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12774469 No.12774469 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you people experienced being ugly/average and eventually becoming attractive?

Post stories, pics, whatever.

>> No.12774543
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I guess, I went antisocial mode during my early teens, a 5-6 pretty much.
>started caring about my looks
>skincare, hair, clothing, working out
>started hanging out with old friends
>started talking to people
>average 7, 8 on better days
>girls started noticing me
>life is pretty fine

happi boi with friends and girlfriend at 19 now. :)

>> No.12774592

>short, awful haircut, socially awkward
>the tiny dude with too much energy
>do lots of sports and activities, dont eat much
>stronger than i look, but I look like a rake made with a matchstick
>late teens, learn that fitness is mostly eating, try to eat more, its difficult
>early 20's, work a manual labour job for a while and am forced to eat like horse just to not starve, and finally put on weight
>skinny strength upgraded to visible muscle
>among my friends im known as that strong dude with a great body
>nearly every party theres some dude who comments offhandedly about "wow, you're actually ripped"
>im not actually amazing, i browse /fit/ from time to time, i just about approach otter mode, thats it
>still short, but reasonably attractive face
>had gfs, have two bfs, sometimes see other people
>life is good

>> No.12774651

>Have body dysmorphia
>Believe I'm truly ugly, I planned on killing myself and at the very least get a vasectomy (not that I thought I would ever get laid) and just never speak to anybody
>Fucks with me every day for years from youth to adulthood
>Decide to finally go out and about more
>Women flirt with me
>Some of my 'friends' have really attractive female friends that are really into me and want to see me all the time because they think I'm cute
>idgaf I'll still probably end up dead before I'm 30

>> No.12774667

I feel the same way sometimes anon. I fucking hate how I look and want to die when i look in am mirror. On the plus side, a girl looked me in the eye and smiled at me today so that was nice.

>> No.12774686

(im a girl)so all my life i was fat, until i started university and went like 20 kilos down. since then i have a really nice body. like my tits arent shaggy and stuff. but i still have an ugly face. so i just had a buzzcut and i act as if my ugly face was just part of my personality, something exotic or so. and many many people are into me. the end.

>> No.12774825
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Here's my glo up, know it ain't crazy transformative, but it feels that way. Always felt like an ugly piece of shit through my teens. Feel okay on average now, some days I even feel downright fuckin cute.

>> No.12774984

I dont know why people complain about saggy tits. Ive never seen a women under 30 with unreasonably saggy tiddy

>> No.12775001

Before looks better desu senpai now you look tryhard

>> No.12775023

keep it clean shaven daily. that stubble looks horrible.

>> No.12775041

should've been more clear: I like how I look, so stuff it honey.
only have electric razor rn but i'm coppin another safety razor soon. I get ingrown hairs mad easy so I can't get normal store-bought razors.

>> No.12775128

Whoa I used to be like this.

>Hit puberty a bit early (but still a skinny soyboi anyway).
>I'd stare in the mirror for extended periods, sometimes coming to desperate frustrated tears over how ugly I felt
>Thought I was fat and had manboobs (I was a little skinnyfat, like 13yo and 5' 8" 130 lbs)
>Develop eating disorder in high school
>Grow to 6'0" and remain 135ish lbs
>Vegetarian for 6 years, partly as excuse not to eat
>Always avoided cameras, looking at pictures of myself made me anxious beyond belief
>Constantly thought of suicide. Eventually made a deal with myself that I'd wait till after I could get a motorcycle and see if that improves things
>Also that I'd go on a roadtrip/run away and blow savings before suicide, in case all I needed was a break like that
>Many girls are interested in me, at least till they realize I'm no chad
>Learned to shut my mouth if I'm not certain what to say
>Sexy aloofness is just me not knowing what to say

24 and 165 lbs now and much better. Losing my acne, being able to grow facial hair, growing into my looks, having a career/my own place and car, and banging 10 or so girls mostly sorted me out. Still have a lot of issues interacting with others, but I'm constantly improving and feel pretty nowadays. Owning a gun also helps with the anxiety, as when things are at their worst, I soothe myself by saying I can just shoot myself if things get bad enough, though I hardly ever feel that bad anymore.

