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/fa/ - Fashion

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12507210 No.12507210 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else planning on offing themselves once they reach 25?

I mean, by the point you're just old, un-effay, losing your hair, probably alone, working some dead end job, and look weird doing anything fun. Living past that's just pointless suffering.

>> No.12507213
File: 320 KB, 1059x730, banestock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 for me
It's enough to time to experience everything you want to
10 to go

>> No.12507214

27 ya dingus. but you have to do something creative and mediocre to be forever remembered by normies.

>> No.12507224

Oh, boy. What are you, 17?

It is pretty much impossible to even look effay before your mid-20s because up until then you will still look like an immature child playing dress-up.

>> No.12507225

I come to /fa/ for the fashion, but I stay for the mental illness.

>> No.12507228

Really, you only have a five year window between 25-30 at the most. Anytime earlier and you're too self conscious, broke, etc. and anytime earlier and you're too old, settled, etc.

Those that break this pattern are quite rare.

>> No.12507270

>the you 24 and feel the same way
Like everyone my age around me is somehow married and working their dream jobs (or at least in grad school and on track to some loftier goals). Everyone I meet is like 19 or 20 and already on track to something bigger. Ever since I had a bad break up right at the end of college (with a girl everyone thought I would marry) I've been going nowhere.

I'm gonna end up like that washed up, lonely teacher from high school that was a massive joke.

>> No.12507276

I'd say it's more like 22-27 or so. But you're right. Like look at that Alpha M dude. He's like 40 and a fucking joke tring to be fashionable.

>> No.12507338

Jesus Christ /fa/. Just when I thought I couldn't get anymore depressed.

>> No.12507380

dude, you gotta live life to the fullest no matter what. that sounds like a meme but it's true.
28 years old here.

>> No.12507395

you're not gonna do it when you hit 25. because by then you'll have reached full brain maturity and realize how dumb you're being right now.

>> No.12507451

keep in mind that most people are inflating their actual position in life, especially when they're that young

the vast majority of 20 year olds are saddled with crippling debt and already stuck in shitfuck jobs on their way to being replaced in 2 years

>> No.12507465

30 here. 25 is about the time >tfw no gf disappeared for good.
I wish I wanted things badly because that might motivate me to get things done. As it is I am pretty comfortable waiting out the clock. Death will come soon.

>> No.12507476
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Underrated comment

>> No.12507478


I am 27, but look 16. Should I an hero or wait until I look over 25?

>> No.12507487
File: 135 KB, 507x568, feelsgreatman3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: EVERYONE does that when they are young and nobody goes through with it.

>> No.12507491

Eh, I'm considering it more and more seriously as I get older. I've already tried and failed once. Maybe I'll never go through it, but man I want to.

>> No.12507498

You are all mentally retarded lmao

>> No.12507540

Honestly I don't think he's trying to be fashionable, he just dresses with sense

>> No.12507695

>anyone over 25 should kill themselves
>errolson hugh is so fucking cool

why are aesthetic people so bad at thinking?

>> No.12507737


maybe this is why humans weren't supposed to do much besides hunting to survive, because start thinking too much and end up like op

>> No.12508132

Eh, I wish. It It's not just inflating their postions. Most of the people I know are legitimately doing something.

>> No.12508140

If you've never seriously considered killing yourself, you're probably too much of a normie for /fa/.

>> No.12508358

Unless you're a low-t male, it's definitely worth it to keep up your appearance until you're at least 40. Think about it: you're in your 30's, you've got disposable income from your dead end job, you're not in a relationship and you still have the energy to go out and do stuff. You can just go around swooshing vapid 20-somethings at bars because women are attracted to maturity.

>> No.12508505

>because women are attracted to maturity

>> No.12509081

Shit. I'm 25 and this hits way too close to home. Maybe I should got through with it.

>> No.12509112

I just want until I'm 35

Then the 22 years of McDonalds and twice a day energy drinks can take over and off me

>> No.12509117

Don't, faggot. What's the point of dying?

