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/fa/ - Fashion

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12747541 No.12747541 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like it's time to stop wearing Raf.

>> No.12747543
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>> No.12747548

We have to burn the raf archives now

>> No.12747550

when was that?

either way, raf has been cringe since since that nigga latched onto him

>> No.12747558
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earlier today

>> No.12747629

uhhhh sorry but
raf simons rick owens usually what im dressed in

>> No.12747649

More fa first lady ever
yas queen slay

>> No.12747718
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>> No.12747720
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>> No.12747728

holy fuck our first lady is effay

>> No.12747901

she's terrible and can't pull it off

>> No.12747907

She dresses like she goes top expensive brand sites, clicks on the "Best Sellers" filter, and just buys shit at random from there

>> No.12747972

doesn't capture the intended look

>> No.12747984

shit taste

>> No.12748020

this doesn't look good on her at all

also the whole point of him being the cd of calvin is that raf designs will become a whole lot more ubiquitous. That doesn't mean his eponymous label has been diluted tho

>> No.12748022

Honestly, the last first lady was far more effay, even with the whole "lady" thing.

>> No.12748025

You're right, she's wearing it her own way - which is more effay than anything

>> No.12748040


>> No.12748313

>wears it like a clueless fashionista soccer mom
cmon man

>> No.12748341

just stop this pathetic jerking over melania. there's nothing effay about a plastic gold digging third-rate "model."

>> No.12748434

You mad, poor fag

>> No.12748460

He's designing Calvin Klein collection you dumb fuck.
It has nothing to do with white label

>> No.12748771

he's right

>> No.12748796
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effay family <3

>> No.12748815

at least they're not some cringey shit like nmds

>> No.12748961
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>> No.12748986

god damn secret service look like some bad ass motherfuckers

>> No.12749029

SS look good, but trumps proportions are so bad. His small feel are hilarious

>> No.12749874

He's a big guy

>> No.12749966

she's so hot

>> No.12750010
File: 49 KB, 640x617, 1501095380116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This board has more cucks than I thought.

>> No.12750041

>holy fuck our first lady knows how to pick out expensive shit that doesn't work for her

>> No.12750756

he lies constantly about his height. especially when an athlete is standing next to him with the same height.

he's 5'11" at best

>> No.12750795

What about the opposite. The trumpbots

>> No.12750873

Looks like the worst album cover ever.

>> No.12750879

/pol/tards make up half of 4chan by now, if not more. There's a reason why most normal people left.

>Hi guys is Trump effay?!??
>Nazi aesthetic thread please!!! No nazi glorification, just interested in aesthetics;)
>Fascism aesthetic thread please!!! No fascism glorification
>IS THIS MAN ARYAN?!?!?!? RATE HIS JAWLINE (please ignore his hairline)

>> No.12751276

cry more, nigger lover.
t. non polfag

>> No.12751299

She looks amazing here

>> No.12751503

>red and grey
>all blue and red shoes
jesus fucking christ

>> No.12751515

5'11 manlet detected
Seriously though, Barron is 5'11, and trump is still taller than him

>> No.12751522

Did it ever occur to you that there are hundreds of other fashion websites, none of which discuss any of the things you mentioned, because they're rayciss, but you have instead, gone to the one place that does do it and you complain about it as if you're being smothered in it. Fuck off back to r/mfa, and take your shit tier sense of fashion you call style with you.

>> No.12751535

why is he wearing boots??

>> No.12751555

Imagine being this mad about someone disagreeing with you.

The point is that /fa/ is a fashion board, yet people come here and spew their political bullshit and talk about nazis and how much they hate black people.

>> No.12752231

>father is a billionaire and potus
>rocks the flagship of all autism clothing

>> No.12752269

This. Keep politics on the politics board you fucks.

>> No.12752289

Agreed. I don't think I've ever seen an image of a black person posted without inciting anger or disgust. Hell, we just watched someone itt get called a nigger lover just for complaining about /pol/ overflow.

Sorry guys, thinking the first family isn't fa doesn't make someone a cuck. You're only impressed by an ex-model/billionaire's trophy wife having a decent wardrobe because he's your guy. If someone posted for advice looking like Trump, it'd be "Time to shave your head, lose weight, stop tanning, and throw away those trucker hats."

>> No.12752319

man this thread is full of butthurt leftist faggots
you're already poor and ugly, so why be bitter? it just makes you even less attractive than you already are.

>> No.12752353

shes a superficial tramp that married for money

>> No.12752355


>> No.12752359

post more prep school-core

>> No.12752365

OR you and your kind can fuck off to somne right wing forum
theirs always been racist shit on 4chan but the levels observed today are only occurring because righty kids are trying to adopt this place as a home

>> No.12752366

Don't assume everyone who thinks /pol/tard racism and man-crushing/love-blind towards Trump is dumb is also leftist. If there were people constantly pushing white guilt, antifa, socialism, or Obama praise, I'd be telling them they're on the wrong board too.

>> No.12752371

the first lady is wearing raf and the first 10 replies are like "lol failboat XD"

>> No.12752384

>2 scoops
>236 pounds
really makes you think

>> No.12752398

Looks very wet on the ground there. Most of his shoes are probably expensive as fuck and not made for puddles and mud.
He eats pizza and KFC with a knife and fork to avoid slopping it on his suits.

>> No.12752415


Because... why?

If that chimp tranny Michelle Obama wore Raf Simons you'd be slobbering all over her knob, you nigger loving cuck.

>> No.12752416


The kid looks horrible

>> No.12752461


>> No.12752467



>> No.12752487



>> No.12752647

>When memes collide

>> No.12752652

What's next? She'll start wearing Yohji's aswell?

>> No.12752658
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>only 2 scoops

C'mon guy

>> No.12752713
File: 31 KB, 403x324, 1467775684976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these sudden Melania haters despite all the previous threads have been praising her

shills? on my /fa/?

>> No.12752968


>> No.12753137

>millionaire marries for money

>> No.12753718

someone actually posted this on /fa/.
the self awareness here is amazing.

>> No.12753839