>> No.12775403
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>sickly pale

>too disgusted with myself to even try and look good.
>just play vidya all day without giving a shit about my appearance
>also I had shit hygiene because at that point I didn't care at all
>spend most of my teenage years like this, have 1-2 close friends but most people (esp. girls) basically acted as if I didn't exist or made fun of me.

Finally decide to take care of myself after being sick of being a social outcast.

Started working out to tone up
Got my phimosis fixed without circumcision
Eat better, sleep more
Buy acne medication

Towards the end of puberty my cheekbones and jaw develop into an attractive face, I grow my hair out, and go for the prettyboy look.

18-now (23)
>pale, smooth skin
>long straight dark hair
>lean and toned body
>never have been so successful with girls and can't handle the attention

>> No.12775424

B4 is better

>> No.12775458
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>underweight skeller
>germaphobic recluse
>antisocial af
>barely any friends
>only went out for school, by taxi
>my mom dressed me

im 19 now and got rid of phobia. i have a healthy weight while still skinny and kinda toned from swimming daily. made more friends i go out with pretty often, use public transport almost daily, i do alright with girls but nothing special.

its not much really but i'd say its an improvement

>> No.12775686

h-how did you fix your phimosis?

A-asking for a friend

>> No.12775689
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>Ugly, getting made fun of base on my looks
>Got rejected by almost every girl, I tried to make a move with.
>College happened puberty was't great but wasn't bad either.
>Average 5
>Met my ex. but broke up with me after months, because Idgaf about my looks or how I dress
>Started exercising, browsing /fa/, and improving my life
>Tinder matches went from 60 to 200+ within 2 months, and getting some first moves from girls that I matched with.
>Cute girl that I used to go with back in high school.
>Slide into her dms
>Chatted for weeks, she told me that I'm cute.
>Everything is going smoothly
>Suddenly stopped talking to me
>Told me that she and his ex are back dating again

>> No.12775698

You dont talk for weeks bro. you ask to hang out on the first fucking day of texting. Ur fucking stupid

>> No.12775751
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I can give a quick rundown on my high school years. I usually try not to think about those times, I have so much regret.
>be an acne ridden edgy loner through junior high
>really into death metal (fucking lol) and play the guitar
>wardrobe consists of baggy jeans and band hoodies
>find 4chan some where long the way
>discover /fit/ and /fa/ first year of high school
>get really motivated to do better
>hop on accutane, get a HY, hit the gym, cop some slim jeans, CDB's and plain t shirts lmfao
>by 2nd year of high school Im pretty swole and have completely lost the acne, my skin is glowing
>girls keep complimenting me how I look hot and dress so nice
>guys wanna be friends with me
>start to get invited to parties where, i shit you not, the hottest girls of the school grind on me and literally beg for my dick
>never got this kind of attention before so of course I pussy out every time, even though I enjoyed the validation lol
>start balding senior year, as my hairline recedes so does my confidence, friends and attention from girls
>by the end of high school I have a full blown guy in his 40's hairline and Im a depressed loner again who dresses in baggy jeans and hoodies
>that was 5 years ago and I have never had a chance with females ever again
Hold on to your hair kids.

>> No.12775926

My phimosis wasn't that bad, I was just unable to take the entire glans out of my foreskin even while soft.

I simply started to train its elasticity: every day before going to bed in the shower I would try and slide it as far as I could without hurting myself, and week after week it gradually got better and better until I could easily slide it back and forth without any problems whatsoever.

My foreskin still partially covers my glans when erect, but I could still pull it back all the way if I wish to.

