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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.07 MB, 1474x3861, 20170719_213912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12618192 No.12618192 [Reply] [Original]

Lads my girlfriend is a fucking fashion disaster. Can you post some inspo that you like for girls. You will literally be picking out her future clothes.

>> No.12618195

Full rick

>> No.12618198

>letting other men dictate your girlfriend's wardrobe
You are a weak, weak man... Cuck.

>> No.12618200

You seem confused. If OP let other men fuck his girlfriend while he watched, then he would be a cuck.

>> No.12618202

>implying OP has a girlfriend

>> No.12618203

How about you actually help her yourself instead of having anonymous users on a Mongolian clay pottery board dictate what she should wear...

>> No.12618207

Full Raf

>> No.12618208

Allowing a man to control your girlfriend's appearance is just about on the same level as allowing him to fuck her.

>> No.12618216

My man I've been wearing the same levis and white t-shirt for like 16 years. I probably need help too.

>> No.12618217

Not it really isn't, and besides no one here is "controlling" anyone. All OP asked for was inspo, or suggestions.

>> No.12618224


>> No.12618238

If you want to lead OP into a path of cuckoldry then oh well.

OP, I hope you and your gf enjoy BMWW gangbangs.

>> No.12618398
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>> No.12618399

Ahh, much better

>> No.12618401
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>> No.12618404
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>> No.12618406
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>> No.12618411
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>> No.12618415


>> No.12618420


It's affordable and you can make a good wardrobe out of it, and women that learn the basics to fashion can look fantastic in it.

>> No.12618432


full rick looks WAY better on women than men.

>> No.12618441
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why does /fa/ hate femininity? every time a female gets posted here she's dressed in this androgynous loose clothing style that accentuates nothing. her hips and legs and breasts are all hidden behind layers of fabric and you act as if this is ideal. what's wrong with skirts and skin tight clothing?

>> No.12618473

I want to hide my woman under clothes, skin tight clothes are haram

>> No.12618476

Thigh high socks are my fetish

>> No.12618487

>those thighs
zoo wee mama. too bad my gf would never wear that. feels bad man

>> No.12618493

Haha the ironic thing is that you're the only one in this thread who brought up anything about cuckoldry or interracial relations. It's pretty interesting, it almost seems like you have a peculiar fascination with black men cuckolding white men. What do we think that could mean?

>> No.12618495
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you literally replied to a picture with skinny jeans

>> No.12618503
File: 55 KB, 590x599, dfasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most posters here are females and a large portion of them are dirty/uggo or/and big boned post modernist dykes who can't pull off feminine aesthetics if their life depended on it.

>> No.12618505

Dude she looks fine. Let her wear what she wants rather than pushing your idea of fashion onto her.

>> No.12618515

every time a female gets posted here she's dressed in this androgynous
That how I like my women.

>> No.12618518

This and only this

>> No.12618523

nah op should work to change his gf. I used to be an autist and dressed pretty badly. It was peer pressure from friends that actually got me interested to improve my aesthetics.

>> No.12618524

Jesus Christ I was just joking. I wanted to break it to you from the second response but I was having fun.

>> No.12618528

I though it'd be obvious from equating fashion advice to infidelity.

>> No.12618560

because we're all subconsciously gay

>> No.12618590

first post
best post

>> No.12618637
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>> No.12618642

was thinking "is that the mde girl screencap" fukin kek

>> No.12618644

/fa/'s job is to recite what's fashionable. Fashion is both an industry and a cultural medium. It's deliberately filled with as much degenerate filth as TV or radio for the purpose of spreading misery amongst the consumer class - emptying wallets and more significantly lowering your sex appeal to frustrate you on a nonverbal abstract level.

As a man it feels good to be masculine, in behavior and appearance. Women feel good when their femininity is recognized. We can survive without these perks of being outstanding examples of our sex, but it's a less rewarding existence.

