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/fa/ - Fashion

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12598282 No.12598282 [Reply] [Original]

People with pale skin can wear dark shades if they have to contrast their skin color and Im wondering if there are any colors that look good on darker skin

>> No.12598335


>> No.12598345
File: 2.09 MB, 2424x3232, IMG_20170206_174439977_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm half white, a quarter Viet and Black. I have light brown skin and I can wear literally any shade. I usually dress in monochrome. I completely believe people of color on the lighter side of the spectrum can wear dark shades and light shades of clothing easily. For those with very black or dark brown skin neutrals are great. (Black, white, khaki, gray, beige ) They can be easily mixed anything.

>> No.12598376
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Being non-white automatically disqualifies you from being /fa/. Some Asians may get a pass.


>> No.12598382

It's funny because you're mentally disabled so I dont have to take you seriously

>> No.12598387

If you don't have pale skin you will never be /fa/

>> No.12598388
File: 282 KB, 1542x1050, Raquel-Amanda-Saskia-Mariacarla-Daria-Lara-Meghan-Suvi-Anna-Mica-And-Kate-By-Mert-And-Marcus-For-W-September-2014-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it all out, Pancho.

>> No.12598389
File: 65 KB, 596x784, OTOÑO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autumn/warm colors.

>> No.12598390


>> No.12598395

>having dark skin

Wrong board

>> No.12598397

also black.

keep in mind these colors are if you have a red undertone, as i do,

>> No.12598401
File: 51 KB, 612x459, 172256719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, black will suit you well, OP.

>> No.12598404

why are you so triggered?

>> No.12598407

all the girls look like they are inbred and the guy in the middle looks like a neanderthal only 2 out of 6 of them actually have good faces

>> No.12598408

I'm having a great time, actually. :^)

>> No.12598410

but nobody is even replying to you

>> No.12598411

Nothing is good on brown skin. Brown is a ugly color

>> No.12598412

It depends on your undertone.

I'm about a NW55 and I wear everything from seafoam to goldenrod and salmon.

The richness of my undertone give me the positive color combining. I have an aversion to red though, don't know why but I can stand the color. Same with purple and like standard green (army green is great though)

>> No.12598414

You sound like a bitter fat girl posting on /fit/.

>> No.12598415

I am like NW 43 but I usually just wear monochrome and I dont like it

>> No.12598430


I'm sorry

but yeah I live in color, all of my clothing are crazy colors that clash together and highlight my skin's undertone.

>> No.12598457

Olive and literally any desert tone.
White too, sparingly though unless you're dark enough.

>> No.12598518

this is true desu

>> No.12598519

I feel like gold jewelry looks the best on dark/black people

>> No.12598565

earth tones and different shades of gray

>> No.12598585

All Asians get a pass tbqhfam. Decent b8

>> No.12598752

the amount of shitskins on this board is unsettling, return to reddit faggots

>> No.12598764
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>> No.12598820

Pinoys,Indians, Thais etc get no pass

>> No.12598830

When used tastefully it accents certain skin times very well.
It's probably the same reason why a lot of chocolates are wrapped in gold colored foil.

>> No.12598845

As some anons have said in this thread olive, black and many darker colors.

I've found that in general low brightness and less-saturated colors work well with darker skin tones (this includes anywhere from mixed/Latino skin colors to super dark Africans)
Think of it as the opposite of palewave amd that shoild help you get an idea of what to do.

>> No.12598892
File: 16 KB, 310x233, china-nepal-to-discuss-joint-military-exercises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is the only fa Asian countries. Koreans are gay, insecure and fake, Chinese are really fucking filthy and retarded, southeast Asians are basically Brazilian/Ibiza core but I've seen some Thais and Pinos fit really well with Jap fashion.

>> No.12599079
File: 19 KB, 220x281, 220px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Blonde people fancy either absolutely dark complexions or brown; but it is rarely the case vice versâ. The reason for it is this: that fair hair and blue eyes are a deviation from the type and almost constitute an abnormality, analogous to white mice, or at any rate white horses. They are not indigenous to any other part of the world but Europe,—not even to the polar regions,—and are obviously of Scandinavian origin. En passant, it is my conviction that a white skin is not natural to man, and that by nature he has either a black or brown skin like our forefathers, the Hindoos, and that the white man was never originally created by nature; and that, therefore, there is no race of white people, much as it is talked about, but every white man is a bleached one. Driven up into the north, where he was a stranger, and where he existed only like an exotic plant, in need of a hothouse in winter, man in the course of centuries became white. The gypsies, an Indian tribe which emigrated only about four centuries ago, show the transition of the Hindoo’s complexion to ours. In love, therefore, nature strives to return to dark hair and brown eyes, because they are the original type; still, a white skin has become second nature, although not to such an extent as to make the dark skin of the Hindoo repellent to us.
We may not have mastered indoor plumbing but we can still cuck wh*tes

