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File: 84 KB, 720x720, 0e47116c557bfbc5b8e59d7a807fb917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12498477 No.12498477 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, any of you have long hair? And if so how do you keep it nice, I'm growing mine and I want to make sure it looks good

>> No.12498542

I think the nicest it looked for me was when i fekk for the no poo meme for a year. Now i'm back on the shampoo jew though.

Wash it with cold water. Untangle it with your fingers at first and then lightly comb it if your hair is straight. If your hair is curly wavy like mine, again, untangle it with your fingers and then put some kind of oil of your choice on it and then brush it. Afterwards wash it and lightly scrub it on the shower. After shower when your hair is still damp but not soaking apply whatever conditioner you like to use. That's it. Everything else is genes.

But seriously, try no poo for a while. Just scrub your hair daily on the shower, no products, just basically massage your scalp everyday. It will be very oily at first but it gets better.

>> No.12498549

>It will be very oily at first but it gets better
This. My oil level stabilized after about a week of no poo. It was a rough week though.

>> No.12498555

I go to the beach almost every day, shower with water every day or other day, condition it or maaaayyybbee shampoo it once a week. The less intervention the better

>> No.12498556

what i did was i just used less and less shampoo until i was using almost none.

>> No.12498645

I just make sure to shampoo + condition it before brushing / blowdrying and using keratine oil. otherwise when I'm sitting around home it looks like shit.

Always good getting comments from girls saying they're jealous of my hair though

>> No.12498658
File: 254 KB, 1090x920, 14712518_10157619657460230_389413210028603038_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good understanding of your hairtype is essential. I'm lucky enough to have fairly standard hair so I get off easy.

A good shampoo and strong conditioner are a must. Theres a ton on the market all promising various shit but after trying a few get one which suits your hair type the most. People over complicate this far too much. Most hair care for long hair happens after shampoo and conditioning.
Masks helps but a good oil works wonders.

I only blow dry mine about one a month. The rest of the time I towel dry it and then let it dry naturally tied up. I dont mind it wavy because of it.

No fucking straightening.

If you ever tie it up; never go too tight.

Britfag here so my shampoos & conds cost approx between £8 -£15 each.

>> No.12498696

One more thing that the other posts didn't mention: get a trim if you notice split ends (that shouldn't be an issue tho if you don't murder your hair with heat on daily basis)

>> No.12498799

do you know how to make a decent manbun with hair like in your pic?

>> No.12498808 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 562x562, 197027_10152684440375230_304646739_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tie mine up with a bunch of hair pins and crap desu so that may not be for everyone.

>> No.12498812
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I normally tie mine up with a bunch of hair pins & assorted junk with gels / pomades if I do. That style may not be for everyone.

>> No.12498816
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Otherwise like this.

>> No.12499097

I've always kept my hair really short all my life and I've decided to grow it out, so I need some help

1. my hair is pretty thin so I'm worried that I'd look a furry when i grow it out. how do I make my hair thicker or have more volume? i've heard of using some sort of oil but theres a huge variety I need a direction to start.

2. also any tips on tiding through the painfully long mid phase of growing out hair? any styles i can try trimming it to as it grows? I'm half a year in and it's too long to be left alone but too short to be tied up.

3. is the whole sulfate conditioner thing true or just a meme? mine's one of those, and if so, any recommendations for a good one?

>> No.12499098

my hair is very oily, don't know it I can go without shampoo.

I've never used conditioner, what are the correct steps to apply it?

>> No.12499131


>> No.12499149

Chill out johnny depp

>> No.12499151

manbuns can seriously damage your hairline, be careful

>> No.12499185

is there any tutorial?

>> No.12499286

What shampoo and conditioner do you use?

>> No.12499310

I'm about to try egg and olive oil mix in my hair. Will report when I'm done

>> No.12500027


anon back, tried this.

Hair seems smoother and more manageable, first time trying this.
Would recommend for sure

>> No.12500173

leave in a little conditioner after washing

>> No.12500602

Shoulder-length anons, how much oil do you use? Trying to figure out a good balance but don't wanna go overboard

>> No.12500956
File: 70 KB, 480x640, 20161209_015321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ugly and have no idea how to take care of my hair. All I can tell you is to pat your hair dry, don't rub with the towel and that no poo is not a meme.

>> No.12500961

shanty for the arethusa

>> No.12501475

you are not ugly at all

>> No.12501488

do a ponytail, twist it on itself then roll it around it's base and put a hairband on the base
never too tight and never too often

>> No.12501497
File: 220 KB, 700x500, ToadDogFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop putting keratin in your hair all the time dumbass, its not meant to be put daily, you can only put it every once in a while otherwise it destroys your hair, search it up

>> No.12501846


>> No.12502068

Question to the no-poo memers. How often do you wash your hair?

>> No.12502403



Almost everyday with just conditioner. No other products in it.

>> No.12502407

Also going on 3 years if you wanted to know.

>> No.12502468

Looks pretty neat. Which conditioner do you use?

>> No.12502621

Whatever cheap womens conditioner I decide to buy at the time. Using Herbal Essence "Hello Hydration" right now.

>> No.12502956

I have very long, curly blonde hair and I don't use shampoo.
Well, I do use a head and shoulders or equivillant anti-dandruff shampoo once every fortnight, but only really on the scalp and roots. I never shampoo the tips or midlength of my hair.
Condition like normal.
Oh and if you need to use a shampoo to get dandruff/products off your scalp, put oil in your hair first so you dont strip your natural oils with the shampoo as badly, seeing as the shampoo is busy dealing with the argon/cocnut oil.

