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/fa/ - Fashion

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12739287 No.12739287 [Reply] [Original]


Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>> No.12739290
File: 23 KB, 200x300, 451129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat like 4 bowls of this a day cuz im too depressed to actually make an effort.
will my body be okay in terms of vitamins n stuff, what should i expect

>> No.12739310

>what should i expect
fatness if you don't burn it before the day ends

>> No.12739316

no i think it puts me at like 1500 calories

>> No.12739320
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>> No.12739328
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Lost most of my muscle mass which is good. Have been eating way too much though and put on some fat. Gotta start doing adderall again

>> No.12739341

Yeah, get speedy and get some new fucking wall paper that garbage is just shit tier

>> No.12739345

Ur retarded if you’re giving up physical ability for aesthetic and instead of getting skinnier, you’re getting fatter

>> No.12739347

>FAQ on how to lose weight
You all anorexic fucks still pretty damn clueless huh

>> No.12739386
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thinspo body but disgusting ugly af face
might just start eating again desu, then at least I'd have something to enjoy in life

>> No.12739390

I have arthritis. I'm already limited in what I can do physically man lol. Also I admitted to putting on fat. I love to eat, that's why I need speed

I'm staying with people I met on craigslist and they could care less about wallpaper

>> No.12739391

She looks like she needs a young night wit a pocket full of cottage

>> No.12739394

>this is what he thinks a man should look like
Grills don't dig bois who can't beat them to a bloody pulp

>> No.12739398

It's not tho. I got really big and I'm 5'8 so I looked insane. I'm trying to slim down desu

>> No.12739400

why does fit continue to come here.

>> No.12739401

I swear I'm not fit. I'm trying to be skinny again so I don't look out of proportion as a manlet

>> No.12739409

>my life revolves around impressing roasties
>lol u losers u aren't gonna get wommins that way dumb losers lol
Stay mad, fatty.

>> No.12739418

this was meant for

>> No.12739426
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>> No.12739427
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>> No.12739432

Fuck I'm sorry I think I summoned fit on accident. I'm legitamitely trying to lose weight so I can fit in clothes without looking weird.

>> No.12739439

nah senpai
this is what fit does with their lives regularly, sad I know

>> No.12739501
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posting thinspo to try get this thread on track

>> No.12739509
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anyone got some comfy music for a lazy thursday?

>> No.12739513

Tweedy - Summer Noon

>> No.12739517

therapist wants me to gain weight so she can increase my depression med dosage but gaining weight will make me depressed
what do

>> No.12739520

put weights in your shoes and pockets

>> No.12739521

Take her advice

>> No.12739535

I have to take my shoes off to get weighed but weights in pockets might work if i wear baggy enough pants
I don't want to be fat

>> No.12739571

Throwing my diet away for a month because I have the chance to / am obligated to eat some really decadent food. How can I bounce back after this period?

>> No.12739576

Maybe try putting the weights in your underwear?

>> No.12739587

tfw 37.5kg left to reach borderline underweight BMI

>> No.12739588

does smkoking cigarettes help loose weight?
I only eat one meal during day and sometimes in the morning and smoke like 10-15 cigarettes.I drink only 1-1,5 liters of water (i know it should be more)

>> No.12739593

3 day water fast

>> No.12739597

also people exaggerate alot with the whole water hype. there have been studies that say forcing yourself to drink water doesnt have any benefits and you should only drink when youre thristy.
but ofc it does make you less hungry

>> No.12739606
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I went from xs to m this year i'm so disappointed with myself

>> No.12739611

>rökning dödar
Vad gör hon?

>> No.12739618

jesus christ

>> No.12739623

>rökning dödar
Jag ville knulla med dig.

>> No.12739628

Now that I'm thinspo I finally see the appeal of Mukbang/those weird competitive eaters like Matt Stonie. I am probably doing this wrong since I think I was supposed to become less attached to food.

>> No.12739632

it's well documented that starvation causes food obsession so it makes sense why we all love mukbangs so much

>> No.12739673

Have any "mukbangers' you recommend? The only one I am familiar with is Banzz.

>> No.12739722

Tja svenne. Kul att man inte är den enda svensken i havet av amerikaner

>> No.12739729

I like this lady cause she eats like a pig. So satisfying to watch whilst starving.


>> No.12739742
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No thanks.

>> No.12739743

oh my god i almost vomited. how can you watch that shit

>> No.12739750

It so gross and pigish it reminds me of fat people and that in turn reminds me of what i'm striving for

>> No.12739978
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>> No.12739981

It's all carbs, though

>> No.12740106

Starting losing again, which is good. I'm tracking my weight daily, then taking an average at the end of the week. I hope to be down at least 20, if not 30, by the end of the year.

I was depressed for so long, and now that I'm eating <600 a day again, I feel so much better.

>> No.12740108


check out divinemuchies she eats so much and is still thin and trish paytas or w/e is pathetically fun to watch

>> No.12740192

Is reusing teabags falling too low?

>> No.12740193
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am i doing it right

>> No.12740222

>breathing in
tough luck pal it doesn't count

>> No.12740229

I was already fapping to burn calories while I'm sitting, but now I'm feeling it.

>> No.12740255
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Who here smokes cigs? Do they help and how much

>> No.12740257

She seems alright.

>trish paytas
NO. Anon stop watching her videos right now. She's so fucking disgusting.

