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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 627x675, %0AASOSOxfordShoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12573295 No.12573295 [Reply] [Original]

Its pretty hard to find vegan clothing that doesn't look like shit. Post your /fa/ vegan finds to help your fellow moral-fags.

>> No.12573443

MATT & NAT for bags

>> No.12573468

the fuck do u mean vegan clothes

are u talkin bout like non-slave shit

>> No.12573483

Non-animal derived.

No leather, no wool that kind of thing.

>> No.12573535

Comme des garcons developed polyester fabrics in the early-mid 00s and continue to improve on them today, mostly as a cost cutting tactic but, a shit ton of pieces apart from reis womens mainline are polyester or a synthetic fabric

You're still a massive faggot op

>> No.12573543

I'm pretty sure Faux leather is made out of plastic and that's fucking everywhere.

>> No.12573560

So you don't give a fuck about the child slaves who make it?

>> No.12573568


>> No.12574043
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>tfw u realise that every product is made under unethical conditions,wage slavery due to the systematic exploitation of labour

>> No.12574047

Why the fuck would you not wear wool

>> No.12574113

>people being paid proportionally to their value creation is slavery
Wew lad

>> No.12574119

you are enslaved the moment you are born

>> No.12574125

But I'm not black

>> No.12574138

Friendly bump.

I'm on the lookout for higher tier dress shoes that last 10 to 15 years and are resoleable.

>> No.12574142

Bravegentleman is one of the few vegan clothing companies that doesn't look like total shit. Their 'leather' still feels like plastic though, but thats par for the course with vegan shoes.
Alternately, have you thought about shopping second hand to placate your moral-faggotry? Its more sustainable, and doesn't benefit companies using animal products in their manufacturing.

>> No.12574146

Has veganism gone too far?
Yes it has

>> No.12574148

Different anon. 80% of my shoes are second hand leather, and at this point, it feels more like an excuse or a handy backdoor to still access leather - and not like an exception

>> No.12574251
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if people were then how would business owners ever make any money, they have to make sure they pay workers a fraction of what value they actually make, if they paid them the full labour value created by the worker there would be no money left over for the boss to profit.

also fashion

>> No.12574252

op get off ur high horse because that exploits animal labor too

>> No.12574322

Then start your own business if it triggers you so hard. If labor is so underpriced according to you, surely you'll have no problem becoming profitable.

>> No.12574326


>> No.12574327

Vegan leather is a dumb idea because let's say it looks good: you are promoting the look of leather every time you put it on. Someone will see that and go "Hmm I think I'll cop some shoes/belt/whatever that looks like that"
They won't know it's vegan, they'll almost certainly cop the animal product.

>> No.12574344
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baka if only all those damn african peasants, chinese child slaves and global porr working class people just got some entrepreneurship then the world would be peaceful n poverty free smdh :( :( :(

>> No.12574345

>people being paid proportionally to their value creation


Read Marx. Or at least read the Wikipedia page on the labor value theory

>> No.12574360

Yes, that's actually how it works. Obviously you've never met a Chinese or Vietnamese immigrant. Keep whining though, I'm sure that will increase the value of your labor.

>> No.12574362

Any pointers on vegan high top sneakers?

I'm stuck on Shoes like Pottery and Ramones right now, first one being too flimsy (sole tear at the stress point just like converse) and Ramones are way too bulky in the toe caps.

>> No.12574728

Also, friend of mine is looking for animal friendly motorbike jackets

>> No.12574736

Congratulations, you now understand capitalism. Enjoy never receiving the true value of your labor in return for it!

>> No.12574739

dont think ramones are vegan even if theyre labelled as such. they use glue on the sole or something

>> No.12574751

only vegan options for motorcycle jackets are synthetic textiles like cordura and kevlar. most textiles should be "animal friendly" on some level, so the only thing to watch for is leather zipper pulls etc. every manufacturer does textile jackets, so it's hard to get any more specific than that without knowing how or what he's riding. dainese and alpinestars have options to fit most niches though. rukka and klim also produce some far more technical textile jackets.

if your friend ever wants to get onto a track he should buy a leather suit second hand though.

>> No.12574754

>a worker is the only overhead a boss has to worry about

>> No.12574755

>unironically suggesting reading a wikipedia page to understand labour theory

Communists are actually subhuman

>> No.12574760

Ugh right. It's kinda baffling, where there are animal products where you'd not expect any.

