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12724823 No.12724823 [Reply] [Original]

I really need help with my skin guys, this is starting to get really bad, feeling ashamed to go out in the streets level of bad

>> No.12724837
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Im fucking scared

>> No.12724838
File: 55 KB, 600x600, Mini-tarka-do-przypraw-dukapolska.com-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cancer treatment

>> No.12724842

why not just pop 'em?

>> No.12724846

lol see a doctor

>> No.12724853


>> No.12724857

go to the hospital jesus fucking christ

>> No.12724860

is this really you op?
send pic of other side

>> No.12724877

How can you look at yourself in the mirror and NOT go to a doctor immediately?

>> No.12724878

Get a blade and shave that shit off nigga.
This shit isn't safe for life my dude.

>> No.12724887

How the fuck does this even happen?

>> No.12724888

This picture is a meme. It's not actually OP (for all the newfags)

>> No.12724894


>> No.12724899

It doesn't even look like acne

>> No.12724904


jesus fucking christ op see a doctor

>> No.12724910

that shit looks sick

>> No.12724920

why you do this kind of shit

>> No.12724922


>> No.12724931

holy shit.... wash your face and change your pillow once in a while, jesus fucking christ
this is /r9k/ tier

>> No.12724947

how does this type of thing happen

>> No.12724949


i feel old on this site now :/

>> No.12724961

great thread

>> No.12725026

>inb4 redditfag

>> No.12725030

This is smallpox, you're probably going to die. I wouldn't worry too much about being fashionable in your situation.

>> No.12725079

>removal causes nerve damage
Fucking Christ

>> No.12725239

I sort of had a problem like that and it cleared after 2 weeks of literally washing my face 4 to 5 times a day, every day. I brought my own soap to school to wash my face on recess and kept the habit even when I was working during my break time.

It did leave the skin in my face super dry but it still looked better than having a pizza face. Of course every face is different but I went from having 5 new zits daily to no zits daily in 2 weeks. I used any cheap soap, it all works fine.

>> No.12725253

Go to the doctor that is sone disease type shit

>> No.12725257

You'll be all right, history will not remember your suffering or the dreadful losers who might mock you. For me it went away after a few years, but what really helped is tanning your skin in the sun and apple cider vinegar on it.

>> No.12725310

This kinda shit happens cos these regendless whitetrashes just eat fat and habe any personal hygiency.

>> No.12725479

Roaccutane or whatrever its marketed under in yah country.
IIt'll get worse for like a month and then improve drastically. You'll get sunburnt at night and your lips are gonna be drier than the mohabi desert but itll be worth it.

>> No.12725488

that doesn't sound ideal though. your skin *should* be fine without being washed that often.

>> No.12725504

Those are barnacles

>> No.12725519

that looks like neurofibromatosis. Poor bastard.

>> No.12725526

jesus I want to just take a shard knife and cut that all of

>> No.12725563

I read the reddit comments too

>> No.12725604

I think that's smallpox

>> No.12725609

I don't like cock.

>> No.12725610

.. Mayweather? Is that you?

>> No.12725691

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