>> No.12740264

They definitely help curb my appetite but I wouldn't recommend smoking to stay thin.

>> No.12740269
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>> No.12740363

why's that bad? i actually dont know what the difference is, just curious

>> No.12740365


This has no nutritional value you mine as well be eating cardboard. At least add fruit and vegetables to your life. They're low cal and don't take any effort.

>> No.12740367

what the hell how are you so smooth

>> No.12740372


>> No.12740376

fucking gay twink faggot

show me your big smooth dick so i can make fun of that too

>> No.12740378
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they go bad quickly.... going to the store... ugghhh....

>> No.12740383

Why are straight guys interested in thinspo? I can see why gays would be, especially if they are bottom, but I genuinely don't understand why would you want to be specifically underweigh and physically weak. Not even advocating for /fit/, I think gym is waste of time, solo sports is where it is at for physical conditioning. Or outdoor activities. Anyhow, why? Not bait.

>> No.12740397

Because I got too big from lifting weights and my face and height makes it look insane

>> No.12740399

i dunno clothes look better.
maybe just mental disorder

>> No.12740405

Some people just have different aesthetics. It's like asking why a straight guy would want long hair, to wear pink, or why some shave their faces. Certain things just make people feel more "themselves" is all.

>> No.12740414

My early days as a weeb taught me to think tall slender men in sleek black clothing were the epitomy of cool.

I'm manlet status too and rather than overcompensate I would rather stick with the artsy poet look, girls I'm into, are into it. It's also important to note submissiveness and femininity aren't exclusive to gay men, and I've known plenty of forward dominant women who reverse the gender roles a bit.

Aesthetic is subjective, and sometimes other peoples preferences are hard to understand. I live in the city and while a walk on the beach or in the woods is nice once in awhile and hiking is fun in theory, until I think about the heat and sweat and insects and decide to just go smoke cigarettes and drink coffee in the fashion district instead.

>> No.12740421


Tin on mackerel on a slice of buttered toast

Tomato soup
Naan bread
Onion bharji

I will never be thinspo

>> No.12740459

This is the best thinspo in this thread

>> No.12740484


>> No.12740537

laying down is cheating

>> No.12740589

This is so true. Even when I had a lot of muscle mass, I could lay down and look skelly because of my bone structure

>> No.12740771

most carbs will lead to a fairly sudden spike in blood glucose, which your body responds to by releasing insulin, which in turn lowers your blood sugar which makes you feel hungry again. Carbs are important, but you should be getting most of them from whole vegetables, not breads or cereals.

>> No.12740883
File: 51 KB, 600x322, 26c334ab9dabdd50cf4a941b6cfac4a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the last thread but Ill ask again I guess.
I'm struggling to get below 122lbs (5'7 manlet). I've been eating <900 calories everday and biking at least 5 miles every evening after a small dinner. I will admit that I eat a lot of dry cereal (trying to stop) but for the most part its fruits and veggies. I also drink a lot of water, about a glass every hour or two while I am awake, sometimes miss an hour. Yet despite my working out and restriction I'm still stuck, can anyone give any advice?

>> No.12740932

>She's so fucking disgusting.

she makes me feel better about my life

>> No.12740934

bike more, i didn't start seeing improvement until i was doing around 10-12 miles every other day

>> No.12741061

with that routine your body has no choice but to drop weight eventually

>> No.12741069

>tfw BMI 23
>supposedly in normal weight range
>have a big belly
>skinny elsewhere
>basically fucking skinnyfat
BMI is a fucking meme

>> No.12741073

23 is fucking fat as shit.

>> No.12741074

it says everywhere "overweight" starts at 25
bullshit should be pushed back to 20

>> No.12741116

There is no real purpose in being physically strong, is there? I mean, I like the thin aesthetic, because I like androgyny. That's more than enough. It's about what you like yourself, not others.
But I didn't really try to be thin, it just sorta happened.

>> No.12741127
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>tfw just inside healthy weight range BMI
>tfw can't crack into underweight

>> No.12741128

I think BMI is supposed to work in tandem with working out/having muscle mass. I don't think it was designed with our lazyass culture in mind, where somebody's weight is 99% fat instead of having some muscle tone.

>> No.12741134

>There is no real purpose in being physically strong, is there?
Women want a guy who's at least moderately strong, not a stick figure. Being thin is good and all but skeleton core is just too thin for most women.

>> No.12741137

Having at least a modicum of physical strength will also mean you will be less frail as you get older. It's kind of insurance I guess, so that you're able to navigate a flight of stairs in your sixties without risking death or serious injury.

>> No.12741138

>tfw 18.9 BMI
So close yet so far away...

>> No.12741140

w2c thinspo gf?

>> No.12741144

I really don't care what women want. What matters is what I want, isn't it? And ultimately my physique is more important to me than a quick fling.

So make sure you do your flexibility exercises on the regular, it's very important to stretch often.

>> No.12741150

So what is the point of being a stick figure with no strength then? To impress yourself and nobody else?

>> No.12741151
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>flexibility is the same as strength

>> No.12741153

Going for DEX build

>> No.12741154
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I love how fashion crazes always come in waves. One of my favorite looks was the shaven headed style that was so trendy with European Jews in the forties. That might be a chic look this coming winter. Lots of dingy grays and earth tones, etc.

>> No.12741156

In the context of "maintaining a high quality of life when you're old", it is even more important than strength.

"Impress" is the wrong word and you know it.

