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12577784 No.12577784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's it like to not be extremely ugly? I mean fuck how did my parents manage being so ugly?

>> No.12577788

The things I would do to Bella...

>> No.12577790

post a pic or go to /r9k/

>> No.12577791

If you're normal you're normal. If you're very good looking most people will be afraid of talking to you but girls will like you a lot.

>> No.12577795

people is scared but girls won't talk to me and i know they like me
what gives?

>> No.12577812


please refer to >>12577788

>> No.12577815
File: 214 KB, 600x855, 1410230021213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw good looking
>Tfw socially autist and severely depressed

I honestly would rather be ugly but with a normal outgoing personality

>> No.12577831

girls won't talk to you first, ever, even if you're super handsome (unless they're trying to sell you something)
i've had girls literally bouncing their asses against my dick in nighclubs waiting for me to start talking to them

>> No.12577845

can relate

>> No.12578091

>people is scared

>> No.12578103

If you're an Indian male, you're a shit skin and statistically on the bottom of the list of Tinder preferences. If you're extremely ugly and Indian you should consider killing yourself to re-roll the genetic lottery.

>> No.12578234

>my mom/equivalent told me i'm good looking so i must be good loking
>socially autist and depressed because i'm probably ugly as shit and have no friends or girls/bois interested in me
sorry to break it to you like that but this is probably what is happening

>> No.12578402

>sudden unrelated assrage about poos
Did an Indian steal your girlfriend, anon?

>> No.12578404

im Indian (im also tall and hot af) and i get mad pussy on tinder, if you're so ugly that u cant even get matches on tinder - kys ASAP

>> No.12578416
File: 99 KB, 550x489, 1454469677864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've had girls literally bouncing their asses against my dick in nighclubs waiting for me to start talking to them

I can sadly and awkwardly fully relate to that

>> No.12578422

Choose one mein

>> No.12578424

I can relate with this A LOT

I feel like its easier to fix a personality then to fix the unfixable tho

>> No.12578430

Stop projecting please.

>> No.12578437

Same here senpai

It's just all genetic lottery shit in the end.

>> No.12578512

Curry is both, checkmate faggot.

>> No.12578520

or hes just good looking and socially awkward and depressed. My best friend is objectively an 8-9, perfect height with blonde hair blue eyes and he's mixed so he can get black/white chicks.

Virgin at 19. Just plays games and smokes weed all the time

>> No.12578522

Bullshit. It depends on the girl. However the majority of women enjoy a dominant male, which the majority of people on here don't even come close too.

Tip - If you are ugly make sure you have cash. Money can't buy you happiness but it can get you pussy.

>> No.12578533

Be aggressive you fucking pussy. If you're in a night club fondle her pussy, rub it threw her pants, smack her ass. Women like when you're in control.

>> No.12578616

Bella was ugly as fucking shit

Then she got millions worth of work done

If you got enough money, anything is possible

>> No.12578630

>I'm a shitty vein little brat who doesn't appreciate their parens

>> No.12578733


>> No.12578776


>> No.12578792

at least you're not ugly and severely depressed

>> No.12578795

Ugly people rarely develop winning personalities, if ever. You'd be an even bigger piece of shit because you'd be ignored or even hated.

I remember in the schoolyard one time a girl literally walked up to me and told me she hated me. I didn't know her.

>> No.12578808

>Tfw 6/10
>Tfw have sex with girls still though because I'm not autistic
>Tfw always riddled with sense of interiority as only 6/10

Having sex with girls isn't really about attractiveness anyway, it's just that guys who think they aren't attractive come across as shy and conceited rather than confident.

>> No.12578822

How am I doing fa?

