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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 478 KB, 1024x768, laggardstarterpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12602045 No.12602045 [Reply] [Original]

if you identify with this post even slightly you need to get off my board.

>> No.12602051

>Hating on white shoes and light wash
Edgy and contrarian

>> No.12602052

get out

>> No.12602068

Basically the entire waywt thread

>> No.12602070

GATs are awesome, kill yourself.

>> No.12602075

>wearing MFA: the shoe


>> No.12602079

i love my cp's but otherwise i can't identify with this picture

>> No.12602084


>> No.12602093

>not wearing solely ugly button-ups
>not listening to a wide array of music no matter how 'weird' the combination is

>> No.12602103

stop using the word "cuck" already, how old are you? I bet you never even held hands with a girl

>> No.12602116

>hating on black jeans

>> No.12602123

also this

>> No.12602125

>not having taste
>listening to the most normie genres of music

>wearing jeans

>> No.12602131

Appearently old enough to not be triggered by what some individual calls you on an online anonymous image board.

>> No.12602137
File: 3 KB, 128x128, 1499845836679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quality of music is determined solely by genre

>> No.12602152

>implying rap and indie isn't rehashed garbage

>> No.12602159

>Not wearing chinos instead

>> No.12602162

>putting CP's and Margiela's with this autistic shit

>> No.12602168

whats it like being dressed by the internet?

>> No.12602171

>putting Margielas with cuck shit like CP's

>> No.12602180

both are shit and

>babies first fashion shoe

>> No.12602181

beach music is such a good album though :(

>> No.12602187

>implying everything else isn't rehashed garbage too

>> No.12602193

alex g is garbage and only popular b/c he's a "down to earth" guy who makes "chill" lo-fi tunes and all the other dweebs who make similar but even shittier music* can "relate" to him and maybe get semi-popular one day too. zero personality

>> No.12602198

>edgy /mu/tant opinion

I've never met the guy (missed his show when he was in town), I like his tunes though. There's definitely some truth to him being not the most skilled musician out there. Lo-fi is just like that though. Maybe I'll watch that vice documentary on him.

>> No.12602210

What's an example of current trends then?

>> No.12602214

Who cares

>> No.12602557

what ever /fa/ is talking about just know it's 2-3 year late

>> No.12602561

MFA dresses better than 100% of this board. They are objectively the best normie tier fashion site.

>> No.12602606

im not going defend /fa/ because im well aware it's shit so comparing MFA to it doesn't really matter

>> No.12602613

MFA is how men dress, so they are pretty legit. Dress shirts, vests, and overcoats are 10x better than some edgy skinny jean wearing faggot.

>> No.12602617

MFA is where redditors play dress up

>> No.12602618

>I'm not gonna listen to this music, it's too popular

>> No.12602622

where did you see that statement ?

>> No.12602635

I implore you to show me an outfit that you consider to be stylish.

>> No.12602641
File: 96 KB, 604x832, 738mJZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an outfit from MFA. This outfit is objectively more sophisticated than anything you've worn in your life. You are a fucking clown.

>> No.12602662

you're on 4chan you idiot

>> No.12602685
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anything in this image is inherently bad
>implying being trendy is good

nuke this place

>> No.12602704

I wouldn't call my button ups ugly...

>> No.12602714

>tfw 4-6 years behind trends
jokes on you guys
rocking V-necks and blazers

>> No.12602716

I largely agree but I was wearing SLP before they achieved meme status.

>> No.12602764

this is bait right?
>that means i wear cuck shoes

>> No.12602782

post fit, OP

>> No.12602786

The cum stains will show up like mad on that fit. Or is this the next level?

>> No.12602798

>Still masturbating
Wew lad, you're quite the cuck.

>> No.12602810

laggard detected

>> No.12602814
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1499824624325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow way to ruin and make my picture loads worse. Kys.

>> No.12602815

>not masturbating
what happened to your sex drive?

>> No.12602818

i like neutral milk hotel and frank ocean, and somewhat mac demarco. and also i like skate hi tops and cant skate very well.

