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12735399 No.12735399 [Reply] [Original]

>Started to dress good
>Got fit
>Several years later
>Girls still avoid me like the plague

Can I throw away all these autistic fits and just start wearing sweatpants all the time, what the fuck is the point of all this anyway

>> No.12735407

If you're ugly like pic related then ya there's no chance, unless you got rich.

>> No.12735412

I'm 99% certain it's your personality.

>> No.12735417

How can it be personality if I rarely get to the point of having a conversation with a girl

>> No.12735433


>> No.12735437

I have never even spoken to a girl for long enough to recognise any of these situations

>> No.12735454

Maybe it's you. Not like the other anon are saying, but like, in a psychological way. You should talk more and try to get some friends. Also, you shouldn't change anything about you to get a girl. Yes, I will bite the bait.

>> No.12735458

I think girls are just super flakey man. who cares just do whatever you want

>be talking to grill on dating app
>convo going really well
>"hey do you want to get drinks this weekend?"
>"No sorry, lame cop out excuse blah blah blah"

This has happened so many times I've lost count. This is even if I get a match .This even happens to my good looking doctor friend who was a mega chad in college. It doesn't matter. Women will always flake on you no matter what

>> No.12735477

>That website

>> No.12735497

women are flaky because they are scared of being rape or some shit my mom told me.
something about making the wrong choice(they do anyway)

>> No.12735499

Isn't that the guy who played Brain? He looked better with bangs or whatever you faggots call it.

>> No.12735509

fedora-tier wit

>> No.12735594

Body language, confidence, attitude, facial expression, all of this gives more information away than any conversation. That's why they avoid you, because you have a negative aura around you. Work on that.

>> No.12736127
File: 661 KB, 1200x800, stern-zoe-kazan-sparks-embed-tease_arnt69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they say dogs look like their owners and people date people that look like them

pic related: his gf

>> No.12736132

so you think there's no such thing as opposite sex friends?

if women don't even want to talk to you you're either disfigured or it's your personality

>> No.12736145

>dressing for others
>lifting for others
You were never going to make and you never will.

>> No.12736149

Ask them to get breakfast instead anon

>> No.12736151

Id fuck the shit out of Zoe Kazan.

>> No.12736159

You wear nice clothes because you like them and they give you confidence. Not because bitches, they come with the latter

>> No.12736173

post pic of yourself, then we talk

>> No.12736199
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Japan going to make impregnable robot girls? I am so tired of stupid meat bags.

>> No.12736360

How can I get rid of my bad aura?

>> No.12736397

What? If pic related, that guy looks like Draco's low key cousin.
Find all the geeky girls to love you op.

>> No.12736423

Not comfy at all m8.

>> No.12736425

Be aware:

1. You piss under the rim when you sit on the toilet. When you finish taking a shit check under the rim for mess.
2. Wipe your butt after you shower. Wipe behind your ears too
3. Your breath stinks. Use mouthwash. Use gum multiple times a day. Carry a mini bottle (like, mini, 30ml) of mouthwash with you in your carry bag.
4. Use antiperspirant before you sleep, not just when you wake

If you liked this post donate doge to:

>> No.12736838

it's like they get some of it right but it's accompanied by a load of bullshit

>> No.12736842

Stop beating off and go outside. Learn how to remember names, and ask people if they'd like to chat over food or coffee. Make small talk.

>> No.12736845

I never understood this because it's all just a bunch of misrepresentations of who you really are. like, what if the chances of her stop caring about you if you tell her you already have a gf but it's actually not true. why would she still care then? there are big chances she might not give you the time of the day because she could be thinking she doesn't wanna ruin your relationship with a girl who doesn't even exist?

what good does such shitty advice do then?

>> No.12736902

But how can they ascertain my personality if we have never spoken before
Women make this "oh no" look whenever they look at me and its hard to power through and want to talk to anyone when that happens

>> No.12736908

holy shit that guy is ugly

why does he have that sideburn shit either


>> No.12736921

just wear a dolce or gucci track suit. I go clubbing all the time in them. Get poon left and right.

>> No.12736927

they want your money idiot

>> No.12736932

Point is to wear what you like. If you don't like the fits, why do you own them? It probably looks like a costume on you.

>> No.12736935


>guy wears designer track suits for the sole purpose of attracting girls
>"y-you're not going to find the love of your life this way anon, what are you doing?"

