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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 13 KB, 659x435, zPrJDuT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12613290 No.12613290 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Features that forever ruin your chances of looking good

I'll start with the one of the biggest ones, close set eyes. If you have these, you are FUCKING DONE. It is the ultimate game ender. Not only does it fuck up your width ratios, but it also gives the illusion of a longer midface, forever cementing you in uggo status. The worst part is that IT CANNOT BE FIXED. Even manletism can be fixed to some extent, but there are literally no surgeries to fix this, so if you have them, you are doomed. Just look at the cuck I posted. Look at how prominent his baby face is. Losing weight will help slightly, but he will always look like a low IQ, stunted crack-baby. Not even a rhinoplasty can save this guy.

Here, look at another guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qYEmGGmxX0
Just look at how disgusting his front view is. It's absolutely vile, and that's without taking into account his protrusion, negative canthal tilt, and laughably long midface. Legit one of the worst eye areas I've ever seen. If you can only fit the width of one of your eyes between your eyes, or you have a sub 0.45 width ratio, you are fucking done.

>> No.12613323

fuck off lookism

also it can be fixed via surgery either an orbital box osteotomy

or a modified LeFort III can alter the distance by up to 6mm

sub 60mm is subhuman

>> No.12613324
File: 28 KB, 340x600, userimage-553642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brings me to our next feature, long midface.

just look at this guy and try not to bust up laughing. If you have this, it's also FUCKING OVER (unless you're willing to shell out 40k for an extremely invasive surgery) This is also commonly known as the school shooter trait. Look at Adam Lanza, Randy Stair, Dylann Roof. The way to check if you have this is to measure the distance between your pupils, and the vertical distance between the center of one of your pupils, and the crease between your lips, then divide the latter by the former. You want something between 0.95 and 1.05. Anything above 1.05 is horseface status, and anything under is 0.95 is the E.T. phenotype.

>> No.12613328

>there are no surgeries to fix it

what is

>orbital box osteotomy
>monobloc bipart

>> No.12613332

you're a fucking retard

if your midface is overly long, as long as your top and lower third are also the same height then it doesnt matter

also a long mid face can be fixed via LeFort I impaction as most are due to a gummy smile



>> No.12613339

>Dylan Roof
>not effay
pick one

>> No.12613342

also the midface ratio is measured by pupil to pupil divided by pupil to the top of the lip you fucking inbred

the higher the midface ratio i.e 1.1 the smaller the midface

>> No.12613347
File: 209 KB, 747x397, 1473970419739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulbous roman nose
>negative canthal tilt with weak orbitals
>neanderthal browline
>right side of face is flat
>recessed maxilla

and worst of all

>long neck

It's shit because at least I can get surgery to fix the others. I'm forever doomed

And I'm told by a lot of normal people that I'm attractive

i dont understand

>> No.12613349

>bulbous roman nose
>negative canthal tilt
>weak orbitals
suborbital rim implants
>neanderthal browline
brow bossing
>recessed maxilla
LeFort III

>> No.12613353
File: 105 KB, 273x427, ezpiEZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to top of lip
coping horseface cuck detected

every medical journal agrees that it's to middle of lips. also, they were too lenient with the 0.8 to 1.2 range since they don't want uggos to kill themselves

just lmao if you've been measuring to top of lip. i guess that's one way to comfort yourself

>if your midface is overly long, as long as your top and lower third are also the same height then it doesnt matter
then that's not a long midface retard

AHAHAHAHAHAHA no surgeon will EVER, EVER agree to do an orbital box osteotomy. and there are NO documented cases of a modified LeFort III increasing IPD. keep coping

>> No.12613359
File: 30 KB, 442x332, chxZtBa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost forgot about negative canthal tilt. absolutely terrible.

a cope that makes you look worse in 5 years post op

>> No.12613363

1) i dont have a long mid face
2) youre autistic
3) i am a trans
4) i have trans friends that are unfortunate enough to have a long mid face and underwent a LeFort I in brazil which reduced the midface length by 1cm
5) Dr Sinn does LeFort III's routinely as a purely elective cosmetic procedure, and in doing so can alter pupil distance by up to 6mm

6) kys

>> No.12613365

I already know the surgery options. I'm getting a lot of them.