>> No.12504012

My hair is thicc as fuck. I wash it every other day with conditioner, letting the conditioner stay in for atleast 3 min before I wash it out. Might get a haircut to thin out and fix split ends soon tho.

>> No.12504014
File: 187 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 31-05-2017 at 21.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.12504073

Looks good, how long did it take you to get to that length ?

>> No.12504432

Anyone have recc for those who excersize alot? Twice a day? I think no poo just conditioner wouldn't work out that well given that amount of sweat.

>> No.12504438

It would, you just shower after you sweat...

>> No.12504798

18-20ish months

>> No.12504818
File: 399 KB, 1200x1557, 20170530_004202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I doin boys

>> No.12504821

Does anyone else have issues with the baby hair on the sides of you hair? It's usually much dryer and frizzier than the rest of my hair despite moisturizing with coconut oil and only using conditioner. What's a good way to deal with that?

>> No.12505007


I have this but on the crown of my head.
They don't look like baby hairs though they look like 80 year old hair. Really wiry and dry and thin. My hair all radiates out from the crown in a circle and then gets super thick. But the crown is a disaster. Have to wear a hat whenever I go outside, been doing that for like 15 years.

>> No.12505211

1. argan oil or tea tree oil (toxic and has to be diluted in a carrier oil). Use mousse and also get your hair layered.

2. Wear a beanie or a hat. Tie it up as soon as it's long enough. I've heard that having a haircut with short sides is one of the better hairstyles to have for growing out. Edvasian has a video on dealing with the awkward phase.

>> No.12505212

It's likely that going no poo for a while will have ur oily hair normalize. It's worth a try. Use a dry shampoo whenever you feel too oily (absorbs excess oil). Just slather a bunch of conditioner on and leave it till the end of the shower. Rinse with cold or lukewarm water.

>> No.12505446
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I haven't cut my hair in like a year now lmao. Basically I never go out, my started to recede at the temples so I am a bit scared of getting my hair cut short now.

I don't want to look like some mess, and think I would prefer to have short hair, but as I say I am scared of the receding.

I am around mid 20's and the recession is probably getting on for something around Harry styles. I got the Propecia and some shampoos, I bought Rogaine but haven't taken the plunge yet, might not need it but it may thicken my hair up nice at the hairline at least.

>> No.12505957


Here are my findings:

-trim split ends from time to time
-always use a wide tooth comb
-never comb when wet
-use minimal shampoo on scalp only
-make sure both shampoo and conditioner are alcohol free, and avoid protein
-rinse with cold water
-pat dry do not wring or scrub
-when dry, if ends are flyaway, use a bit or argon oil on ends only
-avoid layering you don't want to look like your mom
-if you are not into metal just fucking cut your hair already you fag

>> No.12506170

>-never comb when wet


>-if you are not into metal just fucking cut your hair already you fag

Probably true. Thread.

>> No.12506178


because hair becomes elastic when wet. you comb it, and it stretches or breaks, and then is frizzed the fuck out when it dries.

>> No.12506194

Almost all of this is horrible fucking advice.

>> No.12506198

You're hot you fishing for compliments faggot

>> No.12506215


Haha you are fucking retarded, but that's ok it's your hair.

I can back my shit up, can you?

>trim split ends from time to time

this is self explanatory

>always use a wide tooth comb

less pulling stretching and breaking of hair

>never comb when wet

less pulling stretching and breaking of wet elastic hair

>use minimal shampoo on scalp only

getting the grease off of your scalp and leaving some on your hair is a good thing

>make sure both shampoo and conditioner are alcohol free, and avoid protein

alcohol removed natural oils from hair. dries it out. protein will cause your hair to be brittle and shitty

>rinse with cold water

causes the hair shaft to lay flat, and hair is less porous which means it retains it's shields of natural oils

>pat dry do not wring or scrub

being gentle on the hair is self explanatory

>when dry, if ends are flyaway, use a bit or argon oil on ends only

this is self explanatory

>avoid layering you don't want to look like your mom

unless you do you faggot..

>if you are not into metal just fucking cut your hair already you fag

shave your head metal's dead

You see, that's how arguing works. If you disagree you provide an argument.

>> No.12506227


Ah thanks, I won't do it anymore.

>> No.12506373

Metal is only dead if you listen to Metallica

>> No.12506385


They used to be ok. The cutoff point was black album. That's where it all headed downhill.

I heard that shit the first time heading to the beach to surf when I was 15.

The utter disappointment was incredible.

>> No.12506446

I'm growing mine and it has much more volume and thickness at the sides.
I had to go have it thinned to make it look ok. Your hair should never look like shit.

>>people with long hair suggesting no poo
pls god no

>> No.12506456


You probably look like a clown.

Please post a picture so we can verify.

>> No.12506469

You look nice

>> No.12506476
File: 42 KB, 500x500, Top-Knot-Bun-For-Long-Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I pull this off if I have wavy hair?

>> No.12506480


just look at the fucking file name and ask your self if you should even try..

>> No.12506519



?. I don't see anything about hair type

>> No.12506742

don't do this

>> No.12506750



god that pisses me off

>> No.12506854

dumb and gay.

>> No.12506928


>> No.12507403

I disagree, It's mostly very solid.

>> No.12507406

Are you getting alcohol confused with Sodium Laureth Sulfate?