>> No.12574769

>he is a capitalist not out of greed but stupidity

>> No.12574827

why would you not wear wool
it's not like you kill a sheep to use its wool
how is it any different than picking cotton from a cotton plant

>> No.12574890

>100 million deaths
>not enough

>> No.12574920

rombaut is a vegan high fashion brand

>> No.12574934


>> No.12574968

Why not wool? Sheep exist primarily for its production, otherwise there would be no reason to have them, and wool from animals in Australia/New Zealand is usually harvested very responsibly and the animals appreciate it.

>> No.12574970

Look up wool animal cruelty

>> No.12574976




>> No.12574978


>Read marx

This isn't Plebbit nor /co/, get out

>> No.12574979

That mostly happens with wool from 3rd world countries, the US and Australia and wool used for cheap brands/luxury brands that manufacture in China/India.

Buy your wool goods sourced from New Zealand and manufactured in the 1st world and you should be safe. New Zealand has banned the shearing techniques that are cruel to the animals.

>> No.12574981

>it wasn't brutal dictators who killed people, it was an ideology


>> No.12574982

honestly you just want to virtue signal vegan-ism to get liberal pussy right?

why not just wear animal products and claim it's began nobody is going to check.

just like every vegan eats in-n-out when alone

>> No.12574985

>not a part of the ideology
N-next time it will surely work!

>> No.12575070

"Let the people starve to death by the millions"
-Karl Marx 1337

>> No.12575084

Any nation that doesn't offer their workers basic human rights, or creates an environment which makes it increasingly difficult for the lowly worker to increase their family's social mobility, isn't practicing in laissez-faire capitalism--but of slavery. Individual freedom is the main tenant of capitalism. Freedom & productivity, together, both lead to social mobility; which in turn, leads to greater social equality in societies which have very little social equality.

What are you good at? Someone at your same intelligence level, who couldn't receive the same quality of education as you due to a government which values control over freedom, is probably slaving away in a Chinese Foxconn factory somewhere. You would more than likely be in the same position as them if you were born where they were.

Many of these workers know that they were dealt a shitty hand, and so they just want to off themselves by plunging out of a window. However, they can't because Foxconn built a net around their building to stop them; not because they actually care about their workers, but because of the PR nightmare & productivity problem it created.

To not understand the ethical dilemma nations like China & certain third-world countries have created in regards to fostering an environment for unchecked capitalism is ridiculous.

As a true capitalist, you should be encouraging nations like China to adopt policies which value their workers. Yes, in the short-term, prices on certain goods & services would inevitably rise; however, over the mid & long-term, you'd force companies to find ways to make their products cheaper, and along with necessary government regulations, create a catalyst for greater social equality.

In other words, you'd speed up the process of automation and the adoption rate of things like a living wage. That means many of you would actually be able to purchase the designer items that you want.

tl;dr: Your comment is ill thought out & childish.

>> No.12575100

Imagine that these nips are so uncreative they literally can't even think of a different way to kill themselves. No wonder they can't succeed.

>> No.12575165

Well, they could probably spur more creativity in their suicide if they were given more freedom & choice by their country.

>> No.12575196


>> No.12575455

this guy is a fag
+1 for being educated
Please read a book about economics you fucking reprobate socialists

>> No.12575482

You can't be effay as vegan, that's it.
Also why not get second-hand? It's better and more animal-firendly than support "vegan" brands that kill nature even more with their plastic.

>> No.12575520

cucks shouldn't wear leather or wool, get away from our fabrics and stop trying to recreate the looks.

>> No.12575536
File: 27 KB, 600x600, received_1168681963170293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with this? I used to always see threads or posts about vegan clothing and people were genuinely helpful. Where's all this hostility coming from?

>> No.12575553

Vegans = obnoxious faggots

>> No.12575556

someone is mad :)

vegans are superior to hear eaters


>> No.12575564


>> No.12575637


>> No.12575644

>Read Marx

Don't need to, all I have to do is look around. There are winners and there are losers. If I want to be a winner I'm going to have to be of use to other people.

That's just how the world works sonny. Can't be a useless anime watching faggot forever.

>> No.12575648

Sheep need to be shaved you dumb cuck.

>> No.12576146

>calls someone a faggot on 4chan

holy fuck gb2reddit

>> No.12576219
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just ignoring the autism that you won't wear leather goods, why in the fuck do you have a problem with wool? Sheep literally need to be shaved.

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.12576222
File: 129 KB, 277x315, 1490475814377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly who fucking cares? you're literally delusional. the mental psychee of the left is absurd.

this is why trump won.