LeFort III for a recessed maxilla is overkill. I'll prob get LeFort I and call it good.

I just want my neck to be shorter. I look so fucking dumb

>> No.12613366

also my midface ratio when doing pupil2pupil/middle of lips is 63/66 = 0.95

>> No.12613369

LeFort I can mimic LeFort III with appropriate custom implants

>> No.12613372

>Douglas Sinn
ahh, I was hoping when this name would show up

the ultimate hope for eyecels with low IPD. no, he doesn't do it. it was all huge meme that the woman with a ~53 mm IPD was gonna have her IPD increased. call him up yourself, if you don't believe me.
also, look up his track record on jawsurgeryforums, lmao. he'll leave you even worse.

>> No.12613378

barely made it
enjoy being aesthetic and having life on easy mode. being sub 0.95 is not nearly as bad as being >1.05, anyway

>> No.12613381

no shit i'd rather tiny midface than long

>> No.12613384

What the fuck is happening in here? Am I missing something, since this all seems really autistic for /fa/.

>> No.12613390

Body Dysmorphia Giga Nigga Edition

Leave before you get it

>> No.12613392

>60 mm IPD
Fucking kill me.

>> No.12613393 [DELETED] 
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>Not looking like a mix between a car accident and lynching victim


>> No.12613493

weak chin/jaw, not round, which can give you a nice andro or boyish look, but just straight up recessed

there's no look that works with it

also, personal bias, but i feel like my huge ass keeps me from looking sharp, my torso looks like a fucking bean

>> No.12613512

Just measured mine because I had no idea what it was and it's 9cm/90mm. Holy shit dude, can you even focus your eyes? Do you have sight problems?

>> No.12613514

>plastic surgery

Can't fix your genes. Better not breed.

>> No.12613663

>The 95 percentile adult male in the USA has anIPDof 68mm(2.7 in)
Are you human, my dude?

>> No.12613686

90cm is incredibly wideset

but the definition of wideset changes depending on the size of the face itself

so wideset on a tiny head will look normal on a big head

its not my genes that need fixing you subhuman
>better not breed
im trans

>> No.12613689

Closed set eyes is actually fairly desired in Mexico.

>> No.12613708

Brown hair
Brown eyes
Olive skin
Weird non-white nose
Outie belly button (even a slight outie that doesn't poke out of the belly button hole)
Pectus excavatum

These are all me.
I was born to a 100% white dad and a 50% Native American mom and I got everything from my mom (except for the hairiness obviously). I'll never be comfortable with my body and I'll never truly be accepted by white people, even though all my friends get mad when I say I'm not white.

>> No.12613737

>im trans
im sorry

>> No.12613754

just have to roll with the punches and learn to embrace shit. dont tryna be white if you aint wihte, why the rush?

>> No.12613818

Kek. What a lovely comment

>> No.12613820

Is there any solution bar surgery to gain a few centimeters ? Like 2 would be awesome, I'm trying to correct my posture rn.

Also what facial features should I measure and which results should I expect to know if I'm aesthetic or not ? Could someone make a liste or something ? I'll do it and communicate the results

>> No.12613842

god I feel like I have some of these, would it be dumb to post my pic in this thread to get feedback

>> No.12613943

just post it autismo

>> No.12613989

your frends sound thoroughly bluepilled

>> No.12614380


>> No.12614402

its people from lookism which is basically /r/theredpill meets /r/incels but somehow even dumber

>> No.12614730

wide/flat nose bridge

>> No.12614827
File: 90 KB, 723x1044, dr_joseph_goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown hair
>Brown eyes
>Olive skin
>Weird non-white nose

>> No.12614866
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, human_ken_doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real, but you need body dysmorphia to reach your final form. Perfection is attainable.