>> No.12736947

no fucking shit retard, thats the fucking point, fuck girls, get the know how. damn the majority of you are really fucking sad. lmfao. You really think I need money to talk to girls?

>> No.12736948

what are you trying to get a wife by just sitting on your ass the entire day, or getting fit looking better dressing better and EXPECTING A DIFFERENT OUTCOME? If it doesn't come naturally than you have to learn plain and simple.

>> No.12736957

hahah holy shit that overreaction

you alright big guy? take a bit less junk

>> No.12736958

This is literally what I do though, I go to tons of meetups and events at my uni, no one is ever remotely interested even if I try to have a casual conversation. I try to talk to people about themselves and find some common thread but girls never say anything other than "uh huh" "yeah" "ok" and then someone else walks up to them and suddenly they become animated and happy. Its like there is an aura of loserdom around me that ruins every interaction no matter what I say. This is why im starting to believe in evolutionary psychology, im just being weeded out.

>> No.12736980

I hate asking this but how tall are you?

>> No.12736987


I dont really believe in the whole height thing anyway because the biggest player I ever knew was 5'8"

>> No.12737023

Ok. I just wanted to make sure. I don't think height is everything and 4chan makes people more insecure about it than they probably should be but being 6' tall or taller really does help and being short can make things a lot more challenging.

>> No.12737101

have you ever tried humour? You say you have "tried to talk about themselves", feels like you're trying to go to deep, stay on the surface make her life get her number get her somewhere else another day or another time, away alone, on a date, your dorm room, a bar. Ye get me?

>> No.12737105

so what do you look like what are your hobbies, give me an example of how you would start a conversation. In my eyes if you make a girl laugh you can make her drop her panties.

>> No.12737324

>had gf in high school
>graduate in 2013
>look significantly better since then but also been single 2013
>style improved and wear some designer clothes
>work as a stylist in a one off clothing boutique

still no girlfriend or even any girl interest me at all since 2014

i made a tinder recently and I had it for one day and only got 2 matches so deleted that shit

feels bad

>> No.12737346

you are ugly dude, life is rough

>> No.12737462

Normally I would say "Hi" and then something relevant like "What course are you doing?" or "So how long have you been doing <whatever activity were doing>?" and then say "Ok how did you get into it/why did you like it" by this point the girl is looking in another direction and sort of mumbling one word answers

>> No.12737475

Don't talk too much about work/study (will bore them). Don't ask too many questions (they'll feel interrogated).

>> No.12737507

What do I talk about then?

>> No.12737515
File: 30 KB, 300x360, crying noose wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents are pretty wealthy
>generally wear full rick
>almost positive girls are giggling at me behind my back
>90% sure I've had basic bitches creepshot me at uni so they can post it on facebook and laugh at me
>have an interview one day with a professor for a pretty competitive co-op position
>wear some chinos, cdbs and an oxford shirt
>all day I hear "omg anon you look so nice today"

>> No.12737516

>How can it be personality if I rarely get to the point of having a conversation with a girl

I had a girl approach me last year asking me if I was all right. I was having a decent time eating some food and listening to a podcast.
I thought she was someone that worked there asking me about the food, I didn't know what she meant.
I'm not depressed or emo but I am not a happy person, I guess my resting face betrays that.

Here's an autistic idea: what would happen if you exercise your face? Like, what if you train your "smile muscles" as if you were lifting weights?
Could you make those muscles stronger in such a way they subtly make your resting face appear happy?

>> No.12737523

OP to me it sounds like you have the serial killer vibe (aka the try hard). Dont immediately ask about details like that until they become relevant, dont stare at them too intently, dont seem more interested than is appropriate, smile more (but only a little).

(Not saying this is you but) imagine this:
>in a crowd of people
>guy wearing a Gucci tracksuit
>by himself, is visibly uncomfortable
>sees a girl by herself
>instantly corners her
>"him I'm anon, I started taking this course because I'm really interested in human evolutionary biology, I got an B+ in the last course but I think I can do better in this one, I wasn't in the right headspace last semester but this year everything is different, why are you taking this course, are you also interested in...."

You get the point. Be a little more detached/approachable

>> No.12737555


normal people are able to vaguely predict personalities just by looking at someone.

how do you think people make friends or date?

>> No.12737567

>But how can they ascertain my personality if we have never spoken before

Have you ever seen 4chan meet-up pictures?

