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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 116 KB, 1472x828, 1422041703817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12626839 No.12626839 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12626843

>Summer Sunday Edition
What is this gay shit

>> No.12626847
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It was raining

>> No.12626853
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>> No.12626863

>summer fag edition

>> No.12626864


>> No.12626865
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>> No.12626869

I dig the pants but not with that. I'm sure you can make them work w something else

>> No.12626896

A different color jacket would make this better. The different hues of blues looks off. It's nice to see something other than solid color dark bottoms on /fa/ for a change so kudos

>> No.12626900

Cool pj pants anon! Nice socks and shoes too. Take the jacket off and i think you have a perfect summer fitso

>> No.12626994
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Am I palewave yet?

>> No.12627024
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don't usually wear so much color

>> No.12627025
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reposting in this one because last one is dead.

>> No.12627030
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Was chllin' with the squad. Rate?

>> No.12627035
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>> No.12627041

Standing by for comfy anon

>> No.12627043

Yes, my son. You have achieved palewave.

>> No.12627045

Negative one point for poor rotation but otherwise good. Why khaki pants?

>> No.12627068
File: 216 KB, 885x1100, IMG_56355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its cool
its really cool

>> No.12627186

pls be my pepe frog gf

>> No.12627193


no show socks. you obv dont have the sauce

denim jacket was the wrong choice. its too rugged looking. pants hard tho. white shoes woulda fit better

looks hot for that jacket. lower half is sweet

>> No.12627197

What kind of pants are those?

>> No.12627219
File: 1.80 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20170721_123915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these shoes a few days ago.
Thought they were pretty wizard

>> No.12627270

Are you a nigger?

>> No.12627310
File: 1.84 MB, 2434x2105, uc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from last thread.
Was a nice summer today. How in you country as well.

>> No.12627312

Aww your poor English is so cute

>> No.12627329

leandoers dad-core

>> No.12627334

Worst actor on the show who has the worst written lines

>> No.12627335

looks bad
real bad

>> No.12627373


where can i get these pants?

>> No.12627386



>> No.12627391


nice tan lines

>> No.12627402
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>> No.12627405
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>> No.12627445
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Thoughts and opinions appreciated :)

You pull it off well


Sure but that doesn't make it a good fit

I don't like how any of this goes together


>> No.12627453



>le throw random designer together fits

simply ebin

>> No.12627473

What would make
a good fit, an obnoxious yellow hat?

>> No.12627497

Didn't say it was bad, can't even see the fit of the jeans. He put the colors together to be considered palewave. Doesn't make it good doesn't make it bad. No need for the kneejerk reaction.

>> No.12627503

Thanks for your comment friendo. Any feedback on the fit?

>> No.12627520

Y'all should feel proud of yourselves

>> No.12627552

Hi I'm >>12627030. How come?

>> No.12627565

I'm >>12626994
I unironically think you rocked all those pieces well. Obviously the point of your outfit was a postmodern-esque satire/social commentary on the current state of affairs pertaining to hypebeasts

>> No.12627571

Please stop

>> No.12627580

We're allowed to establish a rapport, thank you very much. How else can we hope to climb the ladder that is self improvement?

>> No.12627616

Cool jacket. What is it?

>> No.12627621
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>> No.12627650

Cream t-shirt and grey socks, maybe some chain or pendant and that would be 10/10, but very clean nontheless.

>> No.12627688

my dick is tingling

>> No.12627721
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>> No.12627749
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>> No.12627750

Where do you get pants like that? I need a white and a black pair

>> No.12627755

I dig it and your hair is goals. I've been growing mine out since like last November. Its pretty thick and wavy but I'd like for it to lay down like yours soon

>> No.12627768

please don't say goals

>> No.12627774

ooooo! didnt think of cream ;)
theyre from uni qlo their slim fit selvedge line. the white was on sale for like 20 bucks. didnt wanna ball out on white pantz

>> No.12627781

so sweet. love the hair also, i'm also growing my hair out but it will be a while before it's your length. i've wanted that marlboro jacket for a while too. very sick fit

>> No.12627782

love it

>> No.12627793

Ofc not way too easy to get dirty I see you

>> No.12627796

I'll say whatever I want you bossy little nigger

>> No.12627798

pretty sure it's uc

>> No.12627803
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featuring my gross room

>> No.12627808

Too dark I can't see anything except those shitty meme shoes

>> No.12627893

please dont make me sad
the label says 'next slim fit' and thats all i know
is it good or bad

>> No.12627997
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"get an iron"

>> No.12628007
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pj day

>> No.12628010
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What would go well with this?

