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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 478 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20170815-001352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12682421 No.12682421 [Reply] [Original]

Are dark circles effay and how do you get them ?

>> No.12682426

they can look effay depending on how you're dressed imo

>> No.12682446

They can.
Anemia. Drug problem.

>> No.12682516

Lack of sleep
Shitty diet
Stop using face creams around the eyes that tighten the skin.
Stop using face makeup.
Don't use that stupid cold bean/rice trick to keep circles from growing due to heat.

Mine are from a shit-ass diet and a lack of sleep that's persisted for, oh, who knows, most of my life.

>> No.12682689

>sleep max 3 hours per night 5 days a week and min 12 hours per night on the weekends
>maintain a minimum level of stress typical of graduate students, medical students, or deployed infantrymen
>take lots of caffeine
there you go, now delete this shitty thread

>> No.12682693

love that song

~and nothing will convince me...
that you are happy

>> No.12683253

This is more a 1/1 checklist of my actual flaws as a human than anything.

>> No.12683269

Damn man... ur so fucked up

>> No.12683274

You may aswell kill yourself dude. A life like that isn't worth living

>> No.12683536

Don't smoke, it's a joke

>> No.12683540


>> No.12683595

Heredity. Like being born with super huge eyes. Early on i childhood, you get really big eyebags because of your fucked up eyes. Then in adulthood when every part of your head sizes up to your eyes, you'll still get the shitty bags due to years of stretch.

>> No.12683608

lol no
alcohol and cigs

>> No.12683629

I got born with really huge eyes. Not gonna take a pic, but my eyes look really bad. Like a fish's so I cover my forehead with bangs so it wont look too much bulgy esp from the sides

>> No.12683637
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But that doesn't mean that this 'condition' necessarily causes prominent eyebags

>> No.12683640

Her eyes were not bulgy. Mine was big and bulgy. It doesnt look so bad now as it does years ago, but you get eyebag marks that arent dark circles, but loose eyebag skin. And its going to be there 24/7 even with 10 hours of sleep. Perma eyebags. Think of pepe's eyes.

>> No.12683662
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My eyes after years of anaemia, anxiety and awful diet. I don't use makeup as it's visible, also I don't use any creams. So if you want to have really visible big circles under eyes, go for different stuff

>> No.12683727
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170815_141504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these big enough /fa/? Am i cool yet?

>> No.12683810


>> No.12683829

Massage semen into your eyelids before supper

>> No.12683841

Thank u uwu

>> No.12683865

the darkest circles are genetic

>> No.12684116

I have dark circles too but I don't like them because I think they make me look angry :(

>> No.12684141

Would you show? I am sure that it doesn't make you look bad. It's probably all about how you match hairstyle and clothes with it, so maybe if you act in a nice way people just think that you look a little tired, but not angry!

>> No.12684205

Maybe that wasn't the right word to use. I guess it can just make me look a little intimidating or moody. Some people have said it looks cute though which is nice.

>> No.12684224

About intimidating I have to agree, but to be honest most cute/good looking things are because people feel like a person dresses better/looks nicer/whatever. Imo it looks cute when people have them, but not if it gets all swallen and goes really low (like halfway through chin). I got lucky to have it just under my eyes, slightly greyish, most of the people don't notice if I do. Really mate, as long as you don't cry yourself to sleep and wake up 3h later to work/school, it should look nice

>> No.12684240
File: 805 KB, 2529x1795, 4_2_2014_pot-soros-weed8201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby me secsi

>> No.12684272

They age white people by 15 years

>> No.12684282

I guess it depends how they look + face of a person and style of clothes. If they don't match they make everyone look older

>> No.12684320

Hmm, I dunno. I have a face with soft features which probably helps me. But sometimes I just see them and I think they might look really noticeable, like at the end of a day or something

>> No.12684341

If your face is soft looking then really a lot of stuff should make you look cute, especially if you have pretty eyes and not too big lips. How do you dress? I would really appreciate a picture of how your eyes look

>> No.12684402

I guess I dress kind of preppy but I don't know if that would the right term to use. I would give a pic but I don't really like doing that on here

>> No.12684425

Hmmm to be honest I understand why you wouldn't want to post pictures here. If you dress in this way (as much as I understood preppy is the same as posh) then I think that it would make you look more mature in a way? Unless it's really visible, then it would probably give you a "I'm always tired and easily irritated" look, I think. But I guess the way you look at stuff and move is the first thing people will connect to shades under eyes, if you look down and act quiet/upset and just all grumpy it would make you really intimidating. But if you act normally, and are polite people will 100% assume you are just tired

>> No.12684439
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yes. acquire severe insomnia.

