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/fa/ - Fashion

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12729766 No.12729766 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous thread:
There is none

>What is this?:
/fa/ users from europe have decided that we cant quite follow the sites recommendations from other continents for differences in the trends and mostly because of the enormous fees we would need to pay to get the items from those websites.

This general is open to (a lot of) improvement and would be a really big thing if it caught on.

OP note: this introduction needs much more work

>> No.12729773

shop list?

>> No.12729799

i know that what i can contribute is not much and not really popular but here it is nevertheless


>> No.12729816

lets get this started then!

post country and one of your fits

representing Portugal

>> No.12729818
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forgot pic x)

>> No.12729828
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Brave move OP.

I wonder how many Euros actually browse this board anyway. I'm certain most Brits are trapped within the /int/ containment thread. I'm curious to know where the non-Americans on this board are from.

Anyway, I'm English (although I live in France at the moment). Nearly everything you find on the highstreet is complete bullocks.

>River Island
>White stuff (it's literally clothes for white people)

Most towns will be lucky to have a Topman. It's depressing stuff. I'm trying to buy quality made in UK/Europe clothing at the moment.

Private White VC
Thomas Percival
Other Northampton-based shoe makers

Any other good brands I should look out for? What country are you from and what is the shops like?

>> No.12729889

>I wonder how many Euros actually browse this board anyway
take a gander at /pol/, newfag

>> No.12729895

Lurking from Italy

>> No.12729906

I've browsed /fa/ for five years. The vast vast majority of threads are American/Canadian based. There used to be fairly frequent Australian threads as well.

I love Italy. I've never seen so many dapper old men as when I was in Florence. I might get a cheap flight to Milan. I want to buy a boglioli or l.b.m. 1911 unstructured jacket.

>> No.12730202
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Czech studying in northern UK. Everything >>12729828
said is true, the youth fashion culture there is abysmal. It's either basic topshop shit or vintage art hoes/fuccbois
There is a small hypebeast subculture in Prague, mostly surrounding Footshop which also does events where these people get together. Otherwise the best dressed people on the street will be rich tourists. Most people here don't really seem to bother too much about their fashion, and if they do it's just following the normie trends.

>> No.12730228

Where in the UK you studying? Prague is nice. The most /fa/ thing about it though is the architecture and surroundings.

>> No.12730305
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Pic related.

Yep, the city is beautiful. I have met a few effay folks around, usually uni students, but they are a small minority

>> No.12730316

Huh, funnily enough I studied there (Halifax college) years ago. I recently went back with my gf to show her around. The town is good, the restaurants have really improved since I studied there. The sandwiches from browns are still good.

I imagine there's some stylish chinese students amongst the two billion that study there.

>> No.12730318

You're lucky to be living in York btw. Most other cities in the north are way way worse in terms of style.

>> No.12730333

>Huh, funnily enough I studied there (Halifax college) years ago
that's amazing lmao, I'm in James
>stylish chinese students
Well they know their hype brands, that's for sure. Bape seems to be the most popular, but they all wear the same style. For guys especially all-black with gold accents. There's a Kpop night in Revs every term, which always ends up being 90% Chinese folks so a good way to gauge that particular demographic
>Most other cities in the north are way way worse in terms of style.
Yep, visited Manc and Leeds too. Leeds is just a nightmare

>> No.12731046

Kek, did you ever go to Willow before they shut it down?

>> No.12731152

I went to the Willow in the glorious 2006-2009 era before it became a buzzfeed meme. Back then they actually served "proper" food until midnight. It was so weird.

>> No.12731175

Nowadays Grenson is mostly made in India tho.

>> No.12731179

That shirt is vintage by now.
Only went to the 2012 edition.

>> No.12731200
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Dadcore I know, but I'm comfy as fuck in the summer.

>Not shown: banged up boat shoes

>> No.12731577


>> No.12731855

Trash thread neck yourself

>> No.12731863

Where to cop Euro leather shoes that are neither cheap shit nor out of reach for a student?
I only know Meermin.

>> No.12732388

google British northampton shoe makers. There's loads.

Grenson (one line)
Loake (1880 line)
Alfred Sergeant
Church's (although they've gone to shit a bit ever since they got bought out by Prada)
etc etc

Otherwise Carmina and Septieme Largeur are quality.