>> No.12628015

Wow these are fucking awful. Can you guys please stay in r/streetwear

>> No.12628031

007 those pants are siccc

>> No.12628052
File: 115 KB, 668x844, IMG_7674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting in this thread

Also could anyone recommend me some shoes that might go better with this fit?

>> No.12628053

doc marten mono blacks

in boots or in shoes

>> No.12628085

oh believe me it's good, want a tribute? :^)

>> No.12628116


>> No.12628133


>> No.12628135

Id on those britches?

>> No.12628137

I asked you about the origins of this shirt last time you posted. Please notice me sensei

>> No.12628159

They were found in an op shop, unknown brand

>> No.12628162

yes. i don't visit /fa/ often.

>> No.12628170

MMM replicas

>> No.12628172

Sorry anon

It's a Luca Fersko x Nephews shirt. Pretty sure the Nephews site has shut down now though :(

>> No.12628190
File: 127 KB, 666x444, 1484592493986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50 dollars shipped, but the issue is me feeling like spending money, and giving out address and credit card number on 4chinychan. HMMHMMH

>> No.12628193


Luca peaked with the nephews collection

I miss the videos

>> No.12628201

What's wrong with the carro?

>> No.12628205

is this a girl I honestly cant tell anymore

>> No.12628211

i think its just a really ugly guy

guys who are ugly usually grow their hair out to use their hair to hide their ugliness

>> No.12628220

parodically boring

god this is ass

>> No.12628244

u look like a vampire but in a good way
rlly dig the jacket n hair , do u have an ig

>> No.12628376

Undercover AW16.
Trousers are Undercover SS17.
Derbies are Margiela SS17.

>> No.12628506
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>> No.12628764
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Bada bing

>> No.12628905

walking memelet.
also fag

>> No.12628910

Fuck all you lanky ass motherfuckers you look effay in anything. Let's see some fatties actually pulling off something nice

>> No.12629239
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Provided it doesn't snap under the weight of course.

>> No.12629306
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>> No.12629345

Disgusting. Normies please leave

>> No.12629378

go back to basics both of you, you guys are mixing and matching design languages anf references will nilly and it ends up being a complete basterdization of whatever the hell you were trying to look like in the first place

very jarring fits

>> No.12629399

ditch the colorful jacket

nice hair btw


jeans too tight, shirt too big and ugly (bad proportions)

also nothing even goes together

i just don't like it

not bad. i just don't like the socks or shoes. i really like the pants and plain white t though .

i really like this, but like another anon said, throw in some cream or grey maybe, even though i still like the original fit

i like it. you look like a cartoon character

>> No.12629423

>ditch the colorful jacket
Yeah, why isnt he being monochromatic and mundane like us true effay gents?

>> No.12629427 [DELETED] 


>> No.12629430
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>> No.12629492

The shoes match the eagle graphic, slightly oversized tees are in, what's the issue?

>> No.12629496

You wear that in the summer? Doesn't sound practical.

>> No.12629511

The bigger tee shirt contrasts the skinny jeans. If he wore a slimmer shirt it would look too tight. Try again.

>> No.12629518
File: 407 KB, 491x595, Screen Shot 2017-07-24 at 11.30.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12629544

either samefag or clueless mongrel. as if an outfit like that shows the wearer is aware of things like contrast

>> No.12629826

you obviously don't know anything

it doesn't matter that oversized shirts are in

the problem is that it doesn't look good with those skinny jeans. The proportions are all fucked up and doesn't look good on his skinny fat body.

There is a correct way to wear oversized shirts with skinny jeans, and thats not it.

>> No.12629831

I said that because the colorful jacket is hideous.

It doesn't look good with its shit color blocking.

>> No.12629834
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Rate, was kinda mild today

>> No.12629872
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>> No.12629874


>> No.12629880

Black socks are atrocious in this fit

>> No.12629881


>> No.12629893

Nothing wrong with that.
Would tennis socks be better?