>being gentle on the hair is self explanatory

I'd like to point out that this goes triple for curly hair. rubbing and wringing your hair messes up your locks and makes it look frizzy.

>> No.12507407
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Older photo like 6 months so. My hair is longer but I just let it do its thing comb it sometimes wash it then give it a couple days then do it again

>> No.12507447

your hair looks nice, but I think you got some paint on your pullover :)

>> No.12507637

Anybody here just going all natural with their hair growing?
I am not a fan of wax or other products.
I will tolerate hair conditioner but have recently given up on shampoo.

My hair is wavy/curly when longish but I haven't had hair reach past my nose before so its all a first for me.
Looking forward to seeing how it grows.

>> No.12507682

Do you apply conditioner to your roots as well?

>> No.12508153

Honestly I find the best results is to not do much. Condition every now and then shampoo maybe once a week or every other week, I put coconut oil once a month and let it sit for about 30 min to an hour and rinse really well. I don't sweat much nor am I in a really dirty environment.

>> No.12508165
File: 655 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1970290001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to grow my hair out and get that Like french peasant look or pirate look. Like not dress like them but have that style where I look like im outside and travel a lot. Idk how to explain it.

>> No.12508171

having long hair doesn't make you look more interesting or adventurous. Every normie has long hair now

>> No.12508173

Have fun being a greasy fuck

>> No.12508182

Not really. At least not in socal or greece.(where I live) I never see long hair

>> No.12508185

either way you're pretty handsome and it suits you

>> No.12508190

Well thank you though

>> No.12508245

Any Asians with long hair, or more specifically Koreans?

My scalp is in severe pain and all my hairs just protrude out, what am I supposed to do?

>> No.12508257

I have thicc as fuck wavy hair and I'm deciding whether or not to grow it out properly, I used to have it long but had it cut short about a year ago. It's currently just past the bottom of my ears.

If I leave it it looks untidy, what should I be doing to keep it in check?

>> No.12508415
File: 452 KB, 540x960, 18678870_744061515754919_227280758_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only wash my hair every four days and i think it's fine xd

>> No.12508481

I don't take any effort to avoid my roots but I don't focus them. I do massage my scalp with warm water though.

>> No.12508886

I'm no poo with medium to long length hair. why did you go back to shampoo? My hair is perfect as is, I cant imagine ever shampooing it again, it's not even greasey or oily at all.

>> No.12509419


What about smell?
I tried no poo and I really liked it except my hair started smelling.

How do you deal with it? Any tips on how to remove the smell without shampoo?

>> No.12509429

an excess of oil can take in odors and cause your hair to smell. Or so I've read. I've never actually noticed a persons hair having an odor outside the shampoo/conditioner they used after getting out of the shower.

Contrary to popular belief, no poo does not mean greasy hair. But some people who do no poo produce too much oil in which case you actually need to shampoo once in a while. Try once a week and adjust it as you see fit. Also invest in an actual good shampoo.

>> No.12509433
File: 235 KB, 736x1105, 1489455889175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fit. Also invest in an actual good shampoo.
Alright, thanks. Ye, my hair smells if I dont watch it twice weekly at least.

I have insanely thick hair tho, so probably contributes. But I'll lower down on my shampooing and find a good shampoo to buy. Got any recommendations?

>> No.12509456

I no poo

>> No.12509503

Haha thank you! Fun fact is that some guy was wearing this at my local skate park at 9 in the morning, I left and came back at 12 and he had left it so I took it and washed and gave it a home : )

>> No.12509905
File: 206 KB, 960x1069, FullSizeRender (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brush it once a week, don't use shampoo, coat it in conditioner so that it stays hydrated and clean, and rinse it with cold water so that it locks in moisture and looks shiny

>> No.12509911

Your hair looks too curly to brush.

>> No.12510239
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20170603_152028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get that ruggedly messy, slightly damp look? Pic related is my normal hair if it helps (sorry for shit camera), right now it's way too neat.

>> No.12510589

gorgoroth. fuck yeah.

>> No.12510641

I've got curly hair too and I avoid brushing like the plague, I've got a jewfro halo of frizz as is, brushing only makes the frizz worse.

>> No.12510668

Why the fuck it look like your hair is advertising mcdonalds

>> No.12511396

>not renting your hair out to advertisers

Lmaoing at your life desu, enjoy paying full price for Big Macs.

>> No.12511571

what are you talking about
you're beautiful

>> No.12511579

u r cute

>> No.12512024

Hah you look like this dude I know in Denmark

>> No.12512588

im in the process of growing mine. i noticed that when i used shampoo and tried to grow my hair, my crown area would be brittle and dry. I have thick wavy/ curly hair and since I stopped using shampoo completely it has been amazing and theres no sign of dryness whatsoever and my hair is overall better looking/ healthier.

has anyone tried the apple cider vinegar rinse thing? does it work?

>> No.12512592

w2c t shirt

>> No.12513595

you are beautiful, holy shit

>> No.12515025
File: 245 KB, 365x501, longhair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean dude w/ long hair here
been growing it since October 2015. Use moisturizer, eat healthy (yes, diet is fucking crucial). For the majority of the time growing it I just used Dove men's 2 in 1. Even with just that and blow drying, my hair gets compliments from the coworker LADIES from the office.

>> No.12515030
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My scalp is pretty oily and gets getting white flakes unless i use head and shoulders. Is this caused by relying on shitty shampoo or will it go away after a couple weeks of no poo?