>> No.12741158

But with no strength at all, you'll be lucky to get that far.

>> No.12741164

Why is that?
Is someone to going to force me into a fight out on the street and kill me? Am I going to catch some disease that kills me really quick?
What thing is going to happen that will end my life? There's isn't anything that is even remotely likely.

>> No.12741171

>Am I going to catch some disease that kills me really quick?
Quite potentially. Physical strength and the immune system do have correlations so by being physically weaker, you're much more open to disease and illness.

>What thing is going to happen that will end my life? There's isn't anything that is even remotely likely.
In a weakened state, even a few flights of stairs could end you. Being extremely thin carries similar health risks as being excessively fat. Ironic isn't it?

>> No.12741203

im not pulling this stuff out of my arse, there have been quite a few studies on this.


>> No.12741218

not thinspo but trying to get there RIP
bmi 19.7 but 23% body fat

>> No.12741346

I've gone from 22BMI to 19.8, lost enough fat everywhere, but I'm still not satisfied with belly and thighs. At what point did you get rid of most of the fat there?

>> No.12741384
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repost from last thread, also another from another day

>> No.12741389
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>> No.12741461

Anybody else feels like their ribcage is way too fucking big?

>> No.12741465

tfw <BMI16 and my BF said today that "I'm not that skinny."

>> No.12741498

i smoked when i was fat and i still smoke now after losing 70lbs
its a look, but i don't feel they help curb my appetite at all

>> No.12741506
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>no job, no money
>batteries in the scale went last week
>starting to have dreams where i binge on food

>> No.12741511

You can do it buddy, just drink that water.

>> No.12741517

constipation maybe

>> No.12741524


>> No.12741536

Anybody here vegan and follow a strict caloric deficit for thinspo

>> No.12741562

I'm trying to get skinnier but all I have to lose is muscle, I do want to lose it, but I don't want to risk hair falling out from a protein deficiency.
is it possible to get a healthy amount of protein for hair but also burn off muscle with enough cardio?
also idk how much protein you even need I just eat a lot of peanuts.

>> No.12741584

pic isn't actually me but you gotta epilate if you wanna be that smooth

>> No.12741590

do endurance exercise (i.e. long distance running) to lose muscle mass

also, the guideline for protein is like .5 grams for every pound of bw, for example I'm 130 lb @ 5'10" and eat 65g

>> No.12741602

I weigh around the same, but doesn't 65g seem like a lot to get in a day? I feel like I only get that much when I eat 3 full meals or binge.
I'm trying to get all I need at breakfast or something so I don't have to eat after that.
I go for long bike rides for exercise.

>> No.12741610

I certainly don't make it to 65g every day, it can be hard. It usually comes down to making most of my meals tofu or nuts or something with lots of protein.

Long bike rides are very good for endurance type stuff, keep it up :)

>> No.12741614

ive plateaued a tiny bit and my BMI is like 20.5 ;_;

>> No.12741621

Nobody reasonable should be talking about excess, though. Appropriate thin aesthetics should be perfectly manageable without endangering yourself.
However, I do feel that this culture is really unhealthy, but I have to admit I never really had any part in it.

>> No.12741647

dnp, y/n?

>> No.12741655

that doesn't matter, faggo

>> No.12741660

Yeah, mine make me look like I've got a second set of boobs.

>> No.12741705

why do all the other thin girls have awesome hips ;-;?

>> No.12741711

no, u might die

>> No.12741714

But what are the cons?

>> No.12741761

Just how much do I have to lose to lose my tits and ass I don't want them

>> No.12741764

Yeah, I hate mine.

Don't worry, I don't. Let's suffer together.

>> No.12741807

Eating 1500kcal a day, tons of meats, protein, vegetables, fruits. Drinking about 4l of water a day, yet I'm still fucking hungry no matter what. What do?

>> No.12741871

tough it out.

>> No.12741880

I got a pepper mint from the doctor's office. Will it ruin my fast if I eat it?

>> No.12741885

Stop being a fatty

And 4l is excessive you're just dehydrating urself at this point

>> No.12742120

IF helps with hunger if u can get through a few days of really bad hunger u get accustomed to it and u dont get hungry on the off hours

>> No.12742141

Does anyone have a thinspo discord invite?

>> No.12742186

underrated post, made me kek

>> No.12742236

it's math anon. You're either exaggerating how much you exercise or underestimating how much you eat. If the numbers you posted were actually correct/accurate you would be losing weight.

>> No.12742249

Eating more expands the stomach leads to filling less full given the same amount of food. Do IF instead to reduce hunger pains long term. Short term it might a bit uncomfortable.

>> No.12742533

just broke my 48 hour fast at 44 hours, but did it with a plate of vegetables instead of a binge! feels good :)

>> No.12742594

>Eating more expands the stomach leads to filling less full given the same amount of food

>> No.12742999



Maybe I should have rephrased what I said. Eating habits have an effect on how much your stomach is able to shrink. Your stomach shrinks after the meal is passed but prolonged eating styles can you lead to your stomach being more resistant to stretch as well as the opposite.

>> No.12743004

*Stretch instead of shrink in the 2nd sentence

>> No.12743324

who is she?

>> No.12743337

i know that fucking feel
18.6 for life it seems
my brain just screams EAT whenever I push harder

>> No.12743358

I can't/won't say this on MPA so I'll say it here.