>> No.12737574

So it is a facial expression or am I ugly?
I cant really smile on cue, my face literally cant contort itself into a smile no matter how hard I try. I dont think ive ever actually smiled before in my life

>> No.12737579


Posturing is very important, you won't have anyone approach you if you have autistic face on all the time, or if you're sending anti social body language out.

Normie's can sniff out a sperg in seconds. Putting yourself into corners? Inappropriate serious face? Shoulders tucked up? Autistically making sure you're jawline is aesthetic, and sucking in your cheeks? Something is wrong about how you're behaving, and they can feel the aura of social clumsiness and panic attacks.

>> No.12737585

Did you ever read ASOIAF or watch GoT? There's a bit where Arya joins the Faceless Men and they make her spend a lot of time training the muscles of her face, making different expressions. I can't remember if the show spent any time on it.
Maybe what you could do is develop a routine for facial muscles.
FYI I am similar. I do smile but not that often and if I really pull a proper one I can feel the muscles "wobble."

>> No.12737592

I'm the opposite, though. Someone approached me when I wasn't looking for it.
I would like people to be less uncomfortable when I have to interact with them, though.
I know it's a drag to have to deal with spergs.
I think we're going to see this more and more. Without being face to face with people we don't hone our "mirroring" and I think even normies or at least semi-normies are having difficulties now.

>> No.12737602

Get them to talk about themselves, their hobbies and interests. Talk about something that's going on around you. Make jokes. Basically think of them as guys you're hanging around with, but make sure you indicate your attraction later on to avoid being friend zoned.

Being fit/"hot" is more of a bonus in their eyes. Money, too (although if you have cash you could just hire hookers anyway). If you're not naturally outgoing then this is essentially what you're having to compensate for here, at least in the beginning.

If you're thinking of them as too pretty then look for flaws. You can't be going in feeling like you have them on a pedestal. Don't feel pressured or have any expectations. Just try and have fun, and if it doesn't work out then who cares.

>> No.12737631

How we gonna know whats the issue if u dont post a pic of ur selfe u coward fgt

>> No.12737657

Because I seriously fucking hate myself and a single bad comment would probably send me into a several month long period of despair even more intense than what I usually feel

>> No.12737692

how did you muster up the courage to make this thread lol

>> No.12737707

The advice on that website only works on shallow women who "shit test" in the first place. It's good advice to have game and attract them, but then you're stuck with a shallow woman who shit tests people.

Out in the real world most normal woman don't do this shit because they're not bitches (usually). If you find yourself getting "shit tested", consider walking the fuck away from that poor excuse of a human being.

>> No.12737751

it's not about smiling.

don't you remember walking into the lunch room on your first day of school and deciding what table you belong in?

or to a lesser degree: when you get on a bus or arrive at an airport terminal, you choose who to sit next to and nobody is smiling in those contexts.

people just put off a "vibe"

and girls have the unique talent of being able to tell who they want to talk to within a split second.

>> No.12737763

I sat on my own table throughout school so I have no idea

What is a 'vibe'? How is a vibe generated?

>> No.12737778

take some good pictures and join a dating site

>> No.12737791

Fucking THIS

>> No.12737793

This is just my opinion but I don't think dating sites are good ideas for men that are really socially handicapped.
I think you need normal to strong levels of awareness and game.

If someone was really astonishingly bad I'd be encouraging him to find a way to have face time with people irl that are prepared to talk to spergs.

eg. Find a group for D&D, card games, 40k.

Watch those guys and try to grind up to the level of "functional sperg" and then look for something more normie.

>> No.12737796

Should I just end it desu

>> No.12737804


>> No.12737808

dating sites are okay if you don't mind rejection.

even if you're 9/10 girls will still ignore you they expect some amazing entertaining first message and have such high standards but you can still find someone decent.

>> No.12737809

That's part of what makes me think of it as "Chad's black book."

>> No.12737864

It sounds like you just need more opportunities to meet girls and have conversations.
If you're wallflower man this is difficult. Be seen as, you know, someone who talks. If you're in a class, ask a question at least once a week. This puts you on a rader of sorts as someone who is attentive and possibly takes notes. At the very least, it gets you glanced at by more females than before.
Study at library, see a cute girl nearby. Accidentally drop your books, your pen, whatever nearby. But not too obvious. Might take some practice. If you don't like that idea, then do the cute shy girl move--((lose)) your cell phone. Rumage around and ask a qt if she's seen it. If she's bothered she'll help you look for it.