>> No.12515038

I have the same problem.

the shitty shampoo (which I'm using right now because I can't buy H&S for other reasons) makes the dandruff worse. now I'm on no poo and it seems to have reduced. gonna keep it up just to see how I will fare.

>> No.12515047
File: 21 KB, 809x808, 0822 - Yy81YRZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. When ever I use other shampoo my scalp ichs, burns, and flakes. It makes me scared to try no poo

>> No.12515051

then keep using H&S. it's not a bad shampoo because I had good experiences with it as well.

initial reaction to no poo are just unpleasant at first (but I think it was because I had the shitty discount shampoo and I kept using it after H&S) and you just gotta wash hair often until your scalp normalizes.

>> No.12515062

no shampoo for 4 years. best thing i ever did. washing your hair with shampoo is the same logic as a alcholic drinking because it makes them feel better

>> No.12515069
File: 88 KB, 669x960, 18118973_10156183679067281_3632853926821341495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll go in on it starting today. I'll record my progress and try to post regularly for the people who are still reluctant to start. If this works for me, the worst case hair scenario, then it should bring comfort to people with better hair situations.

>> No.12515073

ur hair is lit af

dont change a ting

>> No.12515075

godspeed anon and good luck!

maybe we can expose the poo jew that way.

>> No.12515307

water-only, every week or so. no conditioner

>> No.12515389

Has anyone here ever used dry shampoo? Thoughts? Any recs?

>> No.12515404

any more pics, like growth pics, side pics, higher res pics etc.

>> No.12515419

sea salt spray

>> No.12515445

I do, and I wanna cut it. It's fucking hot in here.
Right now it's way down my back, below my elbows.
I'm thinking about a haircut that would suit me well, and I'll probably go for the medium-long, down to the neck at most. Pretty much like OP's pic.
Problem is
>mediocre chin and jawline
>awful hairline
>hair straight as fuck

Could I pull it off?

>> No.12515682

I have been growing my hair out for a year now and have started noticing some hair fall, usually only when i shower. I find a lot of hair on the back of my hands after puting on shampoo. Is this normal with long hair? I never noticed this with short hair. Thanks

>> No.12515734

I have long hair and I cannot stand this anymore (basically because the heat). I'm going to cut it off when I finish exams, good luck with your hair but I'm out of this.

>> No.12515754

I know that it is with curly hair. Hair sheds naturally but with curly hair it's held in place in the locks of hair so it doesn't just fall out during the day. Since shed hair comes out all at once when you shower it can seem like you are losing more hair than normal.

However you just have to ask yourself this, knowing that hair sheds naturally, did you ever see those shed hairs when you had short hair? As you suspect, noticing it more often doesn't mean it's happening more often. Reading through anecdotes of people who are balding they claim they find 4 or 5 hairs each time they rub their hand through their hair.

>> No.12515838

oil recs?

>> No.12515940

i do the same, except I have mid length (ear level) hair.

no poo, wash and condish everyday. works out pretty well

>> No.12515959
File: 323 KB, 1152x1536, 5c69f59be1204096b3633ad0c9a74987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with frizzy hair? Im growing it out and it looks like shit when I tie it or comb it back because those frizzy strands sticking up.I never really noticed this when I had short hair

my hair looks like pic related right now(not me) ,only a little longer

is it that I'm just not meant to have long hair?

>> No.12516605

I have long hair and avoid shampoo most of the time, however if I don't use conditioner it looks terrible.

>> No.12516615

fuck this is nice

>> No.12516616

p-pls post more daddy

>> No.12516618

wow nice

>> No.12516626
File: 658 KB, 1600x1200, img_7857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm trying to grow my hair out (been growing for about 4 months from an undercut), how beneficial is visiting the barber? How could a cut improve my hair? I'd be tempted to just say "please try to make it look better", but I'm not even sure if that's possible. What does a barber do to make longer hair look better?

>> No.12516786


You look like Joe McMurray and Mac's girlfriend at the same time.

Nice mane tho, suits you well.

>> No.12516836

I feel like this is similar to tricking people to drink the bong water

>> No.12517097

w2c gf?

>> No.12518359

you probably shouldn't be brushing your hair lol

>> No.12518454



>> No.12518470

from my experience the less you fuck with it the better. could be superior scandi genes though idk

>> No.12518491
File: 474 KB, 640x480, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I straighten my hair or let it be naturally slightly curly? I have it in a bun half the time.

>> No.12518621

Just let your hair do its thing man it looks awesome, also nice face would befriend.

>> No.12518644

>///////< t-thanks anon

>> No.12518804

did this this morning and it worked amazing, thanks man

>> No.12518813

I've been growing it for over 3 years now, but I think I'm going to cut it short
Shampoo and untangling cream expenses are higher with long hair
That plus I've started to lose hair on my forehead line due to tying the man-bun... I hope it recovers....Does it recover, guys? ;_;

>> No.12518825

>falling for the untangling cream jew
It's called conditioner. Haven't cut my hair in 5 years and I have curly hair and never had a problem.

>That plus I've started to lose hair on my forehead line due to tying the man-bun.

Man Buns aren't tight. You did it wrong.

>> No.12519771

John Frieda frizze ease.

Also using Kerastaśe morocan oil. Thats shit can be rated highly enough.

To stop greasiness just apply conditioner to rmidlengths and ends.

