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/fa/ - Fashion

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12535550 No.12535550 [Reply] [Original]

they dont look like criminals, they look more stylish than white guys with tattoos, why is this? i want to get tattoos but i feel like ill look like a criminal (age 22 white boy)

>> No.12535552
File: 73 KB, 604x593, 368cf34e900fdd1324a318483b17c3a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example, looks cool, but bit like a criminal imo

>> No.12535559

It's mainly the context. Black, hispanic or white people (especially in the US) look like criminals because usually hardened criminals have them.

Whereas in places like Japan or Korea have low crime rates and don't have the association with tattoos.

It's also about the rest of your wardrobe. If you look trashy and you have tattoos then of course you're gonna look criminal

>> No.12535563

Tattoos look like shit on everyone.

The mark of the ultimate fashion victim.

>> No.12535568
File: 55 KB, 732x560, aa5b9d6e9bef2fecf7ff5d387bfe62ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're a weab

>> No.12535570

nah lol not a weab, its just i always thought they can pull tattoos off without looking like degenerates (the guys) any female of any nationality looks like garbage with tattoos imo

>> No.12535579

the only people in Japan with tatoos are yakuza (the criminals).

>> No.12535604


/fa/ is one of the few boards on 4chan that are friendly towards asians

meanwhile the rest of the boards like /pol//a/ and /fit/ hate asian people for some reason despite asians producing the anime they watch and the fact that 4chan is based off a japanese imageboard

can anyone explain why?

>> No.12535606

they don't

>> No.12535613

maybe 30 years ago but atm not only criminals have tattos lol

>> No.12535614

Tattoos are ugly

>Asians don't associate tattoos with criminals

You have no idea what you're talking about

It's because Asians make these threads about themselves

>> No.12535617

im not asian lmfao

>> No.12535620

youre on 4chan talking about how much you love asian guys with tats, youre a weab

>> No.12535622

Sure thing mate

>> No.12535631

because of the yakuza connotation

>> No.12535632

hahahaha dont love them but cant really refute what ur saying lol

>> No.12535653

he's got the artfag hair and style. automatically turns tattoos from trashy to "artsy"

>> No.12535674

japan and korea STRONGLY accosiate tattoos with criminals. not sure about korea but in japan we have businesses that will refuse to serve people with tattoos. also, most of the public are opposed to tattoos. pretty sure that tattooing is illegal in korea as well.

>> No.12535701

Just get some artsy tattoos, not guns, skulls e.t.c.

>> No.12535708
File: 56 KB, 519x519, 13181544_135049200235573_1205022321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about yung lean? u think he looks artsy or criminal?

>> No.12535709



>> No.12535711

Tattoo's are heavily associated with criminal activity in Asia wtf are you talking about. I lived in Korea and Japan and yeah there's basic bitch tattoos that don't look gangster but most people associate them with unsavory types of people.

>> No.12535712

he looks autistic I am sorry

>> No.12535716

Not every place is a hivemind. Many people from /pol/ see asians as on par as whites or even better.

>> No.12535772

this is not on an asian. this is yung lean

>> No.12535787

OP is so obviously Asian,, Dude how insecure in yourself do you have to be to make this thread?:(

>> No.12535788

asians probably look snobby/stuck up or inferior to them

asians probably didnt look criminal to westerners because they probably can't imagine these skinny chinks actually causing them harm

>> No.12535910

this is exactly why I hate Trump supporters

>> No.12535925

you are racist. that is the answer.

>> No.12535928

>howcome asians can pull off tattoos better?
They do not. Never get tattoos regardless of your race. Nobody "pulls them off". The guy in the pic you posted, for example, would look way better without that stupid Duchamp tattoo on his neck (and the mustache & earring, for that matter).


>Whereas in places like Japan or Korea have low crime rates and don't have the association with tattoos.
Places like Japan and Korea have an even stronger association with tattoos and crime than the US does. In Japan, for example, you are prohibited from most bathhouses if you have any tattoos at all because of their association with Yakuza.

>It's also about the rest of your wardrobe. If you look trashy and you have tattoos then of course you're gonna look criminal
Regardless of your wardrobe, having tattoos will always make you look more trashy than not having them.

>> No.12535930

Meant to quote.

>> No.12535960


Meh those people saying that are probably Asian people KEK

>> No.12536293

keep telling yourself that

>> No.12536295

Fuck off..Black people look good,it's the subhuman snownigger that look shit

>> No.12536297
File: 131 KB, 600x896, 26ba34f79f3800464a7b9ba458f2097e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12536403

Art style, Composition, proportions right down to what the person is wearing can give off many different looks

>> No.12536796

learn to read

>> No.12536818

looks like he just got out of prison

>> No.12536845

western style tattoos mean you're some punk who wants to be hard. traditional style means you probably sent someone to the hospital at some point in your life

either way idfw tattoos on asians. my whole family would probably disown me if i got one

>> No.12537118

>Whereas in places like Japan or Korea have low crime rates and don't have the association with tattoos.
this is when i knew you were completely talking out of your ass desu

>> No.12537127

Lmao he got covered in tats just to hide the big ass ugly birthmark shit on his head, he's prob a manlet too lmao

>> No.12537131

lolwut, this guy looks like an actual criminal.

>> No.12537285

Nah, and that's why I think that some asians in western countries might be able to pull off tattoos easier. They are simply not viewed as threats, if he was white he'd look like he did heroin, now he looks like he might have skipped class once or twice.

>> No.12537450

/pol/ loves Asians, Japan in particular, probably because they all wish they were living inside Man In The High Castle. Also muh IQ and muh homogeneous culture.

Don't visit /a/.

Haven't noticed any particular biases on /fit/, you see Asians in CBT threads without any racial comments (unlike when one black guy posts and the thread turns into a "do we like /pol/" shitfest).

Sounds like you're an insecure Asian.

>> No.12537493

im not asian, im a white boy. i just always saw asians with tats as less threatening than a white guy with tats,

white guy with tattoos=threatening/hardened
azn with tattoos=stylish

but i see justin bieber with tattoos=

so it must be the fact they dont look threatening

>> No.12537502
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>> No.12537508

Same reason women covered in tattoos don't look threatening feminine features

>> No.12537517
File: 79 KB, 517x336, AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not asian, im a white boy

>> No.12537607

lmao u stupid phaggot im white

>> No.12537643
File: 121 KB, 714x1085, 86e22791b8fe05b6873586f541a634be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty sick