>> No.12738072

>Lose weight
>Get moderately fit to fill out form
>Wear tight crisp dress clothes
>Project confidence
That will get you mired if you want those. Talking with a woman is a whole different thing which involves your name starting with chad and ending with thundercock.

>> No.12738077

OP went on a journey of self-improvement only to discovery that his personality was neglected on his quest to attract the elusive qt.

Or you could just be really ugly and your taste isn't as good as you think.

>> No.12738085

>i don't talk to girls
>why don't girls like me
here's an idea, talk to girls to find out

>> No.12738096


>wow this article is kind of cringey, it gives off a bit of a neckbeard vibe
> wait what's this "red pill constitution"?

RIP anon, died of a euphoria overdose.

>> No.12738100

Read books about confidence or/and selfsteem. Like the six pillars of self-steem and Instant confidence by Paul McKenna.
I have only read Instant Confidence and was really helpfull. That book is really practical.

>> No.12738105
File: 118 KB, 246x255, Reinaldo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that point my good lad you just have to start believing in fate if you don't already.

Only fate can bring you a girl who will like you for what you truly are. No lifts of fits can help there.

>> No.12738242

2 matches in 1 day on tinder is actually ok

I'm a 7/10 on a good day and barely get any where I live but get a lot more where I go to uni

>> No.12738263

Sweatpants can be fashionable as fuck Anon.

In fact some guys looks better in them than dress clothes

>> No.12738319

w- w- what sh- shuuould I talk about?

>> No.12738978

The last thing she mentiones you build a conversation around it.

>> No.12740387

probably should just kys at this point

>> No.12740396

you don't have any confidence and this makes you creepy
the term "creepy" is tossed around quite a bit but essentially what it means is that you are giving off verbal and non-verbal cues that put girls (maybe all people, I don't know you) ill at ease
Something about you is slightly off kilter and it's setting off alarm bells in the women that surround you.
There might not be any way for you to fix this. I've seen this problem go both ways:
-A guy becomes more comfortable in his own skin and the creepiness dissipates
-Guy remains creepy but finds someone in whom the evolutionary red flags aren't triggered.
Anyway. Clothes have nothing to do with it nor does being fit. Those are cosmetic changes that don't address the subconscious habits that are causing you this grief.
Good luck, anon

>> No.12740398
File: 1.40 MB, 1281x1113, Pfz1ZtV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not high standards as much as it's just a game.

it's the female version of "trolling".

girls don't go on forums/youtube/whatever and make fun of people, men do.

their only social outlet to be dicks is dating.

they've been conditioned/naturally prone to being nice at all times, except when choosing a partner.

add in vague anonymity/safety and gender dynamics and you get the first time women can be "trolls" or speak their mind.

since a woman's strength comes from her beauty this comes out on appearance based interactions (see: pic)

they can't, for fear of being raped/murder, do this irl.

and generally lack the initiative/wit to do it with proper anonymity (like most internet assholes).

>> No.12740406


men are behind the majority of the "hate" online, women only have control of instagram/dating sites.

for every mean comment you've left on 4chan or reddit or youtube there's a female responding "lol" to a heartfelt first message on OkCupid.

>> No.12740452

i love reading 4channer's essays on women's pathological behavior, so strange

>> No.12740457

i'm a girl btw ; ^ )

>> No.12740908

Mate, take it from me, who cares if you even only have sex once a week. Just enjoy wearing nice clothes and having a good body.

>> No.12740918

That vast majority of people don't have sex once a week.

>> No.12740936

>girls don't go on forums/youtube/whatever and make fun of people, men do.

Not true at all. Read the comments on any video by the yt channel blndsundoll4mj and it's nothing but negativity, insults, sarcasm, and snark by women. Go on lolcow and it's literally devoted, thread after thread, to making catty comments about other women.

>> No.12740994

>that pic
What a load of bullshit
It's amazing how much mental gymnastics people put themselves through just to convince themselves she wasn't making fun of that dude looking like a complete fucking dwarf

>> No.12740998

Is that better, though? She'd be a cunt either way

>> No.12741057

Be a man and make it happen. Take the lead. Are you scared of a fucking girl?