>> No.12509138

It's easier than living? Isn't that enough reason?

>> No.12509220

I don't think I'll be alive by 30, and I'm 18. I've thought that for a long time. I'm surprised others feel similarly to me.

>> No.12509222


>> No.12509239

When I was 19, I didn't think I'd make it to be 30 either.

I'm 26 now...

>> No.12509716

You still got 4 years to go through with I believe in you!

>> No.12509761

women are utter and complete dogshit who can't pick a good bf for the lives of them.

you have a point though. attracting females much younger than you is the best thing to do because they don't have emotional baggage and they are still hot and fertile looking.

washed up 30 year old roasties can go die in a fire.

>> No.12509764 [DELETED] 

i wish you would

>> No.12510122
File: 29 KB, 400x400, oldguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it from an oldfag, being in your forties is the best time for clothes.

>finally got cash to spend
>suits look appropriate on you
>hats, too
>finally get into the cardigan game without looking old because you are actually old
>no more chasing trends and labels
>fucking tweed jackets w/suede elbow patches without looking like a try-hard collegefag

>> No.12510633

Legit question. Why the fuck are you still on 4chan?

>> No.12510649

why the fuck not, this is a fashion board not a sandbox

>> No.12510674
File: 94 KB, 655x805, rawrrr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thinking that age defines you lol..... Are you over 15? Why do you still game or do anything other than go work come home play with kids

>> No.12511656

There's some interesting shit on here.

>> No.12511754

If I haven't started a family by 36 I will end all. There's no point continuing if I failed that hard

>> No.12511776

Was thinking about doing it when I got to 27. But now I got a qt Russian gf who's into fashion and the same music as me, so I'm happy now and not depressed anymore. Life is good now.

>> No.12511780

I'm doing fine, hairline good, good friend group, happy solid relationship. I'm not even very /fa/ anymore. That was fuckin 5 years ago in just here to look after you guys

>> No.12511791

one of my best friends killed himself with potassium cyanide when he was 25 because he felt he had wasted his life, among other things

I really didn't start living until I turned 26. Actually started becoming fashionable at 27.

(prolly gonna kill myself when I hit 30 no worries)

>> No.12511842

>not wanting to become a silver fox

/fa/ is truly full of edgy autists. Men age like wine, embrace it

>> No.12511847

I already planned it. Going to kms at 73, in a French field among rolling hills watching the sunset. Ill enjoy a final meal and then drink a bottle of wine spiked with poison. Final view will be watching stars peak out in the night sky and then falling asleep>>12507213

>> No.12511873

24 here
will top myself when 29
people over 29 have no place in the world.

>> No.12511893

Why? 30 is perfect to pull daddy issue young chicks and unhappy milfs. Early 30s >late 20s.

>> No.12511897

you know youre a worthless piece of shit when you have no reason to live past 25

>> No.12511904

>Legit question. Why the fuck are you still on 4chan?

To that I would say: why do you consider there to be an age limit on who can browse 4chan?
I bet your parents use Facebook, or something, right? Well, do you consider Facebook to have richer, more interesting content and discussion than 4chan does?

I don't think it gets much better than this. You could ask me why I'm not too busy making money, having kids etc. to have time to use 4chan at all. That would be a good and cutting question.

>> No.12511991

>Be under 25

>Spend your time on 4chan

>Call others to commit suicide

KYS underage faggots

>> No.12512003

Not if you're a baldy.

>> No.12512010

Nah man I feel that; I doubt I'll ever seppuku

Just said it to keep up appearances- we're all miserable

>> No.12512015

I'm 19 and thats me

>> No.12512786

Kek, this fucking board sometimes

>> No.12512788


stop crying bitch

>> No.12512839

you sound like such a bitter fucking loser who got rejected too many times.

>> No.12512871

Why are you laughing, you dolt? He's right.

45 y. o. checking in. This anon knows what's up. Life really does begin at 40.

DO NOT settle down too early (unless you're triplevsure she's "the one"). Life gets much easier, including getting hold of quality women.

>> No.12512874

Why not?