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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 229 KB, 1024x678, 1504014571660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12720895 No.12720895 [Reply] [Original]

Post non-rich fag inspos for kitchen/livingroom/bedrooms

Bonus for plants

like in this thread: >>12716115

But if possible not relying too much on stuff that can't be easily changed (like the cool window in this photo)

>> No.12720973
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>> No.12720974
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>> No.12721252

Why the hell would you want your blankets to rub on the floor all day

>> No.12721255

I mean not that rich but those high ceiling old flats in the city are fucking expensive

>> No.12722309

>non-rich fag
>starting with an enormous window in a NYC flat

>> No.12722318

man westerners are so afraid of the floor

>> No.12722859


>> No.12723588

this. what is the problem? clean your floors you dirty fucks.

>> No.12723627

What are good plants that fall downwards ?

Also what to do with white walls, very dark parquet but fucking LIGHT BEIGE furniture ( cabinet and desk ) that I can't remove ?

>> No.12723652

that's what happens when you wear your shoes indoors

>> No.12724737


>> No.12725996

dont die on me nao

>> No.12726212
File: 747 KB, 2142x2856, 000_3608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same kitchen cabinets as Twin Peaks hospital.

Is this fa?

>> No.12726349

personally I hate the magnets except for the Stalin thing

and get all that shit off the top of the fridge

>> No.12726368

everything is awfull, like everything..

Everything u can read from that picture speaks no taste, no creativity, no ability to organize things in a aestethical way.
The poster just sucks, do ur mum masturbates thinking on Stalin?

Keep in mind this: everything that goes like shit in ur life, happen because ur brain doesnt work properly, and thats why evrything u do is shit

Ur welcome, most people doesnt take the time to be honest with u, most people just put on a polite half assed laugh at ur remarks and thats it.

So the lesson is always behave like if ur the dumbest person in the room, because well probably u ar, but in best case scenario ur probably a close second.

>> No.12726378
File: 109 KB, 1280x853, twin-peaks-part-16-photo008-1503933854367_1280w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's simply because the cabinets are horrible hospital tier trash that ruins everything.

What do you want me to do around these cabinets and a tight kitchen space? Fuck off.

>> No.12726408

No excuses, remove that poster.
The magnets ar ok, well is jsut living stuff short the top of the fridge use a fucking baster to store stuff since storing stuff is a problem.
If u cant change the cabinets because its expensive, jsut change the knobs, that will rejuvenate the kitchen like 10 years.

Paint the fridge in a pale color, is not dificult and will look amazingly good if u paint it teal and paint the handles chrome.

If u can paint the cabinets,depending on the color u paint the fridge.

Theres no need to invest big bucks to do what im telling u a basket will cost u little 2 buckets of paint little aswell.
Removing the poster is free.
Also if u need storage build a little shelf where the coffe maker is, to place things on top f it and keep it enclosed.

But if u paint those cabinets in light blue and let the fridge white, that kitchen would look amazing.
If u paint the frige and give it a retro vibe, that fridge will look stunning.

No dificulty, only requires to be creative to put a little elbow grease and work.No excuses no lazyness make that kitchen look beautyfull.

And my remarks about the poster doesnt come from anticomunism, they come because i hate fucking edgy tennager shit outside edgy tennager bedroom, and doesnt matter how much u like soviet russia in a fridge recks of teen bullshit.

And ur welcome because im going soft on u, in soviet russia i would have had u sended to the gulag because of ur lazyness.

>> No.12726450


>> No.12726470


any room with any style will look /fa/ as long as it has high ceilings.
That is the one constant with all the inspo photos posted in these threads over the years.
Only a few low ceiling rooms can look /fa/, usually along the lines of comfy wood cabin style, any other style will look shit with low ceilings.
Sadly most places to live are built with low ceilings.

>> No.12726527

>being this triggered
your fridge looks bad my man.

>> No.12726541

im loling hard

>> No.12726847
File: 75 KB, 1072x751, Vintage-Green-Kitchen-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Igor where ar u, i went to look for an example so u could picture ur kitchen like i am picturing it, since u probably lack the imagination to do that prperly, nah, just fucking with u Igor, u probably have the capacity u just never use it, because is easier to blame some cabinets than ur own.

Ok this is what i have in mind:

Also pic related.
i take the job of finding examples for u because im not lazy like u, now do it and post pictures after.
And also post more pictures of that kitchen u have i wanna see if anything else recks of teen spirit.

WEll now, i feel like im giving u more love than ur father ever did,so no homo.

>> No.12726950


>> No.12726961

looks like shit desu

>> No.12726965
File: 23 KB, 657x360, kim-il-sung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only /fa/ communist dictator to hang in your place

>> No.12726975

This guy is the fucking man lel

>> No.12727004

That pic looks disgusting generic tryhard Pottery Barn tier.