>> No.12732390

Go post in a worthless "is xx /fa/?" thread you useless faggot.

>> No.12732404

UKfag here. Never been /fa/ in my life, I pretty much wear Jeans, shirt, hoodie and the same beat up trainers everywhere.

I've read the sticky but all I learned is colour theory that I knew from painting.

Anyway my question is what the fuck do I do? I just want to look 'unique' and have my own style but I pretty much only started buying my clothes a year ago when I left to Uni.

>> No.12732409


Buy decent basics first try to just buy what you need and spend more than 20 quid at h&m. No matter where you go in your style, these pieces will still be useful.

Black slim fit jeans.
Good goodyear welted shoes shoes. (go Loake)
Plain shirts.
Plain Tee shirts (white tee shirt first)
A blazer (blue/brown)
A casual jacket
A wool coat

>> No.12732418

Cheers anon, got the Blazer and suits stuff from 6th form still so I'm golden for that. I more or less have to buy all that other stuff though. Thanks for your help.

>> No.12732497

Glasgow reporting -
Im un-effay as fuck though, pls help.
Where can i go for decent stuff?

>> No.12732513

German reporting in. Sticking to net-a-porter mostly these days.

>> No.12732630

There's an End in Glasgow, wtf dude.
Paris here. Unfortunately you all are ugly, apart from milanese.

>> No.12732659

Frogs plz stop bullying my Scot neighbours. If I don't take their backs they'll probably stab me.

>> No.12732668

I'm British and I live in Paris. You are beautiful, much more so than us inbred islanders. But you are seriously ugly on the inside and you have no banter.

Also, everyone wears black/shades of grey here or that bcbg style of blue blue and more navy blue. Parisiens (at least the decently wealthy ones) dress well but play it SUPER safe. London is so diverse, which results in a lot of retarded looking people but sometimes it surprises you.

>> No.12732682

Even Germans have decent banter. My experience is Ireland/Netherlands/UK are top tier bants countries and everywhere else is below us. Some Poles are good but they're either top tier or shit tier

>> No.12733417

>/fa/ users from europe have decided that we cant quite follow the sites recommendations from other continents for differences in the trends and mostly because of the enormous fees we would need to pay to get the items from those websites.

europoors why are you trying to perpetuate stereotypes about yourselves?

>> No.12733511

good job, OP. Reporting from Sweden.

>> No.12733573

Northern Germany. Summer's about to end, autumn's around the corner, any recommendations for warm and comfy pants?

>> No.12733688

Based European brands.

Nigel Cabourn
Aigle(footwear and outerwear)
Hunter(rubber wellies)
Hansen(made in Denmark quality shirts - https://www.hansengarments.com/collections/shirts))
The Product(Norwegian basics in bamboo fibre/cotton mix, softest tees and underwear I ever had)
Blanc Essentials(Dutch brand that makes 3 products, sweater, white tshirt and black t - their tee's are the best basic white tee I found so far at a reasonable price).
Arktis Outdoors(UK based brand that makes stuff for the british army, good for terrorwave, milspo fits)

NN07 makes decent chinos at a good price point.
Norse projects bave some good basics, especially their tech knits are nice.

>> No.12733706

UK here. Confirmed everything on the high street is shite, getting something decent quality is annoyingly difficult and usually prohibitively expensive, why don't we make anything here anymore? We ought to make a comprehensive list of decent brands which make stuff in the UK or at least Europe nowadays. I only know of a few random ones really.

Barbour (the made in England coats - just the classic line I think) - good coats if you can get over toff-based associations. They recently introduced some "made for Japan" versions of the classic line which are interesting, with a slimmer cut and different colours, still made in Eng.

Original Montgomery - duffle coats made in England

Gloverall - same as above but twice as expensive

Solovair - original DM factory which still makes shoes here

Rufflander - boots made in Derbyshire. They make exact replicas of WWI era boots if you want to get trench foot in the most authentic manner possible.