>> No.12615010
File: 77 KB, 751x600, IMG_6536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perfection is attainable

>> No.12615021

My mom was 1/2 black and 1/2 Mediterranean. My dad was white.

>6' (technically still a manlet)
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>olive skin
>ectomorphic as fUCK

Am I fucked, /fa/? What can be done?

>> No.12615187
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>> No.12615230

>one eye is lower than the other
fuck me i've used photoshop to raise the lower eye to be the same level and i look so much better

asymmetry is a lie fuck you ryan gosling

>> No.12615632

Try being 5'6" and having those other features

Just lmao if you're not looksmaxing 24/7 or rotting till death if you're sub 6 feet

>> No.12615857
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>> No.12615889
File: 514 KB, 2400x1790, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6' (technically still a manlet)
Manlet is the new effay, haven't you heard

>> No.12615894
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>> No.12615898
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>> No.12615903

this is the dumbest thing I've seen posted on /fa for a while and I just spent the last 10 minutes deciphering preplets argue about prep schools

>> No.12615905
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>> No.12615910

These guys legit look hideous

Gosling in particular is always called "weird-looking" by women (just look it up) but they still would fuck because of M O N E Y and S T A T U S

>> No.12615913
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>> No.12615916
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>> No.12615918

this whole thread has to be bait

>> No.12615923
File: 8 KB, 130x183, 130full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shall we continue

>> No.12615927

itt ugly subhumans attempting to cope

>> No.12615928
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good quality troll

>> No.12615932
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>> No.12615936
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>> No.12615939

Disgusting eternal baby face
Also look up what women say about Reynolds eye area lmao
Neanderthal brow ridge

>> No.12615943
File: 3 KB, 120x120, try harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12616084

bulbous roman nose bro reporting in. i guarantee i have a bigger nose than you. its actually shocking. it blocks my vision when im looking back to change lanes in my car kek

>> No.12616096

Boy I could sure use a quick rundown on those two.

>> No.12616275
File: 53 KB, 628x628, IMG_5235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez and I thought I was fucked, thanks lookism

>> No.12616388

Name 1 (one) doctor in the western world who performs orbital box osteotomy

>> No.12616408

The eyes are not set too close, the distance between the eyes and size of eyes looks normal.

The distance from the outer corner of the eye to ear is too big and the nostrils wide which makes the eyes look close together.

The person in the youtube video has vertical overgrowth from overbite caused by genetics of his teeth leading to horizontal undergrowth to compensate for structural support

>> No.12616458

simply epic
great thread my man

>> No.12616460
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I'm so sorry

>> No.12616888
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yeah man i'm half asian/white and i deal with the exact same shit, black hair, brown eyes, flatter nose, hairy hands... i know that feel bro

i initially struggled with that whole racial identity crisis like you're describing, but i realised, the need to have some sort of racial identity, including how you look, is so dumb. that's not the real issue.

people look at me like i'm different and weird when they see my face. i used to think my race mix caused this but really, both of my parents are ugly anyway, and i'd just be an ugly white guy if i wasn't mixed. this is the actual issue for me and it might be relevant to you.

i'm currently saving up for chin lengthening and widening, buccal fat reduction, perioral liposuction, and then neweyes laser in barcelona. they're still developing the laser to get dark brown eyes to blue but my dad has blue eyes so i think i've got a decent shot at getting them with the laser. i'm slightly below average now but if i do this surgery conservatively i could hopefully sit in that comfy 7-8 range for the rest of my life.

self-acceptance is an odd thing, man. do you tolerate the sub-standard life that your genes and your god have given you, or do you try and become a better version of yourself? why is makeup okay but surgery too far? the woman and chad-hating parts of the incel rhetoric are retarded but stuff like lookism warrants some interesting questions on the nature of self-acceptance

regardless, good luck and godspeed anon

>> No.12616890
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>> No.12616905 [DELETED] 
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>horseface status

>> No.12616908
File: 668 KB, 200x200, me sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father has blue eyes (which I only noticed when I was like 30 years old) and I don't.