Every time I hear about how the joos were on starvation diets of ~1200 calories I day I feel a weird mixture of contempt and smugness. I eat under 800 nearly every day, so why do they never stop whining about it? Fucking eternal victim complex, I swear.

>> No.12743360

it probably all came from gruel
I'd be whining too

>> No.12743365

I eat mostly soup.

>> No.12743373

My favourite bird is the parrot

>> No.12743383

Cool, mine is the magpie.

>> No.12743561

Scooby doo? What are you 8?

>> No.12743781
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I've gone from a bmi of 28 to 23 in about a year and a half.
I've started running and have cut candy and fast food almost completely out of my diet but I've still been stuck at 23 for like 4 months now. I hate it.
Don't know what to do and still have far too thick legs for a guy.
Should I start swimming or something, I can't really eat less since I'm at Uni so I need energy to study and my stomach is the fucking loudest when I don't eat. If I skip breakfast my growling echoes around the room.

>> No.12744019

Damn getting hammered leads to binging the next day. I woke up so dehydrated and hungry and just ate the entire vending machine. Never again.

>> No.12744113


>> No.12744125

This isn't a fat hate post as I don't hate fat people as a whole, but I hate the fat people who decide to "identify" as fat the way black people identify as black or gay people identify as gay. God I hate these people so fucking much.

Also the other day I saw someone complain about a vegan youtuber who talks about how her diet helped her lose weight and she took it personally and said "why does everyone hate fat people?" like wow maybe she's entitled to feel proud of her own personal weight loss you whiny fuck.

>> No.12744209

Just threw it all up.

>> No.12744221

I ate cheap muesli with water (was too lazy to buy milk) for a few weeks and I was fine. You just can't keep doing it for too long. Arrange a stay at family's or friends' place as soon as you're feeling better, and try to form better nutrition habits

>> No.12744239

It's really weird, I was always on the border of underweight BMI, but in the last years I gained like 3kg (could be muscle mass, as I finally started exercising)

Now I'm 53kg at 165cm and I was sure that would be "more than average" BMI (21? 22?) but apparently it's 19.5

I don't think people with heavier build should be immediately considered obese, but I also think it's absurd that I'm so close to being "underweight" when it's the heaviest I've ever been and I'm very well proportioned (not lanky)

>> No.12744367
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I got jumped by 2 sjws today. This is the first time ive ever been in a fight. Luckily they they only ruined my HM 5 dollar tshirt and the good thing is that i now have a cool scar below my eye.
Probably should stop shouting vulgar stuff while drunk when i only weigh 140lbs though.
>how was your day?

>> No.12744378
File: 8 KB, 247x200, 10635777_1390246367950896_6906695428357732437_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its impossible to understand fat people
>tfw no twink to shout stupid things with

>> No.12744396

>shouting stupid stuff public, drunk
sounds like they werent sjws and you just acted like a retard.
nice scar though

>> No.12744397

greentext story pls

>> No.12744416

i suck at this but ok
>drunk at some club with a couple of friends
>one of my friends manage to throw up inside and gets kicked out so we left with him
>now we are just fucking around in the streets
>a girl hit on my friend that threw up, she is very fat and my friend is so drunk he dosent care and they start making out
>she had like 5 friends with her, 2 girls and 2 guys
>we start takling with them while the 2 are making out
>casually mention that the fat girl look like a whale
>the 2 of the guys got mad and psuhed me over and i fall in to the ground, face first
>other guy lift me up by my tshirt and and pushed me around

Not that exxiting, i didnt really shout it and i wasnt really jumped but fuck i like to exaggerate
btw sorry for bad english im drunk and im not english

>> No.12744420

you deserved it

>> No.12744423

Guess i did. I always make a fool out of myself when i drink since i dont need that much but im always scared that i will sober up and my autism will revealed

>> No.12744424

you're attractive

>> No.12744465
File: 176 KB, 750x734, tumblr_oti75wSqTC1vj5eyyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding that you deserved it, also you probably are more autistic drunk, but just don't realize it because you are drunk. You sound kind of unpleasant to be around. You should work on that, autism is way more tolerable than being a prick, at least to me.

Only being so harsh in the hopes you take a hard look at yourself to see whether I'm striking a cord or not.

>> No.12744484


>> No.12744506
File: 56 KB, 720x644, 1501014396043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah im pretty autistic while drunk as well. But when im drunk i can at least socialize with alot of people.
I do talk about a lot of stupid autism things that i learned on 4chan when im drunk and some find it interesting and luckily some think im just joking.

I might be a bit of a prick but im also pretty popular with my friends and even though they all say im the weirdo of the gang they all seem to enjoy my company.

Still i get what youre saying and i can be pretty annyoing/prick both drunk and sober so should probably work on that, thanks

>> No.12744528
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At least you don't become a vocal Jew hater like me.

>> No.12744571

Ive been pretty close though.. Im so scared of revealing my powerlevel that ive begun to just stop browsing 4chan for a couple of days before drinking.

>> No.12744635
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should have embellished, could have made it sexier

>> No.12744643

If you're thin you must have testosterone, so eat more eggs and exercise

Low test makes your face look puffy and bitch like

>> No.12744652

How about you stop browsing /pol/ altogether

>> No.12744684
File: 130 KB, 960x960, NpB13B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really want to talk about politics on /thinspo/ but I started studying better, have started to learn traditional tasks and work out because of /pol/.
They pulled me out of my nihilism.
Existentialism didn't work for me, religion didn't either. Nationalism makes me want to succeed in life.
I don't go there often though because the place is full of mindless racists, neo-nazis and non authoritarian degenerates.

