload at uni because I'm still grieving
>can't be bothered breaking up with my girlfriend even though I really only want to chase 18 year old girls before I move back home
>feel like I'm slowly losing touch with all my friends because my drinking and drug use has been really intense since my brother died
>everyone is sick of me talking about it

>moving back home for summer and live at the beach
>Dad got me a data entry job at the mining company he runs
>$25/hour, rent free
>house to myself while my parents take a few months off
>should save over $10K in a few months
>moving to some flyover college town in the US for a while to just get away from everything
>apparently girls from backwater states go mad for accents/foreigners
>most likely will be starting job at best intelligence agency in my country when I get back
>seeing my best friend in a few weeks
>graduating in a few months

it seems cheesy, but I like to think that as long as I keep going then all the shit I've been through hasn't been for nothing

>> No.12778130
File: 155 KB, 1920x1080, 1503890130112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you wake up feeling ugly and unlovable

>> No.12778151
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 1501442271350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending money at a rapid rate
>don't have a job and don't want to work because I'm still in university and lazy
>will soon have spent all my savings because I have no financial responsibility

>not quite attractive
>afraid to get into a relationship after horrible experience with first girlfriend
>afraid to ruin friendship with girl by expressing my feelings toward her

>drink heavily ~3 times per week
>did ecstasy yesterday

>going nowhere in life

The most anxiety-inducing aspect is of course all the money that I've blown on drugs, expensive food or stupid shit.

I wish I had a better face and was taller, too. :(

>> No.12778169

you're most likely just feeling bad because of the ecstasy

>> No.12778172

I actually feel pretty alright, I didn't do that much. These are just some of my everyday struggles.

>> No.12778175
File: 545 KB, 2000x1200, 1504553475210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doing the best right now. Living in the city, small studio apartment, if you couldn't guess it's NYC. I'm just waiting for this heat to go away so I can slip into my comfier clothing, as I don't have a lot of clothing that's well suited for the heat.

Plus, I've started to miss the feeling of wearing a good 'ol fashion sweater or hoodie on a fall day. It's just something you can't replace.

I mean, aside from that, I don't know really; I've kind of grown into accepting the conditions around me and working with what I've got. Feelings of hopelessness just turned into conformity, now I'm just doing my thing day-to-day because the only thing remotely interesting in my life is my Girlfriend. She's really affectionate and makes me feel reinvigorating, like someone actually cares about me, y'know? It's an abstract feeling after being lonely for so many years.

I just wish you lads luck in your endeavors. I know I'm going to need it.

>> No.12778233

Seems that you have a rational outlook on life though, and that is a very valuable quality to have.

>> No.12778241

Scrolling through threads like these makes me remember the world is such a shitty place. Cliché thing to say, but fuck me man...

>> No.12778267

shes dead

>> No.12778294

Got cucked hard at the bar last night

>> No.12778371



>> No.12778426

good luck my man

>> No.12778456

Did 2 months in hospital last year. Don't know how you managed 1.5yrs. You must know all the staff in the building.

>> No.12778467

You going to Essex?

>> No.12778491

>pizza and peach rings
This shit actually hit me worst out of this whole thread

>> No.12778501
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1482535465736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long time female friend I know since I was a kid
>helped me have better posture
>likes my fits
>suddenly moving away
>confusing feelings suddenly surfaces
>don't want to bog down her plans with my feelings I'm not even sure are real
I don't know what's real

>> No.12778512

Wrong country
Thanks mate
Pretty much

>> No.12778532
File: 144 KB, 668x934, fa korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a dream about having a qt gf, feeling good and all that shit. wake up, now have that shitty feeling that im alone

>> No.12778629

this so much this

>> No.12778646

Blink your eyes

You're now 40

>> No.12778650

please post pics

>> No.12778689

>have a crush on this hot girl
>be charming, she looks interested
>get her number
>text her later she's laughing at all my jokes
>set a date up
>"oh i have a boyfreind"

>> No.12778695

Go on dates with both, it's not a big deal. Just going to dinner or going for a hike or something doesn't mean you're making a huge commitment to anything

>> No.12778699

>one day, eat junk food, maccy d's, whole tub of ice cream, etc.
>skin looks great, best in ages
>make a conscious effort to eat healthy
>skin looks awful, worst in long time

>> No.12778701

This is lowkey pretty cool. Good outfit even though it's obvious that you're poor, but you dress like an actual poor person not someone who spends $500 on an outfit to look poor. Good job making the most of your life dude hope things keep looking up

>> No.12778712


I ended up going home with one of them after the first date. So there is already some commitment. The fact that I'm her second guy ever doesn't help

>> No.12778724

Yukio Mishima's body is basically my goal desu

>> No.12778729

>don't know if girls in my MA classes look at me because I'm attractive
>or because I'm weird

>> No.12778730

>remain friends with people who tolerate or better yet enjoy it
>have friends you can share your autism with
Being a normie is overrated anon, it's only good for getting pussy

>> No.12778741

>dress eccentric
>very social, hang out with like 5 different groups
>move from girl to girl, hanging out with them a bunch and talking constantly until they say they like me
>none of them are my type
>half let them down gently, half ghost them
>rinse and repeat
>feel so lonely

How do I stop being such a softboy piece of shit, /fa/? Do I change my standards or become a hermit or what?

>> No.12778760

There's nothing wrong with turning down lots of girls but having "types" is pretty lame desu. Don't think there are only certain types of people you'd be interested in dating especially if you don't have a lot of experience.

I don't think you're a softboy piece of shit but you may want to reevaluate your romantic and sexual priorities/standards/goals. There's some introspection to be done here for sure: why do girls fall for you? Is there something that you do that contributes to that? Why do you not fall for the girls who fall for you? Are you hanging out with the wrong people?

>> No.12778767

Meant for >>12778741

>> No.12778791

report back anon

>> No.12778800

kys. fucking around drinking all the time isn't going to make u happy in the long term. lots of people fall into this trap when they first start drinking. don't be one of them and get back on track when you've still got time.