>> No.12576233

If sheep need to be shaved, they should do it themselves instead of making humans do it. Fucking lazy bastards.

>> No.12576580
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 18920391_1586363474707697_5923944968117437626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks marx's works are not primarily economic focused
retard alert, read a book faggot

>> No.12576583

Shoes like Pottery are probably the best 'vegan' shoe I can recommend. Mine have held up well for about a year. I use waterproofing spray on them to make them easier to clean etc.

>> No.12576586
File: 87 KB, 678x678, spongebobicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pLEaSe ReaD a BoOK AbOUt ECoNOmICs yOu fUCkiNg rEProBaTe soCiaLIsTs

>> No.12576594

Lol don't mention veganism here. People's average small brain will convince them animal cruelty is ok and the torture products derived from it are still relevant and our "luxury". Vegan ramones are sick.

>> No.12576627
File: 124 KB, 968x1296, bOUHSV0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda worried about the sole tear at the crease point. Shoes with stiched margom cup soles seem to promise much more durability, but don't exist in vegan, as far as I've searched.

PS: Even all Y3 meme sneakers have leather lining.

>> No.12576638

Don't know where you're from, but here in the UK I scour mandmdirect.com for vegan shoes, although synthetic/textile uppers is no indication of animal-free glue which is apparently common.

I once bought a pair of synthetic brown wingtip brogues for going out. They look classy as fuck.

Remember Gary Yourofsky said something about 50% of Nike trainers being vegan.

>> No.12576665

>Vegan Ramones
>Vegan in any way
You were tricked by Ricky. Read materials again, leather zipper and glue.
As again vegans are easiest group to trick.

>> No.12576745

>le free market is PERFECT because le invisible hand is going to take care of everything

>> No.12576785

good luck existing at all in the developed world living free of animal products. it's literally impossible and you're only vegan by a self-application of title and not truly in practice.

>> No.12576831
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no. and them taking the jobs shows that they would rather have the jobs than otherwise. capitalism is what lifts people out of poverty.

i'm looking for some regular black oxford like dress shoes. i think my best option as far as i can tell is the vegan doc martin shoes.

vegan means to reduce animal suffering as much as is reasonable.

read Mises and Rothbard. labor value theory is wrong. actually for those interested i'd start with economics in one lesson by haslit

those immigrants are better off with their option of employment vs without having the option.

i like the flyknit chuck 2 white high tops

but you need brutal dictators in order to steal capital equipment so that you can enforce your violent ideas

the free market/capitalism (unmolested trade) is optimal for creating wealth for everyone

"i want to reduce animal suffering"

>> No.12576900



Seriously, get Out.

>> No.12576906

anyone got recs for something similar to vegan ramones? i like the look of them very much. literally don't give a shit that they are labeled "vegan" or whatever other bullshit you guys are talking about. Just want some cool hightop sneakers that aren't converse desu

>> No.12576924

It's funny because the obnoxious ones in this thread aren't the vegans

>> No.12576944

i mean do you?

>> No.12576946

I'm not wearing fake leather for other people, I'm wearing it because I like the look but don't like the idea of wearing dead animal skin. I don't give a fuck if other people think it's real

>> No.12576959
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We do it so they don't become overheated in the summer, you cuck. We are saving their lives and recycling their woolen fleece in the process.
Get cucked, cuck.

>> No.12576974

Liberalism is a brain disease

>> No.12576999

It's a pretty good tradeoff for having a near-unlimited selection of products and the ability to spend my money on whatever the fuck I want. I probably deserve more money than what I make, but at least I'm not some rice farmer who works only for the good of the nation. And at least I get to keep the majority of my paycheck.

>> No.12577002

are you retarded?

>> No.12577896

Only recently I also came to pay attention to vegan detergents and shampoos and soaps and tooth paste.

Would that go into this thread as well? Currently using some handmade shampoo bars and jelly soap, still looking for toothpaste and detergents for my clothes.

>> No.12577927
File: 451 KB, 1272x1064, IMG_3992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow vegan here. Honestly the ugly clothes are the hardest thing about being vegan. Especially shoes. Doc martens make a nice pair of vegan boots thouhg

>> No.12578007

its such a hard choice, have a job or starve, wow such a tough one, i am glad i have the freedom to choose between these two distinct options :)

>> No.12578012

i like those boots where i can find em

>> No.12578484


>> No.12578495

Tfw I wear visvim but I only eat plant foods. What would classify me

>> No.12578760

On a plant-based diet