>> No.12684444
File: 161 KB, 500x361, 1432579283633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durr I want to look like I'm fucked up because it's cooooool

>> No.12684468

i fucking hate this sub sometimes, too

nice quads. square quad. 4^4?

>> No.12684491
File: 314 KB, 960x1280, IMG_3494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it helps to show, I'd say that the dark circles look kind of like how Anzu's do in this pic:

>> No.12684499

It should look good mate

>> No.12684506
File: 410 KB, 1211x625, 20170815_144255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine were caused by alcoholism

>> No.12684508

If your eyes look like that then you must be cute. Stop worrying. Are you a guy or girl?

>> No.12684537

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really bothered about it but I was thinking about maybe trying to get rid of it. And boy.

>> No.12684558

Thought so, you sound like a boy, in a way. Tbh I have no idea how to make them not visible, I never really tried anything like that, it seem to be a lot worse when I sleep for 17h than when I do for 5h, probably diet is most important. Also taking care of stress if there is a lot of it in your life

>> No.12684564
File: 465 KB, 1080x384, 20170815_230941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean like they can be pretty effay

>> No.12684589

Do you have a Discord? You could show me a pic there if you don't want to on here.

>> No.12684597

And it cannot be that bad

>> No.12684605

Yeah, it's been pretty stressful recently with exams and other stuff going on. I'm also a night owl which probably doesn't help. I think tightening cream can help.

>> No.12684626

That sucks, I'm rather the type to go to sleep before midnight. Do you consider changing your sleep schedule or is it not an option? Cream is useful but it's a pain to use it all the time imo

>> No.12684644

Ok. Mine is RPD123#3982

>> No.12684651

I could, it's just a habit. My appetite usually goes up later in the day as well. I get what you mean about creams. There's so many for so many different things and a lot of them don't seem to even work.
Okay cool

>> No.12684658

Maybe you should try to make yourself change sleeping schedule? The same as eating. I probably shouldn't talk about the second one tho, I'm horrible at this. I guess that forcing yourself to eat earlier and not letting yourself eat later until you get used it the only option?

>> No.12684685

It only looks cute on paper white skinned people with baby faces. If you're tanned, fat or prone to acne, forget it and go get some fucking sleep.

>> No.12684696

>come back to /fa/ after 3 year break
>still threads about "how 2 get dark circles pls help i wanna look even more autistic than i already do"

haha lol

>> No.12684706

Yeah, I will have to anyway because of school. I usually just eat over the course of the day but I won't have anything big in the morning. Protein shakes are good as well for saving time and also getting a meal's worth of nutrients. Do you find it hard to eat?

>> No.12684720

Yeah, I've always panicked when I weighted more than what would make me underweight so I don't really have a habit of eating. I usually just stick to one meal a day, during school days, sometimes two. But it's no good, my blood is fucked up because of that

>> No.12684768

Sorry that I keep taking a while to respond. Please don't do that, that is dangerous as hell. When you do that, you are missing out on so many valuable nutrients. I have a high metabolism and I have to eat a lot to maintain my weight and I would rather be chubby than have to deal with it. And that's not saying you would be chubby if you ate normally. My sister used to do that and it was unnecessary.