For more serious cases of phimosis, you might be forced to do at least a partial circumcision, but I guess pleasure is better than getting penis diseases because your bloodflow is impaired

>> No.12775949

I lost 15 kg in a year, going from skinnyfat to just skinny
did wonders for my facial features, I'm still probably a 7 at most though

>> No.12775966
File: 120 KB, 640x480, IMG_3749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post pics but nothing insane has happened to me so far. This is basically what ive noticed
>qt girls look at me a lot and try to get my attention
>ugly girls/fat girls look down at the ground or go silent as i walk by them wheres as before they just acted like i wasn't there
>people are more friendly and want to talk to me more
>people are nicer to me
That's basically it. I've made a lot of body gains too since 2015 but i'll post my before here and my after in the next post. Hope no one i know irl goes on /fa/ because i don't want them to see what i used to look like

>> No.12775971
File: 243 KB, 640x480, IMG_20170902_053659864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took this pic a few days ago. Also kinda worded the last post wrong i've only been working out for maybe 2 months(ish) but i've been improving my life in other ways since 2015

>> No.12775996
File: 579 KB, 2048x2048, 92D3E4DF-CB48-492A-8EE9-A569E56C1F8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I was considered “cute” by family and friends growing up, but I was never considered exceptionally good looking. The photo on the left was me when I was 16 years old. Photo on the right is 4 years later.

I started getting “hot” once I hit puberty at 17-18 years old. It was an over the summer type of thing. Life changing mang

>> No.12776008 [DELETED] 
File: 744 KB, 1218x410, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pic in high school, was pretty chubby and did not take of myself at all.

second pic in uni. lost tons of weight, got into skin care, make up etc.

>> No.12776044

dude I'm 30 and still look like a kid

>> No.12776054

Are you frank ocean?

>> No.12776059
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>tfw almost all stories involve hitting the gym
Does it improve your image THAT much? I never wanted to be fit, but rather to have pretty low body fat.
I'm also the complete opposite of a chad and make art all day. What to do, /fa/?

>> No.12776067

Its honestly all about face but body is just as important. You might even find that going to the gym is fun :D

>> No.12776086

If going from a 2-5 counts then looks like I made it

>> No.12776097

please go back to the original haircut, it suits you

grats on the skin, sleep and drink more and work out

>> No.12776102

if body is just as important then it cant be just all about the face...try to think more clearly please anon, for your sake and mine

>> No.12776126
File: 899 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170922_125253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been called both ugly and attractive on here before, so whatever. I still look a lot better now and girls actually like me

~2009 vs 2017

>> No.12776217

WTF nu-male you were fine before just get rid of the acne

>> No.12776218

(femanon btw)

11 - 15

>unruly hair, round face, glasses
>love horses
>wear kids clothing while the normie girls in my class are showing tits and ass aged 12

15 - today (21)

>to hell with those bitches
>switch class
>finally among non-scum-normies
>get new clothes, normal one-colored-shirts and sweatshirts with a little bit Guess and Diesel, nowadays shopping more designers from the luxury sector
>become ambitious af, teach myself English within 8 months
>still too restless, need to do something
>still loving horses but my stables suck, so I go swimming
>then archery
>then ballet
>then running
>then gym; still going 3 times a week (+ 3x bodyweight workouts at home)
>now toned/muscular instead of just skinny while my former bullies are getting fat

Feels good.

>> No.12776222


Oh, also learned how to do my hair and traded glasses for contact lenses past 15.

>> No.12776226

well you look like shit honey

>> No.12776228


>> No.12776284


>> No.12776295

going full bald is not an option ?

>> No.12776303

Seeing your body improve and shape into something considered "hot" is really confidence inspiring. I didn't hate my body before going to the gym, but I feel way better about it now.
> I never wanted to be fit
I thought this as well, but getting swollen is hard. At least for me, somebody that eats very little and doesn't take proteins. It makes your muscles and veins more pronounced, which looks great.

>> No.12776497

If I lost a lot of weight id be kinda /fa/
I'm still ugly but I used to be uglier

>> No.12776531

go for buzz my guy

>> No.12776540

Laser moles ditch glasses do eyebrows desu

>> No.12776557

I went from good looking in hs to ok currently (19).

I developed some sort of skin disorder on my face that can make me looked fucked up. I had/have good facial structure my skin just went from perfect to very poor.

