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12545245 No.12545245 [Reply] [Original]

w2c traditional goth gf?

>> No.12545253
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Siouxsie & the Bashees concert?

>> No.12545291
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i wish they were still around

but honestly traditional goth is pretty dead currently, seems like there's more punks, psychobillys, tattoo-emos & rap ""goths"" like GBC

or the tinder "emo" girls who unironically listen to 'avenged sevenfold' etc

i can only name like 5 good current post-punk or goth rock bands so it kind of makes sense

i totally relate to this sentiment

what band gigs are the best place to meet girls who aren't just daddy issue clusterfucks because that seems to be the type i attract and it is not a positive experience

>> No.12545298
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I've been dressing in a post-punk/early goth influenced style for years, and I haven't come across a single trad goth girl to cop yet.

>> No.12545300

post fit desu

>> No.12545303

this image has always been the definition of "goth" to me. It's like a little bible. Theres a few goth dance nights and groups here in LA but youll find most goths already have a significant other.

>> No.12545305


>daddy issue clusterfucks

Good luck, they all tend to be like that unfortunately. Sad that post-punk is a dying thing. I remember going to a Peter Murphy show with my first proper girlfriend (total goth). I think he was promoting his Dust album if - must've been like 2003. She had issues too, just as you mentioned. I remember waking up to her cutting her arm with one of my shaving razors.

>> No.12545326
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Try goth nights at your local bar or FetLife. A shit ton hangout on there.

>Also seeking help myself
I'm a broader built guy. Not fat but bearmode with broad shoulders at 6'1.
I'm looking to upgrade my goth wardrobe but have no idea what to buy since I mainly just wear black dress shirts/tees/pants etc. What would be some good items to get given my build?

>> No.12545334

some bright jewelry should be nice

>> No.12545383

cutting is just a way to release endorphin when you don't feel like masturbating, it's no big deal

>> No.12545384

defo some black milsurp

>> No.12545394

seconding the goth night thing. I have multiple around me, and I live in the middle of nowhere, so I'm sure there's one near you

>> No.12545395

im curious, where at?

>> No.12545411

So they dress like that because they are sad about not having boobs?

>> No.12545413

A few people said red and gold look pretty good on me.

>> No.12545531
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No, they dress like that because it's fun
Trad goths don't really have a clear ethos beyond their fascination for dark romanticism.

It's more about glamorizing/dispaying macabre themes than about embodying them on a personal level. At most there's the general idea that doing hard drugs is a cool way to be self-destructive, but it's not an ethical obligation and it's not specifically goth.

>> No.12545595
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>> No.12545605

Fuck, these guys are from my city

>> No.12545607
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black and white =/= goth

>> No.12545608



>> No.12545609

>house beats
more like niggoth

>> No.12545613

and these wiggers aren't goth. They look like they're about to attend a hardtek festival in the winter.

>> No.12545615



>> No.12545620

> posts a bunch of chavs
> calls them goths
> gets mad when people point out that they're chavs

>> No.12545625



>> No.12545626

Speaking of "ignorant", even Michae Jackson looked more goth than those hippity-hop ghetto wesh wesh wannabe gangsta kids.

>> No.12545628

Only eighties goth is real goth.
Mall-goth, emo, Marilyn Manson-core, health goth, nu-goth, street goth and stuff like that is not goth.

>> No.12545632


>> No.12545655
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>> No.12545722
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Seems to me that you're confusing goth and hipster, little man.

goth is macabre romanticism, not just rebelliousness

Even if you were correct, those kids aren't rebellious in the least: they dress like they're gonna go jogging.

how is a jogger "expressing his rebellious worldview"? How does jogging count as "saturnine behavior"? How does "health" count as "saturnine"?
Also they all look like each other. They're trend-hoppers, not rebels.

>> No.12545725

No he's not.

He's defined by Robert Smith's hairstyle.