>> No.12778809
File: 73 KB, 720x870, 21558580_1166183833526605_7966353748241107601_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broke up with bf of 3 years in june
>finished exams and have been fucking around ever since: guys and girls of varying looks.
>prom rolls around
>girl i had feelings before bf is there, we were friends but i pushed her away so i could keep relationship with bf.
>she went from a 6/10 to a decent 8/10 in her dress and the way she had her hair.
> we start talking again, fuck i remember why were were friends and why i wanted more.
>turns out my ex works at the fucking bar of the place im having prom, apparently he wanted to try and talk me back into being with him.
>he gets angry that im paying attention to her and she looks happy in my company so he stops serving us and starts shouting at me
>cunt gets kicked out. girl is crying saying its her fault. feel like i've ruined her prom.
>be a sperg and give near to completely unhelpful company but she seems to enjoy my autistic presence.
>after prom we keep in contact a lot more, constant messaging everyday, meet up once or twice a fortnight, start feeling feelings i shouldn't towards her
>one of our friends who i used to hang out with at lunches is having a massive house party with my whole year there
>we get shitfaced at the party, i start acting like an idiot to keep her attention
>we go outside and just lay on a trampoline not talking much but it's like an hour of bliss, she is resting her head on my chest. she then asks
>"do you like me anon"
> no fucking way did i just get asked that.
> "yeah"
>turns out this was so she could break the news that she is moving away and said that she liked me too but it wouldn't work out and that over the summer she is going to be abroad a lot so won't have time to meet.
>she still wants to be friends
>getting high, drunk, tripping you name it, anything to keep me occupied from thinking about her or feeling anything
>doesn't work, but atleast im losing weight and having some kind of interaction with friends

>> No.12778841

Do girls like guys who dress better than other guys?

>> No.12778846

some do, i think most just care if you're presentable

>> No.12778850

this is true, dress for yourself but dont look homeless, otherwise you will never get girls

>> No.12778940

best in thread

damn high school was so long ago.. i sorta miss this stuff and also sort of don't

>> No.12778997

>be lonely and depressed
>make post on craigslist looking for a blowjob
>fem crossdresser offers to blow me
>considering it
Should I?

>> No.12779006

do what makes you feel good, if that means a weird blowjob then go ahead

as long as you don't get a disease then its no problem in the long run

>> No.12779036

>do what makes you feel good
imagine having this mindset. sad!

>> No.12779037

Feb 2016 - its been awhile for me. 3 months aint shit.

>> No.12779080

>i have the body of someone with mild marfans syndrome, down to the extreme hand length & flex, chest dip, and extreme thinness
>recently smashed my head off the ground and developed a calcified hematoma over it
>going from surgeon to surgeon & waiting months to see who will remove it
>i have to wear my hair covering my forehead >extremely self conscious over it all
>decided to get a haircut today, I live rural and nobody knows how to cut thick hair
>i just wanted a nice eddie klint tier fringe, instead she thinned my hair and I look like I have a high & tight w/ bangs

>> No.12779087

maybe you're gay

>> No.12779096

>because of my condition it takes a very specific set of girls to be into me
>i'm as fit as possible w/ a body type like mine, like an extra from Schindler's List
>a girl I consider a 10/10 dumped me a year ago and I'm still not over it
>whats the point

>> No.12779099
File: 129 KB, 500x380, blackadder1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl likes me for some reason
>literally miles out of my league
>hang out, go to parties
>actually kinda like her, but scared she's just being friendly and doesnt give a shit about me
>she talks to mutual about how she likes me
>text her, she eventually says
"ive never been interested in you ive always seen you as nothing more than a friend"
>bamboozled yet again
>somehow thought another human being would be interested in me
>not even the first time this shit happens

>> No.12779111

>All this /r9k/ no gf shit

Extroverts are literally cancer

I just want a better job and more money

>> No.12779124

I guess there's definitely more self searching to do, it's just so disheartening sometimes. I agree about "types" generally, but I had a lot more dating experience a few years back so I think I've at least got a functional profile of what I'm looking for. Definitely not bound by it though.
Genuinely ty for the thoughtful response Anon <3

I'm not fundamentally opposed to it but I've never been attracted to a guy, so it'd be a real shocker to me

>> No.12779128

>drinking alone at the uni bar
u aint real if u dont get a litre of vodka and cry in ur room

>> No.12779129

>got a girlfriend 4 months ago
>she's a narcassist
>drug dealing and other illegal activities at Uni was my main income
>Uni's over now
>I've moved home
>surrounded by nice clothes
>too lazy to get a job
>spent my last £50 on coke and cocktails
>acne has come back because I started browsing 4chan and masterbating like I did 3 years ago

>> No.12779178
File: 2 KB, 244x766, 10USx7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only girl i've ever been close to fucked 6 guys this summer, one being a regular fuckbuddy
>im still lonely as ever, waking up at 2pm and waves of depression keep me from doing anything meaningful with my life
>one girl showed interest in me right before i had to go back to uni
>my anxiety would have fucked it all up anyway because any time im around a girl where intimacy is even a remote possibility i end up vomiting

im stupid fuck idiot

>> No.12779186

but where do i meet the fellow spergs anon
are art-kids spergy?

>> No.12779194

>>little brother/best friend killed himself 6 months ago
>>seeing my best friend in a few weeks
dont do it anon, pros are pretty good for you to anhero

>> No.12779195

im really sorry to hear about ur brother anon
losing a family member is honestly the worst thing i can think of

>> No.12779211

People who are only into art because they feel like they have to because they identify with some quirky out group are usually spergy.
People like 20+ who are pursuing art/still interested in it are usually pretty chill if a bit weird sometimes.

t. Studying art for 6 years and watched all the spergs bleed out

>> No.12779269
File: 225 KB, 1200x772, w097mjxcz4px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly bored
>don't really care about my friends
>constantly gain/lose them so i can't really be bothered maintaining the relationships
>I like my gf but i can't really talk to her
>my only joys are reading and writing but I'm often to tired to do it as much as I'd like
>it's been like this for 5 years and I don't think it will get better

pic unrelated but I think it's nice

>> No.12779328
File: 140 KB, 965x1200, Y1uvmxF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make friends in college? its been 3 weeks and everyone seems to have already formed groups

>> No.12779331

>constant feelings of worthlessness
>someone expresses interest in your wellbeing
>push them away before they leave you
>repeat x forever

>> No.12779343

You already know this, but tell her. You'll just spend the rest of your life regretting t if you don't.