At least mine is organic garbage. That shit is just disgusting.

>> No.12727017
File: 677 KB, 2856x2142, 000_3629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been unscrewing old cabinet handles here and there. but then i'd also have to paint that hideous hospital particle board. don't wanna paint shit

>> No.12727022

Kill yourself.

>> No.12727025
File: 34 KB, 690x656, rage9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contemporary appliances made a-la vintage

>> No.12728441

good thread, keep it up boiis

>> No.12728557


>> No.12728589


your making excuses.
I'm an art student from eastern germany.
living here is really cheap and we all life in fancy old houses. my room has 4m high walls herring bone parquet (dose that make sense in english ?) and stucco.
I know quite a few interior designers that stdy at my school and I have been to many flats here.
and eventhough it's easier with high celings and hardwood flooring I have seen just as many ugly flats in great rooms as I have seen great flats in with low celiings .

one of my best mates rents a super weird and super low ceeling flat in a back house. basically everything that could be arkward and eird ith the place is arkward and weird and it's still one of the nices flats I've been too.

>> No.12728592


I find it funny that people don't know how fotoshop work or how lighting in pictures works.

coloured walls are allways sucky and they did good in getting them white again.
apart from that what was most effective was opening the blinds and over exposing the the "after" shots.
guess what , letting more light in and the amplifying it makes things lighter , sick.

>> No.12728639


WEll, why nitpick? im suggesting white subway tiles, changing the countertop, or making it lighter?

No i was suggesting painting the cabinets and changing the handles, and when i see the link i see the kitchen cabinets going from awfull and dated to magnificent, colorfull and original, not like those minimalist all white kitchen u can see everywhere.

Yes, bestter camera, better angles and more light alter a picture so what? Pointing that out makes ur point of view good somehow?

Igor dont wanna paint shit, the pay someone to do it for u, or u just like to complain like a bitch?


Inspire from that picture the fucking fridge in light green, the black handles. Everything else u dont need to take, is just inspiration get what u need and dont complain from what u dont like, or did i told u to clone what u see in that picture?

Now Igor, dont talk about that picture and criticize the chess floor.U can be better than that, remenber in best case scenario u will be the secod dumbest person in the room, the dumbest will focus on the chess floor, dont be that guy.

Also ur fridge is not contemporary, and there is nothing wrong with painting appliances, the non painting them and letting them in fabric color was a trend that started after the 60's were over.
most old painted appliances were painted by the owners when they were contemporary, now theyre considered retro, but do u have to buy a fucking expensive retro imitating fridge to get the look? No, u dont u just need to paint them like people used to did many years ago.

Dont buy into the marketing shit of if u dont buy it in this color u cannot paint it.

And im suggesting u do that to ur fridge because ur fridge has a curve to it, like a cadillac have, theres nothing modern in that kind of curves, u can keep it all white or add it a little make up and enjoy a fridge that is unique, ur call.

>> No.12728654
File: 345 KB, 736x1003, ab4074ce5a0dd888c1c249e7576238a9--reading-areas-reading-corners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking in, once again, to remind you faggots that modern Ikea-core interior design is for cucks, plebs, and beta neckbeards.

Thankfully this thread has yet to degenerate into a Scandinavian minimalist cancer-fest, but a preemptive strike is the best course of action.

>> No.12728776
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>> No.12728780
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>> No.12728785
File: 181 KB, 1024x650, josVOf0y8EdelRiKuulcmDIqhg-TrZ024rwajDHedc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and
is very 'realistic house goals' category for me

>> No.12728789
File: 1.83 MB, 3024x4032, yQikPh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12728793
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>> No.12728807

Is this your apartment?

>> No.12729947
File: 1.61 MB, 2880x2160, IMG_20170828_104939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically posting my living room (again).

Besides plants and HDR, how do I make it comfier?

>> No.12730027

Walls look pretty empty. I'd suggest adding a shelf or maybe painting the walls.

>> No.12730890

nah i just got the picture from /fa/ and kept it in my folder

i'd move the TV to below the window in the middle and add two speakers on each side for a comfy hi-fi setup

>> No.12731202

Get your drapes cut and hemmed so the don't stick out into the room. Then you can add a second bar (or whatever they're called in English) mount on the outside of the window alcove, on which you can hang a pair of pretty non-blackout drapes.

>> No.12731236

plants: string of pearls, string of hearts, if you are a houseplant beginner pothos (looks less cool but difficult to kill)

>> No.12731248

where is your cat tho

>> No.12731270

the drapes going over the sofa

yeah I just want to fucking drop whatever it's holding them on my head

and also make them fucking dirty

>> No.12731296
File: 344 KB, 1069x1060, 1498072441859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you know the fridge is empty without having to open it

>> No.12731318


>> No.12731334
File: 68 KB, 265x262, 19488474651124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-rich fag
>this flat in a big city

>> No.12731769

comfy but that kochplate instead of a proper cooker is a no-no

>> No.12732343

move the blue decoration above the window and also move those two pictures closer together, looks nice tho

>> No.12732495
File: 229 KB, 960x640, P_L_402-009-E-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this flat in a big city

Countrie folks who think everything in the "big city" is expensive.