>> No.12545894

>take photo of random normal 80s girl
>desaturate in photoshop
>now its goth
I dig the OP image

>> No.12545916

they're out of production due to lack of interest.

>> No.12546060
File: 124 KB, 900x1233, tumblr_nczi6yW8eS1tn7syio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in LA

Any recommendations? Haven't went to any here

>goth is macabre romanticism, not just rebelliousness

good description. also annoys me when people expect goth to be somber and depressed but like i'm pretty happy and generally not depressive and it doesn't mean i'm not a real goth or w/e hahaha

>> No.12546073

Can I build one from scratch?

>> No.12546095

bordners blue mondays

>> No.12546170
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I got you dude. look up some of these groups on facebook, that's how I make my events: Perversion, Helter Skelter, Blue mondays, release the bats, batcave hollywood, coven 13

>> No.12546183
File: 897 KB, 956x1216, tumblr_n0m0 pggn8E1tsspr6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this goth?

>> No.12546384


>> No.12546504
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side note, i'm 19 and asexual

maybe i'll get a fake ID but not sure clubs are the best situation

either way appreciate the recommendations i'll drop by them when i can thanks!

>> No.12546520
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Sometimes they let under 21 in - you just can't drink. Otherwise a fake is a good option.

>> No.12546523

some events are 18+

>> No.12546537
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Didn't know, I'll keep my eyes peeled, thanks

>> No.12546578
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Who else here /driving dead/?
>Pic related, it's my baby.

>> No.12546580

how does one get this job?

>> No.12546600

I'm not an undertaker, I just bought a hearse from a funeral home that was going bankrupt. They're incredibly cheap since nobody really wants to drive something that dead people were carried around in.

>> No.12546658
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with low mileage, generally, as well... although the old american V8s don't exactly sip fuel. i'd still love one

i've got an old black mercedes (w201) which is fairly appropriate

>> No.12546665

Um, you're actually agreeing with the tripfag.
Learn to read, my fella.
The other guy is the one saying that if you don't dress and act a certain specific way, basically dressing and acting like a caricature, you're not goth.

>> No.12546685

hows 2014 my man

>> No.12546689

so close

i think the tripfag is the one saying goth is a 'rebellious worldview'

whereas he is just saying

>goth is macabre romanticism, not just rebelliousness

and i'm saying is you don't have to have the angst of a 14 year old girl who just discovered nirvana in order to be a goth

I think you may have missed "Even if you were correct" as the statements which follow that are conditional upon them being correct, which the poster asserts they are not.

>> No.12546696

The other guy os merely refute his own assumption about the tripfag... basically saying "no" to what he himself declared.

You're contradicting yourself. You claim that to be goth it isn't necessary to act like a caricature (to be all angsty all the time), but then you agree with the conformist guy.

I don't think you know what rebelliousness is...

>> No.12546706

I know a few but they're all in their 40s and 50s.

Going by personal experience, most of the goth chicks mid 20s through 30s seem like they either got in on the vampire thing that was big in the '90s through '00s, did fetish, or went cyber instead, though I did know a German girl with a proper deathhawk. Younger and it's mostly hipsters pretending to be goths.

>> No.12546728


My understanding of the argument

>Tripfag : Goth is rebelliousness, and health goth is real goth because it is rebellious
>Other Individual's Response : Goth is not just rebelliousness, rather macabre romanticism, but if it was, health goth is not very rebellious

Maybe it's "conformist" to limit what is or is not goth, but I was agreeing only with the statement that goth can be interpreted as a fascination of macabre works.

>> No.12546730
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posting the og goth waifu

>> No.12546738

It's mostly to do with the music, mate.

>> No.12546742


Yeah, it originated entirely from post-punk/goth rock, and it's that 'dark macabre' image if you will that's associated to it in film, fashion, and other assorted arts.

>> No.12546746

>been into trad goth music, subculture, and fashion for 14 years
>never had any kind of goth girlfriend despite living in a big city and hanging around record shops

Just kill me already.