>inb4 some weak male who's never known the pleasure of being physically strong or socially respected insists he looks better in a skirt with eye shadow
>inb5 some fat/ugly girl thinks she's a man on the inside because she's never felt the feminine joy of being perceived as beautiful or tender

>> No.12618648

i non-ironically bought this shirt. unsigned.

>> No.12618663

Why are you on here?

>> No.12618666

>most posters here are females
dawg are we on the same board

>> No.12618668

>basic white top
bro encourage her to garden and cook properly and she will be full marriage material

>> No.12618670

Full rick

>> No.12618671

hahaha what a fucking loser
huhuh i was joking lol! just a joke dude!

>> No.12618673

go away satan

>> No.12618674

Nice trips and yes. You only see guys on waywt threads because most femanons are afraid to post there.

>> No.12618680

Stop samefagging. Changing the way you type isn't fooling anyone.

Once again, you have to be literally autistic to not realize the absurdity of comparing fashion advice to infidelity. I think the whole "cuckoldry" thing /pol/fags sperg about is the most pathetic thing to come from this vietnamese ice hockey website.

>> No.12618718

They don't call em /fa/gs for nothing.

>> No.12618815

Why are East Asian girls so effortlessly effay?

>> No.12618834

>sam hyde fan
talk about a red flag

>> No.12618842

Why do you care, you vain, shallow fuck? They're just clothes?

>> No.12618896

you saved that as well

>> No.12618898

Time to dump your gf

>> No.12618990

Dressing androgynous / oversize means two things for a girl : she does not want to conform to what society dictates to be sexy, and she is confident enough to believe that she'll look good even if she wears things that do not accentuate (or even that hide) her feminine assets. I don't believe there's anything more sexy than a woman who looks like she can think for herself, and at the same time appears to be hot when naked without feeling any appeal to show it off to the world. That's why beautiful girls who wear slouchy fits are so appealing.

>> No.12618993 [DELETED] 
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Adding a scarf can change a look nicely and it only takes a second to throw on. Just get her 2-3 quality pieces and you're good if she's a more t-shirt and jeans girl.

The guys at the elephant place are having a summer sale on their Himalayan scarfs

>> No.12619076

only thing better than

>> No.12619110


>> No.12619112

Well, a lot of them have had major plastic surgery, so it's not exactly effortless

>> No.12619123

Stop man it's too obvious

>> No.12619131

I'm never going to wear a skirt in my life you dumb cunt so why would I save any photos of them

>> No.12619139

You can't just make someone fashionable or dress well. They have to have an interest in aesthetics or looking good to begin with, try to cultivate that if you must.

>> No.12619141

In two threads at once, its getting easy to tell

>> No.12619678

No manners having bitch, get your dirty foot off the counter top.

>> No.12619796


>> No.12619805

we're all fags that's why

>> No.12619975

Angelina Danilova

>> No.12619985
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>loose clothing style that accentuates nothing

>> No.12620078


>> No.12620085

Stop being such a fucking wanker

>> No.12620123

Letting your girl wear clothes indoors is cucked
Letting her go outside is also cucked so there's no problem here

>> No.12620126


I can sympathize with a lot of what you're saying, except the looking like she can think for herself point. When I see literal hordes of girls wearing high waist loose fitting jeans with a sweater on top the autonomy of the look kind of disappears.

>> No.12620127
File: 145 KB, 1300x870, 4083916-Asian-young-male-fashion-model-fashionista-or-metrosexual-dandy-with-emo-makeup-and-a-teasing-or-def-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how a man looks

>> No.12620138

you're a moron

>> No.12620253

full hijab dont let her wear revealing clothing

>> No.12620292

y'all are weeaboo bastards. honestly, lets go to the boo-boo pastel short skirt basic shirt store!! yay!

anyways, OP, fashion is really simple. analyze her skin tone, eye color and hair color. you can make wonders with that. if she's tall dresses and mom jeans + fishnets are the bomb on summer, idk what season is in ur country. also, if you're planning on buying her clothes there are two important things:
she must feel comfortable on them
if you want her to look 10/10 buy her make up too.

