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/fa/ - Fashion

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12650388 No.12650388 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never be able to pull off the SLP aesthetic or wear any pants/jeans that are even remotely slim no matter how much you work out or diet because you have thicc muscular thigh genetics and wide woman hips
I've got a good physique in the top half of my body, broad shoulders, good lats, ottermode body etc, but why did I get fucked over with hip bones that stick out, massive protruding quads and wide ass calves paired with super skinny ankles? Knowing that unless I literally break both my legs and let them atrophy while i sit in a wheelchair for a year is perhaps the only way to get them thin is pretty depressing. I basically never work out my legs and I am afraid to because theyre already so fucked. I can't wear any kind of nice jeans or pants without my thighs bulging out. Anyone else have frustrations like this?

>> No.12650399

Mate, everyone has parts of their body they dislike. I hate my huge nose and there's nothing I can do about it. You just have to adapt and work with what you have and improve on what you can.
Fashion isn't for you

>> No.12650401

im not trying to be a model lol, just want to look nice, and I think its possible to dress fashionably while not being a spooky skeleton

>> No.12650443
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my penis

>tfw dicklet

>> No.12650452

I really dislike my roman nose - it only looks good on men

>> No.12650530

OP i also have pretty big thighs (not super big hips though) the key is just getting jeans that fit in the thigh (in your case hips too) and tapering them to fit the rest of your legs well

also >>12650399 is a dumbass otter mode looks great with clothes just not SLP skinny kind

>> No.12650559

I find that attractive in some women

Those strong face features is a pretty italian thing

>> No.12650566
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>mild gyno

>> No.12650572

>be me
>discover SLP
>Realise I have the perfect body to pull off the aesthetic (6'1", rail thin, long hair)
>Start wearing SLP
>Guys on the street call me a girl/faggot now.

It's not worth it OP.

>> No.12650588

i have pepperoni nipples but i've come to terms with it. i used to be very self-conscious when i was younger but now i just roll with things i can't change and change the parts of my body i can. all personal insecurities are made bigger in my own head anyways

>> No.12650600

I have pectus excavatum (depressed ribcage) and flared ribs. Looks fuckin wierd and i hate it. Not much i can do about it either without getting a metal pole stuck in my chest.

>> No.12650666

No matter how thin I get I still have face fat and neck fat. Please fucking kill me.

>> No.12650668

>thicc nose
Can deal with this, kinda round, can look a lil cute (would be better on a woman, though)
>thicc lips
They're way taller than I like and make me look weird when my face isn't doing anything. Looks alright smiling though, just no teeth or looks real weird
>Extremely sweaty
I can't pull off as many layers as I'd like because I sweat easily and it's disgusting. It also all pools on my forehead, which means I have a bad case of forehead acne
>my voice
I'm just gonna count this one because it's partially physical
I have a speech impediment and sound kinda like an autist, and 7 years of therapy when I was a kid don't help. (My r sounds are ass)
Thankfully, some people somehow mistake it for an accent which I guess works with my 75white/25asian aesthetic
this one's kinda weird
>my dick
I don't think it's too small or anything, but it's weird as fuck. It curves off to the left way more than it should, and bends down.

>> No.12650676

Narrow shoulders and manlet height

>> No.12650677

i have extremely muscled calves that are the same width as my thighs and it looks weird as hell. also i have a really wide ribcage, which is kind of a genetic thing in my family, so i have a huge chest and all shirts that aren't super tight hang off my chest and are blousey

>> No.12650704

I dislike the lines under my eyes (look up Itachi from Naruto and it looks just like that), my crap acne ridden face, bacne, and short torso.

>> No.12650727

Don't sweat it anon, you can always pull off suicidal school shooter core.

>> No.12650755

hoooly shit. I actually feel the same way. My calves are way too thick to pull off that skinny jeans all the way to the shoes look, so I just bought a pair of Uniqlo slim black jeans instead of skinnies.

I don't feel bad about it though. It's what I have.

>> No.12650757

huge ribcage. I'll never look nice and slender

>> No.12650779

Gyno -- but it's only on my left side, oddly. Still sucks, though.

>> No.12650784

got dat big schnoz/no chin combo

also tiny stick-like forearms, wrists and hands

>> No.12650908

i think it looks great on women, post it senpai

>> No.12650920

nose is kinda eh
eyes are kinda close together
glasses fixes it though 100% which is nice i guess since I need them.

>> No.12650943

slight underbite, sunk tier chest... i should probably lose the tummy weight and go full thinspo.