>> No.12629921

t. skinny school shooter

>> No.12629925

>implying that's not the most effay style

>> No.12629948


>> No.12629964
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I think the girl in the background had a crush on me

>> No.12629969
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>> No.12629972

>Those shorts
Nah my man

>> No.12629983


Shorts are good but white socks makes your legs look extra hairy and shoes look like clown feet

>> No.12630028
File: 1.05 MB, 1042x1871, 20170724_121219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12630058

drab and ugly

>> No.12630064

already not a fan of the shirt, but jesus don't roll the sleeves up

decent fit otherwise

>> No.12630072

what gender are you
dont understand this fit
this is kinda cool i guess
i refuse to believe this is you. i really hope it's not
i cant tell what fucking gender you are
put some socks on
would look better without the hat
once again i cannot tell if you are male or female
ok i guess
why the fuck are you wearing ikea straps
this is whacky
not that bad
wear socks please
dont tuck the shirt either
this would be cool if the pants werent short
this isnt you
all white or go home
lord of tack
this is cool
holy ufcking shit

>> No.12630077

Better than the hypebeast r/streetwear shit above his post

>> No.12630086

very nice, w2c jacket?

>> No.12630361

could have been great ended up mediocre, roll the pants up less you're not thian and ditch the julius for an actual shirt

>> No.12630481
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How's my fit?

>> No.12630484
File: 1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170724-221431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12630522

Dude looks like he is about to go catch pokemons.

>> No.12630601

can anyone tell me why i come to waywt threads? they somehow get even worse than the last in every aspect (fits/comments/memes) and i still find myself in here once a week or so. fucking kill me

>> No.12630605

Everyone's extremely insecure here. It's a way to feel better about yourself.

>> No.12630636



>> No.12630764


>> No.12630798

w2c pants? those are sick

>> No.12630814

Thanks man! I got them from Topman and then got them slightly tailored

>> No.12631001

Did you lose weight?

>> No.12631017
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x2415, IMG_0322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't usually come here, i need help choosing a boot around $100-$140 that can work with my look
I wear blue jeans for the most part
I was thinking ariats but any reccomendation is gladly taken

Im also in the market for a watch but im hopelessly lost when it comes to those, i wear a brass ring if that helps,

>> No.12631025

Suck a dick doug

>> No.12631458

>There is a correct way to wear oversized shirts with skinny jeans
Different anon here, would love to see examples.

>> No.12631881

In the last few months, yes.

>> No.12631935

Thanks lad

>> No.12632069

Congrats man. Hopefully you didn't fall victim to thinspo

>> No.12632380
File: 500 KB, 2896x2896, 20170725_132317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First post, more recent, today. Have I made any progress?

>> No.12632574

Your progress is great so far, anon. I'd say start experimenting with color palettes and discover which you like best. Looks like youre comfortable with navy/black/grey/tan which is a nice safe palette but still, look around. Youre getting there

>> No.12632631

Damn man. I saw your first to pics a month ago and was gonna roast you but I figured nothing would come of it. But the last pic looks so much better. its good to see you're progressing.

One piece of advice : swap out the stan smiths for something less flashy.

>> No.12632661

>stan smiths

they're fine dude

>> No.12632688
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>> No.12632697

love it, w2c pants?

>> No.12632701

What kind of vest is that and why do you only have the very bottom zipped? That's not how you would go out, is it anon?

>> No.12632708

Post fit

>> No.12632756

its button closure, it's how alot of people wear them do it,
you can do it with zipper too, but i just like the buttons


>> No.12633138
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>> No.12633243
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>> No.12633260

Nordstrom has Wolverine 1000 miles on sale for $275 until Aug 6th. worth checking out

>> No.12633306


hey i actually really like these, thank you

>> No.12633401
File: 2.82 MB, 1711x2922, 20170721_124352-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hard to go wrong with triple black but the silver eyelets and gold zipper clash imo
Also are those jeans waxed or something? theyve got a weird sheen to them in places maybe its just the camera flash. Id personally go for baggier pants coz i feel like skinny jeans have had their day.
Overall OK
Man u got me
I kind of hate these shoes haha sorry i like your pants a lot but your colours all seem to clash. Maybe Id prefer black belt 1 black shoes? I dont like the rolled up sleeve thng that much but on the birght size youre a good build for looking good in shit dude :^)
I know its something youve heard a lot but i think youre gonna want to put some effort into trying to lose weight before you look fashionable... sorry man haha. I love mambo tho and think its a nice tee

Heres mine sorry i have so much shit to carry haha i kind of like that look that says Kid You Beat Up in High School For Lunch Money

>> No.12633410

what the hell are you sitting on?