>> No.12520376
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, 20170512_022343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12520413

To the nopoofags here I have a few questions, I did it for a like 6 months and it worked great while I had short hair so I know it can work but atm it's about op pic length and I cant seem to find a good balance, no poo only seems to work fine if I shower everyday which isn't really part of my routine, I do it every other day or second day(I'm in exam season right now so I only leave the house to go to the supermarket or to an exam) and it gets quite bad

>> No.12520506
File: 636 KB, 926x839, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on that mane, slow and steady lads.

>> No.12520783
File: 552 KB, 1120x720, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep or cut

>> No.12520806

How do you keep it tidy until you get a manbun?

Police officer here. I reckon I'll save until it looks absolutely shit and then be forced to cut it

>> No.12520832 [DELETED] 

Hair changes whenever it wants to, Two examples of it here.

>> No.12520833

There is an awkward period of 4-6 months during which you look silly with a manbun and weird without it.

There's no way around it, it's the price to pay to have long hair.
Combing them all the way back helped me a bit, personally, and you can always wear hats or whatever in public.

Just make sure you let your hair down at home

>> No.12520835
File: 694 KB, 1875x1600, combine_images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair changes styles whenever it wants to. Two examples of it here, The image on right is reversed.

>> No.12520903


>> No.12521147

Sk8 ya l8r boi

Tbh I personally always liked the style, maybe you could trim the sides a bit.

>> No.12521149

rawr xd

>> No.12521181
File: 85 KB, 376x529, andrew-woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF Andy?! How did you make it back?

>> No.12521234

Dear God

>> No.12521247

what's your routine?

>> No.12521422

Can sea salt water replace shampoo?
How will it look like?

>> No.12521441

It gets super rough and tangled, doubt its good for your hair but I live in a beach town and am super lazy about washing my hair

>> No.12521470

When I get a cut, the guy directly hands me change without a tip tray or anything. I'm unsure if I'm supposed to give some of that back?

>> No.12521498

More like jesus

>> No.12521507

My hair is pretty long and I think I want to cut it but I know as soon as I do, I'll regret it.

>> No.12521615
File: 363 KB, 1600x1200, 20170607_223544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw feel cute

>> No.12521858

I get that alot,john Lennon too for some reason though to me I look nothing like the man to me

>> No.12522080

When I wash my hair it becomes dry, fluffy, and straw like

How do I get the THICC and shiny hair that women have?

Please respond

>> No.12522209


add me on steam.

>> No.12522220

i am very jealous of you

>> No.12522249

what the fuck my guy

>> No.12522251

What is good oil?

>> No.12522260

oh no
I've been wearing a moderately tight bun daily for a couple years, is it too late to fix my shit and avoid a receding hairline

why didn't i do any research I don't wanna be a hairlet aaaa

>> No.12522403

fuk u jesse

>> No.12522679

I have a receding hairline and thin hair, but I like it long, usually past my shoulders. Normally I keep it covered unless at home because I'm self conscious about it. Am I fucked?

>> No.12523137

removing some mass and cutting the end a little bit

>> No.12523155
File: 657 KB, 2560x1440, 20170418_152358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I was at when I went to get it trimmed but I sperged out when the pushy Spanish lady started peppering me with questions and I got it cut to a generic choir boy short cut, how do I grow it out and what do I get trimmed if I want it to at least past my chin.

>> No.12523252
File: 194 KB, 700x900, Jim_Morrison_1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm growing my hair out for the first time since I was a kid, can anyone reccomend some decent hair styles for people this super thicc and straight hair?

Is there a way I can get wavier hair like pic related?

>> No.12524108

Get some better glasses. Ovals don't compliment your face

>> No.12524184

what do you guys think of braids?
I personally like them, but i want to know your opinions.

>> No.12524370 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long hair indeed desu, needs layering atm though.

>> No.12524542


who is jesse lol

>> No.12524577
File: 34 KB, 452x342, 1484455729884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarence Clarity?

>> No.12524682
File: 23 KB, 670x335, 7-kesalahan-umum-yang-dilakukan-karyawan-baru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys with long hair have professional jobs? If so, how do you style your hair for work? Just Manbuns and ponytails? Would shaved sides make a difference?

>> No.12524774
File: 67 KB, 500x375, IMG_0102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have mostly straight but kinda wavy hair, at least has flips at the end
>want this too badly


>> No.12525073

Also, change your pillow case at least once a week. If you have thick hair, the grease accumulates on the pillow pretty fast.

>> No.12525084


>> No.12525087


>> No.12525189
File: 848 KB, 1565x800, hair_10-06-17both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that could be a good one

>> No.12526244

>>12525189 pathetically ugly.

>> No.12526245


>> No.12526255

how do you get it so slick looking in the front? looks nice

>> No.12526277

no poo
argan oil daily
condition once in three days
morning of being tied up means it dries in thicker bundles

>> No.12526307


>> No.12526628

How does one properly apply argan oil?

>> No.12526805
File: 291 KB, 600x800, IMG_2463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whom got a irl pic of this

>> No.12527313

if you get the argan oil that's straight up oil in a bottle, just apply it to your hair after a shwoer while it's dried off a little but still damp.

There's some shampoo and conditioners that contain argan oil.

>> No.12527328
File: 455 KB, 578x745, WP_20141007_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best my hair's ever been.

i cut most of my length on accident while I was trimming and now I'm in the awkward stage again.

thought my texture right now is a lot better cuz ive started using argan oil.