>> No.12650977

put your dick to the right and tuck it up most of the time
it can change lol

>> No.12651365

>literally break both my legs and let them atrophy
You know what to do anon

btw i share the same problems im hoping its mostly fat but if it is then why does my fat go to thighs? am i low test?

>> No.12651452

If you wear anithing other than basics, some people will tell shit about it.
If you can't handle it, you simply should quit fashion, who cares about what they think?Dress what you like.

>> No.12652483

My face, or more specifically the blotchy red acne that covers it.

>> No.12652525

wide wide wide hips
fairly broad shoulders
most of my face: somehow both a receding and protruding chin, square but soft jaw, semi-hooded eyes, thin lips
i thought i had a big nose when i was young but eventually realized that my nose is pretty normal sized (although it's crooked), it's just that my entire face is arranged in such a way that my nose and upper lip stick out more than the rest of my face. literally looks like a snout on a fucking dog.
sometimes i see pictures of myself and literally just start crying

>> No.12652876

>wide hips are gr8 on a gril
>hooded eyes are a plus
I'm sure youre not as bad as it seems

>> No.12653272
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Short arms

>> No.12653278

Nice facial balance but have a large African Bell pepper nose/// not a huge but I'd love to have a more aqualine nose

>> No.12653308

Self-hatred is not /fa/. Dress in a way that suits your body, not trends

>> No.12654065

I just don't like my stomach. That's all. It sometimes genuinely makes me want to kill myself because I also don't have the willpower to fix it. I'll start and make a little progress but then ruin it within a month.

>> No.12654153
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Birthing hips.

>> No.12654166

Honestly the only thing i do not like about myself is that I am fat, but I am already working on changing that so

>> No.12654184

same, I've got the lower body of a female, just fml

>> No.12654217

I've got the exact same problem. I look fine without a shirt on because the excavatum isn't that bad and everything makes sense, but with a shirt on, the depression in my chest and my flared ribs make me look like I have two pairs of gyno tits even though I don't.

>> No.12654222

>thick upper lip makes me look like bart simpson from the side even though skeletally I have no overbite
>soft, slightly upturned, pseudo-jewish nose looks strange next to considerably masculine remainder of face
>lumpy knees look weird on skinny legs
>just under 5' 11"
>underdeveloped upper arm muscles
>would probably look like a fucking gimp if not for my freakishly broad shoulders

>> No.12654685

just get the surgery nibba, you'll be in pain for a few weeks but it's worth it if your pectus is bad.

>> No.12654781

>tfw your knees touch a few centimeters before your heels do if you bring them together
Annoys me to no end and has been a source of insecurity about my legs for ages. Doubt there's anything I can do about it though.

>> No.12654790

My jaw. Good lord my fucking jaw kill me now fuck my life fuck

>> No.12654798

>short with large chest and round face
all i want is that tall, lean, androgynous angular-faced model beauty anons life is suffering

>> No.12654832

Being 18 and underdeveloped. Honestly all I think about.

>> No.12654858

Post your hips, please.

>> No.12654862

>back and sides of my hair grows too quick and ugly
>get bacne still

That's literally it lel

>> No.12654863

wide hips and receding hairline

>> No.12654873

it's too much

>> No.12656402

>jaw is super thin
>hairline is weird as fuck
>dick is 5"

just kill me now

>> No.12656415

post plz women with it are usually pretty attractive imo

>> No.12656449
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nose - some love it, but i hate it
body hair - such a hustle to get rid of it so often, bitch i even have a monobrow
wide, flat feet - vans are pretty much the only comfortable shoes because theyre wider than ur typical converse or adidas
height - IM ALMOST 6'
wish my dick was clip-on too

>> No.12656455
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I am a skinny fag and I absolutely LOATHE my big upper legs, but especially my HUGE bubble butt. It's hell on earth. It's a male ass of course, so i look horrendous from the side, not that much from the back.

>> No.12656464

>tfw Ill never have /fa/ friends that are as imperfect as me and no some god-like facial and body structure human beings that Ill feel insecure and uncomfortable next to

>> No.12656614

my nose looks big sometimes but it looks normal other times, it is as a fact bigger than usual (think flat asian nose but too long instead of too flat) I also hate my lips because my cupids bow is practically non-existent so it kind of looks like bj lips
femanon btw

>> No.12657494
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My soul

>> No.12657500

>so it kind of looks like bj lips

>> No.12657512
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>tfw i wasn't born female

>> No.12657521
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a curse disguised as a blessing

>> No.12657530

gyno, laugh lines, forehead too large, wristlet, flat ass

>> No.12657540

Why would any of you be ashamed of things like broad shoulders or thick legs?