>> No.12776637

Holy fuck you matured

>> No.12776645

nice, it's an improvement

>> No.12776677

why lie to him?

>> No.12776755
File: 475 KB, 2208x1584, WhatsApp Image 2017-07-14 at 13.10.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still pretty fat, my face just turned out like this, yet i get girls but yeah am working on losing weight

>> No.12776865

I've lost 15kg in the past 3 months and i look noticeably different, no longer podgy and 6ft1.

Only problem is i have the confidence of podgy me so i dont pick up on when girls notice me and its only after a night out that my friends tell me how bad i bottled it.

>> No.12776894

lose fat and gain some muscle
>bench press
>dumbbell lateral raise
>weighted squats/leg press/lunges
>seated tricep extensions
even a little bit of easymode workouts like these regularly will give you a more decent shape other than just being less fat

>> No.12776930

When you workout( or just start running and doing calisthenics like me), you get less anxious. Your face gets thinner, acne gets better. All that improves your self esteem. Thats how it went for me, anyway.

>> No.12776943
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>Be me in middle school
>Be short, greasy scene kid
>Go through autistic phases at an alarming rate, like when I got into Wicca and later oversized menswear
>Wear only black eyeshadow, have really poorly cared-for hair

>Hit tenth or eleventh grade
>Go through "hot phase" and get taller because of puberty
>On a hunch, start looking at this board and fashion blogs, and talk to stylish Stacy godsister (and steal a magazine or two from her)
>Get much better with makeup, take care of my hair, keep cleaner in general
>Donate my old clothes, which are literally falling apart from age; stop shopping at shit stores like Justice and Hot Topic
>Work out new outfits by color palette and texture
>Find more fulfilling hobbies, feel better about myself
>Now I get paid to pick out clothes for Stacy

I'm by no means extremely attractive, but I'm quite satisfied about how much I've improved.

>> No.12776963

>ugly, awkward looking, fat
>dress like white trash
>actual aspergers running wild because I'm depressed all of the time

18-present (20)
>6'4 but well-proportioned now
>lost weight and hit the gym so my face looks way better
>actually pay attention to the way I dress
>became less depressed and started to do well in social situations

I'm still trying to change a few things about myself, like losing a bit more weight and getting bigger/stronger, but I've come a long way.

Both men and women treat you way differently when they find you attractive. Girls think that I'm a stereotypical chad/jock/alpha type guy now but then I open up to them about my interests in mathematics/philosophy/literature and they find it endearing whereas before they just thought I was a nerd. Not sure if that's a maturation thing or an appearance/confidence thing though.

>> No.12776965 [DELETED] 

Started stronglifts a few months ago and body has changed quite well

I'm not delusional though, I'm aware that I still look small compared to an experienced lifter, but it's surprising how different you feel/people treat you after just a few months of lifting. Also surprising how many people are amazed at noob strength levels. I can bench my bodyweight 5x5 deadlift 1.5x 1x5, and overhead press about .75x my bodyweight 5x5.

Definitely notice people watching my arms when they're exposed. It's motivating that after just a few months, people notice.

>> No.12776969
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Started stronglifts a few months ago and body has changed quite well

I'm not delusional though, I'm aware that I still look small compared to an experienced lifter, but it's surprising how different you feel/people treat you after just a few months of lifting. Also surprising how many people are amazed at noob strength levels. I can bench my bodyweight 5x5 deadlift 1.5x 1x5, and overhead press about .75x my bodyweight 5x5.

Definitely notice people watching my arms when they're exposed. It's motivating that after just a few months, people notice.

>> No.12776970
File: 131 KB, 782x986, 20110113beartatobadmemories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not attractive yet. but I've been liking myself more and more ever since I've been taking care of my skin, clothing and working out. But still antisocial, kissless, virigin.

>> No.12777019

I guess I should maybe address a downside of getting more attractive as well. When I started getting better in social situations it seemed like I could blend into any social group, but once I also started getting better looking and more confident it seemed like the people that were more antisocial or less confident didn't open up to me as easily as they did before.

