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/fa/ - Fashion

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12518871 No.12518871 [Reply] [Original]

Where abouts do I have to ride my kangaroo if I want to grab some fair dinkum clothes in south-east Queensland? Gonna go to carindale shopping centre soon, what are their best stores? What are you Aussie anons wearing this winter? Join this thread to ask, reply or just shoot the shit.

>> No.12518913

literally fuck all. nothing is in this country that isnt fast-fashion shite or stuff you already have in america. go to thrift stores instead

>> No.12518921

Not gonna lie, I have a fear of thrift stores. Old people, poor people and once I entered one which had a whole tour group of stinky niggers. Fucking horrific. Can't stand those dusty old death trap stores.

>> No.12518925

online cunt

>> No.12518928

What are some of the best online stores that ship to Australia though? Like I said, the sticky is outdated as fuck.

>> No.12518944

whatever sells the stuff i want really
i buy mostly lemaire, jil sander and marni
ssense, farfetch, matchesfashion, luisaviaroma, suspension point, lncc, voo berlin
some jap sites too
i know ssense usually does free shipping over a certain price when not on sale, not sure about the others
most of the stuff i get is expensive enough to warrant shipping costs tho, might be a bit different if you are buying cheaper things
shops you buy from might be different too if you arent looking for that type of clothing

>> No.12518947

old people have the best clothes. half my wardrobe was my grandfathers and the other half is shit I pick up from rural vinnie's and salvos'.

>> No.12518950

Where the fuck does one buy boots in Australia? Online is mainly Doc Martens and Timberlands, don't have the budget for R.M. Williams -- although I could go with online, what other boots are good? Are blundstone, baxter, redback etc. work boots decent?

>"fear" of old people, poor people, people who have darker skin
what are you afraid of, old, poor, and/or black are not contagious

>> No.12518962
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Looking to by Aussie fem boy Boifu

>> No.12518967


How much you paying?

>> No.12518974

Around 50 bucks. But you get an extra $45 dollars if you let me dress you up in anything I want.
Nothing weird though.

>> No.12519462

Sup Matt, i know it weas you whomst started this thread

>> No.12519789
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Sorry to say, but I'm not Matt. Im sure he is a cool dude if you can confuse me for him though.

>> No.12520727


>> No.12520735

Doesn't brissie have a Uniqlo now? Just do that breh. Then eBay for niche items

>> No.12520839
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God I fucking hate this country.

>> No.12520926

Why. I love it.
Feels good not living in the city. Or around non-whites

>> No.12520935

No shops, terrible weather for /fa/, annoying shithead people. Could make a giant list. Also I hate beaches and love snow. This place just isn't for me. Not sure where you live, but in south east qld there is plenty of city and niggers.

>> No.12520980

Depends where you are theres a few brick & mortar stores opening here and there, at least in Sydney. Theres one store across Chinatown probably catering to most of the Asian new money selling Rick, BBS and the like. Republic Boutique's also another one near hyde park. Then there's supplystore and the like

>> No.12522070

I live an hour away from the beach and an hour away from the snow. I go skiingin winter. Next month actually and to the beach during summer. It's always like 20 degrees here. Tops 30 degrees in summer.

I live in Bowral. Which is an hour away from Sydney. So I got all the shops I need. Not that I ever go in them. Only ever buy online.

>> No.12522845

Need some advice, I'm finally leaving general pants fashion, what the fuck do I buy now?
I don't know about you' guys but I feel like general /fa/ clothing makes you look like a bit of a fuckwit in Australia, plus I just like buying my shit in person desu

>> No.12522979

violent green and Apartment on 105 albert street in brisbane, apart from that i go to thrift stores in west-end/woolloongabba/new farm or uniqlo

>> No.12522986

>once I entered one which had a whole tour group of stinky niggers

The government gives refugees vouchers to buy things in thrift stores.

>> No.12523068

Only bogan cunts shop at Carindale, go to Garden City and be an asian fuccboi instead

>> No.12524488

What is a nice versatile jacket that I can get in Ausland and isn't too hot for our shitty half winters? Also, what is a good brand for casual sweaters and knitwear over here? I need help, gotta stop shopping at Connor.

>> No.12524496


>> No.12524504

>straya cunts
LMAOO, you ""people"" and your ""country"" is just a bunch of white niggers. Just like the white niggers of Alabama or other flyover states.

>> No.12525201

>literally festering with niggers
Oh well at least my population isn't 60% white.

Yes white niggers are pretty common here. Not as common as the bongs and the Californians.

>> No.12525898

they are the low tier anglo subhumans so how can they ever be effay?