Trakke - waxed rucksacks/messenger/bike bags made in Scotland

Cuillin Sacs - climbing/hiking backpacks

Aiguille Alpine - climbing/hiking backpacks with a lot of designs, some very nice, made in the Lake District. They make stuff to order usually so you can specify if you want added features, within reason

Those are what I can think of at the minute. Not all exactly /fa/ but they all make useful stuff.

>> No.12733709

can't find The Product on google, what's the name of their site?

>> No.12733710

Lurking from Czech republic, hope this thread catches on.

Anyway, COS had free shipping event going on. Ends 10sep

>> No.12733726
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Central Germany here.

Being in the EU means that brands like MMM or Dries or Raf are a bit more accessible imo.

I got some mid to high fashion stores within a 50 km radius/1h train ride, which is neat.

I don't know much about brands that produce here in EU though, got a few online stores that I frequent, like verypoolish or menlook or tres bien etc.

outside my wagecuck uniform, I'm into simple fits with occasional statement pieces.

>> No.12733742

i like it but would look 10 times better if you had tan

>> No.12733749
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Dutch guy here. I live in a city where half the high street consists of empty buildings and the other half is H&M quality shops. I'm exaggerating of course but there is very little of quality to be found. Just went out looking for trousers (pic related) and came back empty handed. If anyone has any recommendations as to where I could find trousers like these, I'd be very grateful.

>> No.12733754
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Great suggestions. I would also recommend Arpenteur (French-made workwear type stuff)
merz b schwanen (tee shirts with different styles)
Wax London (British made clothing)
Carrier Company (Made in England workwear)

>> No.12733756

Where do you live? Is London within travelling distance? Otherwise you're going to want to hit up the various online stores:
Asos (if you're a cheapass normie fuck)
Mr Porter
Oi Polloi

>> No.12733757

Netherlands reporting in
Live in The Hague but go uni in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is nice for culture and shit but kind of underwhelming when it comes to stores desu. I don't really care too much about what other people are wearing but what I like about Amsterdam is that you can feel comfortable wearing whatever.

>> No.12733759

>Not wearing white socks with your sandals.

Do you even German?

Btw, if this thread dies a horrible death and is remade, It would be helpful to take this brands and put them in the OP.

>> No.12733766

>Where do you live?
Tilburg, south of the Netherlands. I might travel to London one day and shop around but for now I'll check online stores. Thanks for the recommendations anon

>> No.12733771

Lovely, especially Carrier Company, definitely going to buy a load of stuff from them when I buy a house and can garden/have a fire.

>> No.12733775

>why don't we make anything here anymore?

Because normie cunts want their cheap shit, and lots of it. It's all our own fault.

Brands like Albam have proven that you can make stuff in the UK or Portugal and not be prohibitively expensive. I'm perfectly happy buying a jacket for 200 pounds from them knowing it was made here.

Ah sorry, for some reason I thought you lived in England. Derp. Anyway with the currency in the shitter, now is a good time to buy from British shops.

>> No.12733780

Yeah, you're right of course. 99% of people I know would balk at spending more than £100 on a "winter coat" – that they buy one of every year because they're shit quality/they get bored of them. They'd think I was retarded if they knew the coat I wear when it's cold cost £200+, despite the fact that I've worn it consistently for four years now and it shows no signs of wearing out. Girls will literally wear shoes to work every single day that hurt them and fuck their feet up, instead of spending even £60 for something decent.

I'm sure there are enough companies still making stuff here, it's just that because they're smaller they're harder to find.

>> No.12733782

Yeah, here in Paris people wear shitty cheap shoes all the time. It took a lot of convincing to get my gf to buy some decent goodyear welted shoes. I actually ended up buying them for her birthday. She realises now how much better they are than her Aldo-tier shoes.

>> No.12733787


>> No.12733793


crockett and jones

>> No.12733796
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Why Urquel such a bitter piss? Can You recommend me some decent Czech beer?
Estonian here- fucking every male(not me tho) here walk with purse over the shoulder GAF. Pic related. My GF says they wear Always pads in it :)

>> No.12733797

lol why would you wear that. What else do need apart from a wallet/phone/keys?

>> No.12733802

Noticed the chavs around me started doing that (UK, I think I live in one of the few bastions which still has a large-ish chav community).

