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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 30 KB, 480x480, he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12586679 No.12586679 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a men and I'm 5.6, what clothes is good for me?
Also, I'm a black guy..

>> No.12586687 [DELETED] 

lets just end the thread right here i guess.

this isn't you

>> No.12586689

also I'm kneeger

>> No.12586694

>>12586687 Sure, this isn't me. I don't spoke this.
I save this pic to cut my hair like him

>> No.12586704

I love you.

>> No.12586715

I'm also black, and know we can wear a fucking potato sack and look good

>> No.12586720


We look good in pretty much any clothing as long as we aren't fat fucks.

>> No.12586722

Wear a dress shirt, when its hot a polo.

Problem fixed.

>> No.12586728

A noose works

>> No.12586734

albeit not because of his height

>> No.12586751 [DELETED] 

Wear a noose around your neck fucking nigger.

>> No.12586758

dress like lil uzi

>> No.12586762

>black and short
>a niglet

>> No.12587095

coping this hard

inb4 muh dick

>> No.12587140

Whites are sad.


>> No.12588161

>inb4 muh dick
Huh? How did this turn out to be about penises?
Whites are so obsessed and insecure about dick size, it's really weird

>> No.12588166

black panther style paramilitary clothing

>> No.12588168
File: 115 KB, 1200x630, Harris-on-the-Black-Panther-Documentary-1200-630-04135803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12588196
File: 2.23 MB, 320x384, 1499401338611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look good

>> No.12588208

I've literally never seen a fashionable black person irl before

>> No.12588259

get back to /pol/ neckbeard

>> No.12588263

Lol so triggered, I'm just telling you my experience

>> No.12588275
File: 759 KB, 3319x3022, d19j87qrbb4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is triggered by your bs, stop embarassing yourself, you're just cringey and everyone here knows how you look.

>> No.12588293

Oh ok

>> No.12588296

this works, not because it actually works, but because black people think it does so they do everything with the upmost confidence and anything will look good with confidence

>> No.12588313

Black people dress like shit tho...

>> No.12588322

lol niggers are either prep or nigger or poverty-core
nigger core is typical hypebeast shit just sagged and with a glock in their waist ready to blow their cock off

>> No.12588332


>> No.12588343
File: 96 KB, 640x640, 11427272_1608044002771185_1234617914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont look "good" in pretty much everything. You already look bad so certain clothes cant make you neither better or worse. Just because you don't look worse in certain clothes it doenst mean that you look good

>inb4 lmao cuck xDD
>inb4 u mad white boi

>> No.12588350 [DELETED] 

best thing for u to wear is a bodybag u fucking nigger
get out and then kys

>> No.12588481

Wear clothes with colors that contrast with your skin color. White is a good option.

Shirts: Anything simple without stamps will do. Using social shirts is also good and will make you look professional and different from stereotypes.
Legs: Slim jeans.
Shoes: Oxford Brown and boots, don't wear sneakers.
Hair: If you have bad hair just shave it. If you have curly hair type 1-3 you can do some nice things with it but it will take a lot of effort and research.

Remember, white is your best color, but don't exaggerate on it too much. White shoes for instance are not good.

>> No.12588487 [DELETED] 

influx of niggers on my board

>> No.12588514

>my board

How can a summerfag claim a board?

>> No.12588523


>> No.12588532
File: 50 KB, 564x846, IMG_2198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black people do look pretty good in a lot of styles imo

>> No.12588568

>>inb4 u mad whiteboi

Hey you said it yourself, not me. It's a good thing to be self aware about your insecurities desu.

>> No.12588627
File: 20 KB, 450x450, brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, in true I'm brown, like this guy.
Also, I'm not chicano.

>> No.12588656

Keep sucking at the teet of muh victimization bucko. You're white passing

>> No.12588660

One-drop rule.

>> No.12588665

>One Drop Rule
This is ironically the reason why the white race is dying off. Nice going fucktards.

>> No.12589411

The white race isn't dying off - at least population-wise. You're just getting cucked in terms of growth

>> No.12589542

This is perhaps the worst thread that has ever graced this board

>> No.12589946

u mad white boi? cuz my dick big n urs small? Stupid ass white bitch.

>> No.12589952

>all these retarded white kids taking the bait

>> No.12590089

>e.g. low-effort bait.

>> No.12590098

>all these white people LARPing as black people and trolling other white people

>> No.12590121

>it's all just a conspiracy theory against us black people by the white man

>because no black person has ever race baited or played the victim card before


>> No.12590127

Do you really think this guy>>12589946 is black?

>> No.12590138

Sounds like a nigger to me

>> No.12590143

Sounds like you've never met a black person irl

>> No.12590199

"nigger emojis"

>> No.12590549

You're a fucking brainlet. Don't reproduce.

>> No.12590585

>he said he was black so he must be
the superior race ladies and gentlemen

>> No.12591082

Sometimes I wonder if I've been here too long or if 90% of this site's population is stupider than me.
Usually I just lurk these kinds of threads because I'd rather not hop into the fray, but you'd have to be retarded to not see the shitposting and baiting in this thread.

>> No.12591090

Ure black u can wear literally anything and ull look better than an average white guy

Theres no hope XXXTentacion

>> No.12591158

no, you do not.
>Also, I'm a black guy..
I already knew that because of all your spelling mistakes in the first sentence.

>> No.12591307

You need a fade, boy

>> No.12592413
File: 82 KB, 800x800, dress shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Button-down dress shirts look especially good on black guys, I think. Here's some random image I found on Google in .5 seconds, which illustrates my point. Doesn't matter so much what you look like, they just sharp buttoned up and untucked on black guys.

>> No.12592457

Anything from Wal-Mart you stupid nigger

>> No.12592842

>it's a looksfag episode

>> No.12593293
File: 129 KB, 483x393, IMG_7123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593337

>white passing

definitely not in Europe, except maybe Portugal or Spain

>> No.12593344

Yeah dude, no

>> No.12593345

If you're like the skin tone pictures, you could pass as French or Spanish or Portuguese. But if you have Nigger blood...

>> No.12593411

trying to counter the inb4 card. Touche..

>> No.12593414

I still wouldn't hire him.

>> No.12594616

pick one little dude