>Age 21
>Lost virginity at 19
>Had sex with 4 girls
>Had a 1.5 yr girlfriend

>> No.12578831

On the other end of the scale, it makes life easier and more enjoyable because people treat you better and you obviously have a much larger dating pool(assuming you are't autistic) and some girls will even approach first. Few cons though 1- it's made me a cunt, I don't think I've not cheated on a girl since I was about 15 2-I've been told by some people that they are intimidated 3-I'm probably more anxious and obsessive about how I look than I would be if I was less attractive

>> No.12578834

About standard. Can't really tell from those stats though
The 2 guys I know who have slept with the most girls are a 6 or 7 but just go out a lot, try and talk a lot of girls up.
The 2 best looking guys I know are around the 5-10 girls mark because they don't go out as much and when they do they don't go out with the goal of getting pussy. Could be because they already get enough validation in their daily life

>> No.12578980

Gotta pump those numbers mate

>Age 19
>Lost virginity at 17
>Had sex with 11 girls
>Also had 1.5 year gf in that time

>> No.12578989

>t. poo in vindaloo

>> No.12579017

Any examples of good plastic surgery for men?

>> No.12579237

>What's it like to not be extremely ugly?

It's nice, I wouldn't trade my good looks for anything, but I also make sure I work to maintain them. I eat right, exercise, groom properly, use good products and stay out of the sun, I don't drink in excess and I don't smoke or do drugs.

The reason why I have such a meticulous out look about this is because I went through an ugly duckling phase from middle school through all of my high school years. I wanted a normal adulthood so I managed to work myself out of that phase, and honestly it's one of my favorite life achievements.

>I mean fuck how did my parents manage being so ugly?

Idk, probably by being smart, charming, and sociable.

>> No.12579300

you don't need plastic surgery, looks aren't important :)

just focus on being a nice and interesting person

>> No.12579426

instead of spending money on surgery, spend money on instruments. Girls really find you much more interesting if you play an instrument.

>> No.12579434
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>so this is why poo-loos believe in reincarnation

>> No.12579445

>this boohoo tier faggotry

Try being called ugly to your face by random people or being stared at. you fuckin gaylord lol

>> No.12579455

i feel bad for indian dudes, I know a lot of chill ass indian guys who look pretty good that cant get pussy cause of this exact problem.

>> No.12579460

You can't get surgery for a shitty personality my man

>> No.12579590

tfw at least 8/10 aryan race but introverted
>i just want to pass on my beautiful genes

>> No.12579596

Every person I've known who was highly charismatic was average to below average looking. If you're ugly from the outset you're forced to sink or swim imo

>> No.12579601

Since I lost weight a girl asked me for the time once
I didn't realize what she meant by this until I was driving home

Yeah that's pretty much it I think

>> No.12579608

i felt this way, and then i became extremely ougoing and promiscuous and was having the time of my life, and then i started losing my hair at 22 and became so ashamed and reclusive that im less outgoing than I've ever been, and also less attractive. i literally want to die. youll miss your looks when theyre gone, dont take them for granted

>> No.12579610

This is your poo caste system brain keeping you in your lane, Pajeet. You're never gonna make it in the West

>> No.12579616

Mmm, opposite for me. The older and uglier I've got the better my dating life has become.

>> No.12579626

>literally a 10/10 face
>been called the most beautiful person multiple times
>people take pictures of me at the clubs
>can wear literally anything and it will look good on me (i can dress like a fucking clown and i will still look good)

>> No.12579646

pics or lies

>> No.12579657

It's a normal and healthy thing to lose hair as a guy
You just look older.

>> No.12579696

>woman get wet at the sight of you
>girls are forever intimidated by you
>other men will hate you

>> No.12579706

>girls are forever intimidated by you
How does this manifest itself?

>> No.12579709

>pics on 4chan
yeah no
im just telling op how its to be handsome no need to get jelly :)

>> No.12579728


The other day I watched someone stumble and drop her lunch when I made eye contact with her.

>> No.12579750

They curl up into little balls when you enter.

>> No.12579755

>grills are intimidated
You're dealing with sheltered or staggeringly average women

>> No.12579777

Her nose job and lip fillers were the move. She looks like she can dick like a champ now.

>> No.12579784

>People take pictures of me at the club.
Not a good thing. Hahaha. Who are taking these pic's at the club, the nigga that gets payed 6 dollars an hour to do so? Cus its his job?

>> No.12579959

post more bella

>> No.12579973
File: 234 KB, 1024x1538, bella-hadid-cannes-wardrobe-malfunction-red-dress-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP but better than OP.