I live in medium city (5M people) and I can get a flat in this building for 30G.

>> No.12732500
File: 274 KB, 640x427, casa-edf-jk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it is in fact /fa/ as fuck inside

>> No.12732503
File: 136 KB, 424x338, 1498239414126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medium city
>5M people

>mfw that's larger than the largest city in my entire country

>> No.12732510


>> No.12732517

You got it.

>> No.12732520

Thats brazil, u think anyone here thinks big flat big city = big flat in third world shit hole.

Yeah of course is cheap to do so in Brazil so is in Thailand , but try that in Europe or The States.

>> No.12732521
File: 65 KB, 1600x426, AP JK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Globally speaking it is only a medium city
> Belo Horizonte has 5,829,923 inhabitants
There are 16 larger citys in the continent

Also floorplan

>> No.12732530

IDH of the city in the pic is 0,810, so not bad, also Brazil is the best cunt in the world so there's that

>> No.12732548


Yeah, is not bad and im someone who wants to live in hong kong or any of those uber contaminated china citys with more people than air.

But i like a place like those, because they look like something out of a futuristic chaotic movie and because there ar job oportunities there,
But in Brazil lenguage is a big problem,crime is a big big problem and poverty all around is another problem, is not like me or other annons ar gonna start sending resumes to that country in hope to get a really low paying job.

Btw why do i always like south american arquitects, i read a lot of magazines and those fucking luxury homes man, so fucking beautyfully designed.

>> No.12732742

Only Americans do this

>> No.12732747
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apartment living room

>> No.12732754

Gah fuck I keep forgetting

>> No.12732823
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, bankers lamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked up a banker's lamp at an antique shop yesterday, really ties the room together

>> No.12733641

i like these threads

>> No.12733646

that's cozy, are you in for a bf?

>> No.12733647

I like the pop of green these give, nice cop

>> No.12734159
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>> No.12734177

heyyy i have this exact same setup with my record player

>> No.12734229

What >>12730890 said. Switch the TV stand and the audio shit. Makes more sense to have the TV facing the couch.

>> No.12734549

great potential here

>> No.12734624


>> No.12734698

>listening to records in the living room
unconfy as fuck, this guy is probabaly a poser faggot
stop posting

>> No.12734737

yo where the fuck do you guys buy your wall art? I wanna get some unique art prints without spending a thousand bucks (okay spending like 100-200 though)

>> No.12734770
File: 367 KB, 822x1200, tumblr_ou0iz39j0X1sm8ynco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a cool high res pic and print in a A2

>> No.12734771
File: 1.49 MB, 2279x3200, IMG_20170710_150724048~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my parents attic /fa/

>> No.12734773

Muh Communist meme

>> No.12734783

Kek the lampshade meme came true

>> No.12734804

Get communist poster and place it in ur fridge, since ur a person without personal taste to find hes own art, the Stalin poster in the fridge will help u show everyone how retarded u ar.

Ur welcome.

Now after i roasted u, im gonna advice u, get on etsy and support those starving wanna be artist, or devianart aswell, find what u like and buy from them.That way u get something unique, and also u help someone.

>> No.12734868
File: 124 KB, 800x670, 1481080185704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on u, I'm a fashy goy with an eye for aesthetics

>> No.12734952

woo thanks found some good shit

>> No.12734995

don't a lot of Asians wear slippers indoors? I always walk around my house bare foot and leave my shoes at the door I always thought that was the 'westerner' thing desu

>> No.12735017

Honestly, thrift shops are pretty decent for finding nice wall art. Just swing by every day or two and see what they have, then pick up whatever suits your taste.

Obviously they won't have movie prints or anything, but you can get some nice stuff.

>> No.12735027

we're just so proud of how gloriously tall we are that adding an extra centimetre with some lovely toasty slippers just feels right

>> No.12735030

There was a chart posted in some similar thread that showed some good colors to paint a room. Does any anon have it by chance?

>> No.12735931

Stop bumping this shit thread :^)

>> No.12736083

good night moon

>> No.12737003

Hey bb w2c rug?

>> No.12738395
File: 66 KB, 334x250, Ronald_Reagan-AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be RR ghoast
>browse 4chan,
>want to click /DIY, but accidentally clicks /FA
>sees this thread and that Stalin post.
>turns over in his grave and states:

>> No.12738484

may as well bump this shit

>> No.12738564

where do people cop tapestries like this

>> No.12738960

bamb :DDDDD