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File: 77 KB, 584x795, IMG_4902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12576127 No.12576127 [Reply] [Original]

Goodnight sweet prince
How long until Barrett is bald

>> No.12576428

Surely he will overdose on fin before he lets himself go bald

>> No.12576487

what in the world is going on with that nigga's scalp?

>> No.12576493

ugly male here, anyone else feel a bit better about themselves looking at this picture?

that racist douchebag is gonna get rekt

>> No.12576541
File: 2.59 MB, 2403x3600, BFA_11536_1409521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not looking good

>> No.12576546

In what way is he racist? Pretty sure he's fairly left-wing anti-Trump etc etc

>> No.12576547

I wonder what it feels like to be a perfect 10 male model on top of the world like that, and then to start losing your hair at the age of 20.

If he doesn't get hair plugs he'll be fucked. Even if he does it's just delaying the inevitable.

>> No.12576549


>> No.12576561

Isn't he australian

>> No.12576564

it was a joke. Yeah he is.

>> No.12576571

how does he conceal it
thats crazy

>> No.12576584

Left wing and anti Trump aren't good traits.

>> No.12576610

Christ, that looks terrible, poor guy.
I hope he'll be able to get a transplant or something

>> No.12576618

I'm right wing and anti-Islamic but still unsure how the guy is racist
Keen to know though because according to people I know who he went to school with he was a fuckhead

>> No.12576645

I just looked on google images of his most recent photos and none of them look like he is balding to me at all.

>> No.12576682

yeah i think something else is going on in the OP pic, it would in general be super weird to start balding from that area first

>> No.12576709

That is a recent photo and his dad is bald. Certainly possible

>> No.12576732

Yeah, you tell em Sieg!

>> No.12576767
File: 108 KB, 634x951, IMG_0983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from May and it doesn't look like that. The loss in the OP looks off to me.

>> No.12576807

who is this?

>> No.12576819

My dad

>> No.12576827
File: 83 KB, 639x606, IMG_3318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking Jordan Kale Barrett, male model with almos perfect face features.

>> No.12576830

Weird lookin eyes. If I didn't know australian, I'd guess finnish or slavic.

>> No.12576844
File: 76 KB, 640x682, IMG_3431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are aesthetic eyes, sign of good ortibal rim development aka good genes = attractive, most models have these eyes, unlike average buggy eyes.

>> No.12576847

Why all models have perfect teeth?

>> No.12576890

You don't get to be a model without good teeth.

>> No.12576922
File: 3.97 MB, 320x216, 1450216608522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bc theyre models mayb?????

>> No.12576928

Many models have snaggled teeth, especially the women.

>> No.12576931

as a Finn I can't say I've ever seen this type of eye structure in a fellow Finn. Epicanthic fold occurs in about 2% of the Finnish population though, and looks a lot different than that, (see asians for reference).

>> No.12576941

goofy ears tho

>> No.12577019
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>> No.12577020


but they never get them fixed since it might interfere with their facial structure

>> No.12577215

If you cant see the obvious comb-over in this pic then you're very slow

>> No.12577324

Mongolians are notable forefathers of finns so i could see it being tru

>> No.12577330

you're such a cliche

>> No.12577340

if models are so pretty then why does it matter if they dont have full hair to frame their face / hide their scalp?

or is it that it's all smoke and mirrors

>> No.12577351

I was blinded by his immaculate face

>> No.12577397


hes looking good to me

>> No.12577406

Concealed by good styling. The corners are thinning/receding tho. I hadn't noticed until now.

>> No.12577415

couldnt there have been some skinny chick with this guy in the video, this is boring to watch with her

also all this guy does is prance around borderline mindlessly

>> No.12577460

Balding aside he's a weird looking guy desu.

>> No.12577475
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>> No.12577580

Realistically, what do you think he should he do?

>> No.12577599

you must be slow if you don't know Jordan Barrett is

obviously a normie that doesnt pay any shits to the fashion world

>> No.12577602


>> No.12577671

what the fuck? is this photoshopped?