>> No.12779361

Yeah I've been in that situation before, you're pretty much fucked homie

>> No.12779364

>tfw autistic cousin made another shitty YouTube video
>Have to prepare for him to chimp out again if it doesn't get good views
>Favorite jacket has a large hole in it

Please help prevent the autistic meltdown

>> No.12779366

just fuckin talk to someone by you in class. drop your ego if you think they're all normies. normies party hard

go into open dorm rooms, leave your dorm door open (with your tv facing out since we both know you're playing your xbox all day anyway)

>> No.12779368

i got you bro i have an autistic cousin too

>> No.12779370
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my father is significantly older than me, so he's like disintegrating as I am coming into my prime. really fucking horrible feel ...especially because he's always dressed very modestly and professional and I wanna bang sloots and shit so play up my appearance. idk just an awkward balance

>> No.12779376

holy shit this reminds me of the days of making shitty videos with whatever resources/people at hand which always made it wildly inconsistent style wise Lol

>so basically we'll be dressed like it's the 40s but the setting is a modern house

>> No.12779395

it's Saturday night, what should I do?

>> No.12779399
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i've overeaten AGAIN. all i want to be is thinspo.

>> No.12779400

>tfw when i actually get mocked at uni for dressing well

>> No.12779415
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>promoted to a decent position in my company
>have sweet flight benefits so I visited my parents, flying out for a friends bday and then going to Europe in November
>have a beautiful olive skinned girlfriend of 3 and a half years
>paid off my credit card and have a decent amount saved
>work good hours and have sweet days off
>hate of communism grows more each day

>miss being single a little bit and miss that sense of freedom
>struggling to figure out my long term plans
>got drunk and somehow ended up with a buzzcut and now look like Timothy McVeigh
>can't budget for new clothes really
>crippling inside thoughts

Shits going good boys

>> No.12779602

Start to try, talk to people in your classes, join clubs, play a sport, join the youth wing of a political party, the longer you wait the harder it’s going to get and you’re in easy mode now

>> No.12779620

I've done it before, doesn't make you gay

>> No.12779632

>overweight but not lardtard
>skinny people only look good in clothes

>> No.12779636

christ dont take it that srsly u want to enjoy life sometimes 2 man

>> No.12779656

>Lost 150 pounds, but still physically can't feel comfortable in my own body, plus my 'diet' is starting to worry friends
>Finally got the courage to chat up a girl in public, got her number, art gallery date planned in a couple weeks, don't know if I should text her now or just wait until like a week before the date to make sure we're still on.
>Anxiety ruining friendships
>Not sure if I even want a relationship due to lack of experience in one. Just a 22yo who only fucked once at 16 and it went so badly I thought I was asexual for years.
>No money for new clothes

So shit's alright, I guess

>tfw hips naturally too wide to be Hedi disciple
>Why even live

>> No.12779663

I'm in college and in the same position as you are. Normally on saturday nights I go for long walks while listening to music and contemplating suicide. It's a really good way to pass the time.

>> No.12779688

what college b, Ill be your friend

>> No.12779943

>>girl broke up with her boyfriend for me
Stop right there. She would have done the same to you if you did get together. Basically did by not even committing to you. You are 100% better off for having her out of your life faster. Hope things turn up for you man.

>> No.12780037

>getting fit
>thighs are getting HUEG
>tfw skinnies no longer fit
>scared to get another pair of jeans
>what if i outgrow them again
any /fit/ and /fa/ crossposters mind giving me advice? i'm only squatting 1pl8 and don't know what fit or how many sizes i should bump up to accommodate for growth

>> No.12780057

Who else missed having an uncontrollable crush on someone here?

Its been about 3 years for me.

>> No.12780061

Join an activity. If you have a hobby find people who do it too. Make small talk with anyone on campus so that when you go to a party alone you will at least have a few people to say hi to. Sometimes I just walk into a pub and see some people who I talk to about 5 times a semester and have a great time.

>> No.12780089

Just go regular, tapered at the bottom. Get ass too so that it looks gradual. Finally wear shorts and show your sexy thighs off.

>> No.12780130

What did you do to lose 150 pounds amd how long did it take, because that is really impressive. The main thing for your ideal weight should be that you are comfortable, but if that is affecting your health you should think about what you have achieved already, and see that it takes someone mentally strong to do that. For the Hedi meme, just wear what you want, if you want to go full slp, go full slp, noone will stop you.

>> No.12780188
File: 15 KB, 480x439, 21230823_1995426514077786_4662650030972379906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been seeing a girl on and off for past 4 months
>barely talk, unless she booty calls me or we bump into each other at parties
>past two times we've seen each other, she rattled off about how much she 'wants me for herself' ect. but can't commit and other inner mental workings
>the only person besides my close friends, who is genuine and 'real' in my life
>mfw chasing her will turn out horribly, but i still continue to do so
(she also owes me 250$ :sssss)

>> No.12780196

>thinning and receding hair
I give up at life

>> No.12780210

Never loan people money and expect to get it back.

Hope you didnt need it, Anon

>> No.12780224

Totally agree with you, I'm just a stubborn idiot

>> No.12780251

I am literally in the exact same boat.. kinda creepy but it sucks. Recently got in a fight with her tho and I really dont want to see her again because she keeps fucking with my feelings and abusing that I'm nice. Sometimes its just best to be honest, yes a gf is nice, but you want to be happy too.