>> No.12744718

Go on a low calories diet.
At bmi 23 you can easily eat about ~1800kcal and still loose weight. Aim for as much protein as you can per day, eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. Set yourself up something like a Fatsecret account and go for it. Low kcal is the only way to lose weight. Good luck senpai.

>> No.12744752

Do no shit, take no shit. Be the best version of yourself you can and follow whatever ideology you want, as long as you don't hurt people who don't deserve it.

>> No.12744798

please post a full body pic you're literally goals

>> No.12744924

Idk I personally never found that it helped much in my case. Only methylphenidate does wonders for me.

>> No.12744929

bright yellow urine desu

>> No.12745094

Interesting papers, but one thing is bothering me a lot.
They are strictly testing the mechanoreceptors (inserting a ballon on the stomach and filling it with water) and completely leaving aside the influence of the hormonal system associated with food ingestion. Orexigenics (e.g ghrelin) and anorexigenics (e.g. leptin) are way more important on apetite than the stretching capacity of the stomach. Moreover, changes in stretching capacity of the stomach could be a consequence of disorders on said hormones.
Are you studying or work in the medical system?

>> No.12745721

what happened to the food and drink list

>> No.12745743

So, if i understand correctly, to maintain a goal weight you just have to eat your TDEE?

Is it really that simple? I'm so shit at counting calories it's gonna be hard.

>> No.12745883
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>> No.12745911

You went from cute to child to be honest

>> No.12745919
File: 96 KB, 944x712, doyouknowwhereyouare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12745937

Didn't know what i was thinking

>> No.12745938

I'm just starting out with this and I'd like to know: if right now I'm 5'4" and 123lbs, what weight should I aim for? 110lbs (BMI 18.9)? 105lbs (BMI 18.0)?

>> No.12745956

I'm almost an inch shorter and a few pounds lighter than you and I'm definitely aiming for 100 or below, I think at this height that's the only way to attain thinspo. 105-108 is supposedly underweight though so you might want to stop there.

>> No.12745957

i wonder how long this took

>> No.12745960

About 7 months.
Hitogm1103 on instagram.

>> No.12745969

Ok, thanks. I'll go for 105 now and decide if I want to keep going when I get there.

>> No.12746013
File: 134 KB, 900x1600, 0ab0b2f7-ce19-476f-8cae-a57ad7c6f284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which jeans 2 get

I think I like them this skinny but this is an old h&m 31/32 pair probably that's too small for me.

>> No.12746227

I need help thinspo. My weight loss has come to a halt for the past two weeks. I am 6'0 148 pounds. My weight has not gone down in three weeks. I consume 1000-1200 calories daily and run. What do I need to do to break this plateau.

>> No.12746229

Three weeks*

>> No.12746230

I just want to be 138-140

>> No.12746261

Same boat.

>> No.12746327

>got the stick legs
>got the stick arms
>bmi at 18.2
Why do I look like shit now? How am I supposes to dress?

>> No.12746363
File: 687 KB, 494x601, eatglitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help /thinspo/ :(

I'm close to my goal weight but my weight has been creeping back up because of bingeing and constant hunger. If I don't eat my entire TDEE in calories in the evening, I feel so hungry that I can't fall asleep. Even worse, my dreams are very vivid and I regularly dream of food, buffets, restaurants, etc. I suspect that part of this is due to my birth control pill but I have to stay on it until end-October for health reasons.

What can I use so I don't feel like I'm starving? I already drink a lot of coffee and tea and pseudoephedrine gives me heart palpitations without doing much in terms of appetite suppression. I suspect that my mental health might also be causing emotional cravings making the whole thing worse.

>> No.12746376

Stop drinking any coffee. Cutting out caffiene will help inmensely and solve your sleeping problems. I guarantee it.

>> No.12746381

I've had sleeping problems since winter and I was only drinking 1 cup 4-5 times a week then and I mostly drank herbal tea or caffeine-free blends like rooibos.

I've actually increased my caffeine consumption this month because my doctor said I had to work through my anxiety headaches and it's really the only way I can get enough energy to do it :( Otherwise I always feel lazy, tired and in pain.

>> No.12746390

Male or female? Is it the stomach that you're having issues with?

>> No.12746395

Basically what I'm saying is that if I cut out caffeine I need some sort of replacement so I can still manage to get work done.

>> No.12746397

You sound like me. What time of the day are your drinking your coffee? What are you drinking it with (milk, black, sugar?)

>> No.12746407 [DELETED] 

I drink my coffee black. One cup when I wake up, one cup in the morning at work, and if I need to stay past 6pm I'll sometimes have a cup around 3pm-5pm.

>> No.12746408
File: 406 KB, 1787x1974, IMG_2428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4" 112 how do I get down to 100 without going crazy

>> No.12746413

I drink my coffee black. One cup when I wake up, one cup in the morning at work, and if I need to stay past 6pm I'll sometimes have a cup around 3pm-5pm.

A couple of weeks ago I was also having Sugarfree redbull but I can't afford it unless there's a large sale.

>> No.12746435

If that's you, you look hot now. You're luck to have a waist like that. I'm 95 and taller than you, and my banana body is shit.

For advice, how much are you exercising and eating?