>> No.12684795

Its just probably something off with my mind. I used to try to make myself throw up which is kinda gross. Thank you for worrying but I really can't help myself with it, especially that if I took literally every med I need I would be taking around 10 meds daily which is fucked up, and my metabolism is probably ruined too so I would jump into being a fatass after eating 3 meals a day. I can't stand being chubby, it all goes to my tummy and face instead of hips so I look like a fat 12 year old girl. At least I don't have eating disorder so I am fine for now

>> No.12684810

Lol it sounds so weird but it's not a big deal at all

>> No.12684836

There's a middle ground between eating very little and a lot. You would be doing yourself a lot more harm by not eating much over being 'chubby'. And there's nothing wrong with meds imo, they're just there to help you out a bit. I don't want to ask you anything that you probably wouldn't want to talk about on here but I feel like someone might have been giving you shit and that has affected your mindset.

>> No.12684846

So much edge omfg :-[

>> No.12684850

What circles? You got very very very slightly baggy eyes but nothing standout.

>> No.12684856

R u Mexican. Que pass baby

>> No.12684871

They are not, why would anyone want them? I hate mine.

>> No.12684889

Tbh I never got much shit when it comes to my weight, but I grew really insecure about it, well, the only person who was criticising it was myself. Also meds are okay but always make me feel sick after one accident so I don't take any even though I should. And in all honesty, I am not able to eat more, physically I mean, I get full after small portion and feeling lasts for many hours

>> No.12684918

That's why I said that if he wants a really visible big circles he should try different stuff. I reread my comment and it really sounds like I say that I have it really visible but I meant it in an opposite way. By my post I wanted to say that "I deal with this stuff and I don't really have them so you should try something else if you want it" as people before suggested that stuff and said that it makes them visible

>> No.12684919

Everything you said apart from the meds is the same for me. I don't know where you live but maybe you could get prescribed something to help you with your eating. I get full easily as well so I try to space out my meals as much as possible. Sometimes, it's impossible for me to eat in the morning though which is why I might eat more later. Also, I honestly wouldn't worry about the way you look either, you like nice in the picture you posted. I probably don't have grounds to say that considering how I sort of feel the same way about myself but still.

>> No.12684921
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I've never liked mine, I feel like they take away from my eye colour.

>> No.12684937

I'm from Poland. I am going to mention my eating habits when I go to doctor but I honestly doubt I would get anything helpful, and I'm worried that it would end up on me putting on too much weight which would result in myself stopping eating again to go back to being thin. So I kinda have to find a way to make myself eat meds daily to correct my blood, which I think would be the best thing I can do for now

>> No.12684940

ffs don't sleep enough, worry a lot

>> No.12684944
File: 47 KB, 248x96, Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 00.32.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have them no matter what I do, thank you genes

low pixel camera so they look even worse in real life

got that glossy chicken skin texture as well

permanent acne scars/inflammation on nose if anyone is wondering what the red s*** is

everything is effay on attractive people, I'm not attractive, so

>> No.12684957

I see. I'm not sure how it works in Poland but in the UK you can get stuff to help you with eating. You should try a BMI calculator to check what a good weight would be (although it isn't as accurate for people still growing). You can still be slim and also at a healthy weight. I know it's like 1 o'clock in Poland right now and you might want to go to sleep so I'm sorry if I'm keeping you up.

>> No.12684965
File: 9 KB, 233x271, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel lad, I have them since childhood as well. Recently my female cousin who hasn't seen me in a while came over and she thought I was sick or something because of them.

I also have same skin/nose problems.

Hang in there bro.

>> No.12684972

Here I probably could but it wouldn't be as easy, also I believe that I have to take care of different stuff first that are one of reasons I have problems with eating. BMI usually tells me that I have to be around 2kg more, so I was never worrying about going anorexic. No lie, it's nice to talk with you. I am currently at my friend's house hence I am up, so don't be sorry about that

>> No.12685001

Same to be honest, when I have tons of schoolwork to do or I'm doing a hobby, I'll end up ignoring other stuff and prioritising that one thing. One of the things that gets in the way of my sleep.

>> No.12685013

I swear I am a master of doing nothing when I have dozen things to do, still am always tired for some reason. When it comes to sleep I always wake up a lot in the morning, starting from 6am I have to force myself to fall asleep like 4 times until 9am

>> No.12685034

Lol, same. If I have an essay for the end of the week then I won't do the responsible thing and start it when I have been assigned to do it, I'll wait until the last day and spend the whole day on getting the essay done and perfecting it.