>> No.12633421

Destructo Dildo 3000

>> No.12633435
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>> No.12633488

Thanks anons. Yeah you nailed my safe colors, I do like purple too but it's gotta be the right shade. I'll try some blues and see how that goes.

Man I was conflicted on the green logo stans or the dark blue cuz I thought it was flashy but I like that pop.
Should I get some black samba next?

>> No.12633496
File: 1.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop with the smiths, definitely recommend facial hair becasue you have a baby face and hair down is also better i'd say. Get better basics that aren't normcore, even just a plain black tshirt is better than what you've got there and probably cheaper.

idk man it's pretty bad could you not make it a snapchat screencap please

nothing really wrong with this one i just personally think bombers are a little past their cringe point and it's hard to tell but the shoes look pretty awkward

decent but not feeling the collar on the t and pleats can come off as a bit tryhard. I hope you don't wear glasses with this look

pretty much textbook basic but the beanie is hilarious also helps that you have a gud rack

rate me

>> No.12633525

What shoes do you recommend other than smith's? 1/2 of my drawer is plain black shirts and uniqlo shit

>> No.12633531

I really like this outfit.

However, the shoes could be better

>> No.12633532
File: 276 KB, 394x415, itua827y5vgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shorts, glasses, and shirts are good

rest is trash.

Love the bottom half, but I feel like you need something going on between the shirt and pants, like a tuck or a belt of fanny pack idk something. 9/10

I think this would be better with either the patterned shirt or the jacket but not both, but desu you could probably walk around naked and you'd still still have a 10/10 fit with just that hair.

decent highschooler fit.

toss the memes ans this would be salvageable.

Cool pants but the sock/pant/shoe interaction is terrible. Might work with a pair of af1s or something.

why is everyone in this thread fucking up otherwise decent fits with bad socks/shoes? I agree with the other guy, doc shoes whould be good here.

I personally like this but I can see why many people wouldn't.

Tuck if you buck boy

Feels very top heavy, like the shirt i bigger than the pants. This would work better with a smaller shirt or without the tuck/sleeve roll.

proportions are pic related but I still love it.

either black belt to go with sicks or no socc (porbably better)

If u dont smash I will. I like the fit even if you look like a homosexual marathon runner from the 80s

nice except for that shirt. de-sgusteng

Your outit is better but your hair is more better

Can't tell if I like or dislike your shoes, but either way they'd look better with a pinroll (which would look ridiculous but so does this)

hopefully its the angle but your torso too big for ur godam legs


>> No.12633536

>joins anime club

>> No.12633545

i mean if you can afford it spalwarts, otherwise idk genuine GATs would be better

>> No.12633548

the absolute madman

>> No.12633549


I personally detest skinny ripped pants, beanies, and that type of shoe but you look hot so who cares.

your shoes and socks look really interesting. I wish it was a better pic but I kinda like it.

>> No.12633552

they were crocs with vr things stuck to them

>> No.12633579

i like the bottom half
fuck off
good shit, seems too hot for all that though
pls be b8
meh, better than the last one
put socks on and a better shirt,k bomber pops too much however i like the jacket
good effort
clean your fucking mirror slob
fuck you
fuck the shoulder bag and shoes but i love those pants
ramones lookin good but the pants do not go with
dont shoot up my school pls
fuck you
i like everything but the cuff off the pants, shirts dope
lookin good, maybe swap the shoes though
boring but not bad
u look stupid
lose the boots

>> No.12633652

my sambas just came in the mail, but idk what to wear with em.

>> No.12633657
File: 244 KB, 480x599, Screenshot_2017-07-25-13-51-36-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, forgot the pic

>> No.12633867

I just realized how shit my quality was.
Fuck me gently

>> No.12633910

Yea sry bro we cant really give u advice haha cant see
I guess youre wearing a suit so gz on being more achieved than most of /fa/ thats something +ive i can add

>> No.12634098


w2c your shoes?

>> No.12634883
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have a nice day

>> No.12634900

tryhard john lennon

>> No.12635089

that top half has almost perfect symmetry. i dont know what it is but something about this photo its beautiful

>> No.12635112


>> No.12635153
File: 666 KB, 1944x2592, 8QomR3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really basic but

Converse 70s

>> No.12635159
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expression is stupid because i was trying not to laugh. inner harbor was nice

i'd like to see pants cuffed or something here. cool hair, would like to see more
looks okay but i hate this angle i can't tell how anything actually fits
what to say
shoes are awful, the rest is basic but fine
like this a lot but why do you lace your earphones through your shirt?
okay but everything looks very dusty, not just your surroundings

>> No.12635176

techno interests me

>> No.12635177

what levis fit like this?