>> No.12599080


>> No.12599097
File: 27 KB, 370x397, IMG_0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality

>> No.12599132

>White poster LARPing as PoC
Where have I seen this before

>> No.12599368


>> No.12599397
File: 429 KB, 1278x1920, SH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting thumbnails should be a bannable offence

>> No.12599402

>t.guy who did not understand evolution

>> No.12600281

I know some of these posters aren't serious but where did the notion that skin tone determined whether you can into fashion? Unless you have a really red rosy complexion I don't see how you can't potentially be effay

>> No.12600356

>wahhhh skin tone can't determine whether you're into fashion
>THIS skin tone can't be effay
Kys faggot. PoC bitch and moan so they can pull others down, that's all

>> No.12600528

Idont maybe the fact like 95% of serious models are pale?

>> No.12600543

I'm half black(very dark skin Jamaica) half german and I've found, black white grey and tans look the best

>> No.12600546

And Naomi Campbell remains arguably the greatest model still in business.

>> No.12600568

as a beaner this true, brown skin is not aesthetic so the only colors that compliment brown is brown, white, and beige

>> No.12600581


True, I like wearing white t-shirts next to my dark skin. I have to disagree with the "only" statement though.

>> No.12600586
File: 35 KB, 300x303, smug 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light colors. goddamn, you're an idiot.

>> No.12600594

I can't wear pastel colors. Why live.

>> No.12600604

Black people are number one /fa/ what are you on about? The white race always wants to look darker and always complain about being pale

>> No.12600632

>projecting this hard
Why are you so angry? Maybe if you would explain to me why you feel the way you do rather than shouting at me like a sperg I'd listen

>> No.12600805
File: 111 KB, 568x852, AsianCom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could a hispanic pull this off? What colors would be better?

>> No.12600823

Looks like how Spanish rock members and hipsters in Mexico city dress.

>> No.12600840

Affirmative action.

>> No.12600846
File: 42 KB, 480x593, beyonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12600854

Lmao this board is so triggered by brown people

>> No.12600859

Chill with the race shit and let's try to actually help people

>> No.12600863

My bad forgot it's 4chan, carry on

>> No.12600864

>I know some of these posters aren't serious

Lurk moar

>> No.12601025

Triggered and repulsed aren't the same thing, friendo.

>> No.12601050

>What colors are good for darker skin
Zyklon B

>> No.12601164


>> No.12601183

Iktf bro

>> No.12601207

Yes you can? Pastel works pretty fucking well on darker skin.

>> No.12601215

Fuck niggers.

>> No.12601234


>> No.12601254

Warm pastel colors should be alright on darker skins, but colder colors would probably look awkward.

>> No.12601258

Beyonce has had so much surgery she looks completely white now.
Just like 8 years ago she was Michelle Obama's tone.

>> No.12602177


Thanks anons.

>> No.12602190

I have a naturally pale complexion
But tanned skin>pale skin

>> No.12602217

I have naturally dark skin but
Pale > dark > tan

>> No.12602234
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 08436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pale skin
>inferior to anything

>dark skin
>superior to tan
>superior to anything

>> No.12603158
File: 75 KB, 728x728, f47ee803742ccfa4361baf6bc01120af-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately true, I haven't seen a single actual effay non-white, feel sorry for them

>> No.12603169

The thing about being asian, or at least in my case as a korean, is that you could be as pale as OP, but an hour in the sun will turn you absolutely brown

>> No.12603235
File: 188 KB, 759x506, YC1t4aico_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bright, primary colors

>> No.12603259

>that nappy uncontrollable and that dark skin tone
Oh... oh man... zpff.. pffh...
oh man, black people tryna be effay always cracks me up

>> No.12603357

I don't think there's even enough black/brown people who want to be models in the first place.
A lot of them end up in the entertainment industry.
Minorities tend to shy away from going into certain artistic industries because they don't guarantee income.

>> No.12603360

I don't like this fit, but I feel like he would look way better in Maroon or Burgundy.

>> No.12603461


>> No.12603517


>> No.12603559

hispanic is anyone from a spanish speaking country. just say your ethnicity. why so afraid? theres a diference between a white spaniard and a peruvian.

>> No.12603751


Peruvian it is, now advice?