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File: 186 KB, 614x363, 54ceac4023e7b_-_esq-shoe-lifts-heel-test-042913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12711585 No.12711585 [Reply] [Original]

Friend just bought shoe lifts to make himself seem taller. Opinions?

>> No.12711609


>> No.12711615

kys my man

>> No.12711644

>manlet AND a fuckboy

>> No.12711652

How do you even fit into a shoe with a lift so high, it takes up almost the entire heel of the shoe.

>> No.12711653

As a manlet I find it ridiculous

>> No.12711654


>> No.12711655

these are huge in korea, for celebrities and regular people alike. if you want the extra boost, go ahead bro no skin off my nose

>> No.12711685

Someone who wears shoe lifts probably won't eat ass and doesn't respect black people

>> No.12711702

thats so fucking retarded

>> No.12711711


Don't do it, it's only a matter of time before someone notices, most likely a girl.
Grown man shoes and boots add around 1 inch, that's all you need.

>> No.12711718

I'm short but wouldn't wear these. I mean idk it would make me more insecure than just being short, its like screaming "LOOK AT ME HOW INSECURE I AM ABOUT MY HEIGHT". Its not like im getting bitches anyways and if I wanted to go that route I'd just try lookmaxing. If that won't save me I doubt lifts will.

>> No.12711857

Tall ones like in the OP are retarded, but I recently bought some 1-3 cm ones to try out just for fun because they were cheap. 3 cm already feels a bit too big, but 1-2 cm (just under an inch) is fine enough for you manlets.

I'm already 6'4" barefoot

>> No.12711867

>I'm already 6'4" barefoot
Yeah okay bud

>> No.12711875

How short is he

>> No.12711881

5'8, but he claims he's 5'9"

>> No.12712019
File: 43 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear massive lifts to make yourself more attractive
>extra height attracts more female attention
>take a grill back to your place
>start getting undressed
>shoes come off
>"wtf is that in your shoe anon"
>"its a uh erm... a.. t-thanks"
>"anon you look so much shorter are those fucking shoe lifts?"
>"heh uh i guess... uhm... mayb- m'am i... thanks"

>> No.12712028

I'm thinking of getting some. Already 6'2 but can always be taller

>> No.12712081
File: 85 KB, 500x795, 1417498707843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreign girl once told me I was quite "compact"
>still wanted the D

oh my

>> No.12712107
File: 238 KB, 1080x1350, 1503773513702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ridiculous why do manlets care this much? Seriously stop letting the memes get to you

>> No.12712201

that's what i was thinking. you'd have to size up a TON to fit those in

>> No.12712236

why is his ankle so thin

>> No.12712298

it's the equivalent of makeup

>> No.12712353

lol if you're really 6'2" and think this way, lifts won't help you. you're tall but your mind is short

>> No.12712490

Prosthetic leg.

>> No.12712764

if I saw these in someone's shoes I would point it out and laugh at them and I'm not even the kind of person to do stuff like that

>> No.12714205

>be 5'11"
>use lifts
>life drastically improves in every aspect

high top sneakers and boots, dress boots for formal situations

>> No.12714218

Iegit laugh out loud

>> No.12714847

I really don't have any words to say to you, man. This is sad, as in I feel like I'm at a loss as to how to cheer you up. Please don't buy these. What are you going to feel like every time when you step out of your shoes and the whole world gets two inches taller? What will be running through your head at that very moment? Shame? Regret? Learn to love yourself.

>> No.12714856

This. All memes aside, just own your life buddy. Noone that's worth your time should give two fucks if you're a few cms taller or shorter. Literally DROP people if they judge you for being short

>> No.12715955


im a 5'7 chicano tho so maybe that could be a totally different view. we kinda get a pass for some reason (which is weirdly not given to asians who are also naturally short)

>> No.12715963

>/fa/ is supportive for once

thank you both, anons. you prevented me from killing myself tonight

>> No.12716218

5'6" here, back in college I wore 1.5 inch lifts inside a pair of black boots or Af1s so I could appear 5'8". They definitely boosted my confidence, but they also warped the silhouette of my shoes and made standing/walking around a bit awkward. At some point I decided to take the lifts out for a little while. About two weeks ago, I found them in my closet again. Threw them away immediately. Whatever confidence I got from them I had since developed organically. I won't say lifts aren't worth it if it's what you need to feel good about yourself, but I feel way better now without them.

>> No.12716271
File: 150 KB, 1031x532, online dating 5'5 vs 5'10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously stop letting the memes get to you

>> No.12716981

>not putting them inside your sock..

>> No.12716996

>to try out just for fun

So did you have much fun with your shoelifts?

>> No.12717000

yeah now you have a big fucking sole shaped object in your sock when you take them off and throw them on the floor

>> No.12717007

>take of your shoes
>still clacking around all over the house in just your socks

>> No.12717032
File: 12 KB, 480x480, 46c1b6c11a8ae30f420164efdd8e0ed8--boy-quotes-short-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clacking in foam..

>not just superglueing then to your feet..

>> No.12717052

Doesn't everyone have their "if only" excuse?

>if only the manlet was 6'0", then life would be his oyster
>if only the 6'0 lanklet had better skin
>if only the 6'0 lanklet with good skin had more muscle
>if only the 6'0 athlete with good skin made more money

No one's thinking about your defects as much as you. I'm not saying to not work on your defects. If it's about attracting women, i can say after working in a a nightclub for years, confidence trumps looks. I've seen so many fat neckbeards leave with qt's cuz they didn't care about looking stupid and had no expectations.

>> No.12717281

All other things being equal, a 6'2" tall man will have a better life that that same man if he were 4'10" tall. I'm only 5'10" and my lack of height has definitely held back my life.

>> No.12717303

Haha. If u were fat ur weight would be holding u back. If u were black ur skin would be holding you back. If u were a woman or poor or had acne or anxiety itd be the same story. Reality is ur just a bitch

>> No.12717320
File: 11 KB, 246x246, OKAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I just bought shoe lifts to make myself seem taller. Opinions?

>> No.12717328

I mean, some of those do a actually hold people back. People using things as an excuse not to try is disgusting, and becoming a victim complex cuck from any of them isn't a good thing but people are ultimately limited by what they have and it's not like a small dog can become a big one by barking loud enough.

>> No.12717390

im a 5'6" manlet and while the memes are sometimes true, people worth having in your life arent really going to care. you can still enjoy fashion and figure stuff out, its just something to work around. personally, trying to be /fa/ as a short guy has given me a different perspective on things. do i wish i was taller? yes, but that doesnt mean i cant play with the hand ive been dealt

>> No.12717453

get off the internet

>> No.12717492

Same. I'm 6'1 but always wanted to be 6'3. I get irrationally angry and competitive with guys who are taller than me nearby

>> No.12717503

I Get similar things from some of the tall German girls that come into my store
Honestly kinda afraid of them...

>> No.12717506



stop and think for 2 seconds.

>where will your foot go?


so the top of your foot is crammed against the top of your shoe. it looks funny as fuck. looks like you got some thick feet and they dont' fit your small shoe.

just get something with a heel.

>> No.12717602


>> No.12718419

It's obvious that being an idiot is holding you back. You're basically saying to someone born without legs that it's their lack of effort that they are not a Hall of Fame center in the NBA. If you were being stupid on purpose to elicit a response, you have succeed. But you had to look up what elicit means.