We're different for sleep though. I'll wake up early in the morning and if I decide to sleep a little longer then I'll end up sleeping for another two or three hours. I seriously need to use my alarm.

>> No.12685046
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>> No.12685052

I am basically just doing stuff in a last minute, starting essays on 11pm because I spent whole day being anxious about having to write them

I never have to use it. To school I always wake up minutes before it (I still set it tho). It's awful because if I don't go to bed around 10pm I wake up without getting enough sleep, and I have to struggle a lot to fall asleep for 30min more

>> No.12685081

What I put out gets good marks but I always stress out over them and sometimes I might work on an essay and then think that the content is stupid and start over again. Either that or sometimes I'll face a dead end which is annoying.

For the last couple of terms, I was coming to school late quite a lot but at the same time I was getting burned out with school so I didn't care much. I'm not going to have it the same way this year though, hopefully.

>> No.12685107

Fortunately most of the essays I have to write during lessons so I don't have to at home. Exams are the worst tho because I actually have to sit down and study

According to my British friends schools in UK are good in a way that lessons start rather later, but I'm not sure how it works for you, I guess it depends on what you are taking?

>> No.12685132

Hmm, I'm not really sure what you mean. School starts at 9am for me.

>> No.12685143

Got some friends that have like 4 lessons a day, they are not one after another tho so they have to wait between them, I can't explain it better since it's a lot different than here and I don't know much about it. I used to always start on 8 am but after I got a lot better schedule

>> No.12685157

Well we have 7 lessons per day. The way it works varies in later years though because of the amount of courses you choose and whatnot.

>> No.12685166

I guess it is because they are in later years. I think I am going to sleep now, goodnight, it was nice to talk to you, so thank you for that

>> No.12685192

Cool, see you around.

>> No.12685254

I've had dark eye bags for as long as I can remember, I hate them.

>> No.12685345

be a stem major

>> No.12685462


>and how do you get them ?

if you live in seattle, we can meet for coffee and i'll punch you in each eye socket a few times

let me know if you're interested

>> No.12685549

A lot of eye creams are just concealers or basic hydrators. The only thing I've used so far that has kind of reduced dark circles is Lierac Diopticerne -but it's $35 for such a minuscule amount.

>> No.12685577
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>> No.12685669

nigga looks exactly like me wtf

>> No.12685751

wtf who is this man i want to kiss him

>> No.12685875

maybe it's hyperthyroidism, and because of some sick metabolic trick, you developped dark circles idk kek

>> No.12685999
File: 305 KB, 978x1024, roooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're genetic

all 3 of my sisters have them
i was in a military academy, i had a structured sleep schedule for a year straight, 2100-0500 and I still had them

>> No.12686013

no. they are not.
Don't even try.

>> No.12686017

you look like youre about to play me a sad song on a shitty guitar but in a really adorable way

>> No.12686046
File: 7 KB, 241x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think eyebags give your face much character.

>> No.12686099

>not getting each others name

>> No.12686110

smoke weed everyday for years and you'll get them

>> No.12686156

I really wouldn't want to say my name here mate so I thought that I shouldn't ask him about his

>> No.12686338

You forgot genes.

>> No.12686368 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 378x144, IMG-20170816-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genes + fucked up sleep schedules

>> No.12686385

I have had dark circles since I was a child because of my thin skin
They are always with me though when i can't get enough sleep they get darker

Are dark circles really that effay? I always seen them as my flaw

>> No.12686438

Y-you want be my girlfriend?

>> No.12686445


>> No.12686446
File: 40 KB, 777x777, 11043093_948914008466707_9183127321965431593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the darkest bags in the world. Pic related is from awhile ago, but you can really see the bags, especially on the right side of my face (obviously on the left side of the photo). Those dark, almost purplish circles are my natural skin tone, it's not from the light. I guess in my opinion they look kinda kool in this photo, but irl they look like shit, and I don't know why anyone would want them.

That being said, genetics, weed, and opiates are probably the best way to get this look. However, contrary to >>12686110, I don't really thing smoking weed on a regular basis has a long term effect on your eyes. It's more so when you're high/when you burn out and coming down.