>> No.12579980
File: 416 KB, 603x448, Screen-Shot-2017-01-29-at-4.21.12-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eyes alone and those pretty lips..

>> No.12579998


>> No.12580027

Check this shit out LOVE Advent... Works so well with the song.

>> No.12580049


>> No.12580051

>>ok looking asian, decent across the board.
>>0 response on any dating ever.
>>Jew friend, frizzy red hair, acne, skinnyfat potbelly, literally smells.
>>gets plenty of matches on Tinder

>> No.12580092

random people that i meet
the clubs i go aint gay and they dont have club photogafers
mostly girls sometimes dudes

>> No.12580104

Good clubs have photographers. You just shot yourself in the foot bud. Have fun with your bullshit story.

>> No.12580115

But you'll let strangers at clubs take pictures of you? And I bet you're already on social media too so what's the big deal.

>> No.12581146


>> No.12581475

Sounds pretty like a pretty good deal actually

>> No.12581479

how do you know that you're actually good looking? I might be in the same boat but I guess I'd know if I were attractive

>> No.12581485
File: 29 KB, 366x500, HNNNGGGG .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worshipping a plastic sand whore with a collapsing nasal bridge

>> No.12581487

lol im gonna use this

>> No.12581493

I was homeschooled until I was 15, first gf at 16, for 2 yrs, 2nd girlfriend at 19, for 2 years, 3rd gf at 21 for almost two years and lost my virginity then. Even homeschooled and completely autistic with social shit, I still figured it out. It's not about your personality, it's just learning to handle rejection and not making every "no" mean something about who you are. There are billions of girls in the world, and most of them don't want to have sex with you, get over it. Just keep trying, keep taking rejection and eventually some will come along. I've been single a collective 12 months since I was 16 and I used to wear bow ties everyday and go to church 12-15 hours a week and each one of my girlfriends went to different public schools, universities and they were still dtf. I'm not 10/10, but I'm pretty, exotic, gorgeous, thrasher model, cute, muscular etc in some of their eyes. Just like u faggots sit around judging people's looks all day on the internet, women do the same thing, you get judge every step you take. Some of it will be good, most of it will be bad. Just grow a thicker skin. L

>> No.12581556


>> No.12581644

5'10", 140lbs, skinny-skinnyfat

>> No.12581658


Is this a regional thing? In scandinavia it's the opposite in my experience, I very rarely take the initiative to hit on people but I still sleep with like at least one girl every week.

>> No.12581669

The US still has a pretty classical puritan, Quaker, catholic root in the culture. Europeans are much more forward in my experience. If a girl talked to me first, I'd think she was probably weird or crazy here. That's general the rule of thumb. There are a lot of subtle societal expectations still on how women should behave around here. Even on the east coast so close to D.C.

>> No.12581686


Huh, that sounds extremely boring. I'm the biggest skank of everyone I know but sounds like that would be completely different in the US. The more you know!

>> No.12581718

Im normal i guess but my dad when he was in high school heard some girl say
>ugly people are ugly on the inside as well
And hearing this when i was young made me want never call somone that, it is literaly just cruel with no reasoning and honestly have no hatred towards anyone for how they look

>> No.12581756

Being attractive is very subjective
I've been told that I'm "Good looking" but I've also been rated a 3 on numerous occasions
Idk maybe just pedo girls like because I look 15 or maybe I'm just ugly and those girls have terrible taste

>> No.12581762


>> No.12581763

you are all uggos in denial

>> No.12581954


>> No.12582066

You don't have to be good looking as a guy. Women love money/ lies/ eloquence.
If you are a girl dress good/ tatts/ piercings etc... or if you got the cash a surgery.

>> No.12582110

Cute as fuck tbqh

>> No.12582184

Women only seem to approach me only in a bar/party environment, and that's only when I make eye contact with them. They're usually slightly intoxicated too. It's like encountering a pokemon trainer in real life.

>tfw women don't approach me in general public though
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.12582372

Every "no" is 100% about who you are, though.

>> No.12582380

Are you this retarded?