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/fa/ - Fashion

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12531194 No.12531194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I become confident in myself? I hate everything about me.

>> No.12531204

Drop that shit ass attitude you got

>> No.12531207

stop being a little bitch

>> No.12531223

Honestly this OP, just pretend / fake to be positive and happy and confident and listen to some good tunes (personal favs 4 good feels are Kero Kero Bonito & Ondatropica) and cut the fuckin bitch attitude and you'll feel better, its not cool to sulk

>> No.12531225

this is very true
I don't like people like you
this is very helpful

>> No.12531261

I don't know what you're going through but I can tell you how I got more confident. The way I started to feel better about myself is honestly focusing on things that actually matter, while also slightly consciously attempting to fix said you hate about yourself (if you can). I was out of shape and had a ugly ass haircut. I just started focusing on doing better in school and eating better and running.

>> No.12531288

if I had to guess its because you're placing too much value on superficial things like money, status, how you look, etc

you should feel good about your personality, being kind to others, contributing to the betterment of the world in some way

fashion is always an external accessory, it can be a manifestation of your personality (taste) but don't build your whole sense of self around it

>> No.12531341

Old Taoist teaching say: fake it until you make it

I'm paraphrasing of course

>> No.12531388
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I don't know. I myself go through phases of confidence. I feel pretty great until the next failure.

For instance, the past year was pretty good confidence-wise. I got rejected two days ago, and now I'm in the shitter thinking about all my past failures.

So what I would advise is, try to avoid high risk situations to minimize the risk of failures.

>> No.12531628
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>tfw /fa/ is giving better advice than the board dedicated to advice giving

>> No.12531633
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>Take care of your skin
>Dress to go out even if you aren't don't wear pajamas all day
>Lose weight if you need to
>Get out more, go take walks
>Eat healthier, cut soda and junk food
>Drink more water
>Look at clothes and get some stuff you like
>Get enough sleep and get to sleep at a good time
>Get a nice haircut

I dunno, it's generic advice but it's how I still manage. I used to be a mess, I still am a mess. But I'm a slightly less functional mess. I'm not longer a same sweat pants all day every day sleep to the afternoon kind of mess.

I'm still ugly and dumb and awkward and lonely but things just feel a little better. That little is enough.

>> No.12531635 [DELETED] 

Anonymouse bitcoin debitcard!

I found it !


>> No.12531657

>Get out more, go take walks
Better yet, start going to bike trips/running, something that will actually feel something doing it.
You will feel instantly way better.

>> No.12531665

but those things (that you believe to not matter) will end up matter a lot.

>> No.12531708

I just wanna be social again. It was easy in uni. But outside of that it feels impossible to meet people. Like going to a bar or coffee shop or something ends up with me just sitting there for a little, and leaving after a few.

>> No.12531713

fix everything you hate about yourself
become the person you always wanted to be

>> No.12531717

I'm in the same situation anon. Mostly just sit around at home talking to friends over the internet instead of actually going out to meet anybody new.

Meeting people in real life is so much more awkward than it was when I was forced to take be in a class with them.

>> No.12531723

Not op but was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and I've been having chronic pain for a year that feels like my intestines being ripped out and I've been on all types of meds that have ruined my face and causing acne.The first girl I've actually liked has hurt me beyond thought and it still hurts.while I'm turning into a skeleton because eating anything is painful.
I'm not happy but you should try working towards something and be happy about it I have to work a job to pay bills because everyone is leeching off my mom with heart issues
Sorry for the blog post

>> No.12531748

Stop listening to Yung Lean and go outside you damn hippie

>> No.12531868

You're saying to avoid any form of enjoyment just because it carries a risk of being hurt with it.

I haven't really formed my opinion about it yet, but i know it fucking sucks being hurt like that and having to keep trying. I know how you feel anon.

>> No.12531871

this desu

>> No.12531882

for me the big thing was to stop trying to be someone I thought other people would like and start trying to become someone other people would respect. It might seem a silly distinction, but it made all the difference to me. Different people will have different opinions about ones personality and character, but traits that demand respect are pretty universal, and I've found that respect from yourself and others is much more valuable anyway.

>> No.12531993

>shills his music taste
as much as I like your vibe, stop doing this

>> No.12532351

This. You have to take risks. When you take risks you get rewarded greatly but when you get a bad roll, you will get punished greatly. Burn and crash if you have to so you can find what you want in the end. It's the only way to go forward.

>> No.12532821

Stop eating wheat and dairy

>> No.12533229

I stoped after 4 months in when I had to get a new doctor because she never told me that and was neglecting to help me

>> No.12533692

You don't. You can convince yourself as much as you want that things will change, that you're gonna meet someone, that you'll be doing something important in the 5-10 years, that you won't be miserable, but you'll be at home, on a Friday night, playing video games just like you always do.

>> No.12533701
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>Go to the gym
>Inject testosterone
>Stop wearing clothes
>Fuck bitches

There you go anon, life is ez pz.

>> No.12533717


Stop going on 4chan.

It's a breeding ground of cynicism and hatred

>> No.12534156

Eveyone in here keeps telling me to take it, I just don't get how. Like how do I just lie and pretend to myself that I don't give a shit? All I can do is stay wrapped up in how I feel.

>> No.12534169

Lay down, set a 10 min timer, and think of nothing. Stop every thought that pops up until the timer finishes

>> No.12534339

holy fuck is this bait?
thats the worst advice ever

>> No.12534394
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nobody think like this

this attitude is pathetic

>> No.12534425

off-topic for /fa/.
this is a board for fashion and apparel.
see >>>/adv/

>> No.12534432
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Force yourself into a new hobby or an uncomfortable situation. A whole lot of self hate comes from thinking about yourself too hard or never really living life like it should be lived. Without brakes nigga.
If you really hate yourself, then go the next level and become self destructive enough to ignore your shitty thoughts and do something reckless like fuck a fat chick or get into a fight

>> No.12534589

not even memeing, just look down on everyone.. force yourself to think you're superior

everyone else is scum except you, anon

>> No.12534627

This actually works pretty well. Don't end up acting like a jackass towards others though; you want to be confident AND likeable

>> No.12534632

>fake confidence my whole life
>all my friends know me as outgoing, energetic and witty
>still insecure, depressed and easily upset
What am I doing wrong dogs

>> No.12534667
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>sad cus no job and exhausted my over-draft
>all my past jobs have made me feel like shit so I dont really want a job anyway
>only other option is to sit on my ass all day being a wasteman