>> No.12686450

If she wanted my name then she would have asked for it :P

>> No.12686457

I don't know you, I'm sorry aaaaaaa

>> No.12686460

Mate, I wouldn't, I am awkward as fuck

>> No.12686522
File: 1.21 MB, 1001x825, firefox_2017-08-16_08-45-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>night shift for almost 2 years
>never leave my house during my free time
>only ever up at night

>> No.12686525

I hope it doesn't sound rude because I didn't mean it that way, but mate, you look a little like vampire

>> No.12686526
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1gor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>109 replies on how to get dark circles under eyes

>> No.12686530
File: 5 KB, 128x128, 8d61f25f2e000436d2f086b00b5b5836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware. It's worse with the full image, almost looks like I'm some sort of demon.

I am going to the lake next week. It will be the first time I will have had sunshine in probably 3 or 4 years.

>> No.12686541

Ow, that's really nice that you are going there, have fun! I usually hate this whole 'get tanned' thing but it would probably be good for you to catch some sunshine

>> No.12686553

Lol, it's cool. I'm awkward too sometimes

>> No.12686556

I think it might be more pronounced if you're pale. I'm pretty pale myself.

>> No.12686561

They say that British people are really awkward. Well I would ask what's your name but dunno if you would want to say it here

>> No.12686607

Yeah, well it's not really like we could post it anywhere else, I don't think. Do you use Disocrd or anything?

>> No.12686620

I honestly use only Facebook. Do you have a fake account or something?

>> No.12686638

A fake account? I don't think I have anything like that for Facebook but I could make one if you want?

>> No.12686646

I mean, it all depends if you mind telling me your name to find you on Facebook or if you would prefer to use fake name

>> No.12686651

>tfw you know so much but can't tell shit.

>> No.12686693

Idk. I think it would be a bit weird having a fake account imo.

>> No.12686706

I've been always having one to post opinions/shitpost etc, I don't want much to be under my real name if someone made a background check for a job or something. You can always just make a fake account to tell me your real name in pm instead of here if you would prefer, I really don't mind either way

>> No.12686720
File: 127 KB, 392x149, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight eyebags can look okay, but serious Pajeet-tier eyebags are terrible (doubly bad if you have eyes like mine)

>> No.12686747

The thing is that I don't use Facebook anymore :/

>> No.12686750

Aw that's a shame

>> No.12686794

Yeah sorry :(

>> No.12686799

Np mate, kinda my fault for having only fb and WhatsApp

>> No.12686863

You should probably look at Discord though. It's good for chats and stuff.

>> No.12686903
File: 213 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-16-20-05-54-101_com.android.vending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mate?

>> No.12686908

this is literally me

>> No.12686918

god stop making me realise my poor life decisions

>> No.12686920


>> No.12686928

Well, I'm going to download it. I will probably fuck something up and don't know what to do but I can try at least

>> No.12686939

Nvm I fucked up and dunno how to fix so I gave up

>> No.12686940

It's cool. Your name is just whatever you call yourself then a tag number so something like:

>> No.12686955

No mate, it doesn't let me register at all, dunno why, I was always bad at things like that, that's why I stick to Facebook

>> No.12686956


Step one: obtain a prescription fo modafinil 200mg.

Step two: sleep for five or six hours every other night.

And I can tell you from experience, this is way, WAY easier than it sounds.

>> No.12686964

What does it say? You don't add the tag number to your name yourself, if that's the problem.

>> No.12686984

"Captcha-required" and "You are being rate limited." sometimes 1st sometimes 2nd. Please don't laugh at me I'm really awful at stuff like that

>> No.12686992

Are you trying to register on a mobile app or on a browser? It's fine.

>> No.12686996

Mobile app

>> No.12687006

Hmm, I don't know if it is different for android but on iOS, you just need to put in an email, username and password. I don't know why it mentions captchas. I don't know if you can but you should try registering on the website and then signing in on the app.

>> No.12687017

For some reason it won't let me try to register on the website on phone, so I would have to try on laptop when I'm home. I've got Xiaomi

>> No.12687026

It might be different for you but if you go to the website then it should say 'Login' at the top and then it takes you to a new page. From there, it should say 'Register' in small white writing at the bottom.