>> No.12741362

He is just standing there tho, in the end she looks like a cunt either way

>> No.12741402

No, but what the fuck does it matter if they all hate me

>> No.12741408

The way you dress might make you come off as arrogant or unapproachable dress casual occasionally and smile/be more cheerful

>> No.12741411

>beta uprising when?

>> No.12741433

>the handmaiden

>> No.12741442
File: 415 KB, 1279x1697, 1503510125643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12741470

So, I'm a chick. Here's what I think: some people honestly just give off the creepy/loner vibe, and a loooot of girls will pick up on that. Even speech pattern can influence how we categorize you-- actually, it's usually a pretty big indicator. If you give a pic of your general style, that could help me figure out if that's the issue. If you're buying suit jackets and wearing them regularly outside of work or something, it can be a kind of turn off (for some, at least). I don't know how to explain it, but there's a very specific style that sends red flags. Your conversational skills are fine from what it seems, but then again it kind of comes back to facial expression and tone of voice. Some guys give off rapey vibes, and I don't know how to explain it ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

>> No.12741493

You don't need to be fit, just don't be fat, dress alright, stop being autistic.

The last one is the most important since autism is connected to every part of your life. It took me like one year to get my shit together and thanks to that I'm living the dream now.
I'm not even handsome, im 5'9 and not that rich so stop thinking about your 'problems' and just get your shit together.

>> No.12741507

>nothing makes you look more intelligent than looking up at the stars and saying Ursa Major sure looks big tonight


>> No.12741561

Wow this is great

>> No.12741624

haha wtf i thought this picture was deep when i was 12. How has this circulated and lasted so long

>> No.12741628

They don't, it's a numbers game. Cast a bigger net. Chat up girls because it's fun to see what they know. Not because you wanna bang em

>> No.12741641

Because it's true. :^)

>> No.12741679


Post pic faggot

>> No.12741681

why do you use that smiley fag

>> No.12741688
File: 12 KB, 240x240, QdAHAJKt_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu just treat these hoes like they ain't shit. Just be yourself means be how you are when you are with your bros with just a little restriction.

Roast them every now and then but don't over do it, talk about your life to them even if it seems like trivial meaningless shit. Listen more than you talk and don't be an asshole or thirsty for a womans attention and you'll be set.

It's more so a mindset than doing it every now and then. So step your swagger up and wear more risky fits that you have fun wearing and don't worry about trifling ass bitches and find other ways to have fun and they will come to you sooner or later, just learn when to act when your time comes.

Like if you aren't happy in life, why would some dumb ass bitch magically make your life better?

>> No.12741689

you have to wear the clothes, you can't let the cltohes weear you

>> No.12741699

My main hobby is chess, chess is what I fill my life with and it occupies 90% of my waking thoughts and probably more of my dreams lmao
I found my passion so where are the girls

>> No.12742307

Ruby Sparks is cute

>> No.12742314

it's not the high fashion that gets you mocked
it's not wearing it properly. take a step back and evaluate how you are wearing it critically, because despite what you believe, it is very easy to fuck avant-garde up.

>> No.12742524

do you dress well? act social? are you just sitting infront of your computer doing woe is me every night after getting turned down once?

I didn't say have a passion, just don't center your life around having a woman. They don't want that and believe me you don't either.

>> No.12742794

I can assure you that you are an ugly spergy creep and are nowhere near as charismatic or desirable as you think you are

>> No.12743436
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Tl;dr dont b ugly

>> No.12743447
File: 251 KB, 1024x768, 1504493787654m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memorize all the countries capitals
>tfw did this as a kid because geographyboo
>impress a normie a couple times a year with my knowledge

>> No.12743496

>Some guys give off rapey vibes

Don't women dig that kind of vibes ?

>> No.12743524

ironically women want to get consensually raped by non-rapey men
try wrap your head around that

>> No.12743538

elaborate dickweed

>> No.12743542
File: 1.60 MB, 288x242, 1504959058142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people date people that look like them

>only ever been in one relationship
>but she was a 10/10 petite anorexic qt

>> No.12743548

Obviously ur gonna think the features that u have are 10/10 dickweed

>> No.12743558

So you are saying that women want to be forced to have sexual intercourse by and with Chad ?

>> No.12743567

>Chat up girls because it's fun to see what they know.
The vast majority of people, not just girls, I "chat up" seem to know absolutely nothing. I do live in a backwater shithole though, so that may have something to do with it.

>> No.12743653

that pic is extremely accurate though