>> No.12780289

I feel you anon, hope all goes well on your end

>> No.12780317

> buying shoes
> try on a size 8, they're too small
> try on a size 9, way too big
> no major brand ever has any 8.5 sizes

i want to fucking kill myself

>> No.12780322

just get 9s you nerd, you'll get used to being c o m f y in a week

>> No.12780325

> implying I don't

Getting 9s is the only choice I have but I always have to wear thick socks otherwise my foot slides around. Wearing thick socks isn't comfy half the year.

>> No.12780332

you just arent lacing up tight enough boy

>> No.12780347

Also not true, I lace my shoes tight senpai. No amount of lacing will fill in a gap between my heel and the back of the shoes though, fuck you anon I shouldn't have to get angry this early in the day REEEEEE

>> No.12780351

Yeah I kind of ended up in the same sitch except I knew some people from my high school that went to my uni so I just befriended their friends.

You got a few options tho, join clubs and societies for one, or depending on what course you do I'm assuming you have like group seminars or labs or something where you could try and get to know people there

It's easier said than done tho, I'm socially fucked on my own course, and all my good friends are people I met before uni, the rest are kind of just acquaintances

Probably joining clubs or societies is your best bet

>> No.12780525

I used to be like this.
Kill your former
imagine you have
a giant steel dick
and make everyone
suck it.
Just stop giving a fuck really.
Do what you want to
Elevate to,
a higher

Leave humanity behind,

>> No.12780535

>Lift 6 days a week
>Follow strict skincare routine
>Take Finasteride to keep my hair think and stop my very minor recession from getting worse
>Dress well
>Nice straight white teeth
>Last year of my master's program and have a well paying job still staring me in the face
>tfw I still feel like shit and hate myself

>> No.12780547
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>girl I'm interested in is still unsure about me
>also is too awkward to talk to me about it, so she relays information to my friend
>starting to become less endearing and think I should talk to her about it
and then
>she tells friend she doesn't feel like she knows me that well
>we've known each other for a few years and I know her pretty well
>realize I have no personality around certain people
>realize when I do have a personality that I'm just an asshole
>want to buy clothes
>look at them
>slowly decide against out of laziness/apathy/disinterest

>> No.12780721

Women never know what they want.

>> No.12780902

>hate what my tuition has done to my relationship with my parents
>they see me as an employee who must do what they say
>they want me to go to grad school after i finish this year
>trying to find a way to articulate to them what I really want to do without sounding ungrateful
>end up just lying to them over the phone to save face
>my life's goal atm is to make little 10-15 shorts for like adult swim or something and cover my rent money
>realizing way too late that maybe i shouldn't have gone to college in the first place while my brother goes to law school and flexes on my whole existence
>whatever he's the dude that still brings up that artificial sweeteners can give you cancer and he's already bald, that boring fuck
>can't even properly articulate my thoughts from an anonymous position on 4chan

>> No.12780958

doing ok

>> No.12780994
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>go to the mall with cousins
>They say "hey let's go to the galleria next weekend (it's a giant better mall like an hour away from my area)
>Spend all week waiting on the weekend to come
>Weekend comes
>No galleria

Why even plan something if it's not going to happen

>> No.12781095

I'm sort of in the same boat but my parents are only financially responsible for undergraduate. After that, they said I'm on my own. Only reason I'm planning on going to graduate school is because it would be free and I enjoy and I'm passionate about what I'm studying plus it increases my chances of getting a job I'll actually enjoy doing. My relationship with my parents is in shambles at this point because they felt more like people who paid for things rather than my actual parents. I've suffered from depression for the majority of my life due to this disconnect and I'm hoping it gets better but I'm not sure how realistic that is at this point. My point is, if you are only financially dependent on your parents for undergraduate, then just don't pursue graduate school. At that point what are they going to do, not pay for the schooling you already completed? Not pay for the schooling you aren't planning on attending? From a financially perspective they won't have any power over you because (hopefully) you have placed yourself in a position that allows you to have financial independence after graduating college. If you don't see your relationship being fixed with your parents ever (no exaggeration) then just use them until you don't need them. It's a horrible thing to do and will likely end any relationship you had with your parents, but if they're going to treat you as an employee than treat them like a boss who you are telling you "I found a new job". With that being said, your life goal makes me believe you're some degenerative piece of shit exaggerating how his parents have treated him and are what's more likely is the fact that they see this and are trying to steer you into an objectively better route. Take what I said w/ a grain of salt I guess.

>> No.12781117

I know I catch myself looking at people because they look weird.

>> No.12781302

If wanting to be a creative with loose commitments makes one degenerative than I guess I am. I don't have any financial stability as of now, but I know I could after a 2-3 months of grinding.

My father has given me this piece of advice throughout my entire life: "Do the things you don't want to do now so you can do the things you want to do later." Sounds solid, right? I thought so too for years until I took a hard look at his circumstances and realized that after all this time, he is still not a man who does what he wants. He is not focused on his own happiness, only that of his employer and his wife. And while I love and respect the shit out of him for all of the hard work I have seen him put into our family, what he saw as a finish line, I see as my personal Hell.

What he really meant all those times was: "Do what I want you to do. Now and later." So fuck him.

>> No.12781312


If they look and then look away it's because you're weird.

>> No.12781469

oh yeah? I haven't even gotten laid in my whole life

>> No.12781483
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Joke's on them, I look away first

>> No.12781490
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>realize I have no personality around certain people

this is such a weird feeling but so true. it's like your worlds are so separate you'll never be able to connect

>> No.12781497

>I love and respect the shit out of him for all of the hard work I have seen him put into our family
>So fuck him
wew senpai

>> No.12781508

das it mane

>> No.12781573

>talk to people near you during or after class
>smoke cigarettes
>get involved in clubs/school societies

>> No.12781690
File: 55 KB, 307x315, middlelel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conscription, get out during weekends
>tired and have no motivation to do anything except hang out with friends
>friends have gf's and other shit
>I just laze around my home the weekend without achieving anything
>lose interest in anything i try to do whether it's reading a book, watching a film or going for a run (or writing this post)

>don't have a place in uni waiting for me
>don't even really know what I want to do
>seeing people around town just makes me mad because everyone is dressed the exact same way

>don't want to stay out late because walking alone at night makes me anxious as all fuck

hell I'm just rambling right now too

>> No.12781736

israeli, korean or finn?