>> No.12635178

your expression is fine you just look like a fucking idiot

>> No.12635179

fit is good, i feel like different shoes would be better

>> No.12635184

Never wear the logo of a beanie straight on, put it on with the logo almost fully to a side or at least a bit off center

>> No.12635230

>feels bad frog

>> No.12635234

You look good stick man.

>> No.12635278

you should thank god you're hot, cause your sence of fashion is a disaster. LURK MOAR.
best itt so far

>> No.12635292

501s that I tailored

>> No.12635360

w2c shorts?

>> No.12635373
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>> No.12635558

shut the fuck up he s right

>> No.12635562
File: 111 KB, 722x1280, IMG_1531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it me again

>> No.12636143


>> No.12636166


>> No.12636183
File: 778 KB, 1500x2347, small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v basic

you look like someone i saw on the underground. lol, vienna?

>> No.12636583

that and this

>> No.12637219

why is there two threads

>> No.12637338

bro that shirt is fucking awesome haha it looks like itd be hella comfy too im also mirin ur dimensions hard

im the earphones thru shirt guy but i do it coz im heaps clumsy and they always get caught on things when they dangle out in front of me haha but yeah looks kind of silly when i use phone to take a photo :P

>> No.12637343

i like it a lot but feel like the triple black would look kinda try hard if the weather wasnt as miserable as it looks in that photo haha. But i like the fit of everything a lot (would probably like it even more if the pants were cropped instd of rolled tho)

>> No.12637763


>> No.12637770
File: 1.22 MB, 1152x911, CpK4ffS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skate fit

>> No.12637804

are those brown noodles under your orange hat?

>> No.12637982

Dis cute

>> No.12637991
File: 117 KB, 610x896, 1501024845080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuffed shorts

>> No.12637992

pretty cool man

>> No.12638002
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>> No.12638024
File: 2.39 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1501190850333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang didnt realise there were 2 threads going. Howdy

>> No.12638090

look like adidas sambas indoor soccer shoes

>> No.12638099

leave, you look like shit

>> No.12638450

what the fuck are those pants and those straps? looks pretty neat from the back though. the collared shirt spilling out the front looks hella messy

>> No.12638462

The pants and straps are a neat pair of Yohji pants i found actually! Im very stoked about em. Also the shirt isnt actually spilling out in front i just tucked it in in the second picture to show detail. Sorry for the confusion

>> No.12638473

very nice

>> No.12638474
File: 228 KB, 600x1477, WP_20170728_10_27_20_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be honest with me. Am I an absolute normie?
I tried to dress as best as I could with what I had in my closet. but I'm not sure if it's any good.
I agree with >>12638450 the shirt would look better if it was tucked in at the front too. Looks really nice otherwise
Add a jacket or vest or something - it feels like something is missing
I like the colorful hat, maybe add even more color - maybe a shirt with a colorful print
Kind of boring but not bad.

>> No.12638482

Your jeans do not fit, also fix your posture otherwise this blouse will never work.
Also, you are pale as fuck work with it either go chic and elegant, or edgy all black, maybe palewave but yes you are complete normie with no sense of style

>> No.12638509

Ok thanks well back to lurking I guess

>> No.12638523

shoes are too important part of an outfit to skip them

>> No.12638536


>> No.12638550
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls rate my airport outfit

>> No.12638551

while the blouse is nice you have to have a more pastel color palette in the rest of your outfit to go with it imo. i agree with >>12638482
you have really nice skin and those jeans could use some tailoring though i'm not sure about the wash to be honest. maybe bleach them a bit lighter

>> No.12638575

yeah tucked shirt makes it super dope. neat fit

>> No.12638615
File: 463 KB, 482x601, Screen Shot 2017-07-22 at 7.13.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost since i can rarely take a decent fucking picture of myself

follow me on instagram please because im in love with you @alexghostboy

nice nice

>> No.12638643
File: 1.04 MB, 3264x3264, IMG_4395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12638679

Wien, Wien! Eisern Wien!

>> No.12639034

youre a cute and i would definitely watch pingu with you but i dont have any social media im sorry