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/fa/ - Fashion

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12562431 No.12562431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fighting the mods edition!

Come join the official unofficial chat of /fa/!

Rizon webchat:

KiwiIRC webchat:

>> No.12562437

>Fighting the mods edition!
what mods?

>> No.12562440
File: 166 KB, 895x458, Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 5.47.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seriously going to warn me and nuke my old thread for advertising a *free* IRC channel related to the board?

There are much worse shills on this board. Just this week there were 4 or 5 Shoes Like Pottery spam threads at once. Why delete my thread? At least you're doing a good job at keeping away the "is ___ effay?" threads, haven't seen those in a bit.

Looks like I'm getting bant, join and talk to me in IRC.

>> No.12562446
File: 11 KB, 439x439, 1489759507574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I'm bant I'll attach this again. And without further ado our resident IRC brit-teen Morpho can post his zany inspo again!

>> No.12562450

You better have started lifting

>> No.12562456

STHLM-san! Yes, well technically. I am about to go do my nightly pull-up routine. Should we just merge with the discord fuccbois and admit defeat?

List of RIP users:

>> No.12562461

>merge with the discord fuccbois
Or you could create a new server without the fuccbois.

>> No.12562491

thought you were adrift, lol
but... great! I can really recc doing some dips to work on triceps/shoulders/pecs, too.

as for the irc: populating it without letting people know about it on /fa/ is hard. there are, of course, more covert ways of spreading the word than making threads. but for a long time, it hasn't really seemed like there is any real interest for irc on /fa/.

so maybe a discord would be more realistic for the yung crowd.

as for threads being removed, we may simply have a new jani.
having more fashion-related content in the thread, and a more detailed description, sometimes help.

>> No.12562508
File: 30 KB, 638x426, 1498220141796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there a lot of fuccbois on the discord?

>> No.12562513

might as well

>> No.12562733

theres a discord?

>> No.12563115

WOLO, don't you dare to make a discord.

>> No.12563781

the irc has helped me with things. thanks.

>> No.12563812
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>> No.12563813
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>> No.12563829
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>> No.12563835
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>> No.12563839
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>> No.12563910
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>> No.12563920
File: 690 KB, 1268x1920, tumblr_opvd0f7OGf1qaqv3ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]