>> No.12527407

>now I'm in the awkward stage again.
are you saying the image is in the awkward stage?

>> No.12527421

oh no, this is before it got cut.

I only have half the amount of hair from that pic right now.

>> No.12527437

dum dum

>> No.12527617

Sounds simple.

>> No.12527771

Fuck, can't get over how good this looks. How long did it take you to grow out?

>> No.12528003

Do you go to suffolk

>> No.12528108

close to a year with tiny trims in between

>> No.12529191

You're the most handsome motherfucker I've seen in this board.
>no homo

>> No.12529387
File: 478 KB, 1920x1080, 20170612_012810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best in thread but good lighting and a good camera help.

Do i keep going.

>> No.12529399

ahw thanks dude, appreciate it.
your hair is nice and wavey so I'd keep going and add something to make it more slick. my hair is pretty damn oily but >>12526277 is what I do anyway.

>> No.12529905

nice hair faggot, looks like mine except mine's golden blonde. im mirin

>> No.12529938
File: 81 KB, 480x800, Snapchat-1989746805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shower once a day or every other day depending on what I'm doing that day. Shampoo like every other shower. Never brush it, I just run my fingers thru to keep tangles out

>> No.12529940

anyone here doing no poo and using minoxidil?

doesn't it get very disgusting?

>> No.12529948

mine looks exactly like that but dark blond, I fucking hate the akward ways it curls like in your pic, don't you mind?

I wish it was thinner and straighter tbqh

>> No.12529951

I did this and ended up with seb dermatitis, fuck you

>> No.12529967

in one year I had almost twice your length, maybe you trimmed too much

>> No.12529970

you look very androgynous, but it's effay

>> No.12530098

it's significantly longer when it's wet. can't really say I trimmed "too much" (implying that's a thing)

>> No.12530173

>can't really say I trimmed "too much" (implying that's a thing)
wew condescending americans assuming everyone else should have perfect fluency in their language while they don't even know more than one

kindly fuck off

>> No.12530290

Looks good, just make sure you don't go to prison

>> No.12530419

not even an american, calm your tits.
the way he phrased his message was like I made a mistake, and I took offense to that. If that's a problem for you, fuck off yourself.

>> No.12530456
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, 20170525_153518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips at all? I wash and condition twice a week and started wearing it in a ponytail a few months ago. Want to grow it long so i can donate it for wigs for cancer patients.

>> No.12530463

Get some subtle layers, the completely straight hair looks kinda awkward.

>> No.12530489
File: 13 KB, 450x450, LB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will plaited hair ever be back in fashion?

>> No.12530525

If this is you and you don't want to look androgynous I'd say go check out the /fit/ sticky, at least do something with your arms otherwise. You look really feminine but if that's the look you want to achieve then your call mate. Also fucking help lads, I've been growing since November from a fairly short cut and it's only just about to hit my nose.

How long will it take for the average person to grow down to their shoulders? This awkard mid-stage is killing me and I'd love for it to be decentish by the end of the year.

>> No.12530566

For men?

>> No.12530576

Are you 15? Cut that shit.

>> No.12530746

this is what I imagine every finnish man like

>> No.12530755


dope, consider trying some different some conditioners though

>> No.12530772
File: 376 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-2970676750617098685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why do people give me strange looks when I go outside? what should I change?

>> No.12531513

These were my old pair from when I was a kid I found in my drawer.
Would circle frames be better?Iv tried rectangles through HS and I'm on square frames now days.

>> No.12531679

dont use comb use your hands instead

>> No.12531681

when ypu tie your hair you dont havr to make it too tight, just make a loose tie

>> No.12531686

this was best alex, i hate his new style

>> No.12531692

how do you even see that they give you strange looks, do you have little cameras on shirts?

>> No.12531820

Interesting, because I'm Slavic.

>> No.12531893
File: 140 KB, 722x888, IMG_3947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 2 years of growth, need to get back into no poo but my hair gets so oily during the transition stage

>> No.12531931

2 years ? Did you trim it very often ? I'm at 1 year of growth now and my hair doesn't seem much shorter than yours.

>> No.12531971

Put conditioner in your hair after your shower and... leave it in? Don't rise the conditioner off?

>> No.12532001
File: 767 KB, 1171x2355, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wash my hair every two or three days. On the non-washing days I use dry shampoo if I need to, which I usually need if I go three days without washing.
I always use conditioner on the ends, very rarely on the roots. Seems to work for me.

I've been wearing the "manbun" almost every day for the past 2 years.

>> No.12532011
File: 143 KB, 929x1600, bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the bun for those who are interested

Also fuck "top knots", that shit is weak.

>> No.12532021


>> No.12532036

well, you do look a bit like your ancestors were MONGOL'D

>> No.12532142

i wear my hair like this almost every day

>> No.12532143

>I've been wearing the "manbun" almost every day for the past 2 years.
that shit can fuck up your hairline pretty bad, be careful

>> No.12532145

if i just saw this picture without any context, i would say with 100% certainty that you are female

>> No.12532380

My hairline is just naturally uneven and fucked up, but I don't think it has receded at all.
A few months back my gf told me it could recede from wearing the bun and I got really paranoid and wanted to buzz it, but I'm too fond of the bun to get rid of the hair.

Well I guess I don't have the most masculine features, but I can assure you that I am 100% male

>> No.12532520

>I guess I don't have the most masculine features
If it's obvious that you are a male when people see your face, it's nothing to worry about

>> No.12532543
File: 150 KB, 1152x864, IMG_1252 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think long hair would suit me? No hate on the face please.