>> No.12546759

I mean, you're overthinking things. At the end of the day, goth is about listening to mopey music, getting piss drunk on snakebite and black at the pub and wearing lots of black in ways you and your small likeminded group of people think is cool. The difference between actual goths and pseudo goths always comes down to choice in music.

>> No.12546764

>listening to mopey music

Goth music isn't always mopey.

>> No.12546767


or just trying to avoid sounding elitist, that definition is the most broad i could think of

choice in music is a determinant factor in a person being real regardless of subculture - what would you say are your favourite "goth" bands?

>> No.12546768

It's called being facetious.

>> No.12546777

Not a goth actually. I'm way more into industrial and some of the faggier club offshoots of that, though I could definitely listen to the Sisters all day.

>> No.12546783


i quite like power electronics and ebm

still always open to recs

>> No.12546790
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its called glam rock you underage and it belongs in the trash

>> No.12546795
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>> No.12546796

glam rock and goth had comparable aesthetics

>> No.12546810


The biggest similarities is that Bowie profoundly influenced both of them. And aesthetically some might have been similar, but that's way too much of a blanket statement. Bauhaus did not look like the New York Dolls.

>> No.12546833


Healthgoth isn't a fad, chief.

>> No.12546851

That's a pretty wide net. What kind of recs are you after, Nitzer Ebb style oldschool EBM, or Front 242? Power noise like Soman or Noisex? Synthpop? Trance-y shite like everyone was doing when VNV's Futureperfect came out? Also, what level of entry.

>> No.12546852


Glam rock directly influenced goth rock. Bowie was the biggest influence for all of the original goth bands.

>> No.12546860

Bauhaus covered Bowie.

New Romantics were also a huge influence. Compare the hair styles.

>> No.12546861

EBM, fan of Jager 90 and Frontal

Power noise, Ramleh, Genocide Organ

level of entry just whatever's weird and new to me

>> No.12546872
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I really liked the New Romantic period in music. There were some really fun bands - it's a shame it only lasted a few years.

>> No.12546909

I know this is more an /mu/ question but what's the basics to listen to for goth music. It's weird trying to get into the music when I usually listen to stuff like Aesop Rock and DOOM

>> No.12546918

dyed black flecktarn parka, maybe some rick pieces

>> No.12546922

emo night at the echoplex in LA. never been but heard good things
>inb4 goth not emo

>> No.12546928


Emo isn't goth, though, so this suggestion is completely off-topic.

>> No.12546943


dark colors are a safe bet. Take a look at Alexander McQueen's collection from the fall of 2016 for some ideas: http://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/fall-2016-menswear/alexander-mcqueen/slideshow/collection#23

I really associate the look with more of a facial aesthetic. Pale skin, angular features, and sunken in eyes with dark circles from cigarettes and insomnia

>> No.12546947
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>siouxsie and the banshees
>christian death
>the cure
>the damned
>sisters of mercy

>joy division/warsaw/new order
>gang of four
>young marble giants

>iggy pop
>velvet underground

personal recommendations:
>essential logic
>red lorry yellow lorry
>swans of avon
>red temple spirits
>the sound
>henrys dress

probably missed a lot but it's a start

>> No.12546951


Start with some of the U.K. classics like Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, U.K. Decay, Joy Division, etc, and then listen to some of the early U.S. deathrock stuff like Christian Death (with Rozz Williams; avoid post-Rozz Christian Death) and 45 Grave if you want.

>> No.12546953


Also, don't listen to other people, Sisters of Mercy sucks and wasn't even popular within the goth scene at the time.

