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12498493 No.12498493 [Reply] [Original]

I'm drunk right now and sad. I want to look cool but I know it wouldn't change anything. I am so scared of intimacy because I don't think I can care fr another person. Well maybe this should be on /r9k/. Maybe I should start taking xanax, kind of a pussy though

>> No.12498495

I know that novel experiences make like worth living. Expanding yourself and feeling new things. But I just jerk off and stay at home. I think about killing myself a lot. I don't have any will power to do the things I want to do

>> No.12498512

I don't have much advice about how to fix your mundane life besides the obvious fact that no one is going to make you get up off your ass and stop doing nothing but jerk off but definitely stay away from Xanax.

>> No.12498521

Why's that? I have pretty bad anxiety.

>> No.12498528

Shave your head

>> No.12498530

It's addictive and can cause permanent brain damage if abused, which is very easy to do whenever you're depressed.

I'd suggest you buy a journal and just start writing in it.

Just writing in that bitch whenever I was feeling low helped me understand to take a step back, assess that I was wanting to kill myself because I was depressed, and that I was depressed because of a chemical imbalance which was happening within my brain; which stemmed from it attempting to cope with life stressors that it never had to deal with before.

After understanding that I wasn't in total control of my thoughts at times, and that this shit would fix itself eventually in the short-term future, it allowed me to regain enough structure and control in my life so I could set goals again; so I could get my finances straight by finding some work; so I could deal with stressful shit at that job by spending a fucking hour scribbling in it all of the different ways I could've handled a situation that I fucked up on; so I could go back to school and bust my ass finishing the degree I fucked up on earlier in life.

Whatever it is, just start writing about it. Because it's one of the greatest ways to problem solve, which is the key to dealing with stress, and if you don't use it then you lose it.

>> No.12498533

not op but cool post


>> No.12498536

go see a psychiatrist

>> No.12498545

yummm if i say the same thing to a psychologist will i get prescribed xanax? how 2 get prescription pls?

>> No.12498546

I really should. I don't want to worry my parents though.

>> No.12498756

Another random anon

Pretty good summary. I got my life together and im posting from a hostel in europe. Walked away from negative shit in my life and have been living on the road in euorpe with a good friend since march.

Highly reccomend journaling for the same reasons
Its possible to leave 4chan/parents basement

>> No.12498890

Psychologists dont prescribe meds..psychiatrists do. Most don't like prescribing benzos, especially Xanax. You'll probably get something like Buspar. Because you do not need xanax.
And don't lie to doctors, they can always tell.