>conscript in army
>afraid to walk alone at night

>> No.12781766
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>> No.12781838

now i have broke up with my gf

>i love her
>i want kill myself

someone help please

>> No.12781845

do it fgt

>> No.12781854

So then don't be a family man? I don't understand how the two are connected. You can sacrifice your own happiness for your family like most do, or you can do what you want and not have kids. It's your choice anon. If you really think your father is an asshole for trying to prevent you from making the same mistakes he did when he was your age then tell him to fuck off once you don't rely on him to live. I doubt he's trying to manipulate you in any way shape or form though. In fact, I'd bet money you'd be better off talking to your dad instead of ranting on an anonymous fucking message board.

>> No.12781922

serious question, how many of those girls did you fuck?

>> No.12781937

I have puffy nipples so I have to always wear a spanx tank top when wearing light colored sweaters

>> No.12781944

Not the anon you replied to but I know that feel

>> No.12781987

I think fin has started working. I started it 11 months ago. I planned on giving it two years before deciding to continue with it or not.

>> No.12782006

legitimately can't tell if you're a boy or a girl. reads better as a lesbian fanfic desu

>> No.12782038
File: 1.71 MB, 1252x782, Screen Shot 2017-09-24 at 8.43.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint that cute tho

>> No.12782057

I'm really on the fence about going to fashion school.

I'm a straight white guy living in the middle of nowhere and I want to go to FiT in NY but I don't know if I'll be homeless if I do. How cutthroat is the fashion industry? I can hustle, but I hear that it's money over talent. Which is true for most things; but I feel like I can do a better job than the retarded roasties that go there anyways

What do I do cuties?

>> No.12782074

too close to home

>> No.12782075


>> No.12782106

>wanna work in fashion
>dont want to risk spending on a fashion degree and not be able to get a job. Also parents insist on paying for school and wont let me do anything artsy
>always been a quiet shy spineless kid
>cant stand up to them
>just doing a shitty finance degree at a community college and probably moving on
to a local state uni or a satellite campus

>> No.12782128
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Parents died in a car crash. I think I will jump down the bridge tomorrow

>> No.12782141

>Lost 60 pounds
>will lose at least another 20
>look a lot better, maybe

>Starting to hate myself
>In love with my best friend who loves my other best friend who has no interest in either of us
>Nothing is fun anymore
>None of my clothes fit because I was so fucking fat
>Skin won't clear up
>flat, saggy ass
>no confidence
>can only sleep well when i'm drunk
>can barely control the thoughts in my head
>feel more alone than ever
>parents bitch at me over weightloss
>scars and loose skin will keep me from ever looking good
>nihilism seeps further into me every waking hour

I don't even know why i wrote this bullshit out.

>> No.12782167

>going homeless soon because fuck life what ever im 23 YOLO
>all i have is a jeep
>literally all my money goes into it
>only really wear techwear in palewave colors because im a massive autist
>no money, actually have credit card debt of like 1k dollars
>not making enough here to really fix it
>dont really care anymore life just gonna live I guess
>gonna have to be EFFAY and homeless

so uhh who wants to house a loser for a while?

>> No.12782175
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>> No.12782177

>meet girl on tinder
>talk alot, we really like each other
>go on date on museum, make out, hold hands, make out more
>we live really far from each other
>continue talking, but its only me starting conversations now
>out of the fucking blue she says she doesnt want to see me anymore
>only looking for friendships
fucking women

>> No.12782207

thanks desu :)

>> No.12782226

>complaining about having too many chicks

>> No.12782234
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Anon, she is literally wins international dance competitions and training to be a chef.
How could I ever dare mess up her plans, and if she doesn't see me in the same way I see her I'll be fucking up our friendship.

>> No.12782242

dont do it faggot

>> No.12782246

>thinking tinder is for starting meaningful LDRs and not just random sex
>fucking women

>> No.12782256

It's jump OFF the bridge dumbass, not DOWN.
You clearly have a lot to learn. Postpone killing yourself until you're smart enough to make that decision with a sound mind.

>> No.12782258

Sorta the same way, but I dress more normie, I'm working up the confidence to wear what I want. I've found that no matter how much you just want to sit in your house, you'll end up unhappy if you do that. I have to force myself to talk to people and force myself to go to social things. It can be really really tough sometimes, but I always find myself having a lot of fun and being much happier. After I've started to do this, I have lots more friends and even find myself in the ""popular"" type groups. Good luck anon.

>> No.12782267

Lol pretty much cane here to post this, life is cash as fuck, I just need more sick cops and vacation money.

>> No.12782281


>> No.12782310

On some level you're trying to make the girls like you. Stop being so fucking charming to them and leading them on for your own mild gratification.

I know this because I do the same thing to women and I can't stop.
>tfw you could have any girl you want but you're paradoxically going to end up alone

>> No.12782328

>work out for 2 years straight
>depression finally under control
>joint pain and injuries develop
>stop working out
>be depressed again
>literally can't even converse with friends in public anymore I'm so listless
>too depressed to make an appointment to get some SSRIs that would surely fix everything since working out consistently proves it to be a purely chemical imbalance

>> No.12782436

she said im cute and i smile like joseph gordon levitt.
i fall in love easily
im working on it

>> No.12782456

If "fall in love" is even in your vocabulary you shouldn't be using tinder.
And that's a compliment.
It's unadulterated degeneracy and it's clearly beneath you. Even if you need to rely on an app or website to meet girls theres a million better alternatives.