>> No.12777064

fucking glasses, i hate them so much but cant force myself to put a contact lens near my eye

>> No.12777113

Glasses are dope what you talkin bout

>> No.12777117

Lose weight

>> No.12777124

Not until im strong as fuck

>> No.12777162

ye good man

>> No.12777516

glasses r cool

>> No.12778479

You look cute desu

>> No.12778637

Fixed my haircut, lost weight, stopped getting tan, started paying attention to what I'm wearing

>> No.12778649

I was never really "ugly" but I did consider myself bland/normal looking for most of my life. Once I became a senior in high school I started to really love myself. After moving to a big city for university a couple of years ago I realize that I'm quite attractive and I'm not sure why I ever thought otherwise.

>> No.12778698

Sorta yeah

>go to a middle school, be considered cool for a couple years
>go to high school and get split up from my mates in classes, they all forget about me and i end up being friends with some proper weird fuckers
>end up not giving a fuck about my appearance, grow stupid long hair, become spotty and play vidya
>drop out of sixth form
>manage to land an impressive apprenticeship, work on that for 4 years
>everyone hates me there at first cause i was a dick but managed to grow the fuck up and develop real people skills again
>grew a beard, got a dress sense and sorted my hair out during that time
>combine that with being considered funny and charismatic from newly aquired people skills
>been told by multiple people that i always punch above my own weight when it comes to girls
Now 23
>went out in my old schools town and bumped into the "cool, attractive girl group from my school year"
>get unanimous compliments about my appearance from them

Feels good

Its not all about looking good though, you gotta feel good too as cliche as that is

Being attractive as a person isnt all about looks either

I had to go through some shitty times to get where i am now, and i dont actually consider myself to be that attractive at all

>> No.12778731
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Don't feel like typing out a huge greentext story, but i used to be overweight and dressed like a columbine killer and over the last couple years i lost 80lbs and started dressing like a mentally healthy person, and it feels like i died and woke up with someone else's life.

People make small talk with me everywhere i go, everyone is excessively nice and polite to me, get tons of compliments on my hair, my clothes, tons of "aww you're so shy, whats wrong, you don't like me?? :3" even though it was annoying and disgusting when i was ugly. Unfortunately that's where it ends since i'm still an autistic sperg and have no answers to their small talk besides "uh... haha.. cool" and they usually get bored with me

>> No.12778937

Sweat cleanses your skin, making it less pimply, and more glowy.

>> No.12779022

>Have two bfs

Dunno why that felt like a curveball

>> No.12779072

I wouldn't say "beautiful" but I definitely went through a huuuge improvement

>grow up non-white in a 99% white city
>dark skin
>greasy hair
>weigh 125-ish pounds at the age of 14 (5'2")
>high school, start with some basic skincare and working out but to no avail
>1st year uni, still fat from high school with bad and dark skin
>2nd year uni, start getting more into skincare
>3rd year uni, develop mild eating disorder and drop down to ~90 pounds
>malnourished and overexfoliating, along with drinking way too much, but still somehow have very clear skin
>4th year uni, skin loses its shit and flares up
>cystic acne everywhere
>overexfoliate in an attempt to get rid of it, only makes it worse (turns out I had dermatitis)
>still restricting heavily, and I'm tiny, but also completely shapeless
>post-graduation, keep restricting but start working out to improve muscle tone and take proper care of my skin

>> No.12779134

Oh my god you're hot. puberty is amazing... this is Neville Longbottom-level

>> No.12779539

I didnt really turn really attractive, but the thing is that the normies are not as vain and careful as we are so the small efforts I put to myself that are considered smallfry in /fa/standards are already tryhard/huge improvement for them, and while I personally think I'm not there yet, many people think I already pass as attractive.
>before: gokusen/The Ring look alike
>after /fa/: basic bitch with dora the explorer hair and japanese huge and loose clothing
Saved by mom's chinese genes, I was able to become the harmless looking asian conservative girl people seem to like

>> No.12779551

>she and his ex
guys should we tell him