>> No.12687032

It won't load tho, dunno why. Well I'm going to be able to use computer really soon so I will try on it

>> No.12687042

Okay, I'll talk to you in like an hour?

>> No.12687050

Sure, 1h seem fine. I will let you know if I registered properly

>> No.12687205

I'm saving this picture because I want to recreate you in Bloodborne.

>> No.12687226
File: 30 KB, 960x554, 20891520_1901040210222394_2102519366_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today they are lighter than usual. ive got them because of my shitty liver, i guess

>> No.12687231


I've gained quite a bit of weight since the picture was taken and my hair is short ):

>> No.12687267
File: 580 KB, 1914x2384, IMG_5817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trouble sleeping & light diet here

>> No.12687305

Oh well, I won't get occasion to do it today, so I will tomorrow. I'm sorry. Give me your email address because it's kinda awkward to have a conversation here

>> No.12687344 [DELETED] 

Cool, I made a random one up because I'm not gonna post my real one here.


>> No.12687375

I sent you a mail, I hope I didn't get the address wrong lol

>> No.12687384 [DELETED] 

Crap, I messed up. There were three ones instead of two D:


>> No.12687389

Oh well I hope that nobody will receive that message rip. I will send you another one then

>> No.12687403

Yeah it worked.

>> No.12687561

Cool hair what product are you using?

>> No.12687792

fix it... NOW

>> No.12688146

you're extraordinarily handsome tho
would marry/10

>> No.12688207

I'll fucking murder ANYONE who thinks eyebags are actually good-looking and /fa/, I have looked through the thread and mine are 400x WORSE THAN ANYONE HERE.

>> No.12688294


>> No.12688315

>I'm insecure about my eyebags, so everybody else should be too.

>> No.12688343

I have bad eyebags but everyone just thinks im a store it hurts my effay image :(

>> No.12688363

Thank you, it was wet at the time of the pic, I generally don't use product but it looks like this natirally

>> No.12688364
File: 422 KB, 1930x1971, IMG_5818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12688419


Whats not to be insecure about?

>> No.12688489

I've had dark circles since I was young. Women think I'm brooding but really I'm just a dick.

>> No.12688613

the sun makes you feel so much better, it's not a meme

>> No.12689178

god she has eyes just like my ex fuck

>> No.12690500

you look cool, keep up the good work

>> No.12690594


>> No.12690713
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170604_22_30_21_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a question
why is it people find the dark circles cool or attractive and want to get some themselves. Is there a psychological reason to thi other than "i wanna look like i'm too depressed and cool for lyf"?
those are very dark is that normal?

>> No.12690885

just don't sleep lad

>> No.12690986

Maybe because some people look good with them? And they ignore the other half they looks just really tired. Also depression had been considered as "cool" for some time already, I'm not sure why though

And thank you uwu

>> No.12690989


>> No.12691022
File: 294 KB, 663x277, Ckenp8V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /eye bag veins/ here?

They're much more noticeable under warmer lighting.

>> No.12691052
File: 221 KB, 2176x794, IMG_0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried sleeping more, better diet, different creams and nothing will get rid of them.

>> No.12691057

ooga booga wypipo

>> No.12691963
File: 705 KB, 1929x636, 20170818_204211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look depressed

>> No.12691990

is that a picture of my eyes wtf

>> No.12692009

>when ur too weak to hold it with one hand so you quickly take a blurry ass photo before mom walks in the room

>> No.12692469

Maybe you're iron deficient

>> No.12692540

Yung Stallone with a small mouth

>> No.12692643

You look like Michelangelo's David
10/10 facial aesthetics

>> No.12692911


>> No.12692983
File: 89 KB, 1337x432, IMG_20170819_000559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did god curse me with these eyes?

>> No.12692987

engineering degree: poor diet, no sunlight, no sleep and no fucks given. usually a trend carried on from high school

even my indian and black peers have noticeable dark circles

>> No.12693010

what is ur ig

>> No.12693175
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170223_143508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U sure op? people always ask me weird shit because of them

>> No.12693559

Jesus Christ those looks more like bruises.