Don't know why they wear them, they have tons of pockets already since they always wear a windbreaker and tracksuit no matter the weather. They probably keep their weed in it and their change for when they're dealing come to think of it.

>> No.12733805

Even Zara decided to cash on it

>> No.12733807

Been in Spain this summer- this extremely fashionable accessory can be seen on locals also.

>> No.12733808

Every shit-town in the UK has tons of chavs.

>> No.12733826

shut the fuck off subhuman cuck

>> No.12733849

perkele from finland:D

>> No.12733854
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that was before I got myself some tabi socks. Those sandals are actually meant to be worn with socks.

>> No.12733892


>> No.12733900

Germany too. I even bought one myself, got to admit that they pretty handy in the summer, when it's too hot to carry my shit in my jacket. I don't like to have my wallet in my backpocket and it fits tobacco and my camera too.

>> No.12733912

Eastern Europe here, rather not state my country.

I wear Rick Owens and black clothes because it goes with the aesthetic of the communist blocs.
>muh brutalism

Is there a way to get pilotenstiefel boots without the anal rape shipping costs? I'm part of the EU and the shipping costs almost the price of the boots. I'm talking about the "almost new" condition.

>> No.12733952

Yeah, it's a fucking epidemic here in Croydon. Even the middle class 11 year olds walk around with them at school and shit like that. I don't get why you'd want to dress like a woman when you've already got 7 coats and a hoodie on like you said.

>> No.12734017

Meermin is best option for price/quality ratio desu
All the brands >>12732388 mentioned are "marginally better but much more expensive" tier.

>> No.12734048

> marginally better but much more expensive
Comparing Alfred Sargent or Trickers to Meermin is a joke.

>> No.12734057


>> No.12734147

I don't rate Meermin quality wise at all. Especially compared to Tricker's (in my experience). Meermin are also a pain in the arse because they don't have any stores anywhere, sizing always feels like a gamble. I bought a pair once due to the hype, didn't like the shape or size and sent them back.

Also the best quality to price ratio is Loake (the 1880 line). 200 pounds for these shoes is absolutely solid. I have had three pairs for about five years now.

>> No.12734152
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I'd like to add Universal Works to the brand list for their outerwear.

>> No.12734156

Yeah I love their stuff. It's just outside of my price range sadly.

>> No.12734162
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I'm a poorfag and I have two jackets/blazers and one of their N1 style winter jackets which I all copped on sale.

>> No.12734169 [DELETED] 

Jelly as fuck. You bought those direct or through a different site?

>> No.12734174 [DELETED] 

Actually looking at the site the prices aren't too bad at all. I must have been thinking of a different brand.

>> No.12734207

You got any fitpics?

>> No.12734224

Anyone from the Hague? Where the fuck do I shop for aesthetic clothes

>> No.12734242

Denmark checking in. Anyone here?

>> No.12734247


Do they deliver outside of scandinavia?

>> No.12734262

On and around noordeinde there are a bunch of nice boutiques but they are more expensive than the normie tier shops in the city center. Other than that, the hague is not too exciting to shop in imo

>> No.12734267

Speaking of Scandinavia, Notch has some pretty effay tie designs.

>> No.12734273

Why would you live in the Hague.

>> No.12734294

Our Legacy, Lemaire, Ami, Margaret Howell, E. Tautz, Marni, The Gigi, Barena, etc.

>> No.12734305
File: 113 KB, 630x900, 1bf3512e73e243e080c19fbcd6a74fd9--beautiful-shoes-shoes-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tricker's and Crockett & Jones are the best bang-for-buck English/Northampton shoemakers.

>> No.12734310

what types of frames would look good on this guy in OP's Image? I sort of look like him

>> No.12734317

>All the brands >>12732388 mentioned are "marginally better but much more expensive" tier.
lmao, have you ever even handled a decent pair of shoes like Crockett & Jones? They are so much better than Meermin in every way. Better finishing, better leather, nicer last shapes, etc.

>> No.12734322
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trickers are a bit of an aquired taste. Super popular in Japan as well for some reason. I just copped these in sale for 220 pounds (kafka).

What is in your picture?

>> No.12734325
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Anything if you look like David Gandy. The P3 shape is nice and timeless style that works with most face shapes.