>> No.12532577

I think it'll look great, but be aware that you don't have the most masculine face, so there's gonna be a lot of "hello ma'am"

>> No.12532580

Ah fuck. Yeah, I wish I had a little more rugged face. Can't believe I'm 22 with that mug.

>> No.12532603

i think it only does if you are pulling your hair tight into the bun, but this guys hair is long enough that he doesn't need to

>> No.12532627

not him but have you got any tips to get more masculine

>> No.12532906

a great tip is to not care about it
if you're really insecure just hit the gym

>> No.12532926

Asians are so lucky.
I'm white and my hair gets wavy/curly/frizzy.

Hate that shit.

>> No.12532934

You look femme.

>> No.12532937

I had very long hair for a few years (to top of belly button). My advice for keeping it in shape is have bi-montly trims to rid your hair of split ends. As far as normal maintenance I recommend; washing once or twice a week (unless it gets oily fast in which case wash as needed), morning and night brushing, quality conditioner for your hair type, and refrain from pulling it up as often as possible. A lightweight coconut oil spray helps a lot with the overall texture and health of your hair. Hope this helps.

>> No.12533077

you are so fucking beautiful it makes me cry pls post face

>> No.12533303

>tfw always either dry/wispy hair or hair that is greasy as heck
Feels bad being an untermensch with partially southern Italian genes

>> No.12533312
File: 418 KB, 770x720, 4L_nhwitLww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12533354

ik that feel anon
>tfw greasy Italian american with Spaniard and Argentine

>> No.12533430

Oh now that I think about it it's only actually about 1 year and a couple months. Nope haven't trimmed it or anything just letting it grow

>> No.12533439

So this no poo thing at what point does my hair stop being greasy af?Do I become one with the grease?

>> No.12533443


>> No.12533483

Head and shoulders doesn't prevent dandruff, it temporarily glues on to your scalp. Take some vitamins a, b, k and e and make sure to drink lots of water, that will clear up your skin and drinking lots of water will allow your skin enough, so it won't dry out as easily (I live in a very cold dry climate so I drink about 3L a day regardless of physical activity just to keep my skin healthy). You'll have dandruff at first because the h&s is gone but in time it clears up. Watch what products you use after the shower, like salt spray obviously, and make sure when you're washing your scalp to NOT use hot water! Guys fucking love using scalding hot water in the shower and it's fucking awful for your scalp and hair follicles. Guys have significantly more sensitive scalps and hair follicles so you gotta respect them.

>> No.12533492

>I do, and I wanna cut it. It's fucking hot in here.
>Right now it's way down my back, below my elbows.
If you're a guy, straight up mait, that's nasty shit. I can say with complete honesty it doesn't look good on you when you don't even need to post a pic. People will say it looks good because they're used to seeing it.
>I'm thinking about a haircut that would suit me well, and I'll probably go for the medium-long, down to the neck at most. Pretty much like OP's pic.
That's not medium long for a male, that's just long at that point. That guys hair is waves so it has a lot of length that is hidden
>Problem is
>>mediocre chin and jawline
Lose weight and work out. It's probably there but under some body fat
>>awful hairline
>>hair straight as fuck
>Could I pull it off?
This easy two, plus the length, are giving my a serious stroke. Get a hair cut, ask for 8 inches on the front, 4 in the back and taper front to back. From there use stay in conditioner for a natural look and salt spray for volume.

>> No.12533511

long hair here, down to collar bones. I find its thinning out now though. first year i didnt care about what i used in my hair, ripped out a lot of hair from my hairline because i worked in concrete and my hair was super dry always.
Now I use OGX shampoos/conditioners, though i hardly condition, detangler brush before shower detangle the rest with my hands in the shower, pat dry/air dry up into bun for work. shampoo daily or every two days, very oily hair. Don't think I can really go back to short hair cause I have a bad thinning crown and the bun covers it lmfao

>> No.12533512

Sick blog!

>> No.12533532

Hey guys bit of an issue here. I exercise 4 days out of the week in a row and most of the time my hair will get sweaty and gross and wet by the end of all of it. How should I deal with this as far as cleaning my hair goes? I don't want to shampoo more than every other day because I've heard shampooing every day is bad. Should I just rinse it on the days I don't shampoo and condition it or do something else like just conditioner? Anyone else have this issue?

>> No.12533542

I run and yoga every day and strength train every other. My trick is to not shampoo but just hold the hair under the water for a few minutes. If it's still wet from sweat then it washes out just fine. If the sweat has dried I use a little soap from a bar and lather my hands then quickly run it through the hair, but never shampoo

>> No.12533830
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairline is thinning and I have a huge frigging forehead. Can't see the thinning in this pic, but if there's overhead lighting you can basically see most of my scalp on the one side.

I also have a big ogre nose and look like Zlatan Ibrahimovic when I tie it back apparently.

Can't grow a proper bear without looking like a weird pirate because it's patchy.

Also try and see if you can guess my age in this photo. I legit want to know what people think.

>> No.12533856

looks cool imo

>> No.12534438
File: 640 KB, 1392x1392, IMG_20170614_171127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12534517

pls shave. use argan oil

>> No.12534658

>it temporarily glues on to your scalp
it slows the skin cell of your scalpe from shedding off as fast not "gluing".

>> No.12534742

How do you get your hair to sweep back like that?

