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/fa/ - Fashion

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12723409 No.12723409 [Reply] [Original]

I propose a name for an emerging style that appears to be a merging of Nu-Males and Fuccbois

Behold the nu-bois

>> No.12723425 [DELETED] 
File: 357 KB, 589x589, Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 10.28.49 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny how people cheer on white people when they do this self hating embarassing shit

if a black person wore that same shirt only it said god was white the comments would be a circus

i honestly hate white people so much. if a race war were ever pop off im not killing any minoritys, im killing white people like this

>> No.12723440

Post more nu-boi inspo, and stop typing retarded shit. You wouldn't kill anyone 10 ply.

>> No.12723444
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I would support such a war on either side that needed it if it ended with white ethnostates including Rhodesia, South Africa (the white part only ofc) Argentina etc and a free African American nation-state as well as a few Native American ones. Self respect, ethno-chic and edgy separatism is all very effay.

>> No.12723453

>fucks a black girl once

>> No.12723463

thats not the point of the shirt at all

it's challenging assumptions

>> No.12723467

> It's a /pol/ tries to ignite their "culture wars" in politics agnostic interest board episode

/ck/ is the only good board left. Fuck your obsessive autism /pol/

>> No.12723468 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 814x432, Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 6.24.11 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get left behind kid hehe nothing personal btw

>> No.12723469

yall hating on him but at least he has something to live for
and u dont

>> No.12723472

>implying /fa/ isn't 30% 21+ yo severely autistic /pol/-tards and 70% prepubescent communist posers

It's literally a femdom fetishist that wants a strong black woman to sit on him

>> No.12723475

If he was wearing a MAGA cap you'd all be queuing up to suck woke bro's dick

>> No.12723476

Same desu. I don't discriminate. Black, white, yellow, brown. They're all pink on the inside.

>> No.12723477 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up shanequa

>> No.12723479

Nah whitey, we're taking over your country and there is nothing your slow birth rate can do about it. You can fellate me know for better treatment in the nonwhite future.

>> No.12723488 [DELETED] 
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>You can fellate me know

>> No.12723572

a-are you a black girl?

>> No.12723597

I'd say it's 30% autistic /pol/tards and 70% people who just want /pol/ to leave this board alone.

>> No.12723615

t. 14 year old that read first chapter of das kapital and can spell Nietzsche

>> No.12723635

>wanting to have a non-politicized forum for non-political themes is being an ignorant minor

He is completely right, I consider myself right-wing, but the level of inane bullshit /pol/tards are trying to push on other boards is just too low. It kills all the fun here.

>> No.12723644

>there's loads of shills from all sides and it's annoying
>n-no only not my side is shills let's get more black beauty general threads

>> No.12723655

>it's challenging assumptions

What fucking assumption is challenged? You see feminist, BLM, antifa, commie, white hating shit sold in regular stores all the fucking time. You are the assumption. You are the status quo.

"I'm happy to be white" on a tshirt would cause assblasting outrage and threaten your job if posted publicly. That's where we're at as a society.

>> No.12723656

false equivalence you intellectually dishonest shill

>> No.12723662

The difference is your T-shirt while the shirt in OP is ironic since nobody would actually ever associate the most perfectly intelligent being as closely resembling anything but a white man

>> No.12723664

*your T-shirt would be true

>> No.12723671

i doubt this tbdesu. i'm not saying /fa/ is full /pol/ but we are surely one of the more racist boards. every time a nog or other assorted brown posts, there's at least a handful of replies telling them they look like shit because of their skin color. they usually do.

>> No.12723676 [DELETED] 


black people in africa wipe their ass with their hand. think about that for a second

>> No.12723689

I mean, if your hand is already brown...

>> No.12723690

this shit was so funny

fuck that pedo faggot

>> No.12723726

/ck/ is so fucking bad

>> No.12723741 [DELETED] 

ck is pretty racist at times

>> No.12723748

>being capable of empathy emasculates u

no wonder you have a chip on ur shoulder

>> No.12723757 [DELETED] 

>showing empathy
>by wearing a catch phrase t shirt

whats in the water?

>> No.12723908

They're called Bugmen

>> No.12723922

He looks better than pretty much everyone on this board, though.

>> No.12724038

Are you mental? /ck/ is full of autistic "mommy made me tendies isn't this tired meme funny ecksdeeee" shitposts.

>> No.12724039

it's a shame what a shit show it has become
in less than a year it has become fucking awful

>> No.12724052

lol wut?
Its just people sharing recipes last time I checked

>> No.12724359

is this board actually right-wing? you all realize that being right-wing is the least fashionable thing imaginable, right? especially in america

>> No.12724364

it's because one of the popular phoneposting apps automatically starts on /ck/

>> No.12724367

jesus fucking christ I had no idea
what kind of a demented fucking asshole would make that a feature in an app

>> No.12724369

leftwing politics are currently dominant and mainstream in the zeitgeist which gives room for rightwing fashion to be edgy and underground; hence phenomena such as roofcore

>> No.12724381

>implying /p/ isn't s good board

>> No.12724393

this is a delusion
no one outside of alt-right circles thinks of roof as stylish or aesthetic

>> No.12724396

Yeah none of that is even remotely true. Is this what /pol/ babbys tell themselves?