>> No.12734331

not him, but those are C&J Pembroke in burgundy. Trickers have the nicest chestnut calf. My favorites are Alfred Sargent, though. I really like their 109 last.

>> No.12734337
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Their lasts are quite chunky and they are built like a tank. Great country brogues.

Crockett & Jones Pembroke in burgundy. My favourite pair of shoes.

>> No.12734414

I live right next to rijswijk and not by choice. EPO is right here

>> No.12734475
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Hey guys

I'm looking for European equivalents to websites such as CRUVOIR (i.e. eshops specialised in avant garde labels)

Any suggestions ?

>> No.12734598


Love this one, some really nice stuff. Really enjoying discovering all these sites.

>> No.12734641

darklands berlin
seven helsinki
antonioli has lot of brands like that, though others as well
pnp firenze

>> No.12734884

Probably the most interesting thread on /fa/ ive seen yet. So many brands i didnt know existed with what seems to be high quality clothing sadly to a high quality price too.

>> No.12734896


>> No.12734909

German here, just making sure that alles in Ordnung ist

>> No.12734986
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frenchcore is the most superiorest subdivision of europecore. its elegant, stylish, classic yet modern

remove thyself from existence if thy disagree

>> No.12735202

Rotterdam / Holland reporting in.
>24/7 thinking people are starring at me due my 'fashion'

Might be very cliché but check Zalando maybe..

>> No.12735296
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Damn people are lazy, you could have done what I just did in 2 min urself. Put something in cart, go to checkout. Choose to ship to shitloads of countries.

>> No.12735305

dosesn't seem to allow me to proceed to payment if I put a french address though.

>> No.12735306

Norwegian living in Denmark. Working in fashion business in Copenhagen. What can I do for ya?

>> No.12735320

try another browser or contact them, i don't know - we just carry their stuff in the store i work at and it's the best boxers i've worn.

>> No.12735329

Post some Frenchspo

>> No.12735340

I live in Paris. I've always found French clothing impossibly bland. Everyone wears the same shit.

>stan smiths
>navy blue
>nice haircuts

>> No.12735345

Nice thread senpai
I am from eastern europe originally, but have been living in Latin America for a while now. The trends here are in their own world that mixes europe and the us with a touch of its own thing. Overall pretty trash.
Point being I WILL BE MOVING TO EUROPE soon to study. Wherever I go, I will be sstudying computer science or something along these lines, so i am scared of being surrounded by uneffay fucking neckbeards with 0 style. Although that will make me be the black sheep of the group in a positive sense, i fear i will start becoming like them after a while.
Are my suspicions correct? Are european students in polytechnical faculties absolute tasteless neckbeards or not?
Specifically the asking anons in the UK, Ireland, Spain and Czech republic.

>> No.12735348
File: 1.69 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_9555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked what older sartorially experienced gentlemen in cities likes Rennes wore when I was in France this summer. Paris was boring. When I was in Paris for fashion week last year, the only ones who had interesting fits were the asian buyers. Pic related is a chink I snapped then.

>> No.12735350

There's always Barbour, Fred Perry, and Lyle and Scott?

>> No.12735356

Lol I can't speak for the other countries but the UK has zero taste.

>> No.12735376

Could all the UK stuff be collected into one master post?

>> No.12735402

Where have you been living in Latin America? I've been thinking of moving there for a while, specifically Argentina.

>> No.12735418

BA is the most effay place in latin america.
Its south enough to allow for a winter where you can wear 3 layers, but still has the latin warm climate during the summer. The city itself is fucking enormous, it got parts that look like barcelona, parts that look like manhattan and parts that look like kampala. Overall pretty effay. The average BA, or any rio de la plata urban city got a real cozy atmosphere to it where the middle class do their own thing for fashion.

>> No.12735425

Cool thanks, anywhere else in Latin America you would recommend that you've been to?

>> No.12735431

Santiago and Sao Paolo are ok but just due to their size. Montevideo is a real small and cozy city, like a smaller version of buenes aieres, and is one ferry away from it. But its kinda expensive living there.

