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/fa/ - Fashion

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12703740 No.12703740 [Reply] [Original]

Are we /fa/cists now?

>> No.12703747

It's like that picture where every bitch looks like Han Solo.
Truly terrifying.

>> No.12703754

not unless you wear vineyard vines polos

>> No.12703760

When was fashion not weaponized? Everyone wants a good fit to represent their (((ideology)))

>> No.12703761

>Washington post.
Jeesus christeru
Almost every facet of media be it movies to videogames to fashion to books, is and has been controlled by the liberals for literally decades, so Idk how in an instant, "fashion" is taken over by /fa/cists

God damn that article reads like some silly fucking sci-fi short story

>I'm fucking triggered m8

>> No.12703768

Also that article is as bad as their style.
Murica once again disappointing on every side.

>> No.12703769

They all dress like the meek but secretly hate filled office drones they probably are.

>> No.12703787

fashion industry is left wing and 032c even had a recent issue supporting antifa every western fashion publication has also been talking about how awful the "trump era" is

fuck off with this fake news

>> No.12703802

>not dreasing like a wild street nigger is fascism and NOT OK
these people are dressed like shit too
If they do one of these protests im just gonna show up in a white suit and a string tie like a true southerner

>> No.12703946
File: 349 KB, 497x372, 1486893472614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the news since Trump announced he would run for president

>> No.12703982

>weaponized fashion

Poorly fitting slacks and a cheap polo don't make you look like a /fa/cist. They make you look like a stock boy.

>> No.12703999

>"weaponizing fashion"
What has this world come to.

>> No.12704127

Is assault fashion a meme now?

>> No.12704242
File: 24 KB, 376x485, 2017-08-23 22_34_32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that sounds fun guys, but how about instead I pay for a company retreat where you all go bungee jumping with twine cords?

>> No.12704250

Forbes does this shit too. When you turn off your ad blocker it gives you a free "ad-lite" edition which features:
>1 big banner as
>1 pop up that blocks the article
>2 scrolling side ads
>1 autoplay side as video
>3 ads in the article

And they wonder why we use as block

>> No.12704260


It's possible this is the most disgusting brand in existence

>> No.12704271

you think fashion's your friend
my friend fashion is danger

>> No.12704304


>> No.12704312
File: 40 KB, 510x525, MjCfO84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're telling each other to wear khaki pants and white polo shirts to events.
It's not much of a uniform or a statement. They're just saying "We're basic bitch white guys."
So presumably the author is upset that they're not dressed like a right-wing version of pic related. They just look fairly normal.

>> No.12704459

>fashion industry is left wing

>> No.12704686
File: 82 KB, 800x478, 1503257306364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fashion industry is left wing

>> No.12704700

It's almost like they know nothing whatsoever about the fashion industry

>> No.12704762

They all look like basic bitch frat boys tho

>> No.12704803

>people i disagree with wear clothes, therefore the entire fashion INDUSTRY has to cater to ME and SPEAK UP against the people i disagree with

fuck nazis but HOLY SHIT, liberal american media is out of control.

>> No.12705049

>one designer had factories used by the nazis therefore the entire industry is nazi

you realize currently the industry is full of fags kikes and degenerates right?

literally read any publication they're all pushing diversity and refugees and whatever other virtue signalling thats in vogue at the moment

jesus fucking christ fa this is not even a controversial opinion you stupid mongoloids

>> No.12705051

>industry full of fags kikes and degenerates

>not left wing

>> No.12705061

why is it that anyone who uses this word seriously is usually a piece of shit.

>> No.12705064

lol meltdown

>> No.12705072

ok buddy name right wing figures in the industry today

>inb4 galliano

he pussied out and almost lost his career over it

>> No.12705074

>Antifa is bad

>> No.12705075
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1491022641509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12705084

? i didn't make a comment one way or the other, all i said is the fashion industry is overwhelming supportive of left wing causes

>> No.12705087

what does that have to do with what i said.

>> No.12705098

ah, assumed you were the fag who didn't think fashion was left wing

>> No.12705420


>> No.12705429

on a somewhat-related note: do lace colors matter anymore? I know it depends on where you're stomping around in, my 14i-Docs just look great with white laces.

>> No.12705444

i think it only becomes a discussion if you're wearing specifically black, military-style boots. i'd definitely avoid it for how high 14-eye docs are.