>> No.12782480

I know both of those feels, anon

>> No.12782485

holy shit this exact thing literally just happened to me a day ago

>> No.12782604

What are some good websites for "falling in love"?
Asking for a friend of course

>> No.12782686

>If "fall in love" is even in your vocabulary you shouldn't be using tinder.
>And that's a compliment.
>It's unadulterated degeneracy and it's clearly beneath you. Even if you need to rely on an app or website to meet girls theres a million better alternatives.
Not the person you responded to but that is why I don't.

now my feels
>saw some girl I had a class with last smester
> talk about our classes
> she has 5 or 6 or something
>I have 4
> talk about some other shit
> she stops walking at a turn
> She laughs and says she is going the other way
> I had mentioned my class was canceled and I had like 2 or 3 hours to kill
>around noon then
> I say something along the lines of I got nuffin to do I could buy you some food or something
>says I have tons of food at home seems kinda shocked
> Then right after says she has to go to the mall
> leaves says goodbye
> tells me I could do homework on my spare time
> don't have any, all done
> school is easy never study don't have to
what do I say if I see her again
Some (you)s would be nice

>> No.12782687

I also very confused by this situation btw

>> No.12782786

shes not interested man

>> No.12782787

She realized you were coming on to her and politely made sure to not lead you on. Likely best way possible. If and when you see her next, try to talk her as just a regular classmate, don't try to make another move unless she does

>> No.12782793

Relationships from tinder are weird. You, I assume a guy, have to be attractive enough to get a match, chsrming/witty enough to have a conversation, then ballsy enough to ask her out. The girl really doesn't have to do much. And all of this this will get you a date/fuck at best, now you also need to be a great person overall to make it a relationship. Ignore all of this if you're some god tier chad

>> No.12782798

hooked up with an ex today even though I tried real hard not to
>actually adore this girl
>only broke up cause I didn't have time anymore cause working 45 hours a week plus full time college
>went over to her dorm cause I thought it had been enough time since we broke up
>ended up with my tounge in her pussy
>now have to have serious discussions about our relationship status
>don't wanna lose her completely, but also any relationship right now would end up being shit
>she doesn't want any sort of casual fwb thing for a couple months to figure it out
What do?

Also, cause on /fa/, can't wear any of my beautiful fall fits since it's literally 90+ degrees here in Chicago

>> No.12782932
File: 34 KB, 540x541, 1487580229954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it that I know you're a girl.

>> No.12782936
File: 61 KB, 600x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would an Olympian god respond?

>sorry anon but I'll be busy nearly all summer

>to be honest I don't think a relationship between us will work

>can you bring me a 5-hr Energy?

>you're a very nice man but I don't think I'm ready to start dating

>I'll ask my boyfriend if wants to come

>> No.12782941


>> No.12782952

What? Every fucking major brand has 8.5. Nike, NB, Adidas etc. Look online. I'm 8.5.

>> No.12782973

>Girl I'm interested in
Something doesn't add up

>> No.12782984

>be me
>spooky skeleton level skinny
>no jawline even though i'm not skinnyfat
>teeth a bit crooked, no need for correction but still get braces for aesthetic improvement
>few months into it, see jawline
>apparently the way my teeth were didn't allow for jawline
>jawline getting noticeably more defined every week
>tfw fixing crooked teeth got me a jawline

>> No.12782989

Now put that jawline on a slightly more attractive body

>> No.12783089

Girls say shit so easily without ever thinking it. Compliments come as natural to them as criticism, and they'll throw both as easily as breathing air.

>> No.12783102


>> No.12783111

im a guy
what are you implying?

>> No.12783113

sounds like you had an overbite
i might save up for invisalign to have a similar transformation

>> No.12783114

i wish my parents would die

you got it better than some of us anon

>> No.12783115

im looking for love. i want to feel.

>> No.12783157

thats what we're all looking for anon

>> No.12783167


>> No.12783168

No matter how much I lose weight or get better at things I love, I'll never be pretty ):

>> No.12783191

No matter what I do, she'll never love me unless I get rid of my acne and get fit - abandoning my ideal body. Nothing I can do about the acne anyway other than keep eating well, drinking water and keeping my shit clean unless I want to fuck by body in the ass with accutane so I may as well give up.
How do you anons deal with juggling women and your effay ideals?

>> No.12783221
File: 861 KB, 6000x3274, 4d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't loved somebody in over 10 years
>felt nothing for the only girl to ever love me
I just want to feel.

>> No.12783346
File: 20 KB, 412x351, 5d0bc34c3abea2fedca567388ff73d16--the-frog-reaction-pictures[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12783376

Same here desu

>> No.12783429

i have invisalign aswell, you'll lose weight even if you're skelly as fuck

>> No.12783430

i think clothes look best on thin people but feel free to change my mind

>> No.12783432

i know how you feel anon. worst part was when i finally got the girl i thought i liked, but didn't feel anything at all for her. she probably still does not understand why i broke up and neither do i.

>> No.12783433

if she won't love you because of your body she isn't worth your time. go to a dermatologist to get acne meditation - accutane isn't the only solution, only the most extreme one.

>> No.12783513

She's probably dead, anon.

>> No.12783533

too relatable except I drink every day

>> No.12783551

Fucking kek at some of the comments

>> No.12783738
File: 171 KB, 597x839, tumblr_lki8aliarP1qdnfuho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel divided between the desire to express myself and my current mediocrity:
I want to be/appear cool and interesting, to look better, to dress better, to attract the people I want to have as friends...
Meanwhile, I am just here, being basic as fuck, never getting out of my comfort zone. The biggest step I took to be the person I want to be was cutting my hair in a different way...

>> No.12783746

Patrician fantasy

>> No.12783768

I know that feeling anon, good luck.

Having crapy health sucks, while your friends are getting passed out drunk you are taking care of your body....

