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File: 243 KB, 1104x744, AmIwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12650343 No.12650343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way for me to pass as white
I hate that my mother did what she did.

I just want to be full blood
I have blue eyes and light skin

Do you think if I shave my head I would look white?

>> No.12650349

sorry dude
you can live in whitopia as an honorary aryan if you autocastrate

>> No.12650352

Honestly you look white to me like if I saw you passing by on the street.
The long curly hair doesn't make you look white tho

>> No.12650358

Totally, right now you could just pass as a white dude that used to straighten his hair everyday.

>> No.12650362

you look like a jew
also hi /pol/

>> No.12650376

You look white already

>> No.12650380
File: 217 KB, 1024x714, IMG_7835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could pass for Irish, but in any case, heed >>12650349 and don't muddle humanity and further by reproducing

>> No.12650403
File: 149 KB, 1374x1031, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am certain that 90% of pol are self hating mongrels

>> No.12650411

My mom is Irish
I never met my father, he left before I was born
I just don't understand why she did this to me. plus to make things worse my mother married a white man and they have two daughters
I hate my life

>> No.12650415

I think you look white. Just ugly.

>> No.12650422

Post your sisters.

>> No.12650426
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1492546308278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. dirty fucking american mongrel detected

He does not. he looks like a filthy jew/nigger hellspawn

t. 100% aryan nordic masterrace

>> No.12650436

if you shave, probably yes.

also, try changing your clothes to something more white.

like a preppy/sporty look.

>> No.12650437

You already look like a white guy. Irish genes won out here.

>> No.12650500

lol wow, we have your kind in this area. Hilburn, suffern ny, mahawah nj, ringwood nj, sloatsburg NY. We call you people "buckshots". Your kind call themselves "The ramapo mountain indians". lol. Nothing indian about you. What your kind truly are, are what's called "JACKSON WHITES". Google it and you'll see.

They all share the same last names. Defrees, mann, degroat, demarino, jennings,

yeah dude, they're usually inbred, unintelligent, rooster fighting, and live in absolute squalor. They all have a weird fucking accent to. "dun dat dere, na' mean bo?"

Fucking freaks

>> No.12650511

That picture and all /pol/ get togethers involved with the hwndu were in brooklyn, no surprise they're all darkies.

>> No.12650585

>that fat chick

>> No.12650772

you kind of look like blake griffin

also stop being a self hating fag and grow up

>> No.12650797


You don't look that bad. You can pass for Jewish easily so use that to your advantage and go to college.

>> No.12650807

>its another self hating coon episode

every fucking day on /fa/

>> No.12650857
File: 238 KB, 899x600, bleached black man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a movie named "Iron Sky"

>> No.12650954

You look white. Just shave your hair or straighten it if you're that pathetic

>> No.12650962

Lmao this has to be bait

>> No.12651035

Shave your head and wear a hat or something.

>> No.12651041

You look like an albino. Kek at pic name. It's pretty obvious something isn't right here OP. Get mental help and learn to love yourself you cunt.

>> No.12651047

You can pass as white

>> No.12651056

I'd guess you were a jew if nothing else. jews are (((white))).

>> No.12651060

You look white enough for America.

If you really want to whitemog everyone you could move to Brazil.

You will however absolutely never look European, I am sorry to say.

>> No.12651070

you look white to me, just straight perm your hair and you'll look fine

>> No.12651077

Please note to all new worlders that the reason you don't look European has nothing to do with coloring, it's because you are all of indeterminate ethnicity. American exchange students always stand out regardless of what their coloring is.

>> No.12651085

stop being a bitch

>> No.12651178

I feel your pain brother. I'm half hispanic and half white and, while I don't really find either side more desirable than the other, I do wish I wasn't mixed. I have little irish white boy hair but a bean ass nose and dark eyebrows lolol.

>> No.12651288

>thickums on the left

damn are there more pictures from this event?

>> No.12651436

You'd think the vitriol they spout at others must come from somewhere

>> No.12651447


It is.

I'm going to start reporting these threads, the subject matter has nothing to do with this board.

>> No.12651515

>I hate that my mother did what she did
>what? raise and feed your stupid ugly half-caste ass? stop hating your existance and either kill yourself or get on with your life.

>> No.12651560

>I hate that my mother did what she did.

Holy shit. nuke your self, for the love of god

>> No.12651575
File: 160 KB, 1080x1080, 1481761631370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your problem is that you are ugly. Not that you are mixed.

>> No.12651582
File: 16 KB, 423x267, 1459778269499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is it with americans and their obsession with race?

If it makes you feel better, you look white. Plain, ugly and white.

>> No.12651589

oh shiiiiitttttttt
tell me where this girl lives

>> No.12651603

This. I personally would never date a mixed half black half white but I'll admit that some of them look pretty good.

>> No.12651658

>What the fuck is it with americans and their obsession with race?
They created and ((internalized)) a social hierarchy

>> No.12651668

Bad example. This girl is basically covered in bleech and make-up.

>> No.12651671

You better smile up, because you're and well, that's all that should count right now.


>> No.12651693

You should stop being pathetic and worrying about /pol/ garbage.

>> No.12651695

god you look disgusting, I actually feel pain looking at you.

I'm sorry bit race mixing should be made illegal if that's the product.

>> No.12651702

1.stop being an insecure bitch
2.you look white, but kinda slavic

>> No.12651707

>he doesn't realize that all females do this
Forsomeone posting on a fashio board you're pretty stupid

>> No.12651757

Shave your head, no lineup.

>> No.12651782

OP if its any consolidation you look white enough to be a Jew, just like a mixed buddy of mine from school

>> No.12651903

You actually look fine just accept who you are and dont be pressured to be white