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12672291 No.12672291 [Reply] [Original]

Do good looks intimidate people?

>> No.12672305

>tfw fashion model and virgin
what do I do
I'm romantically and sexually and flirtingly retarded. I have absolutely no idea how to do any of those things or how to spot if someone's doing it to me. Talking to women isn't a problem at all but I have no idea how sex or relationships tie into anything. The only girl I've kissed actually kissed me. This was when I was 13 (she was 17).

>> No.12672325


>> No.12672331

I'm mad.

>> No.12672341

post face

>> No.12672357
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i'm on the left

>> No.12672366
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>> No.12672369

>two people shorter than X

>> No.12672373
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>> No.12672442

Why doesn't she just approach men herself? Is she a firm believer in traditional gender roles or something?

>> No.12672463

Lmao look at x's legs

>> No.12672639


>> No.12672749

Probably, though the same could be said for a lot of women despite what feminists would have you believe about them disliking gender roles. The same problem could be applied to the low birthrate crisis in Japan.

>> No.12673456

Kek, I do and I am a guy

>> No.12673473
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i believe u
im not a model cuz im 5'11 manlet but i have some friends who are models and they say that looks dont really help them getting dick/puss
if u act like a retard around people who u find attractive (which is pretty much everybody in the industry) theres no way u gon get it

im good looking as well, 20, have tons of friends (thanks to my looks obv) and still a virgin
woulda lost it at multiple parties with drunk dudes and girls but thats an asshole move, wont do that
im tryna get it sober, but its tough without any game
besides that, i still dont have a car

>> No.12673492

he's got his pants low man haha

>> No.12673532 [DELETED] 

TFW only 5 9 at 16

>> No.12673535

Holy shit you look like ass no wonder girls don't talk to you

JFC you aren't some kind of stunning model like abbey who is too intimidating, you look like an emo 13 year old

>> No.12673538

This headline is a cope for uglies, they think they are too stunningly beautiful and all the grills are intimidated by them. If anyone posts this article again it should be saged

>> No.12673544


>> No.12673556

>tfw when 5,7 at 19

>> No.12673560


>> No.12673622

If you and/or you're friends listen to Slipknot, that explains why you can't get laid. First of all, Slipknot has always been shitty and they were popular like 15 years ago when you were still an infant/toddler, secondly only white trash people listen to them.

Also, don't worry about being virgin if you're a teenager. I know you want to get that dick wet, but its not as great as you probably think. Really, the best part about it is the psychological comfort of not feeling completely alone, unwanted, and unappealing to other human beings.

>> No.12673999

what was pic?

>> No.12674050

You need to age. Everybody probably think you're 13

>> No.12674077

Roasties btfo

>> No.12674167

are you guys dense

>> No.12674273

>not knowing some meme shit internet whore makes me dense
Fuck off

>> No.12674286


>Do good looks intimidate people?

You're asking the wrong people fucktard.

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.12675490
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we're not all ugly here

some are just autistic

>> No.12676603

delet this

>> No.12676610

>le so hardcore feminist grrl dark lipstick look
>why won't men talk to me?

Because they can detect crazy

>> No.12676683

yes if you're way too fucking good looking they see you as arrogant and therefore impossible to reach.

>> No.12677392


>> No.12677646

all these responses not understanding the meme

>> No.12677652

They intimidate me
Am I wrong?

>> No.12677670

Well, this image is gonna lead me on an interesting internet adventure

>> No.12677693

>This guy thinks a 13 year old faggot is a fashion model, and when he's corrected he assumes it's a meme
sorry buddy, you're dense

>> No.12678150

why doesn't she ask them out? if not, she can die a lonely old hag

welcome to 2k17 you fucking bitch

>> No.12678162

wait for your tits to start to grow

>> No.12678168
File: 88 KB, 720x960, lucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my friend. She said that the boys don't try to get her and no one asks her to a date or something, and I think its because of her beauty, her in Brazil, green eyes are not a common thing, only in the south of the country.
What you guys think?

>> No.12678245

it's an excerpt from an interview you don't even know what question she was answering

>> No.12678250

This bitch is full of shit, she is not even very pretty. The eyes are also a shit excuse.

>> No.12678257

>I think its because of her beauty

>> No.12678262

I think shes cute but not beautiful. Camera angle could also be contributing to it

>> No.12678264

This faggot is full of shit, she is not even very pretty. The eyes are also a shit excuse.

>> No.12678268

She needs better hair

>> No.12678275
File: 88 KB, 960x640, Lu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why the guys are so afraid of her?

Also, I find her very attractive, dude.

>> No.12678279

Are they? Because it looks like you are the one afraid to ask her out.

>> No.12678284

She said they are, not me.

Also, I have gf

>> No.12678287

>a woman's problem in life is being so attractive to men that they consider you unattainable
>ie. every man you see would be thrilled to date you, all you have to do is reach out and grab one you like

>> No.12678288

Maybe she is indeed full of shit?