>> No.12617201

On non-syndrome patients and only for cosmetics

>> No.12617369
File: 290 KB, 408x439, only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever the fuck is going on with my lower face
can surgery fix this?
I also have gummy smile

>> No.12617402

Skarsgård is an ubermensch no matter what kind of made up eugenics you'll try to apply here. The only thing I can possinly think of is that his nose is tiny bit too big.

>> No.12617452

What's wrong there aside from the cum drip on your lip.

>> No.12617464

i unironically look like this guy

kill me

>> No.12617482

what about small eyes (almost asian) + big chubby nose
am i fucked up?

>> No.12617493

lip strain also that's not cum I'm not gay just to let you know

>> No.12617520
File: 66 KB, 282x362, 1498772266003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when I pictured your description

>> No.12617578

what is a wide angle lens...

>> No.12617581

If you convince yourself that attractiveness is an objective, quanitifable characteristic then girls are 'wrong' for not wanting to have sex with you and rejection is less upsetting.

>> No.12617599

haha it does cause babyface doesnt it, never put two and two together

ryan gosling has close set eyes and people seem to find him attractive enough, remember that giving me comfort when i was young enough to worry about that sort of thing ;-)

>> No.12617604

thinking of looks as way to make yourself attractive to others is fucking retarded and backwards
you should only care about looking good to yourself
chances are by then you got enough confidence to attract a woman with that same patrician taste

>> No.12617692
File: 220 KB, 1280x1280, 1485869248898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise /fa/ is even more insecure than /r9k/

>> No.12617702

Looks like you have a slight underbite

>> No.12617704

In case you haven't noticed, /fa/ isnt about fashion anymore. There hasn't been any actual fashion discussions in ages now. Take a look at waywt thread - same boring unassuming shit over and over again. I see better dressed people on the streets all the time. Or constant"is this /fa/?" and "is that /fa/?" threads. The majority of current board population sees fashion in a very limited way. For them it's merely a tool for blending in with the "cool kids" and getting laid. Of course those people are insecure as fuck.

>> No.12617854

it literally is objective

close set eyes are ugly on ALL MEN

>> No.12617868


not even dr. sinn does modified LeFort IIIs for close set eyes

it's over dude

>> No.12617879

true it is annoying when someone's eyes are close together and kind of makes them look weak I guess. But on your conclusion that it renders people permanently and completely ugly, I raise you one time /fa/ darling, Ryan Gosling

>> No.12617895

Gosling is ugly

close set eyes are the BIGGEST GAME ENDER

>> No.12617899
File: 526 KB, 600x955, lfy_final_js_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""long midface"""" 100x better looking than you :/

>> No.12617900

>Famous Hot Guys I Think Are Ugly
The article literally says he's hot anon

>> No.12617901

>Gosling told the mag. "When I got there, he was standing in his back yard, and he looked at me and said, 'I want you to play this role because you're not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You're not handsome, you're not cool, you're just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts.''

it's OVER for eyecels

>> No.12617904

horseface cuck
long philtrum too, holy fuck

his midface ratio has to be >1.2 lmao
he's fucking done unless he has H E I G H T

>> No.12618783

nigga i dont even need a LeFort III
i was paranoid as fuck I did but went to 4 maxfac specs and they told me i didnt

>> No.12618932


>> No.12620064

I swear to god this board is now worse than r9k

>> No.12620191

accept it

>> No.12620269
File: 34 KB, 481x401, 96b7dab64a209cd0b5543802ff4b87d0b5bc0ea8f9d9c55384bdc43ac718575f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still struggling to accept myself, I'm a 1/4 black mongrel that didn't even really think of myself as a mongrel until like 2 years ago. I hate my curly hair and the way my face reminds me of a pale black person, never thought of myself as black and always considered them inferior and then after a couple conversations realized that I was part black and have a burning self-hatred ever since then, sometimes I skip my workout and just sleep since that is better than being conscious.