>> No.12546960

>don't listen to other people
well that's boring and narrow minded
>Sisters of Mercy sucks and wasn't even popular within the goth scene at the time
well they play it everywhere now. Super fun dance music

>> No.12546966


great list, desu

I'd add Echo & the Bunnymen (earlier work), The Chamelons UK, and Peter Murphy's solo stuff. Some of the Dead Can Dance's music had some real gothy undertones too

>> No.12546982

Just throwing some random stuff out there since I tend to skew more melodic than muscles and hate: Pouppee Fabrikk, Calva y Nada, Paranoid, Insekt, old Leaether Strip, Plastic Noise Experience. Klinik, definitely. Maybe old X Marks the Pedwalk. Angstfabrikk is newish but does oldschool EBM.

>> No.12546987

How dare you. It's fun and comforting cheese. You know the DJ's gone for a piss when the extended This Corrosion comes on.

>> No.12546988

>well they play it everywhere now. Super fun dance music

Doesn't change what I said.

>> No.12546996

people clearly enjoy it, so I don't think it's fair to say they suck. That's just an opinion

>> No.12547060

Death is cute cute cute

>> No.12547068


People can enjoy them, that's fine, but they should avoid putting them on lists of goth "essentials." Lists of essential bands should stick to classic staples of the genre.

>> No.12547071

You're going to complain about Sisters of Mercy being on there but not the Cure?

>> No.12547074

Sisters of Mercy are essential. They were very influential, they're a good band that makes good music, and they have a lot of personality. The fact that some early goths weren't into them is pretty much irrelevant.

>> No.12547675

Well there's two Nick Cave concerts next week, you could try to find one there.

>> No.12548564
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>> No.12548571

>massive New Rocks combat boots
>flat hair
not traditional

>> No.12548605

where does one get a raven?

>> No.12548631
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>> No.12548637


>> No.12548640

Imma scruffle her hair

>> No.12549067

has this tripfag ever made a good post?

>> No.12549126
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This is a really weird chart. Including nothing except the s/t debut from Killing Joke would maybe make sense if you wanted to limit the list to the goth-y side of post-punk, but then there's stuff like Talking Heads, which is obviously awesome, but clearly on the far opposite end of the new wave spectrum.

Good goth essentials though, friend. I would add This Mortal Coil. Also Killing Joke's Night Time and Revelations for post-punk. And Coil, which is hard to place in a genre but always deserves a mention.

>> No.12549344

Yeah, he's one of fah's best posters.

>> No.12549423

you people will latch onto anybody who displays the slightest boldness of character

the guy's a basic dickhead

>> No.12549426

Anyone but collectivistic mentally ill persons like strong personalities, but that's not just what makes him a good poster.

>> No.12549683

At least FoM is the darkest Talking Heads album

>> No.12549693
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w2c similar shirts?

>> No.12549698

I think the goth style to a daily life iis a little cringy, at least these days. I also enjoy post punk, batcave and all the close genres, but honestly, I want to stay away from the goth public in my city. They are analogous to the furry groups, but with more black and make up.

I enjoy dressing in minimalist clothing, tho', black 95% of the time. Maybe it is a good way out, maybe not.

>> No.12549700


baby make big cringies in the potty! cringies smelly!

>> No.12549702

Kek english is not my first language, I thought "cringy" could be a word.

>> No.12549705

it's a made-up memeword that only underage youtube-watching faggots use

>> No.12549805


There is no lower form of life than a fucking 4chan grammar Nazi, you sad cunt.

>> No.12549890

good goth brands for men? no steampunk/cyber """"goth""""" bullshit

not really the point of the thread, but i'd rather ask here than make an new thread or ask elsewhere

>> No.12550070
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there's no such thing as a good goth brand

Traditional goths create their own outfits out of regular pieces that, when combined together, along with weird hairstyles/makeup, result in the goth look. The most "intentionally goth" shit they wear is jewelry and band shirts.

Wearing clothes designed specifically for goths is the mark of the mallgoth poser.

>> No.12550088
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Those revival picks, god damn those suck. Also, nothing by the Sound? That's too bad. Could also do with DAF's Alles Ist Gut.