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/fa/ - Fashion

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12504964 No.12504964 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ re-usable water bottles? I use a Nalgene, but it's like the Converse of water bottles. Really safe and simple, but not really good looking.

I need to stay hydrated, so I take this with me anytime I go out. I want everything else I carry every day to look good, so why not my water bottle too?

>> No.12504970

metal vacuum canteen
got an llbean hydroflask one myself

>> No.12504979
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>> No.12505014

S'well is the standard in effay bottles

>> No.12505022

Basic bitch tier

>> No.12505030
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I had a glass water bottle like this one, I loved it and then I smashed it at the gym.

>> No.12505031
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these are really cool too

>> No.12505042


>> No.12505047
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, -font-b-2-2L-b-font-Big-Large-Capacity-font-b-Water-b-font-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For true hydration get one of these 2.2 litre jugs.

>> No.12505058

No, that's silly. You don't get more hydrated by carrying around a 2L water bottle like an autist than you would filling up a 1L water bottle twice lmao

>> No.12505073

But if you fill the two litre twice you get 4 litres :^)

>> No.12505083

And I drink 4L a day with a 500ml bottle :)

>> No.12505086

Why'd you smash it?

>> No.12505098



>> No.12505116

Hype, I was going beast mode and needed to let that savage out.

>> No.12505127

Hydro-hoe is literally a meme in my city

>> No.12505181
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I wish I could get this with a black cap.

>> No.12505195

paint it bitch. nail polish or acrylic.

>> No.12505197


>> No.12505239

I knocked it over
this isn't me lmao

>> No.12505386
File: 67 KB, 625x626, 1466432042702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get glass ones like these (or just a voss bottle and remove the branding with a knife) or metal ones like Klean Kanteen, FLSK, Swell; there are also cheaper clones which are pretty much the same but without any branding.

if you are clumsy then put something around it like foam, cloth or medical silicone (these motivational band things work too and can look kinda cool)

I would not recommend plastic bottles even if they are free of BPA and shit like that (there is also some kind of shitty softener in plastic if its not BPA its just something different that fucks with you body). Because even in those the water start to smell and taste bad after some time. Trust me, i tried out a lot of bottles.
Currently just using Voss bottles without branding and switched to a stainless steel shaker for gym.

>> No.12505399

>buy glass bottle
>look like a goof when you drop it and it shatters

>> No.12505460

just buy a fucking water bottle whenever you are thirsty and stop carrying around those autistic sport bottles

>> No.12505463

water starts to smell and taste bad in any container. just pour out the water and air out your bottles at the end of the day

>> No.12505847

You don't need every aspect of your life to be an epicly effay dude. This board seems to think that once you get the most fashionable pencils and the most effay earbuds etc. that their life will suddenly improve 10-fold and they'll become a fashion sex god overnight. Do you know what fashion really is? Being cool. Do you know what being cool is? Not giving a shit. /Rant

Nalgenes are great, they carry a litre, come in enough colours to satisfy anyone and are sturdy as fuck (read as: aren't going to break like a glass one >>12505030).

Swell were heavily shilled online (daily threads on 4chan for weeks), are way too heavy even empty and although they have a nice silhouette it is an awkward shape to pack.

>spending money and wasting plastic every time you're thirsty

>> No.12506223

>being a clumsy retard

No this is bullshit. Especially if the temps are hot, water inside of a plastic container will taste like shit within hours while you could store it for days inside of a glass one.

This. Stop being a turbo autist about such basic things.

>> No.12506233

the only time i carry around big ass water bottles is if im exercising or going on some outdoor excursion, and then i hardly care about style.

but i also like how nalgene looks i guess.

>> No.12507519

>Really safe and simple, but not really good looking.

For a water bottle, that's exactly what you should be looking for. It's fine to make more of a splash with shoes. That makes sense and can make you look more unique. Having a flashy water bottle just makes you look autistic.