>> No.12577677

I think he's past gone for a buzz based off >>12576541 He needs full shave. But his career is probably over at that point. Its impossible for models to look youthful bald.

>> No.12577680

buzz it then hair transplant
use powder that cover it

>> No.12577747

Gums can be pushed up?

>> No.12577779

pushing the gums up would be very stupid, what you want to to is shorten the bone above it so just less of it shows

>> No.12577780

How is it possible to go bald at such a young age? Poor guy.

>> No.12577789

lol tons of guy here are 20 and looks like that, he is also like 25 not 20

>> No.12577807

Because full hair to frame their face / hide their scalp contributes to making them as beautiful as they are.

>> No.12577833

why does he lie about his age

>> No.12577839
File: 299 KB, 429x646, bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an absolutely revolting sight to see

>> No.12577846

because he is a model

>> No.12577870

Thankyou baldchan

>> No.12577871

B-buh-but just shave it bro! Girls totally dig bald guys! The Rock is bald!

>> No.12577885

Source? That he is actually 25?

I looked but couldn't find anything

>> No.12577893
File: 113 KB, 597x598, jordx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea right

this is him a few years ago.

>> No.12577898

No, he's not. Born in 1996.

>> No.12577933

Stop coping, hes 20

>> No.12577941

Because he's white and has a healthy self esteem

>> No.12577953

It really doesn't matter he's got people around him that won't let him go bald as he is their investment

He'll get transplants and be fine. Only poor people have to worry about going bald

>> No.12577954


>> No.12577957

yeah but the rock isnt white
all bald white people look the same
alien looking mf

>> No.12577960

I'm 24 and I'm balding in the same way
It doesn't bother me anymore

>> No.12577972

I'm 24 an balding in the same way. I wanna kms.

>> No.12577975

lol pussy

>> No.12577985

Eh. I got literally nothing else going right for me though. Hair loss at least is just natures way of making me look like the loser I am.

>> No.12577989
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>> No.12577997
File: 21 KB, 351x450, $.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



also this is barrett in 2011

cmon man

>> No.12578001

>thinking this is real

>> No.12578020

lmao he looks like carrot top.

>> No.12578073

I'm sure his bank account will console him

>> No.12578087

Hey, he got to have it for a little while, which is more than can be said of any of us.

>> No.12578114

he'd be twice as aesthetic if he was right wing, autistic and fat like u, sieg

>> No.12578115

the candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long

>> No.12578159

You don't know the shape of his skull and if he showed himself in public he'd be darker

>> No.12578170

What's the point of being a 10 if you're only seen with 6's?

>> No.12578179
File: 108 KB, 750x744, IMG_8656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I have similar messed up ribs

>> No.12578229

Lamo fagt.

>> No.12578231

Mine look like that. I didn't know it was abnormal?

>> No.12578304

holy shit what the fuck happend to him?

>> No.12578408


>> No.12578425

Lol relax, you probably just found /fa/ within the last year. This dude is Luka Sabbat tier, only "famous" through the internet

>> No.12578663


>> No.12578664

>only famous through the internet
That would mean something if it was 1992

>> No.12578683

He's probably just not eating enough to get his nutrients, unhealthy lifestyle etc.

>> No.12578684

He would eat the best food possible especially compared to most 20 year olds (who aren't usually this bald) and have a stress free life.
The boy has shit hair genetics but his money will save him with surgery

>> No.12578880

probably a fucked up scalp problem or something it looks way too weird to be alopecia

>> No.12578882

ready to defend your prince, he's going to look so fucking stupid regardless

>> No.12578885

im pretty sure jordan eats cocaine for breakfast

>> No.12578991

Nah, I follow him on insta and snap(no homo). Dude is always eating a fuck load of berries and other fruits. cocaine too no doubt

>> No.12579034

Man this board is beyond salvation...

>> No.12579816

t. fellow finn
He looks like an anglo to me desu

>> No.12579855

He looks like max verstappen