>> No.12735513


that's my european grailed search. searches EU and UK. Only good brands selected.

also i recommend depop. found some haider ackermann kimono shirt i saw went for over 450 usd on grailed for 80 eurobucks there

>> No.12736138


>> No.12736331

Spain here. People from STEM are fashion tasteless, like all are weeabos or some shit like that, girls are more tending to the normie side

>i fear i will start becoming like them after a while
I only dress nicely when i go out, the rest are jeans and a tee, so... maybe

>> No.12736348

I'm in Aarhus. What kind of work do you?

>> No.12736358


Forgot about this brand. Absolutely top tier. Thanks for mentioning

>> No.12736412

Responsible for social media of two shops(fb/insta), assisting in choosing what clothes the store buys from the brands, making stuff for them in excel, photoshop, illustrator + visual merchandising and general retailing.

>> No.12736415

http://www.sns-herning.com/ also good danish shit

>> No.12736429

pathetic neck yourself

>> No.12736475

stay jelly senpai <3

>> No.12736532


I also live in Paris and I find the fashion sphere more vibrant there than anywhere else I've ever been. But it varies GREATLY from neighbourhood to neighbourhood

>> No.12736620

Hm, maybe I'm just used to seeing and hanging out with wagecucks.
Which neighbourhood?

>> No.12736732

UK here, I need some good trousers.

>> No.12737236

>Are my suspicions correct? Are european students in polytechnical faculties absolute tasteless neckbeards or not?
They are absolutely correct. STEMfags are powerlosers when it comes to clothes. About 10% snap out of tee/hoodie/chinos by age 30 and go trad menswear, that's about it.

>> No.12737284

good fit

>> No.12737363

Odense reporting in

>> No.12737752


>> No.12737753

uniqlo are pretty reliable. My problem is getting trousers which aren't low rise. Low rise just looks goofy as anything with tucked in shirts.

scavini in Paris do some nice looking medium rise trousers which I'll try out. Anyone know any other shops? UK or France.

>> No.12738128
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Hope this becomes a thing, feels pretty comfy already.
Ireland here, some shops that come to mind are:
The Bureau - for EG, orslow, mostly ""workwear"" type stuff, not as good as it used to be. Sells Inis Meáin, an irish brand that does lovely wool jumpers.
Envoy for femanons - Biggest collection of EG FWK that i've seen in Europe.
Indigo and Cloth - Random stuff, their selection of brands seems to change often
Nowhere - CP, Raf and stuff, shit selection to be honest.
it's in Scotland but have to mention Kafka, my favourite store these days.
uuuh that's it i think
universal works is pretty cheap mate >>12737753 and their Aston Pant has a pretty high rise, 11" at least, about 120 euro

>> No.12738803

awesome, I totally forgot about rombaut.

gonna rec it to my vegan friends.

>> No.12738819

Where in Rotterdam?

>> No.12738838

central germany here. i'm going to travel around europe this fall, can anybody reccomend some cities that have decent thrift stores? i decided to spend less money on clothes, but all the thrift shops i've been to in my area are small and don't have anything i'd wear.

>> No.12738906

Best places to see great fits are within the Marais or wealthy neighbourhoods that have high end stores (e.g the 1rst arrdt)

You also get to see some stylish people on typical Parisian Boheme places such as non-touristic Montmartre for instance

>> No.12739293

>non-touristic Montmartre
Lol, this exists?

True about the Marais though. Also in the Latin Quarter although the /fa/ atphosphere is sometimes ruined by roving hoards of middle aged Americans wearing sketchers.

>> No.12739299

cool thanks, i'll give them a go

>> No.12739350
File: 991 KB, 2448x3264, pG9a1go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every country in the world belongs to america.

>> No.12739478

Literal shitposting from a colonial shithole

>> No.12739512

If you're inner city UK it's all streetwear and chav shit. Actually everywhere in England I've been has been streetwear and chav shit with the youth and I've lived here nearly all my life apart from a while in Ireland

>> No.12739547

Yes, there are lovely streets in Montmartre where tourists don't go. The atmosphere there is very particular, I love it

I agree with you fo the Latin Quarter as well :)

>> No.12739616

Just moved to french speaking Switzerland. Any recs for stores in the lake Geneva area?

>> No.12739855

jelly from eurocuck? lmao