>> No.12783788

>turn into an animal
>fuck her
>nut in her with the power of a million suns
>20 years later
>her kid is a hero or something
>sails the Mediterranean
>slays monsters
>saves bitches
>slays tight virgin pussy
Alpha as fuck

>> No.12783804
File: 22 KB, 358x332, 2401cf66f8fac1ad5ba47e4dd23ce42f--curly-bob-hair-bob-hairs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no shoegaze gf

>> No.12783806

small steps anon, small steps always work
start with the easy things

>> No.12783814

I guess if I see her around. You know keep in touch otherwise I will follow your advice minds do change and what's the harm.
that sucks

>> No.12783824
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>At least I have some money

>Still hate myself
>Pushed all of my friends away because I hate myself
>Don't think I will ever play in a hardcore band like I would want to.
>Have no motivation to change

>> No.12783841
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Yeah... I will visit my local gym today to see if I can work out there, and start going to physical theraphy tomorrow (both for better body and posture).
This week I will also give gradma some money to buy some vegetables and fruits for me at the market. Eating better should help...
Gotta think about the /fa/ and social stuff yet.

>> No.12783845


>> No.12783850

Bad shit:
>hate my face because asymetrical as fuck even tho nobody seems to notice
>absolutely cannot stand taking pictures of myself, haven't changed profile pic on facebook in 5 years
>got fit last year and started feeling good-looking but regained some weight because my parents divorced
>had to cut contact with my dad because he was getting batshit insane and messed with my studies
>wrote me a lengthy letter about how he was dissapointed in me for no reason and put a ton of guilt on me
>recently started becoming more and more anxious about relationships, as I only had one and feel like time is running out
>started missing my ex again even tho I couldn't stand her when we broke up
doesn't help that my friends are slaying thots left and right, oh well
Good shit:
>got a pet dog, love him more than the entire world
>started uni for my last year and feeling motivated as fuck
>going to the gym again (plus there's not many people, which always cool)
Sorry for the blog post, but hey it's a feels thread amirite?

PS: Anybody knows how to finally accept the visage I was born with?

>> No.12783864

>smoke cigarettes

unironically good advice

>> No.12784020
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I miss my old relationships.
One friend used to have a mild romantic interest in me before we realized it wouldn't happen, now he is just snotty and distant. Another one used to hang out with me all the time, we would talk about life and do stuff together... now she has a girlfriend and is busy with college, we barely talk.
I went through facial surgery recently and I just feel so lonely and lost.
I miss having a friend I can count on during this self-improvement journey.

>> No.12784052

Met a nice grill today at uni, she looked pretty /fa/ too, feels good man
Hope i can get closer to her in the next days, i don't want to fuck it up

>> No.12784061

Unironically best advice ITT

>> No.12784084

in the same boat friend

>> No.12784279


>> No.12784289
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Been struggling heavily with depression the last 3 years or so, i'm 18 and talked with my girlfriend last night and she made me promise to talk to my mum about it.

just did,
feels good, feel loved

>> No.12784303

>tfw no qt petite gf

>> No.12784320

do a one man antisocial raw crust band my dude

>> No.12784427
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my girlfriend and i broke up about two weeks ago and someone who called himself my best friend hooked up with her two days ago

>> No.12784442
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going to add onto this because its a feels thread and i need to rant.
i knew they were friends & he promised me he'd never do anything with her, yet here we are. fortunately, this doesnt bother me as much as it probably should. when we broke up i knew she was a slut, and when those two hooked up i got a bunch of support from my friends AND their friends who know me. the dude is trying to mend the friendship with me now but im cutting him off completely. weird how one night can destroy so many friendships huh

>> No.12784484

I think ottermode is probably the best balance between skinny effay aesthetic but also not looking like a weasle when you take your clothes off

>> No.12784499

>living in poland
god it wasn’t worth it at all. I make good money but i fucking hate this country and everyone in it. Cant wait to go home

>> No.12784536
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>> No.12784561

>dates whore
>splits with whore
>whore goes right back to being a whore
You seem surprised? Also,
>needing emotional support because a whore was a whore.
Smells like low test tee b h

>> No.12784576

did u miss the part where i said it doesnt bother me as much as it should bc i knew she was a whore when we split
the emotional support is great because i love having friends that care about me but you probably wouldnt know lol but ya lets call it low test

>> No.12784600

where you originally from?

>> No.12785028

The good
>school going ok
>fucked a girl for the first time yesterday (second girl I've fucked but the first time I've fucked this girl)
>first actually decent full grain leather belts supposed to arrive tomorrow
>surplus wool pants also supposed to arrive tomorrow

The bad
>kinda miss my ex
>less motivation since we broke up a few weeks ago
>feel like I dress well but don't have an individual style

>> No.12785035

>>never had any sort of romantic contact with a woman
>>Im not bad looking but I am just awful at interacting with people who are not already extablished friends
>>because of that I just end up not talking to people ever
fuck, iktf

>> No.12785495

Nice, mirin life anon

>> No.12785547

I am so boring now. I literally have no life but uni and study and gym. I used to be into creative writing and playing the piano. Haven't touched either in years. I'm scared of exposing myself to new ideas/stimuli in case I get sucked down into another rabbit hole and forget my real life responsibilities. Last time that happened was when I first discovered 4chan and completely failed the semester. I still have one year left and I am stuck with uninteresting, mildly pleasant drones that don't care for arts or beauty. Most of these kids just want to find a job and make money. I don't even belong with half of these people in my degree, honestly my brain is wired for the arts and yet here I am, crying and pushing myself to finish this goddam science degree that pretty much ruined my entire life. All I want is to be financially stable so that I can live life impulsively, read pointless fiction books, devour media of all kinds, seek beauty, eat well, dress well and take supreme care of my skin. THAT IS ALL. My parent's can't seem to understand that I don't care for a social life or money or status. I just wanna be left alone to do my own thing and look aesthetic in my own tiny apartment.

>> No.12785681

>could have had the first relationship since years
>totally and completely fucked it up
>usual procedure would be going on a week long bender but I can't even afford food at this point

>> No.12786434
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goddamn bro, have a cozy pape. time to get out there man, have fun!