Someone socked you right in the eye lad.

>> No.12693695


>> No.12693758

If you meant Instagram, I don't have account, I'm sorry. I'm rather self conscious so I have only Facebook

>> No.12693766

nah they're always like that

>> No.12693775

I think you should go to the doctor, it looks kinda scary

>> No.12693917


>> No.12693924

th-thank you very much

>> No.12693973
File: 385 KB, 960x899, IMG-20170817-WA0007-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you reeally want them, I guess it is possible with sleep deprivation. I got mine by studying at night and waking up early for regular high school, but now sleeping well won't revert it.

>> No.12694023

I kinda have similar face to yours, my guy, lots of similarities, i'd say, except the hair. You do any workout routines, if so what is it?

>> No.12694029
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>> No.12694030

Dapper guy/10

>> No.12694034

You mean like how flat the earth is?

>> No.12694037

how to get you as a gf?

>> No.12694053
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Idk are they?

>> No.12694137

Maybe I should, but I don't work out.

>> No.12694156

ive been a grad stusent for 3 years and have had drug addiction problems longer than that and i have some pretty massive ones.
they can look cool with the right style. i wear like nothing but black and gray and wear loads of jewelry

>> No.12694167

>posts on 4chan

>> No.12694174

I don't post here under my name, and there is a reason I cut the original picture. I don't mind showing my face, but Instagram, for me, feels like a place for confident in their looks people who wants to show off how pretty/sexy/beautiful they are, and I would be too embarrassed to upload pictures with this purpose. I'm sorry, I didn't really explain that later so you are right that it sounded like a quite silly thing to say, I apologise for that

>> No.12694179

I'm sorry

>> No.12694228

You're kinda cute desu

>> No.12694359
File: 292 KB, 1683x851, IMG_0579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. I guess it's just my bone structure. I used to hate them but now I think they're okay.

>> No.12695113
File: 668 KB, 1647x589, 2017-08-19 23.59.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot a pic. i had some slight ones narurally and a shitty sleep schdule combined with past alcoholism, long term opiate addiction, stimulant abuse, benzo abuse, lsd funtime and stress made them worse. someone told me they thought they saw a gray hir in my head. wouldnt be surprised or care.

>> No.12695175

i need to know this too

>> No.12695195
File: 16 KB, 483x190, Snapchat-1684704479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How soon till I die fa?

>> No.12695216

you can't
i already found my soulmate

>> No.12695594

Yea and the fake moon landing.

>> No.12695631

It was obviously fake, because moon is made out of cheese and it would be already had long time ago, of course this ""scientists"" didn't think of it

>> No.12696849

I'm not even sleep deprived and mine are huge, so I'm pretty sure they're genetic.

>> No.12696861
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1459832673271s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these fucks ITT who post images of themselves with "dark circles" that are barely a shade darker than their own skin and people who say they want dark eye circles
Outside of some vapid teenage fantasy it's actually not that great to look like a heroin addict 24/7, you retards

>> No.12697036

hey you go to decatur ;) dont ya
its me baby

>> No.12697078

How much pictures of your tits are in b?

>> No.12697139

you look a lot like browningtons

>> No.12697209

i have undereye circles and i basically just stare at a screen all day, dont get a whole lot of sleep over a long period of time (months or weeks i guess? it usually heals after a few weeks of a regular sleep scedule but i havent had a regular sleep scedule since i was in treatment), i smoke, drink, do drugs, and have an eating disorder.

>> No.12697215
File: 321 KB, 1069x1191, IMG_20170820_122330~2-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it from someone who's had them all her life: dark circles fucking suck. this is me WITH a full coverage foundation. how do I stop looking like a heroin addict all the time?

>> No.12698031

There aren't any mate I don't really go there

>> No.12698032

Ik that it's not answering your question, but I just wanted to say that you look cute

>> No.12698596
File: 70 KB, 700x576, 234243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think mine are effay at all, i've been trying to figure out how to remove them.

>> No.12698605

The darker races are usually less choosey, you should be fine