>> No.12620423

Shit bait roastie

>> No.12620424
File: 21 KB, 323x400, images(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because reality of thigh high socks will look like pic related

>> No.12620432


>> No.12620436

unironically w2c, pls answer

>> No.12620490

thats even better what the fuck

>> No.12620511

That's clearly a man posting you dickwad

>> No.12620517

Is this supposed to look off-putting or...?

>> No.12620565


>> No.12620619

were all Muslim

>> No.12620643


newfag detected

>> No.12620697

lol. Letting another man have access to her holiest of holies aint in the same fucking ballpark, aint even the same fucking sport

>> No.12620707

it depends on the lifestyle you guys live.

>> No.12620710

Read the thread some more you literal autist.

>> No.12621124

Fucking casual

>> No.12621125

this bitch looks like motoko

>> No.12621282


>> No.12621299
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>> No.12621304
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>> No.12621316
File: 72 KB, 600x1537, c8c710182efc70d543025e2a16ef9327--long-sleeved-dress-grace-omalley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But dress her like a woman.

>> No.12621317
File: 270 KB, 1700x1700, Alta-Calidad-2017-Nuevas-Mujeres-Causal-A-line-O-cuello-OL-Delgado-Plisado-Manga-Corta-de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12621318

thick thighs save lives
but thigh highs will be my demise

>> No.12621320
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 50s-60s-style-Women-Clothing-Swing-Retro-Vintage-dress-Dots-Polka-Gown-Plus-Size-Housewife-Formal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12621322


This is where I get my gf's clothes.

>> No.12621330

Not letting her follow her own path is not very fa

>> No.12621342

everything looks WAY better on women than men

>> No.12621397

le skinny jeans are for faggots meme

>> No.12621801

I regretted that sentence after posting my comment for the exact reason you mentioned.

>> No.12621885

all women are faggots

>> No.12621888

>this is how peter pan looks

>> No.12621923

her outfit looks really good tho

>> No.12621968
File: 407 KB, 1080x1350, 18512329_202530826932307_5985475043704963072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe just cut her jeans short and replace this grey bag with a quality shirt that fit's her body

>> No.12622844
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>skin tight clothing
Unless they're moderately skinny jeans, they're usually uncomfortable desu, at least for me. Achieving a balance is what works best often.

>> No.12622907
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>> No.12622915

semen demon if ive seen one

>> No.12623133

pooost modernishts markshishts eh

>> No.12623391

This is fucking pathetic

>> No.12623654
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>> No.12624350

my girlfriend loves fashion but shes thicc af and has a huge butt. I have to be a disproving dad to her whenever she tries to buy a skirt, they all end up too short.

She looks fantastic in mom jeans, though.

>> No.12625289

This looks pretty, but too common imho

>> No.12625550


>> No.12625557

w2c w2c w2c w2c

>> No.12625565

what are the basics of fashion

>> No.12625566

pls be on the Main Line

>> No.12625601
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>being this insecure

>> No.12625609

You can find guides online or read tuxbell. Though I don't know how good the womens section is on that site.

>> No.12625915

I love chicks who dress like this

>> No.12627095

cuck is now basicly an identifier for insecure incels

>> No.12628639

>When you have a 3 inch dick so you have to take out your frustrations on some guy on the internet.

>> No.12628784

Because most of the "feminine" fashion is boring

>> No.12628799

Boring old samefag who knows nothing about fashion and gets his inspo from google images lmao

>> No.12628803

Part of the problem is her body honestly. Get her on thinspo, clothes will fit her much better

>> No.12629071


>> No.12629086

Fuck off you mentally ill skeleton

>> No.12629794

massive fag detected

>> No.12629814

this looks disgusting