>> No.12657541

/fa/ is full of wanna be twinks

>> No.12657574

>tfw transgender
Get on my level

>> No.12657633

The worst when trying to find a jacket, sleeves are always too long

>> No.12657635

fetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.12657682

My neck, my back, my pussy and my crack

>> No.12658088

my mother can't drink alcohol, her body rejects it

>> No.12658239
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Shitty facial hair growth and
fat body/cheeks/leg's, I can fix the facial hair by shaving every morning, but food makes me really happy and I'm always depressed and exhausted, I went anorexic mode a year and a half ago by eating only 500 calories a day, I looked amazing and I was getting pussy left and right, I realized of my potential and I had some incredible jaw gains, I looked fucking cool and clothes actually looked good on me, I was fucking stoked, I felt really low energy, but in a good way, I wasn't exhausted and unhappy, I just felt weak and motivated, I eventually went back to being a fat fuck and I slowly reverted back into being a sad depressed, lonely fat sack of shit, I say I'm going go count calories and or eat better but I simply don't, I'm unhappy because I eat and I eat because I'm unhappy.

>> No.12658305

Mine is my cock. It's too big.

That may seem like a joke but .. Really hinders the sex life when women are too scared of damaging themselves. The initial reaction is "wow it's so huge" but then when it comes to anything besides handjobs it's uncomfortable for them and not enjoyable.

Alternatively wearing slim jeans is a no-go because it definitely shows

>> No.12658326

i actually got the surgery done six weeks ago, still in recovery. i don't know if it's worth it if your chest isn't all fucked up like mine was. for the first three weeks the pain was almost unbearable even with strong medication and i was in the hospital for a week because of pleurathorax in both lungs, i think they messed up sth in the procedure to cause that

>> No.12658354

>thighs touch even when I was anorexic
>TFW facial hair
>weak jawline and crappy cheekbones
>bad eyesight

None of it is at utterly awful levels but it bothers me that I can't look as good as I want.

>> No.12658360


Why are you so unhappy? I think you need to sort that out before bothering with looking great, cause your depression will sabotage whatever you try.

>> No.12658974

>not ripped but semi-swole
>small dick

Why is it only the dick? Why?

>> No.12660337

i have a pretty hideous face, largely because of my head shape. short midface + wide head = my shit looks like a damn cube. i really have no clue what to do about it

>> No.12660391
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dress up like pic related and go to minecon

>> No.12660492

I'm interested in horribly disfigured, fuck-ugly mutants like you. Please show me your face, anon.

>> No.12660506

6'1 is too short to be perfect for slp, if you have stacks on the denim then you're not destined for the hedi lifestyle. no hate i'm the same height and cry every night

>> No.12660994 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 962x1119, IMG_8998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably the worst looking photo of me i have and it best demonstrates what i'm talking about, probably because it's from a weird angle and far away

>> No.12661000 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 2576x1932, IMG_9085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's less awful from other angles but still, def a bad situation lol

>> No.12661005 [DELETED] 
File: 743 KB, 1726x2576, IMG_9085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less awful from other angles but still a bad situation lol

>> No.12661038

jerk with it the opposite hand

>> No.12661058

I have an unusual combination of Portuguese and native American heritage that gives me a heavy beard and scarce body hair. Also, my chest and abdominal muscles are uneven and weird and I've always been embarrassed because of that. As a pale and skinny nerd with hairy legs I cannot wear shorts nor can I ever swim again because I can't bear my legs or chest.

>> No.12661059

Man I lost 130 pounds. My side handles really bother me. I can't find my ideal style, it keeps changing. But yeah my torso I'm not a fan of.

>> No.12661094

i feel this. lost a bunch of weight but still have fat calves and sides so nothing fits right still

>> No.12661103

I didn't even know short arms was a thing

>> No.12661110

definitely my skin tone, i inherited my mom's dark south asian skin tone opposed to my dad's caucasian skin tone. if only i was a shade brighter i would be able to pull off more colors or more aesthetics.

>> No.12661790

dislike everything about my body besides my height (6'3), look shit in all clothes so given up on trying anymore :)

>> No.12661890

start going to the gym, rn you're prolly skinny but flabby because you have no muscle tone. Working out helps a lot with that.

>> No.12661894
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Tfw have pretty good looking parents but am cursed with...
>Big nose
>Big ears
>Good jaw but small chin
>Curly hair
>21 & no facial hair

>> No.12662018

>will never have Hitler's youth hairstyle because semi-curly hair

What do I do lads

>> No.12662088

>Fashion isn't for you
u wot