>> No.12724401

anon leftists ideology and liberal ideology are different.
it's liberals who dominate not the left wing

>> No.12724419

liberals/progressives are largely crypto-communists.

what do you think edgy and underground means
there are at least three roofcore inspired threads active right now

>> No.12724484

I LARP as an alt righter for my own entertainment - just for booty blasted replies like these. Leftists and liberals are insufferable cunts and they deserve every bit of the shit they get

>> No.12724734

my wifes son disagrees

>> No.12724848
File: 663 KB, 3500x2333, hehehheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberals/progressives are largely crypto-communists.

>> No.12724861

>liberals/progressives are largely crypto-communists
literally anyone from an ancom to a libdem would disagree with that statement m8

>> No.12724890

>Lies about beliefs just to make them look ridiculous, shocking, and deplorable
>"Lol, I can't believe all these newfag reacting like my posts are ridiculous, shocking, and deplorable"

>> No.12725169
File: 79 KB, 500x417, 1497568271786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger are you retarded? like actually holy fuck lol you are dumb.

>> No.12725377

being mad about this is for fags

>> No.12725394

This kinda seems like it could be a niche kinda core we are seeing develop in redditland.

>> No.12725446

Kill yourself already. We all know you're going to eventually you manchild, just do it now and save us the trouble of having to deal with you.

>> No.12725711

nice try communists

>> No.12725768

nice bait

>> No.12725775

lmao, last time I checked, communism and socialism are by far the least fashionable things, closely associated with incels and fat beta males

>> No.12725779

seriously why do people feel the need to discuss politics on every single board on this website? whats the fucking point and why do mods allow this

>> No.12725787

Too bad stupid shit phrases like "truth to power" and "the resistence" are spotted on CNN, CBS and NPR

>Leftist politics aren't mainstream

That's why MTV has Paris Jackson and Katy Perry going off for 3 hours with anti-trump rhetoric.

That's why Facebook was exposed to posting pro Hilary fake news during the election

>> No.12725788

The real liberals are communists who seek out power and are morally devoid.

The mass of liberals you see these days are just people who watch the daily show or the late night show Colbert is on now and just follow what the media tells them to do.

>> No.12727215

i don't understand how you can be left wing, economically at least, and post on a board about a subject dedicated to the epitome of materialism, excess, and greed. fashion is inherently capitalistic in nature.

>> No.12727278

>conservatives/libertarians are largely crypto-white supremacists
See, I can play this game too.
Also roofcore is just palewave/mid 90's revival under a different name

>> No.12727606

Roofcore was never, at any point, and IRL thing.

Shit agoraphobic shutins on this board say != Real world trends.

See also: Sandninja

>> No.12727619
File: 152 KB, 927x302, pre pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we used to be the exact opposite before ;-;

>> No.12727875

nah, numales don't have that kind of 1272340 or bulk. The avg fa user is probably a numale in denial tho

>> No.12727883

literally every Chad in existence is right wing. Right wingers are incredibly fashionable, they are an aesthetic of themselves if it's not pol autism.

You leftist fucks are the status quo. Nothing about you is different, edgy, or aesthetic. You are literally one of the most boring, ugly, and unfashionable groups to exist. Your entire ideology is centered around self hatred and worshipping other groups. You then lash out at right wingers because they stand out, and make you look awful. Why don't you get off my fucking board already

>> No.12728183
File: 318 KB, 1280x1599, tumblr_ok62zcw9gy1qh2n06o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /nubois/ here? Fuck hate and fuck Nazis. WE are the swole left.

>> No.12728187

>this is what right wingers actually believe

>> No.12729102


>left leaning

more muscular guys are right wing

>> No.12729104

not an argument

>> No.12729136

You are correct.

>> No.12729323

the art equivalent of left-wing political beliefs is pop culture

>> No.12729452

>Right wingers are incredibly fashionable

Yeah, no.

The average conservative dresses in a 2XL "a breadcrumb and fish" tee from Christian Book Distributors with baggy light wash carpenter jeans and Sketchers.

Don't fucking kid yourself.

>> No.12729477
File: 94 KB, 2000x2177, blank compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot of talk of left vs right in these threads, but these distinctions are useless on a 1 dimensional scale. the most fashionable square is the purple square.

>> No.12729493

>You then lash out at right wingers because they stand out, and make you look awful.

I mean, you can't be stupid enough to not see the projecting there, right?

>> No.12729495
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>the most fashionable square is the purple square.

>> No.12729496
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>> No.12729505
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>> No.12729522

no you fucking mouthbreathers
the square's ideology means no societal or governmental restraints ("""degenerate""" fashion trends) combined with no economic limits (no forced redistributing of that premium leather). it is the only square for creativity to properly flourish.

>> No.12729535
File: 407 KB, 1000x1000, mucha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

centre libertarians are the real patricians:
>understand that left and right are completely arbitrary
>value freedom above all
>don't give a fuck about online wars between two groups of retarded manchildren
>critically think about problems instead of circlejerking
>Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

>> No.12729594
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>> No.12729627
File: 39 KB, 405x720, 1428619637296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only leftwing people can be /fa/

explain Sam Hyde, then

>> No.12729899
File: 901 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wifes son disagrees