>> No.12602843

Your picture targets like five different demographics anyways, not like it was a good fucking picture

>> No.12602850

this is the truth. 4chan should be more open you guys are fags for caring so much. fuck all of you and start making your own fucking clothes

>> No.12602908

mad cause your shit thread is dead and dumb picture isn't relatable to anyone not in middle school

>> No.12603005

>disliking gats
newfag detected

>> No.12603036

but anon, i love wearing my comfy thrifted Hawaiian shirts

>> No.12603046

come oooon i mean pablo was a disappointment but i still bump Real Friends

>> No.12603171
File: 48 KB, 492x449, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are even associated with this random assortment of popular things then I am better than you because I like unpopular things

>> No.12603202

>shitting sherpa jackets
if you don't appreciate classics, just because they become memes in some places they you have no sense of fashion at all and are a trend slave.

>> No.12603207

>stop using cuck
>on 4chan
are you new here?

>> No.12603210

>walking around in public like this
what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.12603229

i've probably seen this same fit on /fa/ about 50+ times no joke

>> No.12603271

>liking gats
new fag detected

>> No.12603292

Lol perhaps somebody posted the image to MFA, but thats Faust, the owner of Stylezeitgeist

>> No.12603297

Please show me an outfit that you consider stylish.

>> No.12603317
File: 2.66 MB, 4128x3096, 15000020526871891130115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have that exact shirt
>pic related

>> No.12603477

fyi mfa doesnt really do menswear anymore, mainly minimalism and workwear make up most of the waywts

>> No.12603581

only newfags use cuck

>> No.12603588

>browses fashion board
>is a mindless trend follower
That's some dissonance if I've ever seen it

>> No.12603613

God that guy is a piece of shit

>> No.12603637

Op I openly admit an adversity with fashions sense. Are you sure you're not just adverse like I am?

>> No.12603998

get off my board

>> No.12604135

News flash wearing all black makes you look autistic. It emphasises how you fashion illeterate you are.

>> No.12604148

yes, OP is a laggard, he posts an image of 2009-2010 things and credits them to much more recently, because he's probably 2014 as fuck

>> No.12604149

the pic is based off of what /fa/ discusses regularly you summer fag.

>> No.12604151

>2 years ago
>posts things that peaked & influencers dropped like trash 6-8 years ago

OP confirmed ultra-laggard

>> No.12604152

t. new fag that just started posting on /fa/

>> No.12604159

So this is off limits and so is the nu-male uniform and also cuckcore. Is /fa/ basically: sleazecore, prepcore, hypefag streetwear and wear-all-black-skelliecore?

>> No.12604161

/fa/ is laggard core

doesn't matter what it is just know the trend is dead and over if /fa/ cares about it

>> No.12604191

literally only newfags from reddit started using that shit here, fuck off

>> No.12604193

are you memevist?

>> No.12604198

But /fa/ cares about everything except for Old Navy

>> No.12604298

gats are some of the ugliest fucking shoes ever.

>> No.12604719

>newfag calls anon who's been here since 2008 a newfag

>> No.12604769
File: 90 KB, 444x960, narc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a hold of your life and stop wasting your time by making bullshit photoshops solely meant to illicit a response.

Go do something with your life.

>> No.12604878

>2 years behind on an album that came out last year
What did he meme by this?

>> No.12605097

i match everything in that chart except the 5th paragraph i don't like to be bothered

>> No.12605103

Is that who is buying all my old Margiela kicks? At least they're not low balling fuccbois

>> No.12606738

first three yes, last four no. whats my diagnosis?

>> No.12606756

>hating on kanye
how original, life of pablo was great

>> No.12606790

all of those things died before any of op's post

>> No.12606795

Rolled up jeans and white shoes with a black and red stripe are what I got. I just do it because I'm a poorfag and palewave is all I got going for me.

>> No.12606797

Lmao u got so assblasted you went all Dr.Leary on him
git fakd

>> No.12607165


Up to DSU his shit was great, his last two albums haven't been that great imo. He's got an extremely good sense of melody.

>> No.12607248

Everybody is like that some just can't control themselves.

>> No.12607541

The only good thing in OP's pic

>> No.12607546

>listens to a weird combination of alt indie and rap

>> No.12607550