>> No.12678305

probably. Few guys that I know actually go for very good looking girls. They're probably even easier since good looking people tend to be more sociable

>> No.12678314

nah that's you
Does Stacy ever bully you?

>> No.12678317

Hey Abbey!

>> No.12678327


>> No.12678344

still doesn't have a link to the interview

>> No.12678393

There is no link to the interview. This is the only link that mentions it.

>> No.12678437

Its not me.

Also, im just adding things to the thread, stop being a dick.

>> No.12678479
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His legs are fucking low 4'10 manlet

>> No.12678481
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>gee Bill why does your mom let you have TWO waifus?

>> No.12678482

gee anon why does your mom let you post the same thing TWICE?

>> No.12678490

>tfw mom doesn't shitpost with me

>> No.12678501
File: 231 KB, 415x410, 1485456703714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 10/10 going to bars
Woman are so dumb or maybe she is just, literally, autistic. Is like the same for a male, smoking and drinking bear dressing comfy for a Monster Truck show, go to a Ballet presentation.

>> No.12678511


Could any of the armchair psychologists profile her? Is she on the spectrum?

>> No.12678521

She is not 10/10 for the normies

>> No.12678631

having autism =/= meme

>> No.12678690

idk why those anons are being contrarian but this girl is legit pretty and I would definitely bark up her tree

>> No.12678761

Brasil é uma merda msm anãosinho

>> No.12678844

>Do good looks intimidate people?
Of course, set me up with an ugly girl and I'll have a conversation no problem. I get all jittery and nervous when speaking to a really attractive girl.

>> No.12678874

Well there you go

>> No.12678900

This used to be a thing with me too.
But if you have an inflated ego or any narcissistic traits that helps

>> No.12679115

Yes and no, she is a 16/10. They are not compatible.

>> No.12679128

I'm a bartender and see girls more attractive than her getting hit on and picked up all the time.

She's probably just offputting for other reasons. And then she resorts to the "I must be so good looking I intimidate people", which is almost comical at this point as the defense of the incredibly vain.

>> No.12679166

def autism

>> No.12679174

reply to me if she's in rio and i'll give her the D

>> No.12679203


>> No.12679211

Ugly tbqh /fa/m.

>> No.12679717

Over 10, because they are already perfect for normal people, but yea a 6 for perfect people

>> No.12679841

Not intimidating, just lower chances of them to agreeing to have bareback sex in an alleyway 20mins into meeting.

Put effort where it's more likely to pay in dividends rather than waste effort and time on slim chances.

A 2/10's raw pussy feels like a 8/10s pussy when she's bent over a bar dumpster anyway

>> No.12680311

I bet you have a cuck fetish

>> No.12681494

the thirsty is so real out there, you have no idea

there are tons of guys out there who would pick up a woman with no sweat even if she was the most pretty girl

>> No.12681537

>this bitch face

>> No.12682026

I heard different theories about this. First one is that there are so many guys approaching girls so that every group (plain, cute, beautiful etc.) is saturated.

Second one is that the really good looking girls don't get approached a lot because some good looking guys get nervous, don't approach them and settle for average girls. Average looking girls have more competition that way instead of great looking girls. That would be why it is easier to get a great looking girl instead.

Third one is that more guys are aware of the crazy/hot scale and rather have a relationship with a stable cute/normal looking girl.

This might all be bullshit though.

>> No.12682798

no. Men don't want used up bitches.
jeez this is common sense.

>> No.12683078

damn Andy you lost weight

>> No.12683236

shut the fuck up.

>> No.12683241

i'm in to her. post more

>> No.12683320
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>drinking bear

>> No.12684660

you guys are fucking retarded

>> No.12684664

very pretty

>> No.12684669
File: 379 KB, 2244x2377, mOnvOJG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I caught in some kind time warp

I swear to god I feel like I've seen this exact thread here before

>> No.12684676

I wonder how many different serial shit posters /fa/ has, if it's not just one (which is not that hard to imagine).

>> No.12685110

Nope the thread just got reposted.
For a second I thought I had sliped into alternate reality too, I guess browsing /x/ does that to you.

>> No.12685386
File: 98 KB, 402x308, tom-ConvertImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing /x/

>> No.12687025


This thread was posted 6 days ago and just hasn't died.

>> No.12687065

Of course not. You just bumped it from page 10.

>> No.12688373

are you me? (minus the virgin part)

>> No.12688376

are you a boy or a girl

>> No.12689446

Do bears like beer?

>> No.12689454

Yeah. I would never even glance at her desu. I'd rather spend my time with average looking folks. Handsome people have it too easy so I dislike them.

>> No.12689483


men are fucking retarded, if a girl is really pretty they cant even form words properly and they do a bunch of cringey shit, thats if they even manage to approach her at all, mostly they just stare dumbfounded.
If she wants a guy, she has to hunt him down, man style.