Well, definitely cut out the energy drinks, that stuff is awful. Try to cut out one or two of those cups if you can. Maybe just one cup at work? I know I NEED to have coffee while I work, just to sip on and feel productive. How's your water intake?

>> No.12746447

Well thank you. In terms of exercise
I work in production so I am constantly lifting 20+lb boxes for about 2-3 hours straight, then fast-paced walking for another 5 hours when I am supervising. I do this 6 days per week. I eat once per day around 6pm when I am working, usually protein heavy with lots of fresh cold cuts, no bread, and fruits and cooked vegetables. I used to be a runner but my job makes it hard for me to keep that up. I do cycle to work however

>> No.12746450

Apart from the two packs I had two weeks ago I hadn't had any energy drinks in over a year lol

I actually need the caffeine though, not the sipping. When I first started Wellbutrin all my fatigue problems went away but since then the effects have unfortunately faded. Right now is a good time to quit though because I ran out of coffee grounds and I can't afford more lol So I haven't been having my morning cup. I'll just delay buying more coffee.

I used to have around 3L of water or herbal tea a day but I've cut back to around 1.5-2L after a couple of... uhhh... accidents.

>> No.12746522

Any older thin-wanna-be's here? I
m a 36 year old womyn that wants to go back to my old skinny andro look, but it's not quite working out... Seems I'm loosing fat in my face easier nowadays and I just look gaunt and older. Fugg... Does drinking more water help with that?

>> No.12746588

Anyone had winging scapulas? How did you fix it?

>> No.12746872

hi. ites been a month and 25 pounds since i last posted here, started a memetogenic diet. ate 1800 cals a day the first week, down to 1400 the second and now i can barely eat 1000 a day, feeling OK. I do mountain bike sometimes
see you in a month, hopefully with a picture or something

>> No.12746977
File: 308 KB, 1280x1280, 81fbcb38-05c9-4065-babc-4d753da3ac88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great anon! Keep it up!

>> No.12747379

can anyone post a list of thinspo approved meals? i need ideas what to buy in the grocery store..

>> No.12747434

You might want to try Bovril/Bonox if you're looking for something else to drink.

>> No.12747590

Boyfriend wants me to slowly lose weight, like stupidly slow but I'm not about that. Gonna fix my diet up tomorrow! Whole lot to go.

>> No.12747607

>good luck anon - im just restarting after a few rough months today, shits tough yo

>> No.12747618

How low can I go without losing my hair?

>> No.12747644

I'm kinda really worried. My boyfriend is attracted to me the way I am, despite me being the largest girl he's with. He's not the most supportive as he likes me how I am. But I'm seriously Obese, like, anti-thinspo fat

>> No.12747729

They don't have Bovril here but chicken broth or stock should probably do the trick because it'll be a bit similar nutrition-wise. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.12747743

Are you a girl? If you are, Did he make you feel bad by telling you to lose weight? I'm sorry if this question is a bit weird, it's just, I'm curious because girls have some kind of complex with that thing of feeling fat and all that.

>> No.12747755
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>tfw it's a struggle to gain weight
>tfw it's a fatboys world

>> No.12747776

>largest girl he's with
Been with? Or is he seeing multiple women?

>> No.12747798

I'm a girl yes, and no no, he didn't make me feel bad. I'm the one who wants to lose weight and he doesn't really want me to so he's just wanting me to lose weight super slowly if that makes any sense?

Been with, bad wording on my part.

>> No.12747813

How much do you weight?

>> No.12747820

No, I study math and physics.

>> No.12747842

Oh. I'd advise you against making statements about things you don't understand fully

>> No.12747865

My rephrased statement has nothing to do with satiety. It's merely about the physical expansion of your stomach and the claims I made were substantiated by the papers I linked. Thank you for being as condescending as someone can be through a body of text.

>> No.12747918

m8 I fucked it up this weekend must have eaten like 5000cal each day I feel so fucking fat-faced atm weighted 60kg on Thursday dunno how much weight gained since ;_;

>> No.12747933

>My rephrased statement has nothing to do with satiety
then how is it relevant to the original problem? it had everything to do with satiety >>12741807

>> No.12748067

is a diet break for a week a good idea. I've been in a plateau for 3 weeks eating 1000 calories. I think my metabolism is shit right now. I think a good 1800 calorie a day break for a week would benefit me. Any thoughts?

>> No.12748087

its good for both your body and your state of mind to break the diet now and then, definitely not a week, just cheat twice a week, plan when and where, i usually save those for when i go out with friends or sometimes I just go watch a movie and eat a crepe or something. Its really easy because you know you are only having it a day a single meal and its not hard in the slightest to get into it again

>> No.12748263

Was posted on /fit/ some days ago. He fixed his shitty hairstyle and has a pretty decent gf.

>> No.12748280

yum i'd eat YOU up.

>> No.12748282

holy fuck.

>> No.12748300
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Post your legs thinspo. Should I shave?

>> No.12748326

I eat porridge for most meals, since I'm horribly lazy.
It's easy, quick, cheap, doesn't go bad and you can basically combine it with whatever, like berries, nuts, vegetables, soft boiled eggs, etc.

>> No.12748459

>1 can sardines -200 cal
>1 tomato -20 cal
>1 small cucumber -20 cal
>1 small pepper -20 cal
This good for breakfast?