>> No.12786547

Just got a new job and very hopeful for the future, but still unsure on how to enjoy life and do social things

>> No.12786549

>tfw you can't choose between two sizes so you end up wearing both on half your body while trying to decide

>> No.12786566

>no matter how I have my haircut I feel uncomfortable

>> No.12786680
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>too attractive/fit/fa women wont stop staring
>read way too much philosophy nobody wants to hear how all of their beliefs are predicated upon contradictory foundations
>too smart iq140
>intelligenceQ has lead to minor emotional instability, borderline borderline etc along with a degree of openness that is taken advantage of
>i am literally fire
>everyone hates me for being better than them, everyone feels threatened by my educated intellect, women hate me because theyre attracted to me and im only attracted to those immense beauties who just dont exist around here
>im either hated or admired
>idk what is even so receiving admiration can overwhelm with anxiety i dont want to be followed i want others to follow themselves
>completely alone with my books, letters, climbing walls, and piano

i just want to love and be lovd T_T

>beauty is wasted if there are no other beauties to partake in beauty with
>worth noting beautiful women are less likely to be capable of critical conversation
>intelligence is wasted if there are no other intellects with whom i can dialogue
>damn this century

>> No.12786738

You are not going to get anywhere with that attitude anon. Just tone down the autism and pretension and perhaps lower your standards a bit.

>> No.12786757

>tfw too low self esteem to wear anything but jeans and a tshirt

>> No.12786764

>tfw im over my heartbreak so I can now go back to my shitty dumb life

>> No.12786772
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>> No.12786777

don't give him the (you)s he's fishing for ya dips

>> No.12786817

Sorry bro, I gave up on girls cause this happened to many times.

>> No.12786964
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>everything is going to shit
>Can't find a job
>Might have a war soon and get conscripted
>No money
>Gaining weight like crazy and balding
>27 yo virgin
>will probably never gonna find anyone who loves me
>passing a kidney stone

I'm not sure if I wanna go on.

>> No.12786984
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Look on the bright side, if you gain more weight, they might not conscript you

>> No.12786997
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>I was looking for this over girl for over a 4 months
>Met her while I was in charge of a volunteer event at a park.
>Don't get her number
>Couldn't stop thinking about her Colombian Complexion.
>Told my friends about it.
>I just had to find her, and talk to her.
Late August
>Bumped into her on my way to class.
>Initiate conversation as fast as possible, acquired number, and she went home.
>Text her in class.
>We talk for a bit, going well.
>Suddenly say "my professor acts like an anime character".
Never responded back. Last time I heard from her, she said she had the flu. I ask her how she was holding up, she never responded back. I just hope she's ok.

>> No.12787044

Nigga, what war?

>> No.12787068


>> No.12787077
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>got diagnosed with brain tumor last week
>still haven't told anyone from my family
>actually don't even plan to treat it
They say I should get my treatment asap or it will be too late, but I can't really express how... good I feel with it. Knowing you will die soon is actually quite a nice relief for me.

>> No.12787083

well that's fucking bleak

>> No.12787128

fuck off

>> No.12787131

Thank you, less mental illness on this board

>> No.12787167

man i know it's a day late but could you not just move with her if she doesn't reject you outright?

>> No.12787186

I want my hair back. Fuck balding.

>"You look good anon!"
>"It's just your hair anon"

Yeah fuck off.

>> No.12787190

Dad binned my palace jumper its deadstock and I can't find another one :(

>> No.12787194

I'm with a great girl but I can't appreciate it because I'm in my own head about stupid shit (inside and outside of the relationship) to the point where I'm insecure and hating myself. I don't feel comfortable talking about it with her because I don't want to be seen as weak (Always been raised to rub dirt in it and walk it off) and I don't want her trying to reassure me out of pity, because then I'll always wonder if she's being genuine or just trying to make me feel better.

I don't enjoy much anymore. I feel I'm in a rut. There's small pleasures and distractions but they don't compare to long hours at work or campus where I'm stuck to my thoughts a lot of the times. I've never felt like such a mentally weak piece of shit before and I'm ashamed of it.

>> No.12787899

>tfw to /fat/ to care about being /fa/ anymore

>> No.12787912

>broke up with my first love
>don’t have friends
>i feel myself alone

what to do?

>> No.12787917

I always feel a bit sad when I see attractive men that are balding. What a shame.

>> No.12787919

Are you dumb? You know if we had ww3, it would literally be fat lards behind a button and then the planet would just die within a matter of seconds. There will be none of that primitive going to the battlefield and shooting with machine guns. It will most likely be very boring, very quick and very very deadly.

I don't think any government officials in charge would take these issues lightly.

>> No.12787925

I have a job, a good job, which finding these days is hard and I have asian parents.
But now I have hope, gonna visit her next year see where it goes

>> No.12788491
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Holy shit those rocks look like people's bodies

Does anyone else see this?

>> No.12788615

cool fit, i'd wear different shoes though. just my opinion

>> No.12788638

nice! sounds good anon.

>> No.12788642

Props for new Dante's Inferno adoptation look pretty good!

>> No.12788647

you're decent looking, i like the bleached hair.

>> No.12788902

>have had speech problems my whole life
>never talked more than I needed to
>developed into a introverted and socially dysfunctional person
>small, tight-knit group of friends in high school
> two quick, emotionally destructive relationships with a girl and then a boy have left me sexually confused and with attachment issues
>went to out of state uni
>no friends now
>unable to make new ones because of anxiety and attachment problems
>spend a lot of time browsing /lit/ /mu/ and /fa/ instead of going to parties and stuff
>seek validation in life by reading pretentious philosophy books, listening to experimental bands, and dressing like a depressed faggot
>hoping somebody will come up and say something like 'what are you reading anon?'
>never happens
how did I become so shallow

>> No.12789042

... everyone

>> No.12789140

there is this girl I've seen at a show last semester and now there is a fashion event and a party that spans a few days and she'll probably be there since I found her on the going list on facebook
but I'll probably never even approach her

>> No.12789150

Approach her dude, if you're not a weirdo about it it'll be flattering that you remember her, not creepy

>> No.12789844

You realise if you do it and get rejected you're in the same position as you would have been if you done nothing