>> No.12534829

hmmm I somehow think shaving is dumb I dont think it's that good for the skin.... why not letting it grow? I mean of course it looks kinda shit when it doesnt grow everywhere I know that but cutting it is also not that nice

>> No.12534869
File: 719 KB, 1159x1160, 20170614_181520[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yesterdays buzz- Went from OP cut to this. I think the slits pretty sick but I call it ironic

>> No.12534872



>> No.12534891

Well, no reason not to try.

>> No.12534928

look more closely

>> No.12534999
File: 1.00 MB, 218x228, IR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12535007
File: 788 KB, 1080x1920, IMAG1674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about cutting my hair thoughts?

>> No.12535044

train your neck

>> No.12535072

you're super cute in a creepy way.

like, i could imagine you standing over my bed at night and sleeping in my closet but i kinda like it ukno?

>> No.12535083

don't, it's glorious

>> No.12535089

I'd kill to have your hair right now, for what it's worth. But if you really want to try something else, go ahead.

>> No.12535811
File: 32 KB, 450x675, sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally loath people who cut their nails like that

>> No.12535819

why do you literally loathe people that cut their nails like that

>> No.12535832


>> No.12535835

he looks like he could be leafys cousin, are you fucking insane

>> No.12535846
File: 514 KB, 480x479, sgg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too short and looks like you were going to cut off the whole nail off

pic is normal nails

>> No.12535875

>cutting your nails
nah I'm just a really nervous/anxious person I bite that shit down till its bleeding

>> No.12535986

Will look a lot better when it gets longer.

>> No.12536004


I remember when you posted in an r9k thread but hid your face, and I will give you the same advice. Straight parting and conditioner.

>> No.12536013
File: 971 KB, 245x245, tumblr_mi89sclyaZ1rh0pkqo8_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stick with the long red hair for the most handsome boy looks.

>> No.12536145
File: 144 KB, 1500x600, plsnobully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing out mine, still in the awkward stage,it looks super weird from the back and side so I just keep it in a bun most of the time. Should I just cut it?

>> No.12536232


>> No.12536266

Round faced nu male cuck. Just go back to /pol/ fashion is not for racist retards.

>> No.12536268

>calls him everything /pol/ hates
>tells him to go to /pol/

>> No.12536272

I have been doing no poo, just washing and conditioning with cold water, for 2 weeks. But my hair got so unbearably greasy last night, that I snapped and shampooed my head twice. Today my hair feels soft and luscious, and definitely in a better state than during the 2 weeks.

It could be I am doing something wrong? I wash my hair every other day, and condition only the ends on every other time I wash.

>> No.12536281



He has perfectly straight hair so he might not have this problem but when I put my hair up in a bun it's nearly impossible for me to have the bun supported evenly all the way around. Some locks of hair are much more taught than others and it takes me a few tries to get it comfortable. It's "loose" but because of the uneven support and the weight of the bun with hair this long it still pulls hard in places. For that reason I only ever wear a bun while moving at a high pace during work. Even then the weight of the bun moving around eventually loosens it to the point where I have to redo it.

>> No.12536294


>> No.12536415

I've never seen somebody insult /pol/ shortly after unironically using a bunch of autistic /pol/ slurs.

>> No.12536434


>> No.12536752

Hot topic revival? Pure genius

>> No.12536878
File: 183 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1410235962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting the back cut, but I'd also like to grow it out for the summer. any suggestions?

>> No.12536884
File: 399 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-852721717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12536905

Long hair is really really really really easy.

1. Use shampoo
2. Use conditioner
3. Don't straighten
4. Don't blowdry unless you want to kill your volume ded
5. Brush it every now and then

It's not rocket science. Pic is all I have from when I had long hair like ten years ago, and that's after couch surfing, no shower and no brush. Would look even better if I'd had some shampoo and conditioner.

>> No.12536985

I'm a brunette, but I can see why you think I'm ginger. here's your (you) nonetheless

>> No.12536989

grow it out

>> No.12537224

I see argan oil recommended a lot, but it's bloody expensive for a tiny bottle of the stuff. Are there any poorfag alternatives?

>> No.12537254

I use normie shampoo and conditioner once every 3 days and comb my hair so it doesn't tangle afterwards. My hair looks better in the picture than it is irl desu :^)

>> No.12537468
File: 697 KB, 1932x2576, IMG_3550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is this? I just got it cut shorter today but one last look at it made me want to try taking it longer next time. This is the general style that I wear it. Good? Bad? What should I do?

>> No.12537592

>don't blowdry

takes 5 hours to dry otherwise.

>> No.12537729

There is nothing wrong with this at all. Jealous.

>> No.12537749

yeah seconded

>> No.12537756
File: 599 KB, 1932x1930, IMG_3560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw the top of my head for the first time in years. please fucking help me /fa/

>> No.12537850

try combing it back instead of parting it

>> No.12537856

just shave it and start working out

>> No.12537858

what does this look like from front?

>> No.12537966

Wow so many qt bois with qt hair. I hate my thin/wavy/freezy hair even more now.

>> No.12538028


>> No.12538507

don't hate it. it's you. it's what you're put on the earth with. you have no idea how others are experiencing their life and you only have an influence on the one you lead. do what you love. find a job in something you love. don't let genetics stop you from ever achieving anything.

>> No.12538589


you will look more like the aplha stud you're trying to look like and less like a beta nu-male trying too hard

>> No.12539201