>> No.12748465
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not bad

>> No.12748483
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>> No.12748596

how do i fix my stomach . its like a set of stairs but rounded, largest at the bottom. i guess like fat rolls. im at a bmi of 23 what do i do its so gross

>> No.12748619

Lose weight...?

>> No.12748632


combine this with the low-cal food list in OP and you're good to go :)

>> No.12748634

nice legs!
unless you're dressing up really nice for something, I don't really think you need to shave, you've not got a lot of hair

>> No.12748759

So what BF% is the goal?

>> No.12748770

around 8-10% is the sweet spot imo
you get nice and thin, good muscle definition and no fatface, but it's not unhealthily low

>> No.12748783

I'll aim for that then, thanks.

>> No.12748819

Do ever you see another thinspo person and you just wanna give them a nod to something? I don't wanna be an austist but it's rare I see any other girls like this.

I was drinking my coffee and saw this pale blonde girl outside smoking a cigarette and it was just sort obvious and I wanted to be like good job friend I see you but that's creepy af. I remember one time someone did that to me at the mall and I was like thanks?

>> No.12748835
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>tfw 16 BMI
i wonder if it affects health negatively

>> No.12748847

Had a woman on my morning route that was thinspo asf and she would just nod and give me a smile and so would I. I think we just had the same passion about being skinny.

>> No.12748850
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ayy 5'4 as well here, I aim for 50kg (and just a bit below because being slightly underweight if a thrill) but depending on your gender (I assume you're a girl) I think your weight is perfect the way it is. I already look "good" and not much changes on my appearance no matter how many times I exercise already. I just diet for that BMI of 18.5 now.

>> No.12748854
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>all these 5'4s going for way below what I intended
wtf now I feel fat

>> No.12748858

How do I lose my last amount of body fat that's left? Body wise I am not too worried, but my face could use some more definition.

>> No.12748889

How do you know that your metabolism is slowing down and when to eat up?

>> No.12748895

I was dieting (vlcd) like crazy the two weeks I was on vacation in Spain because I feared I'll gain it all back on the paellas, and while not being perfect and still stepping over 1000 and other crazy amounts, I lost 3kg in these two weeks and am generally very proud. I'm just sad that it's still not my ugw so I gotta keep pushing. I'm generally already used to my diet lifestyle but I miss having dinners. Generally I have no idea if I'll ever stop intermittent fasting without fucking up my weight again.

Also ate all my sambal paste, so rip.

sorry for blogposting

>> No.12748899

>sorry for blogposting
that's something this gen needs

>> No.12748910
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post what you drink this evening /thinspo/

>> No.12748916


>> No.12748970

I'm having trouble shopping at fast fashion stores because everything is too big for me in the bottoms. I only wear skirts and I don't have that small of a waist really, about 24", but they're just loose around that area, maybe due to lack of butt.

What stores or brands do you recommend I shop that skews on the smaller side when I need cheap basics?

>> No.12749007

god really lets abominations like these live?

>> No.12749058

your a fucking faggot!
pls post smooth ass pls

>> No.12749101

after watching some footage of her you sort of understand why all those people became so infatuated by her. truly haunting.

>> No.12749344

what's that supposed to be and what does it taste like

>> No.12749613
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6'0 - 149 lbs

>> No.12749615

I think that's rose hip tea

>> No.12749636

Same weight as you. My body won't let me drop below 148. Then again 6ft 148 seems thin enough to me.

>> No.12749641

Do you plan on cutting more and if so how much calories are you eating?

>> No.12749662

I'm trying to get more muscular so not as concerned about weight, but looked best when 143.

I eat within 1000-1500 and exercise everyday.

>> No.12749674

*pretends to read gay boring book for gays*

>> No.12749678

What exercises are you doing?

>> No.12749689

15 min treadmill
Different exercise machines/dumbells depending on the day.
Walk a lot

>> No.12749709

Have you ever reached a plateau during weight loss. Like crossing down below 146?

>> No.12749730

Ye I could never get below 143

>> No.12749749

You should lose 5kg

>> No.12749768


>> No.12749798

I had two cans of blueberry Red Bull and two Sommersby apple ciders. Oh and like two glasses of orange juice. That was good man.

>> No.12749842

A cozy cup of peppermint tea

>> No.12749851

God you people are so healthy, how do you even do it.

>> No.12749875

I'd be okay with my current weight if it was distributed evenly, but right now I'm definitely aiming for 100-110 lbs, since all my fat gathers in my hips and thighs and makes me look unbalanced as fuck.

>> No.12749882

I have the opposite which is perhaps even more weird since I look like a guy.

>> No.12749892

That's gotta be tough.

>> No.12749917

has a depo shot made any of you gain weight?

>> No.12750078
File: 144 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170907-215606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good diet plan to follow? Friend of mine made it for me a week ago and I've been following it since

>> No.12750087

Are you eating the same thing every day?

>> No.12750153
File: 172 KB, 1080x720, monday night actin wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a minute mom

>> No.12750237

Height weight?

>> No.12750324

i just ate half a sandwich, 2 bags of doritos and hot dog loooooool im not gonna make it senpai

>> No.12750359

i gained weight on the pill but havent noticed a difference with depo besides my acne clearing up!

>> No.12750362

Nope it's goji, look at the leaves and berries. If not that than it has to be eurasian sumac.

>> No.12750399

what does it taste like

>> No.12750674
File: 129 KB, 1000x664, 1357858950318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two look way better than any of the girls
that were posted in that thread.
and seriously why would a man want to be skinny as fuck?