>> No.12620897

Below 5'9

>> No.12620906

>from white parent

>> No.12621132

...You do realize that white people in Europe, at least those from Nordic countries, are very hairy, right?

>> No.12621176

M O N E Y and S T A T U S
Gained through being really, really ridiculously good looking. It's certainly not his acting ability. Dude just stares into the middle distance pensively while warmed over retro synth pop plays and we all pretend a movie happened.

>> No.12621215

That's a Slavic trait

>> No.12621361

Topkek what a cuck. I'm half Caribbean, half Scottish and lucked out with pretty great features.

>small narrow nose
>big eyes
>soft, manageable curly hair
>feminine features

I'm a grill so it all works out. Not to mention both my parents are attractive. Sure, I had periods of self hate in like..middle school but I've always been called exotic or beautiful my whole life. Accept your features and learn how to cope with them anon.

Or be a degenerate and get surgery. But being a self hating cuck is the least effay thing you can do.

We're all gonna make it. Don't give up.

>> No.12621623

y'all are a sorry bunch of people? not everyone looks like a model, and thats fine. i dont even know who you all are but i can say that most of you look perfectly good, so stop obsessing over the small faults on your face and concentrate on other stuff.

>> No.12621720

Post picture

>> No.12621742
File: 61 KB, 600x741, 2f358564987bb254e192d2809a5cd68b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back!

>> No.12621750

>i am a trans
no, you kill yourself you fucking freak

>> No.12621755

>be 5'5 woman
literally in the middle of perfect range
feels good desu

>> No.12621835

last year I thought /fa/ reached its cancer limit, can't wait to see what's next

>> No.12622231
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>> No.12622245

autismo shitb8

>> No.12622303

Fuck, fa, u know what i just realized? These are the people who end up getting obsessed with plastic surgery. It's crazy what kind of bullshit people hold themselves back with.

>> No.12623237
File: 1.17 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20170712_160455331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never considered plastic surgery before but I honestly just hate looking in a mirror sometimes
I'm >>12620269

Thank you

>> No.12623274

You look fine, anon. At least I personally think so.

>> No.12623403

Imagine being this insecure

>> No.12623405

You look better than me

Thanks, now I'm insecure

>> No.12623417
File: 20 KB, 708x704, 121564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great chin
>no jawline whatsoever

>> No.12623849

What's it like living comfortably with a mental disorder? Just curious no bullyerino

>> No.12624158

stop posting your picture you fucking ugly cartel nigger

>> No.12624215

As someone with an Irish father, can confirm that Irish people unfortunately pass on shit genes quite often.
>Inconsistent skin tone, ranging from translucent to reddish-white like crabmeat with changing weather
>Constant sunburn
>Acne, and not just on your face
>Oily, ruddy T-zone
>Hobbit hands and feet
A-At least I have thick and wavy hair

>> No.12624222
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1410501273868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>father has blue eyes, pitch black hair and olive skin
>mother has brown eyes, brown hair and olive skin
>was born with light blue eyes, blonde hair and pale skin
>fast forward 20 years
>emerald eyes, ashen blonde hair, blonde body hair

it hurts

>> No.12624675

myshuno! soon soon!

>> No.12624682

i'm the damn inverse, my jawline is fucking great and my chin is wimpy. the bottom half of my face would be like 10/10 otherwise but instead it's just really average

>> No.12624892

Karl pilkington on the left?

>> No.12624989

My eyes are tired looking and over sized. How to fix

>> No.12625063

>thick, black hair with you reddish tint
>almost black eyes
>sort of pale-ish olive skin
>babyface, literally look like i'm 12
>so fucking hairy
i'm trans so the baby face doesn't bother me but fuck blonde people have it so much easier
how do i even get started on shaving everything

>> No.12625274

Just grow a beard problem solved

>> No.12625784

I have a short girl fetish go kys