>> No.12750680

Being skinny is the norm. Humans weren't meant to sit all day and consume corn syrup

>> No.12750850


>> No.12750863

Slim not skinny.

>> No.12750948
File: 1.01 MB, 250x188, rofl1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those disgusting pigs
>looking good

>> No.12750964

W2c boots

>> No.12750984

i really wanna know what not fucking eat to be a skeleton

>> No.12751103

Everything aye

>> No.12751271

Is it worth it to hit the gym while eating 1200kcal a day? Will it tone muscles somehow or is it useless without eating 500+ kcal over maintenance?

>> No.12751457

working out while eating at a deficit will cause you to keep more muscle mass than if you didn't exercise
you won't gain much, if it all, but it's still healthy and a good idea
also muscle tone isn't a thing, it's all about your bf%

>> No.12751641


>> No.12751795

you won't gain any muscle at all and whether you lose fat or muscle in the process depends entirely on what you eat.

>> No.12751999
File: 140 KB, 265x405, 808fc87ce968732558aa2f06b844f5f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thinspo genrl
i've been eating ~800 calories a day for like a couple months, keeping an eye on my macros so they're well balanced
will I lose hair if I continue restricting this way??
is there anyway to prevent that? maybe multivitamin? i googled but couldn't find anything conclusive

>> No.12752008

19.6 BMI but 23% body fat

help me pls

>> No.12752010
File: 229 KB, 1200x680, boinie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post pic? i'm genuinely curious how you look (not in a mean way i just think i might be headed for the same and want to know what it looks like...)

>> No.12752014

I come from /fit/
Will lift extra tomorrow and pray for your soul.

>> No.12752046
File: 811 KB, 1737x3617, Photo Jul 26, 3 15 14 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure here ya go!

>> No.12752064

Lmao no
The right looks much better. Nice work if it's you.

>> No.12752065

dammn id smash just knowing you want to be thinspo :)

because I love soft girls in bed, but skinny girls to be with in public and show off that she's my GF

you're cute though, but I do agree you could lose belly fat greatly and just tighten up the rest of your body

>> No.12752072

Start every morning with black coffee and smoke tobacco (cigar/pipe/cigarillos) and don't inhale.

>> No.12752078

Wasn't your IG something about evangelion?

>> No.12752107

lol that's all muscle on them kill yourself

>> No.12752108

Too many 2s
and 0s

>> No.12752143

Please don't smoke if you don't do it already.

>> No.12752150
File: 203 KB, 1200x826, nintendo-tried-to-sell-the-gameboy-pocket-with-a-six-tongued-wall-of-flesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought you were a guy originally, your body type is fine for a girl, maybe try doing calisthenics though if you want to slim up????

>> No.12752242
File: 31 KB, 612x612, X0LHYdj_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many guys here are actually attracted to the ultra-thin heroin chic physique? I'm genuinely curious to know this because on one hand I've got an 18.5 bmi, and after following these threads for a while, I'm considering dropping more weight for the aesthetic. On the other hand, I'm conflicted about getting the super skinny look because I have no idea what type of straight guys would want to fuck something so bony and angular. I'm well-aware clothes just look better when you're thinner, but could looking anorexic really be that more sexually appealing to some guys than looking healthy is? Does it really make that much of a difference?

>> No.12752255
File: 113 KB, 736x1104, 1486589608015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on meds that cause increase of appetite
>nothing to do and no way to distract myself all day until classes start in 2 weeks
>can't even exercise because sick
what do

>> No.12752258

it's a difference of taste desu
I like thin girls/guys because they tend to be more gentle people in addition to the aesthetics

>> No.12752378
File: 21 KB, 767x542, butternut squash soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Myfitnesspal's calorie counter work? I put in a recipe for a soup I made and it's giving me a rather low calorie count for it, pic related.

>> No.12752433

assuming it divided automatically by 6, then ~1300 calories doesn't seem far off at all...the only significant calorie count comes from the squash, oil, agave and maybe coconut milk, so you could double check labels for those

>all that sodium

>> No.12752524 [DELETED] 

HOW AM I STILL NOT HUNGRY? I ONLY HAD LIKE 500 calories today and my stomach is bloated.

>> No.12752528

Is it an atypical antipsychotic?

>> No.12752576

Pic related is a little too much but in general I like thin girls.

>> No.12752581

I wad just like this why the FUCK did i messed it up.

>> No.12752648

god ritalin makes hunger a joke lol

>> No.12752695

Idk, my boyfriend hates it but ymmv. Your best bet is to get a less normie dude.

>> No.12752700

If you lose weight, your tits will sag more. Mine are even a bit sandbagg-y from weight loss but they were never huge.

Try to build some muscle if possible.

>> No.12752857
File: 30 KB, 370x327, 1500422275207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when u went to sleep hungry and wake up feeling great and full :)

>> No.12753001

Yeah I noticed that after I put it in, it must be the bouillon cubes. I could probably reduce it if I just used plain veggie stock instead, but I figure that much sodium is fine if I just eat fruit or something for breakfast and a lot of water during the day.

>> No.12753159

face pulls and band pull-apparts

>> No.12753163

caloric deficit and resistance training

>> No.12753230
File: 185 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 13-09-2017 at 12.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12753422

how do you resist the urge of eating salty snacks

>> No.12753440

frogfeet is that you?